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- Batteries and accumulators
- Ładowarki podróżne do kamer i aparatów fotograficznych
- Canon Digital IXUS 500 / CA-PS300 V (Cameron Sino)
Exchange rate
Currency | Rate | |
Purchase | Sale | |
EUR | 4,2273 | 4,3127 |
USD | 4,1124 | 4,1954 |
*Tabela C NBP | ||
EUR | 4,0745 | 4,4495 |
USD | 3,963 | 4,3276 |
*BNP Paribas |
- Actuators
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- Akumulatory do przenośnych odbiorników TV
- Akumulatory do przenośnych odtwarzaczy DVD
- Akumulatory do przyrządów optycznych
- Akumulatory do radioodbiorników
- Akumulatory do radiotelefonów
- Akumulatory do reflektorów LED
- Akumulatory do reflektorów scenicznych
- Akumulatory do rejestratorów czasu
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- Akumulatory do routerów bezprzewodowych
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- Akumulatory do Smartpen
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- Akumulatory do systemów automatycznych drzwi przesuwanych
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- Akumulatory do telefonów VoIP
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- Akumulatory do translatorów elektronicznych
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- Akumulatory do urządzeń smart home
- Akumulatory do wag elektronicznych
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- Akumulatory i baterie do kamer termowizyjnych
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- Zasilacze sieciowe do drukarek
- Zasilacze sieciowe do konsoli gier
- Zasilacze sieciowe do notebooków Cameron Sino
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- Zewnętrzne biurkowe ładowarki USB
- Beams and Rubbers for grippers
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- Control levers, Joysticks
- Copper Washers
- Cotters
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- Części do ciągników
- Bison
- Case
- Claas
- Deutz
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- Fendt
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- Olsberg
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- plugs
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- Sauer Danfoss
- Starting coils
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- University
- Vesta
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- Electrical Accessories
- Electro-Hydraulic Aggregates
- Encoders
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- Filters
- Forklifts
- Garbage trucks
- Grabs
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- Home and garden
- Hook devices
- Hydraulic accumulators
- Hydraulic Connectors
- Hydraulic Cranes
- Hydraulic distributors
- Hydraulic Motors
- Hydraulic Pumps
- Caterpillar
- Connections
- Electric clutches
- Gear pumps
- Hand pumps
- Hypro
- Manitou
- O.K. White
- Parker
- Piston pumps
- Sauer Danfoss
- Sennebogen
- spare parts
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- Wały przegubowe
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- Wozy paszowe
- Parts for tillage machines
- Pneumatics
- Power Take-Offs (PTOs)
- pressure gauges
- Quick couplers
- Radio Controls
- Road rollers
- Rods and tubes
- Rotators
- Safety kits
- seals
- SensoControl
- Sleepers for the feet of the supports
- Slides
- Sliding Bushings
- Slings and hooks
- Steel ropes
- Stickers
- Tanks
- Valves Hydraulic Locks
- Argo Hytos
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- Atlas
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- fassi
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- Logic valves
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- Manitou
- Moog
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- Other valve locks
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- Parker
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- Rexroth / OilControl
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- solenoid valves
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- The remaining
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- winners
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- Workshop equipment
- Accessories
- Air tools for maintenance and cleaning
- Animal husbandry
- Bits
- Chemistry
- Chisels, Punches, Drift Punches
- Cup and disc brushes
- Drills and chisels
- Fire extinguishers
- Foraminifera
- Grinder discs
- Hammers
- Hydraulic lifts
- Knives and knife blades
- Lubrication
- Normals
- Padlocks
- Polyurethane foam guns
- Riveters and rivets
- Screw extractors
- Screwdrivers
- Sheet metal cutting scissors
- Snakes
- TEGER PVC pumping hoses
- Tongs and pliers
- Tools
- Upholstery staplers and staples
- Welding
- Wrenches and tool sets
- Extensions for sockets
- Filter removal keys
- HEX and TORX Allen keys
- Joints and reductions for sockets
- Offset ring wrenches
- Open-end wrenches
- Ratchet open-end wrenches
- Rattles
- Repair kits
- Sets of offset ring wrenches
- Sets of open-end wrenches
- Socket knobs
- Socket wrench sets
- Socket wrenches
- 1/2" hexagon socket wrenches
- 1/4" hexagon socket wrenches
- 12-point socket wrenches 1/2"
- 3/4" hexagon socket wrenches
- 3/4" twelve-point socket wrenches
- 3/8" hexagon socket wrenches
- Socket wrenches HEX 1/2"
- Socket wrenches HEX 1/4"
- Socket wrenches PH 1/4"
- Socket wrenches PZ 1/4"
- Socket wrenches SL 1/4"
- SPLINE socket wrenches 1/2"
- TORX socket wrenches 1/2"
- TORX socket wrenches 1/4"
- Tool cases
Canon Digital IXUS 500 / CA-PS300 V (Cameron Sino)
Availability: Currently not available
Check deliveries
Category: Ładowarki podróżne do kamer i aparatów fotograficznych
Product description
Included UK, Euro, USA and AU/NZ Plugs Battery used in: Canon: Digital IXUS 300 Digital IXUS 330 Digital IXUS V Digital IXUS V2 Digital IXUS V3 PowerShot A10 PowerShot A20 PowerShot A30 PowerShot A40 PowerShot A60 PowerShot A70 PowerShot A75 PowerShot A80 PowerShot A85 PowerShot A95 n PowerShot A610 PowerShot A620 PowerShot A630 PowerShot A640 PowerShot A650IS PowerShot S200 PowerShot S330 PowerShot ELPH S100 PowerShot ELPH S230 PowerShot ELPH S400 PowerShot ELPH S110 PowerShot ELPH S300 PowerShot ELPH S410 PowerShot ELPH S500 Digital IXUS 400 Digital IXUS 430 Digital IXUS 500 Konica Minolta: Dimage X XT X60 Xi G600Product features
- Colour: Black
- Dimensions: 48.00 x 47.00 x 28.00mm
- Tension: V
- Comparison code: CA-PS300, CA-PS400, CA-PS500, CA-PS500S, CA-PS600, ACK-500, ACK-600, AC-5VHS-US, AC-4, EH-62B, EH-61, D-7AC, K-AC7U, AC-4, AC4, DR-AC4A
- Zastosowanie (producent): Canon
- Zastosowanie (producent): Konica Minolta