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Exchange rate
Currency Rate
Purchase Sale
EUR 4,1221 4,2053
USD 3,9322 4,0116
*Tabela C NBP
EUR 3,9793 4,3455
USD 3,7956 4,1448
*BNP Paribas

Parker F12

Clear filters
Working volume
30 cm3/obr
30 cm3 / rev
40 cm3/obr
59.8 cm3 / rev
59.8 cm3/rev
59,8 cm3/obr
80.4 cm3 / rev
80.4 cm3/rev
80,4 cm3/obr
93 cm3/obr
93 cm3/rev
93 cm3 / rev
110.1 cm3 / rev
110,1 cm3/obr
125 cm3 / rev
125 cm3/obr
149.8 cm3 / rev
149,8 cm3/obr
150 cm3/obr
163.1 cm3 / rev
163,1 cm3/obr
179.8 cm3 / rev
179,8 cm3/obr
242 cm3/obr
select all
Turning direction
select all
Max. working pressure (continuous)
350 bar
420 bar
select all
201 l/min
244 l/min
317 l/min
386 l/min
428 l/min
480 l/min
484 l/min
525 l/min
547 l/min
653 l/min
655 l/min
select all
Flange type
SAE 200
select all
select all
Shaft seal
select all
select all
Centering diameter
100 mm
101,6 mm
125 mm
127 mm
135 mm
140 mm
152,4 mm
160 mm
180 mm
190 mm
200 mm
select all
Roller type
Wielowypust SAE 'D' 13T 8/16 DP
SAE 'D' 13T 8/16 DP
SAE 'B' 13T 16/32 DP
SAE "D" Spline, 13T, 8/16 DP
SAE "B" Spline, 13T, 16/32 DP
SAE "C" Spline, 14T, 12/24 DP
SAE 'C' 14T 12/24 DP
SAE "CC" Spline, 17T, 12/24 DP
SAE 'C-C' 17T 12/24 DP
Type P, 25 mm
SAE 'B-B' 25,4mm 1"
Wielowypust 30x2x14x9g
Wielowypust W30x2x14x9g
Cylindryczny ø30
SAE 'C' 31,75mm 1 1/4"
Stożkowy SAE 31,75mm
Wielowypust 32x2x14x9g
Wielowypust 35x2x16x9g
Cylindryczny ø35
Wielowypust W35x2x16x9g
Stożkowy SAE 38,1mm
Wielowypust 40x2x18x9g
Wielowypust 40x2x16x9g
Cylindryczny ø40
Wielowypust W40x2x18x9g
Cylindryczny ø40
Cylindryczny 40mm
Cylindryczny 43mm
Wielowypust 43,713mm
Stożkowy SAE 44,45mm
Cylindryczny ø44,45
Wielowypust 45x2x21x9g
Cylindryczny ø45
Cylindryczny ø49,3
Cylindryczny 49,3mm
SAE 49,3mm
Wielowypust 50x2x24x9g
Cylindryczny ø50
Cylindryczny ø57
select all
Spacing of mounting holes
88,4 mm
88,4x88,4 mm
89,8 mm
89,8x89,8 mm
113,2x113,2 mm
113,2 mm
114,5x114,5 mm
114,5 MM
114,5 mm
127,2 mm
141,4 mm
158,4 mm
158,4x158,4 mm
160 mm
161,6 mm
161,6x161,6 mm
181 mm
200 mm
224 mm
250 mm
select all
select all
Additional function
Zawór płuczący 1.3mm
select all
Parker Engine F12-150-MF-CV-K-000-000-0
Parker Engine F12-150-MF-CV-K-000-000-0

Parker Engine F12-150-MF-CV-K-000-000-0

Product code 3707008

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 150 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 480 l/min

Centering diameter - 200 mm

Flange type - Cetop

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø57

Producent - Parker

Spacing of mounting holes - 250 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 11941,29 PLN


Parker Engine F12-150-MF-CV-K-000-000-0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 150 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 480 l/min

Centering diameter - 200 mm

Flange type - Cetop

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø57

Producent - Parker

Spacing of mounting holes - 250 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 11941,29 PLN

Parker F12-150-HF-SV-S-000-000-0 engine
Parker F12-150-HF-SV-S-000-000-0 engine

Parker F12-150-HF-SV-S-000-000-0 engine

Product code 3707325

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 150 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 480 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - SAE 'D' 13T 8/16 DP

Producent - Parker

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 12318,33 PLN


Parker F12-150-HF-SV-S-000-000-0 engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 150 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 480 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - SAE 'D' 13T 8/16 DP

Producent - Parker

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 12318,33 PLN

Parker F12-040-RS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-040-RS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-040-RS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3720009

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Prawy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Centering diameter - 127 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - SAE 'C' 14T 12/24 DP

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 114,5 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5924,81 PLN


Parker F12-040-RS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Prawy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Centering diameter - 127 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - SAE 'C' 14T 12/24 DP

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 114,5 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5924,81 PLN

Parker Engine F12-090-MF-CV-C-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-090-MF-CV-C-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-090-MF-CV-C-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720071

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Centering diameter - 190 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Wielowypust 40x2x18x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 224 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 13177,39 PLN


Parker Engine F12-090-MF-CV-C-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Centering diameter - 190 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Wielowypust 40x2x18x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 224 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 13177,39 PLN

Parker F12-110-MF-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-110-MF-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-110-MF-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3720074

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 110.1 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 484 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø45

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 141,4 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 8320,52 PLN


Parker F12-110-MF-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 110.1 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 484 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø45

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 141,4 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 8320,52 PLN

Parker F12-060-SX-CV-K-449-L080-PT engine
Parker F12-060-SX-CV-K-449-L080-PT engine

Parker F12-060-SX-CV-K-449-L080-PT engine

Product code 3720139

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 80,4 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø35

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 200 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 6782,56 PLN


Parker F12-060-SX-CV-K-449-L080-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 80,4 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø35

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 200 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 6782,56 PLN

Parker F12-060-MS-SV-S-518-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-060-MS-SV-S-518-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-060-MS-SV-S-518-0000-PT engine

Product code 3720248

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 127 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - SAE 'C' 14T 12/24 DP

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 114,5 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 6357,21 PLN


Parker F12-060-MS-SV-S-518-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 127 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - SAE 'C' 14T 12/24 DP

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 114,5 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 6357,21 PLN

Parker F12-040-SF-XV-X-451-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-040-SF-XV-X-451-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-040-SF-XV-X-451-0000-PT engine

Product code 3720282

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 6095,91 PLN


Parker F12-040-SF-XV-X-451-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 6095,91 PLN

Parker engine F12-040-MS-TV-S-000-L130-P0
Parker engine F12-040-MS-TV-S-000-L130-P0

Parker engine F12-040-MS-TV-S-000-L130-P0

Product code 3720296

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Centering diameter - 127 mm

Flange type - SAE 2

Roller type - SAE 'B' 13T 16/32 DP

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 181 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5041,14 PLN


Parker engine F12-040-MS-TV-S-000-L130-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Centering diameter - 127 mm

Flange type - SAE 2

Roller type - SAE 'B' 13T 16/32 DP

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 181 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5041,14 PLN

Parker F12-182-SF-SV-S-000-0000-P0
Parker F12-182-SF-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Parker F12-182-SF-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720333

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 179,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - SAE 'D' 13T 8/16 DP

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 11338,50 PLN


Parker F12-182-SF-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 179,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - SAE 'D' 13T 8/16 DP

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 11338,50 PLN

Parker Engine F12-125-MF-CV-K-394-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-125-MF-CV-K-394-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-125-MF-CV-K-394-0000-P0

Product code 3720386

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 125 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 525 l/min

Centering diameter - 200 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø45

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 250 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 8943,60 PLN


Parker Engine F12-125-MF-CV-K-394-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 125 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 525 l/min

Centering diameter - 200 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø45

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 250 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 8943,60 PLN

Parker Engine F12-110-MF-CV-K-394-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-110-MF-CV-K-394-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-110-MF-CV-K-394-0000-P0

Product code 3720387

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 110.1 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 484 l/min

Centering diameter - 200 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø45

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 250 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 8054,77 PLN


Parker Engine F12-110-MF-CV-K-394-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 110.1 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 484 l/min

Centering diameter - 200 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø45

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 250 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 8054,77 PLN

Parker F12-060-MF-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-060-MF-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-060-MF-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3720401

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 125 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø35

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 113,2 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5130,79 PLN


Parker F12-060-MF-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 125 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø35

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 113,2 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5130,79 PLN

Parker F12-162-SF-SV-T-000-0000-P0
Parker F12-162-SF-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Parker F12-162-SF-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720411

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - SAE 49,3mm

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10353,36 PLN


Parker F12-162-SF-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - SAE 49,3mm

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10353,36 PLN

Parker F12-162-SF-SV-S-000-0000-P0
Parker F12-162-SF-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Parker F12-162-SF-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720412

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 28 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - Wielowypust 43,713mm

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10587,90 PLN


Parker F12-162-SF-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 28 dni

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - Wielowypust 43,713mm

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10587,90 PLN

Parker F12-182-SF-SV-T-000-0000-P0
Parker F12-182-SF-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Parker F12-182-SF-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720413

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 179,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - Cylindryczny 49,3mm

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 11103,92 PLN


Parker F12-182-SF-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 179,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - Cylindryczny 49,3mm

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 11103,92 PLN

Parker F12-060-MF-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-060-MF-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-060-MF-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3720449

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 125 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Wielowypust 35x2x16x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 113,2 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5294,83 PLN


Parker F12-060-MF-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 125 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Wielowypust 35x2x16x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 113,2 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5294,83 PLN

Parker F12-162-SF-IV-K-000-0000-P0
Parker F12-162-SF-IV-K-000-0000-P0

Parker F12-162-SF-IV-K-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720452

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø50

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 17354,45 PLN


Parker F12-162-SF-IV-K-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø50

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 17354,45 PLN

Parker F12-182-SF-IV-D-000-0000-P0
Parker F12-182-SF-IV-D-000-0000-P0

Parker F12-182-SF-IV-D-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720455

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 179,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 180 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Wielowypust 50x2x24x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 158,4 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10385,56 PLN


Parker F12-182-SF-IV-D-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 179,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 180 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Wielowypust 50x2x24x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 158,4 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10385,56 PLN

Parker Engine F12-060-MF-CV-K-000-0000-PT
Parker Engine F12-060-MF-CV-K-000-0000-PT

Parker Engine F12-060-MF-CV-K-000-0000-PT

Product code 3720460

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø35

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 200 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5617,17 PLN


Parker Engine F12-060-MF-CV-K-000-0000-PT

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø35

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 200 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5617,17 PLN

Parker engine F12-152-SF-FV-G-000-0000-P0
Parker engine F12-152-SF-FV-G-000-0000-P0

Parker engine F12-152-SF-FV-G-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720501

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 149,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 547 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 200

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø50

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10356,47 PLN


Parker engine F12-152-SF-FV-G-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 149,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 547 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 200

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø50

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10356,47 PLN

Parker engine F12-152-SF-FV-H-000-0000-P0
Parker engine F12-152-SF-FV-H-000-0000-P0

Parker engine F12-152-SF-FV-H-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720502

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10384,64 PLN


Parker engine F12-152-SF-FV-H-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10384,64 PLN

Parker F12-060-MS-TV-T-425-L130-P0
Parker F12-060-MS-TV-T-425-L130-P0

Parker F12-060-MS-TV-T-425-L130-P0

Product code 3720526

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 2

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5380,66 PLN


Parker F12-060-MS-TV-T-425-L130-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 2

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5380,66 PLN

Parker F12-040-MF-IV-Z-000-L130-PT engine
Parker F12-040-MF-IV-Z-000-L130-PT engine

Parker F12-040-MF-IV-Z-000-L130-PT engine

Product code 3720528

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9693,96 PLN


Parker F12-040-MF-IV-Z-000-L130-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9693,96 PLN

Parker F12-152-SF-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-152-SF-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-152-SF-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3720529

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10658,29 PLN


Parker F12-152-SF-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10658,29 PLN

Parker Engine F12-040-MF-IV-A-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-040-MF-IV-A-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-040-MF-IV-A-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720535

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 8380,99 PLN


Parker Engine F12-040-MF-IV-A-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 8380,99 PLN

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-394-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-394-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-394-0000-PT engine

Product code 3720555

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 11385,08 PLN


Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-394-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 11385,08 PLN

Parker F12-250-QF-SV-S-462-0000-00 engine
Parker F12-250-QF-SV-S-462-0000-00 engine

Parker F12-250-QF-SV-S-462-0000-00 engine

Product code 3720562

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 242 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 653 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 15201,64 PLN


Parker F12-250-QF-SV-S-462-0000-00 engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 242 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 653 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 15201,64 PLN

Parker Engine F12-125-MF-IV-D-507-L130-P0
Parker Engine F12-125-MF-IV-D-507-L130-P0

Parker Engine F12-125-MF-IV-D-507-L130-P0

Product code 3720566

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 125 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 525 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10484,74 PLN


Parker Engine F12-125-MF-IV-D-507-L130-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 125 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 525 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10484,74 PLN

Parker F12-152-SF-SV-S-462-0000-P0
Parker F12-152-SF-SV-S-462-0000-P0

Parker F12-152-SF-SV-S-462-0000-P0

Product code 3720596

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9466,21 PLN


Parker F12-152-SF-SV-S-462-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9466,21 PLN

Parker F12-040-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-040-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-040-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3720605

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 8782,94 PLN


Parker F12-040-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 8782,94 PLN

Parker F12-182-MA-SV-S-000-0000-P0 engine
Parker F12-182-MA-SV-S-000-0000-P0 engine

Parker F12-182-MA-SV-S-000-0000-P0 engine

Product code 3720618

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10985,11 PLN


Parker F12-182-MA-SV-S-000-0000-P0 engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10985,11 PLN

Parker F12-162-SF-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-162-SF-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-162-SF-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3720621

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Wielowypust 50x2x24x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 18271,45 PLN


Parker F12-162-SF-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Wielowypust 50x2x24x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 18271,45 PLN

Parker Engine F12-080-MF-CV-K-000-L130-PT
Parker Engine F12-080-MF-CV-K-000-L130-PT

Parker Engine F12-080-MF-CV-K-000-L130-PT

Product code 3720637

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 80,4 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø40

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 224 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 6887,47 PLN


Parker Engine F12-080-MF-CV-K-000-L130-PT

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 80,4 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø40

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 224 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 6887,47 PLN

Parker F12-090-LS-SV-U-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-090-LS-SV-U-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-090-LS-SV-U-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3720668

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Lewy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 13114,87 PLN


Parker F12-090-LS-SV-U-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Lewy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 13114,87 PLN

Parker F12-040-MS-SV-S-000-L200-PT engine
Parker F12-040-MS-SV-S-000-L200-PT engine

Parker F12-040-MS-SV-S-000-L200-PT engine

Product code 3720671

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9670,15 PLN


Parker F12-040-MS-SV-S-000-L200-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9670,15 PLN

Parker F12-110-MS-SV-S-505-L130-PT engine
Parker F12-110-MS-SV-S-505-L130-PT engine

Parker F12-110-MS-SV-S-505-L130-PT engine

Product code 3720684

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 110.1 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 484 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9141,47 PLN


Parker F12-110-MS-SV-S-505-L130-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 110.1 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 484 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9141,47 PLN

Parker F12-090-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-090-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-090-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3720694

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 12712,92 PLN


Parker F12-090-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 12712,92 PLN

Parker F12-060-MS-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-060-MS-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-060-MS-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3720699

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 4901,91 PLN


Parker F12-060-MS-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 4901,91 PLN

Parker F12-182-SK-SV-T-000-0000-P0 engine
Parker F12-182-SK-SV-T-000-0000-P0 engine

Parker F12-182-SK-SV-T-000-0000-P0 engine

Product code 3720726

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10181,47 PLN


Parker F12-182-SK-SV-T-000-0000-P0 engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10181,47 PLN

Parker F12-162-MF-IV-P-000-0000-P0
Parker F12-162-MF-IV-P-000-0000-P0

Parker F12-162-MF-IV-P-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720745

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø45

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 16788,79 PLN


Parker F12-162-MF-IV-P-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø45

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 16788,79 PLN

Parker F12-060-RF-IV-K-000-0000-P0 engine
Parker F12-060-RF-IV-K-000-0000-P0 engine

Parker F12-060-RF-IV-K-000-0000-P0 engine

Product code 3720767

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Prawy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 125 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø35

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5075,47 PLN


Parker F12-060-RF-IV-K-000-0000-P0 engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Prawy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 125 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø35

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5075,47 PLN

Parker engine F12-125-MS-SV-S-462-0000-P0
Parker engine F12-125-MS-SV-S-462-0000-P0

Parker engine F12-125-MS-SV-S-462-0000-P0

Product code 3720773

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 125 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 525 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 8443,87 PLN


Parker engine F12-125-MS-SV-S-462-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 125 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 525 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 8443,87 PLN

Parker Engine F12-040-MF-CV-J-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-040-MF-CV-J-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-040-MF-CV-J-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720809

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 200 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9217,63 PLN


Parker Engine F12-040-MF-CV-J-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 200 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9217,63 PLN

Parker F12-125-MU-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-125-MU-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-125-MU-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3720812

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 125 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 525 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9716,93 PLN


Parker F12-125-MU-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 125 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 525 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9716,93 PLN

Parker Engine F12-080-MF-CV-K-394-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-080-MF-CV-K-394-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-080-MF-CV-K-394-0000-P0

Product code 3720823

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø40

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 224 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 6800,58 PLN


Parker Engine F12-080-MF-CV-K-394-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø40

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 224 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 6800,58 PLN

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-U-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-080-MS-SV-U-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-U-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3720826

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 80,4 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

Description - Parker motor F12-080-MS-SV-U-000-0000-PT 4 bolt flange SAE "C" spline shaft (14 teeth)

  • net: 11173,66 PLN


Parker F12-080-MS-SV-U-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 80,4 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 11173,66 PLN

Parker F12-152-SF-SV-S-000-0000-P0
Parker F12-152-SF-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Parker F12-152-SF-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720839

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10342,41 PLN


Parker F12-152-SF-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10342,41 PLN

Parker Engine F12-060-SF-CV-C-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-060-SF-CV-C-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-060-SF-CV-C-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720859

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 200 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 6063,49 PLN


Parker Engine F12-060-SF-CV-C-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 200 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 6063,49 PLN

Parker F12-090-MF-IV-Z-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-090-MF-IV-Z-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-090-MF-IV-Z-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3720867

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 12730,80 PLN


Parker F12-090-MF-IV-Z-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 12730,80 PLN

Parker F12-162-SF-SV-F-000-0000-P0
Parker F12-162-SF-SV-F-000-0000-P0

Parker F12-162-SF-SV-F-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720878

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 17812,95 PLN


Parker F12-162-SF-SV-F-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 17812,95 PLN

Parker F12-125-MF-IV-K-508-0000-PX Engine
Parker F12-125-MF-IV-K-508-0000-PX Engine

Parker F12-125-MF-IV-K-508-0000-PX Engine

Product code 3720881

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 125 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 525 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 11848,25 PLN


Parker F12-125-MF-IV-K-508-0000-PX Engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 125 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 525 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 11848,25 PLN

Parker F12-030-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine
Parker F12-030-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine

Parker F12-030-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine

Product code 3720930

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 30 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 201l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM


Parker F12-030-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 30 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 201l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

Parker F12-182-SK-SV-S-000-0000-P0 engine
Parker F12-182-SK-SV-S-000-0000-P0 engine

Parker F12-182-SK-SV-S-000-0000-P0 engine

Product code 3720934

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10275,31 PLN


Parker F12-182-SK-SV-S-000-0000-P0 engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10275,31 PLN

Parker engine F12-152-SF-SV-G-000-0000-P0
Parker engine F12-152-SF-SV-G-000-0000-P0

Parker engine F12-152-SF-SV-G-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720954

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10356,47 PLN


Parker engine F12-152-SF-SV-G-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10356,47 PLN

Parker F12-060-MS-XV-S-469-L200-P0
Parker F12-060-MS-XV-S-469-L200-P0

Parker F12-060-MS-XV-S-469-L200-P0

Product code 3720967

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 6272,16 PLN


Parker F12-060-MS-XV-S-469-L200-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 6272,16 PLN

Parker F12-152-SF-SV-T-000-0000-P0
Parker F12-152-SF-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Parker F12-152-SF-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720969

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10107,83 PLN


Parker F12-152-SF-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10107,83 PLN

Parker Engine F12-152-MF-SV-T-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-152-MF-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-152-MF-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720978

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9515,19 PLN


Parker Engine F12-152-MF-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9515,19 PLN

Parker F12-152-SF-IV-Z-000-0000-P0
Parker F12-152-SF-IV-Z-000-0000-P0

Parker F12-152-SF-IV-Z-000-0000-P0

Product code 3720985

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 17399,15 PLN


Parker F12-152-SF-IV-Z-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 17399,15 PLN

Parker F12-152-SA-SV-T-000-0000-P0 engine
Parker F12-152-SA-SV-T-000-0000-P0 engine

Parker F12-152-SA-SV-T-000-0000-P0 engine

Product code 3720996

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 17333,61 PLN


Parker F12-152-SA-SV-T-000-0000-P0 engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 17333,61 PLN

Parker F12-090-MF-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-090-MF-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-090-MF-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721016

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 12397,34 PLN


Parker F12-090-MF-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 12397,34 PLN

Parker F12-040-RF-IV-D-000-0000-P0 engine
Parker F12-040-RF-IV-D-000-0000-P0 engine

Parker F12-040-RF-IV-D-000-0000-P0 engine

Product code 3721027

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Prawy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 8628,11 PLN


Parker F12-040-RF-IV-D-000-0000-P0 engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Prawy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 8628,11 PLN

Parker F12-060-MF-CV-V-000-P30R-PT engine
Parker F12-060-MF-CV-V-000-P30R-PT engine

Parker F12-060-MF-CV-V-000-P30R-PT engine

Product code 3721043

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 200 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 6362,94 PLN


Parker F12-060-MF-CV-V-000-P30R-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 200 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 6362,94 PLN

Parker Engine F12-182-MF-FV-D-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-182-MF-FV-D-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-182-MF-FV-D-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721045

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10748,97 PLN


Parker Engine F12-182-MF-FV-D-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10748,97 PLN

Parker F12-090-MS-SV-T-000-L130-P0 engine
Parker F12-090-MS-SV-T-000-L130-P0 engine

Parker F12-090-MS-SV-T-000-L130-P0 engine

Product code 3721071

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 7649,70 PLN


Parker F12-090-MS-SV-T-000-L130-P0 engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 7649,70 PLN

Parker F12-250-QF-SV-K-503-MUVR-0T engine
Parker F12-250-QF-SV-K-503-MUVR-0T engine

Parker F12-250-QF-SV-K-503-MUVR-0T engine

Product code 3721084

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 242 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 653 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 15743,33 PLN


Parker F12-250-QF-SV-K-503-MUVR-0T engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 242 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 653 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 15743,33 PLN

Parker F12-152-SF-IV-K-000-0000-P0 engine
Parker F12-152-SF-IV-K-000-0000-P0 engine

Parker F12-152-SF-IV-K-000-0000-P0 engine

Product code 3721089

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9347,96 PLN


Parker F12-152-SF-IV-K-000-0000-P0 engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9347,96 PLN

Parker F12-162-MM-IV-Z-000-0000-P0
Parker F12-162-MM-IV-Z-000-0000-P0

Parker F12-162-MM-IV-Z-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721107

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Wielowypust 45x2x21x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10276,74 PLN


Parker F12-162-MM-IV-Z-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Wielowypust 45x2x21x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10276,74 PLN

Parker F12-182-MD-IV-D-000-0000-P0 engine
Parker F12-182-MD-IV-D-000-0000-P0 engine

Parker F12-182-MD-IV-D-000-0000-P0 engine

Product code 3721110

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 179,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 180 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Wielowypust 50x2x24x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10748,97 PLN


Parker F12-182-MD-IV-D-000-0000-P0 engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 179,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 180 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Wielowypust 50x2x24x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10748,97 PLN

Parker F12-030-SF-WS-X-286-MUVR-0T engine
Parker F12-030-SF-WS-X-286-MUVR-0T engine

Parker F12-030-SF-WS-X-286-MUVR-0T engine

Product code 3721113

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 30 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 201l/min

Producent - Parker


Parker F12-030-SF-WS-X-286-MUVR-0T engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 30 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 201l/min

Producent - Parker

Parker F12-152-SF-SV-F-000-0000-P0 engine
Parker F12-152-SF-SV-F-000-0000-P0 engine

Parker F12-152-SF-SV-F-000-0000-P0 engine

Product code 3721114

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10384,64 PLN


Parker F12-152-SF-SV-F-000-0000-P0 engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10384,64 PLN

Parker F12-110-MS-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-110-MS-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-110-MS-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721125

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 110.1 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 484 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Comparison code - 3720682

Shaft seal - FPM

Description - 3721125 Standard Flange Ports 3720682 Discontinued Threaded Ports

  • net: 8320,52 PLN


Parker F12-110-MS-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 110.1 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 484 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Comparison code - 3720682

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 8320,52 PLN

Parker Engine F12-152-MF-SV-S-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-152-MF-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-152-MF-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721144

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9749,77 PLN


Parker Engine F12-152-MF-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9749,77 PLN

Parker F12-090-RS-SV-U-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-090-RS-SV-U-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-090-RS-SV-U-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721149

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Prawy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 7749,77 PLN


Parker F12-090-RS-SV-U-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Prawy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 7749,77 PLN

Parker F12-060-MS-SV-T-455-0000-P0
Parker F12-060-MS-SV-T-455-0000-P0

Parker F12-060-MS-SV-T-455-0000-P0

Product code 3721169

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 4804,63 PLN


Parker F12-060-MS-SV-T-455-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 4804,63 PLN

Parker engine F12-152-MK-SV-T-000-0000-P0
Parker engine F12-152-MK-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Parker engine F12-152-MK-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721179

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 8663,21 PLN


Parker engine F12-152-MK-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Turning direction - dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 8663,21 PLN

Parker F12-182-SM-SV-S-000-0000-P0 engine
Parker F12-182-SM-SV-S-000-0000-P0 engine

Parker F12-182-SM-SV-S-000-0000-P0 engine

Product code 3721188

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 11577,75 PLN


Parker F12-182-SM-SV-S-000-0000-P0 engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Turning direction - dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 11577,75 PLN

Parker F12-060-MF-CV-V-395-P25R-PX engine
Parker F12-060-MF-CV-V-395-P25R-PX engine

Parker F12-060-MF-CV-V-395-P25R-PX engine

Product code 3721217

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Producent - Parker

Spacing of mounting holes - 200 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 8844,41 PLN


Parker F12-060-MF-CV-V-395-P25R-PX engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Producent - Parker

Spacing of mounting holes - 200 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 8844,41 PLN

Parker F12-040-MF-IV-K-472-0000-PX engine
Parker F12-040-MF-IV-K-472-0000-PX engine

Parker F12-040-MF-IV-K-472-0000-PX engine

Product code 3721227

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 4528,07 PLN


Parker F12-040-MF-IV-K-472-0000-PX engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 4528,07 PLN

Parker F12-040-MF-CV-X-248-0000-ST engine
Parker F12-040-MF-CV-X-248-0000-ST engine

Parker F12-040-MF-CV-X-248-0000-ST engine

Product code 3721229

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø35

Producent - Parker

Spacing of mounting holes - 200 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5590,46 PLN


Parker F12-040-MF-CV-X-248-0000-ST engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø35

Producent - Parker

Spacing of mounting holes - 200 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5590,46 PLN

Parker F12-182-MK-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-182-MK-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-182-MK-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721230

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 179,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 180 mm

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 158,4 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10827,15 PLN


Parker F12-182-MK-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 179,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 180 mm

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 158,4 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10827,15 PLN

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-T-000-L250-P0 engine
Parker F12-080-MS-SV-T-000-L250-P0 engine

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-T-000-L250-P0 engine

Product code 3721236

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 80,4 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 6720,84 PLN


Parker F12-080-MS-SV-T-000-L250-P0 engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 80,4 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 6720,84 PLN

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721244

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 6587,93 PLN


Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 6587,93 PLN

Parker F12-182-MM-IV-K-000-0000-P0
Parker F12-182-MM-IV-K-000-0000-P0

Parker F12-182-MM-IV-K-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721249

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 179,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 180 mm

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 158,4 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10750,53 PLN


Parker F12-182-MM-IV-K-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 179,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 180 mm

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 158,4 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10750,53 PLN

Parker Engine F12-182-MF-SV-T-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-182-MF-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-182-MF-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721251

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10511,28 PLN


Parker Engine F12-182-MF-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10511,28 PLN

Parker Engine F12-182-MF-SV-S-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-182-MF-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-182-MF-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721252

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10745,86 PLN


Parker Engine F12-182-MF-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10745,86 PLN

Parker Engine F12-162-MF-SV-T-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-162-MF-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-162-MF-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721253

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø44,45

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9760,72 PLN


Parker Engine F12-162-MF-SV-T-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø44,45

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9760,72 PLN

Parker Engine F12-162-MF-SV-S-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-162-MF-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-162-MF-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721255

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - SAE 'D' 13T 8/16 DP

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9995,26 PLN


Parker Engine F12-162-MF-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - SAE 'D' 13T 8/16 DP

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9995,26 PLN

Parker Engine F12-040-MF-IV-Z-447-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-040-MF-IV-Z-447-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-040-MF-IV-Z-447-0000-P0

Product code 3721266

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 4623,43 PLN


Parker Engine F12-040-MF-IV-Z-447-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 4623,43 PLN

Parker Engine F12-125-MF-CV-X-417-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-125-MF-CV-X-417-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-125-MF-CV-X-417-0000-P0

Product code 3721293

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 125 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 525 l/min

Centering diameter - 200 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Wielowypust 45x2x21x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 250 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 955,59 PLN


Parker Engine F12-125-MF-CV-X-417-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 125 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 525 l/min

Centering diameter - 200 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Wielowypust 45x2x21x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 250 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 955,59 PLN

Parker Engine F12-152-MF-FV-G-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-152-MF-FV-G-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-152-MF-FV-G-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721294

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9763,83 PLN


Parker Engine F12-152-MF-FV-G-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9763,83 PLN

Parker Engine F12-152-MF-FV-K-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-152-MF-FV-K-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-152-MF-FV-K-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721303

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 15961,13 PLN


Parker Engine F12-152-MF-FV-K-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 15961,13 PLN

Parker F12-250-QF-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-250-QF-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-250-QF-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721337

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 242 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 653 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 15707,09 PLN


Parker F12-250-QF-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 242 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 653 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 15707,09 PLN

Parker F12-152-MM-IV-G-000-0000-P0 engine
Parker F12-152-MM-IV-G-000-0000-P0 engine

Parker F12-152-MM-IV-G-000-0000-P0 engine

Product code 3721339

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - dwukierunkowy

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9220,17 PLN


Parker F12-152-MM-IV-G-000-0000-P0 engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Turning direction - dwukierunkowy

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9220,17 PLN

Parker engine F12-152-XF-FV-H-000-0000-P0
Parker engine F12-152-XF-FV-H-000-0000-P0

Parker engine F12-152-XF-FV-H-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721341

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9263,46 PLN

net: 9263,46 PLN

Parker Engine F12-152-MF-SV-G-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-152-MF-SV-G-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-152-MF-SV-G-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721342

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9763,83 PLN


Parker Engine F12-152-MF-SV-G-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9763,83 PLN

Parker Engine F12-152-MF-IV-D-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-152-MF-IV-D-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-152-MF-IV-D-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721348

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 149.8 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 547 l/min

Centering diameter - 180 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Wielowypust 50x2x24x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 158,4x158,4 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

Ports-Threads - SAE

Description - Silnik Parker F12-152-MF-IV-D-000-0000-P0
-Przygotowany pod czujnik prędkości

  • net: 9752,89 PLN


Parker Engine F12-152-MF-IV-D-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 149.8 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 547 l/min

Centering diameter - 180 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Wielowypust 50x2x24x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 158,4x158,4 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

Ports-Threads - SAE

net: 9752,89 PLN

Parker Engine F12-060-MF-CV-B-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-060-MF-CV-B-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-060-MF-CV-B-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721353

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5573,30 PLN


Parker Engine F12-060-MF-CV-B-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5573,30 PLN

Parker F12-162-MF-IV-D-000-0000-P0
Parker F12-162-MF-IV-D-000-0000-P0

Parker F12-162-MF-IV-D-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721364

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 163.1 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Wielowypust 50x2x24x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

Ports-Threads - SAE

Description - Silnik Parker F12-162-MF-IV-D-000-0000-P0
-Przygotowany pod czujnik prędkości

  • net: 9998,37 PLN


Parker F12-162-MF-IV-D-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 163.1 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Wielowypust 50x2x24x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

Ports-Threads - SAE

net: 9998,37 PLN

Parker F12-080-MF-CV-K-000-0000-PT Engine
Parker F12-080-MF-CV-K-000-0000-PT Engine

Parker F12-080-MF-CV-K-000-0000-PT Engine

Product code 3721367

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 80,4 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Centering diameter - 190 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø40

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 224 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 7016,39 PLN


Parker F12-080-MF-CV-K-000-0000-PT Engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 80,4 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Centering diameter - 190 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø40

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 224 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 7016,39 PLN

Parker F12-182-MM-SV-S-000-0000-P0
Parker F12-182-MM-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Parker F12-182-MM-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721372

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 18414,37 PLN


Parker F12-182-MM-SV-S-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Turning direction - dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 18414,37 PLN

Parker Engine F12-162-MF-IV-Z-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-162-MF-IV-Z-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-162-MF-IV-Z-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721373

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Wielowypust 45x2x21x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10037,48 PLN


Parker Engine F12-162-MF-IV-Z-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Wielowypust 45x2x21x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10037,48 PLN

Parker F12-152-MF-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-152-MF-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-152-MF-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721377

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9831,07 PLN


Parker F12-152-MF-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9831,07 PLN

Parker F12-152-MD-IV-Z-000-0000-P0 engine
Parker F12-152-MD-IV-Z-000-0000-P0 engine

Parker F12-152-MD-IV-Z-000-0000-P0 engine

Product code 3721381

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Turning direction - dwukierunkowy

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9792,00 PLN


Parker F12-152-MD-IV-Z-000-0000-P0 engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Turning direction - dwukierunkowy

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9792,00 PLN

Parker F12-040-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine
Parker F12-040-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine

Parker F12-040-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine

Product code 3721384

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9670,15 PLN


Parker F12-040-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9670,15 PLN

Parker F12-110-LF-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-110-LF-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-110-LF-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721386

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 110.1 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Lewy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 484 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 7978,29 PLN


Parker F12-110-LF-IV-K-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 110.1 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Lewy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 484 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 7978,29 PLN

Parker Engine F12-040-MF-CV-V-000-P42R-P0
Parker Engine F12-040-MF-CV-V-000-P42R-P0

Parker Engine F12-040-MF-CV-V-000-P42R-P0

Product code 3721389

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 200 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5567,57 PLN


Parker Engine F12-040-MF-CV-V-000-P42R-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 200 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5567,57 PLN

Parker F12-060-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-060-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-060-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721405

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5472,21 PLN


Parker F12-060-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5472,21 PLN

Parker F12-040-MS-SV-V-000-0000-P0
Parker F12-040-MS-SV-V-000-0000-P0

Parker F12-040-MS-SV-V-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721410

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 4597,50 PLN


Parker F12-040-MS-SV-V-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 4597,50 PLN

Parker F12-090-RF-IV-D-000-0000-P0 engine
Parker F12-090-RF-IV-D-000-0000-P0 engine

Parker F12-090-RF-IV-D-000-0000-P0 engine

Product code 3721416

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Prawy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 7132,56 PLN


Parker F12-090-RF-IV-D-000-0000-P0 engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Prawy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 7132,56 PLN

Parker F12-110-LF-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-110-LF-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-110-LF-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721422

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 110.1 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Lewy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 484 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 14701,74 PLN


Parker F12-110-LF-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 110.1 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Lewy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 484 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 14701,74 PLN

Parker F12-040-MS-TV-T-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-040-MS-TV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-040-MS-TV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721423

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - SAE 2

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 8476,25 PLN


Parker F12-040-MS-TV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - SAE 2

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 8476,25 PLN

Parker Engine F12-182-MF-IV-K-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-182-MF-IV-K-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-182-MF-IV-K-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721435

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 179,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 180 mm

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 158,4 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10511,28 PLN


Parker Engine F12-182-MF-IV-K-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 179,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 180 mm

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 158,4 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10511,28 PLN

Parker Engine F12-182-MF-IV-D-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-182-MF-IV-D-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-182-MF-IV-D-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721438

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 179.8 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 180 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Wielowypust 50x2x24x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 158,4 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

Ports-Threads - SAE

Description - Silnik Parker F12-182-MF-IV-D-000-0000-P0
-Przygotowany pod czujnik prędkości

  • net: 10748,97 PLN


Parker Engine F12-182-MF-IV-D-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 179.8 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 180 mm

Flange type - ISO

Roller type - Wielowypust 50x2x24x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 158,4 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

Ports-Threads - SAE

net: 10748,97 PLN

Parker F12-060-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine
Parker F12-060-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine

Parker F12-060-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine

Product code 3721461

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5808,10 PLN


Parker F12-060-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5808,10 PLN

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine
Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine

Product code 3721463

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 7121,17 PLN


Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 7121,17 PLN

Parker F12-090-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine
Parker F12-090-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine

Parker F12-090-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine

Product code 3721464

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 7516,13 PLN


Parker F12-090-MS-SV-S-000-L130-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 7516,13 PLN

Parker F12-162-SF-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-162-SF-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-162-SF-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721466

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - Wielowypust SAE 'D' 13T 8/16 DP

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 10133,99 PLN


Parker F12-162-SF-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 163,1 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 655 l/min

Centering diameter - 152,4 mm

Flange type - SAE 4

Roller type - Wielowypust SAE 'D' 13T 8/16 DP

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 161,6 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 10133,99 PLN

Parker F12-110-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-110-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-110-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721472

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 110.1 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 484 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 8511,31 PLN


Parker F12-110-MS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 110.1 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 484 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 8511,31 PLN

Parker F12-060-MS-SV-S-516-L250-P0
Parker F12-060-MS-SV-S-516-L250-P0

Parker F12-060-MS-SV-S-516-L250-P0

Product code 3721473

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 6170,87 PLN


Parker F12-060-MS-SV-S-516-L250-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 6170,87 PLN

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-000-L000-PT engine
Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-000-L000-PT engine

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-000-L000-PT engine

Product code 3721474

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 6630,93 PLN


Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-000-L000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 6630,93 PLN

Parker F12-040-LS-SV-S-420-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-040-LS-SV-S-420-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-040-LS-SV-S-420-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721476

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Lewy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 4692,10 PLN


Parker F12-040-LS-SV-S-420-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Lewy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 4692,10 PLN

Parker F12-125-MU-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-125-MU-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-125-MU-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721477

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 125 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 525 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9526,14 PLN


Parker F12-125-MU-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 125 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 525 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9526,14 PLN

Parker F12-040-MS-TV-S-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-040-MS-TV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-040-MS-TV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721479

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - SAE 2

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 8782,94 PLN


Parker F12-040-MS-TV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - SAE 2

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 8782,94 PLN

Parker F12-080-MF-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-080-MF-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-080-MF-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721482

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 6143,79 PLN


Parker F12-080-MF-IV-D-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 6143,79 PLN

Parker F12-060-RS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-060-RS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-060-RS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721487

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Prawy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5646,34 PLN


Parker F12-060-RS-SV-S-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Prawy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5646,34 PLN

Parker F12-060-MS-SV-T-000-L130-PT engine
Parker F12-060-MS-SV-T-000-L130-PT engine

Parker F12-060-MS-SV-T-000-L130-PT engine

Product code 3721495

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5791,50 PLN


Parker F12-060-MS-SV-T-000-L130-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5791,50 PLN

Parker F12-040-MF-CV-J-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-040-MF-CV-J-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-040-MF-CV-J-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721496

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 200 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 13909,62 PLN


Parker F12-040-MF-CV-J-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Centering diameter - 160 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Spacing of mounting holes - 200 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 13909,62 PLN

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-257-L170-00 engine
Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-257-L170-00 engine

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-257-L170-00 engine

Product code 3721497

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5432,16 PLN


Parker F12-080-MS-SV-S-257-L170-00 engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5432,16 PLN

Parker Engine F12-030-RF-IV-Z-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-030-RF-IV-Z-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-030-RF-IV-Z-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721498

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 30 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Prawy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 201l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 8157,71 PLN


Parker Engine F12-030-RF-IV-Z-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 30 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Prawy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 201l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 8157,71 PLN

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-080-MS-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721503

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 15604,02 PLN


Parker F12-080-MS-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 15604,02 PLN

Parker engine F12-060-MS-SV-S-517-L130-P0
Parker engine F12-060-MS-SV-S-517-L130-P0

Parker engine F12-060-MS-SV-S-517-L130-P0

Product code 3721505

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5731,41 PLN


Parker engine F12-060-MS-SV-S-517-L130-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5731,41 PLN

Parker F12-040-MS-SV-X-389-0000-P0
Parker F12-040-MS-SV-X-389-0000-P0

Parker F12-040-MS-SV-X-389-0000-P0

Product code 3721506

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 4539,51 PLN


Parker F12-040-MS-SV-X-389-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 40 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 244 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 4539,51 PLN

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-R-000-0000-P0
Parker F12-080-MS-SV-R-000-0000-P0

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-R-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721516

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 6342,41 PLN


Parker F12-080-MS-SV-R-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 6342,41 PLN

Parker F12-060-MS-SV-X-424-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-060-MS-SV-X-424-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-060-MS-SV-X-424-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721517

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5027,80 PLN


Parker F12-060-MS-SV-X-424-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 59,8 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 317 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5027,80 PLN

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-U-516-L200-P0
Parker F12-080-MS-SV-U-516-L200-P0

Parker F12-080-MS-SV-U-516-L200-P0

Product code 3721523

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 7827,03 PLN


Parker F12-080-MS-SV-U-516-L200-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 80.4 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 386 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 7827,03 PLN

Parker F12-125-MS-SV-D-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-125-MS-SV-D-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-125-MS-SV-D-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721524

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 125 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 525 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 9480,79 PLN


Parker F12-125-MS-SV-D-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 125 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 525 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 9480,79 PLN

Parker F12-090-MS-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine
Parker F12-090-MS-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Parker F12-090-MS-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Product code 3721544

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 12397,34 PLN


Parker F12-090-MS-SV-T-000-0000-PT engine

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 93 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 350 bar

Flow - 428 l/min

Flange type - SAE 4

Producent - Parker

Colour - Czarny

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 12397,34 PLN

Parker Engine F12-030-MA-IV-P-234-L130-P0
Parker Engine F12-030-MA-IV-P-234-L130-P0

Parker Engine F12-030-MA-IV-P-234-L130-P0

Product code 3721549

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 30 cm3/obr

Turning direction - dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 201l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 4945,77 PLN


Parker Engine F12-030-MA-IV-P-234-L130-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 30 cm3/obr

Turning direction - dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 201l/min

Flange type - ISO

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 4945,77 PLN

Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-C-423-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-C-423-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-C-423-0000-P0

Product code 3721550

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 30 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 201 l/min

Centering diameter - 135 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Wielowypust 30x2x14x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 160 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 4554,77 PLN


Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-C-423-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 30 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 201 l/min

Centering diameter - 135 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Wielowypust 30x2x14x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 160 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 4554,77 PLN

Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-C-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-C-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-C-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721551

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 30 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 201 l/min

Centering diameter - 135 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Wielowypust 30x2x14x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 160 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5197,79 PLN


Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-C-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 30 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 201 l/min

Centering diameter - 135 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Wielowypust 30x2x14x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 160 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5197,79 PLN

Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-C-394-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-C-394-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-C-394-0000-P0

Product code 3721552

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 30 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 201 l/min

Centering diameter - 135 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Wielowypust 30x2x14x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 160 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 4661,59 PLN


Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-C-394-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Working volume - 30 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 201 l/min

Centering diameter - 135 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Wielowypust 30x2x14x9g

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 160 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 4661,59 PLN

Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-K-000-0000-P0
Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-K-000-0000-P0

Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-K-000-0000-P0

Product code 3721553

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 30 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 201 l/min

Centering diameter - 135 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø30

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 160 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 4997,65 PLN


Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-K-000-0000-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 30 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 201 l/min

Centering diameter - 135 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø30

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 160 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 4997,65 PLN

Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-K-000-MUVR-P0
Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-K-000-MUVR-P0

Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-K-000-MUVR-P0

Product code 3721554

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Product features:

Working volume - 30 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 201 l/min

Centering diameter - 135 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø30

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 160 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

  • net: 5491,78 PLN


Parker Engine F12-030-MF-CV-K-000-MUVR-P0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 35 dni

Working volume - 30 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Dwukierunkowy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 420 bar

Flow - 201 l/min

Centering diameter - 135 mm

Flange type - Cartridge

Roller type - Cylindryczny ø30

Producent - Parker

Colour - Niemalowany

Spacing of mounting holes - 160 mm

Shaft seal - FPM

net: 5491,78 PLN

Oferujemy silniki F12 Parker, które sprawdzają się nawet w najbardziej wymagających warunkach pracy. W szerokiej ofercie produktów na pewno znajdą Państwo wariant idealnie dostosowany do Państwa potrzeb. W każdej chwili możemy również udzielić wsparcia przy zakupie. Zapraszamy więc do kontaktowania się z nami w przypadku pytań oraz do składania zamówień. 

Jakie zalety mają silniki Parker F12?

Silniki Parker F12 charakteryzują się bardzo wysokim poziomem wydajności oraz wytrzymałością. Są one solidne i niezawodne, a jednocześnie wytrzymałe na przeciążenia i siły grawitacji. F12 Parker to wariant, który cieszy się bardzo dobrą reputacją i odnajduje szerokie zastosowanie. Dzięki temu silniki te są wykorzystywane w różnych sektorach przemysłu. Decydując się na ich zakup, warto zwrócić uwagę na aspekty, takie jak:

  • objętość robocza,

  • maksymalne ciśnienie pracy,

  • rozstaw śrub mocujących,

  • sposób mocowania flanszy.

Nasze silniki szczegółowo opisaliśmy, aby mogli Państwo dokonać świadomego wyboru.

F12 Parker — dlaczego warto wybrać naszą ofertę?

Warto wybrać naszą ofertę między innymi ze względu na to, że mamy ogromne doświadczenie w branży. Działamy bowiem już od 2008 roku, a dziś jesteśmy uznanym w całym kraju dystrybutorem części i podzespołów instalacji hydrauliki siłowej. Sporym atutem naszej oferty jest również fakt, że zapewniamy wszystkim klientom fachowe doradztwo. Dysponujemy ekspercką wiedzą i chętnie dzielimy się nią z kupującymi. Jeżeli więc mieliby Państwo jakiekolwiek pytania, w każdej chwili można napisać do nas lub zadzwonić. Zapraszamy też do bezpośredniego składania zamówień.  

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