Dostępność: Chwilowo brak
Cechy produktu:
Objętość robocza - 28 cm3/obr
Średnica centrująca - 82,5 mm
Typ wałka - Wielowypust 16x32 - 11 zębów
Rodzaj pompy - Zębata
Producent - John Deere
Opis - A23/AL156335
Type of pump Gearpump
Number of elements 1
Type of flange A
Diameter of flange mounting holes D1 (mm) 11
Center distance of mounting holes C1 (mm) 106
Total length of pump L1 (mm) 190
Neck diameter D2 (mm) 82.5
Type of shaft D
Distance from flange to end L2 (mm) 32.5
Diameter of shaft D3 (mm) 22.2
Number of splines 11
Direction of rotation CLOCKWISE
Position of suction port 1st element, only for pump type T POS-CO1 SIDE
Type of connections suction port1st element, only for pump type T TY-COa TYPE A
Thread type of connections suction 1st element M8
Center distance between mounting holes C-CO1a (mm) 55
Position of pressure 1st element, only for pump type T POS-CO2 SIDE
Type of connections pressure 1st element, only for pump type T TY-COb TYPE E
Thread type pr
Kod porównawczy - AL156335 AL156335 AL117812 AL156333, AL163918, AL16391