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Currency Rate
Purchase Sale
EUR 4,1317 4,2151
USD 3,9918 4,0724
*Tabela C NBP
EUR 3,9816 4,348
USD 3,8181 4,1695
*BNP Paribas


Clear filters
inner diameter
fi = 8 / 9mm
fi = 10mm
fi = 12.7mm
fi = 13mm
fi = 13.2mm
fi = 14.1mm
fi = 14mm
fi = 16.5mm
fi = 16.1mm
fi = 16.3mm
fi = 16mm
fi = 19.2mm
fi = 19mm
fi = 19.03mm
fi = 22mm
fi = 22.2mm
fi = 23mm
fi = 25mm
fi = 25.5mm
fi = 31mm
select all
h = 30.5mm
h = 30mm
h = 35mm
h = 36mm
h = 38.5mm
h = 38mm
h = 39mm
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h = 41mm
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h = 42.9mm
h = 43mm
h = 44mm
h = 45mm
h = 49mm
h = 50.5mm
h = 50mm
h = 51.5mm
h = 54.1mm
h = 55mm
h = 55.2mm
h = 56mm
h = 72mm
h = 76.4mm
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Connection type
AMP Junior Timer
AMP Super Seal
Metri Pack
Weather Pack
Wires + Deutsch
select all
12 VDC
13 VDC
14 VDC
24 VAC
24 VAC/50Hz
24 VDC
26 VDC
27 VDC
30 VDC
48 V RAC
48 VDC
72 VDC
96 VDC
110 VDC
110V RAC
110 VAC
115 VAC
205 VDC
207 VDC
220 VAC
220V RAC
230 VAC
230 VDC
230 V RAC
select all
1.1 A
1.4 amps
1.25 A.
1.8 amps
1.7 amps
2.6 amps
2.5 watts
2.7 A.
2,6 A
4.8 watts
4,5 W
15 W.
17 W.
18 W.
19.5 watts
19 in
20 watts
21 in
22 in
23 W.
24 W
26 W.
28 W.
29 W.
30 watts
31 W.
32 W.
33 W.
33 W
35 W.
36 W.
38 W.
44 W.
60 W.
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Oil Sistem Rexroth
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Coil 3.35A 100% ED fi19 h = 49mm
Coil 3.35A 100% ED fi19 h = 49mm

Coil 3.35A 100% ED fi19 h = 49mm

Product code 1527010391

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 49mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 3.35A

Producent - Rexroth

Description - DISTRIBUTOR SECTION SOLENOID VALVE COIL CASE, NEW HOLLAND, FENDT, MASSEY FERGUSON Comparison code: R917010063; R917010068; 39003900M91, 3903550M91, F199860100020, 1837001311, 15299227032, 1527010433, 152010433, 1837001311, 15299227032, 1527010433 , 152010433 F199860100020, 3900390M91, 3903550M91, 47129414, 5190768, 87635977, 2561527010433 ELE7139

  • net: 637,90 PLN


Coil 3.35A 100% ED fi19 h = 49mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 49mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 3.35A

Producent - Rexroth

net: 637,90 PLN

Coil 230VAC fi19 h=43mm NG6 W230/K4 BOSCH
Coil 230VAC fi19 h=43mm NG6 W230/K4 BOSCH

Coil 230VAC fi19 h=43mm NG6 W230/K4 BOSCH

Product code 1837001129

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 43mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 230 VAC

Producent - Rexroth

Description - Coil NG6 W230/K4 BOSCH (EX. 1837001128) 230/50-230/60 100% ED 18225

  • net: 686,65 PLN


Coil 230VAC fi19 h=43mm NG6 W230/K4 BOSCH

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 43mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 230 VAC

Producent - Rexroth

net: 686,65 PLN

Rexroth coil
Rexroth coil

Rexroth coil

Product code 1837001257

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 60 dni

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

  • net: 1629,67 PLN

net: 1629,67 PLN

Coil 12VDC 2.6A fi22 h = 50mm
Coil 12VDC 2.6A fi22 h = 50mm

Coil 12VDC 2.6A fi22 h = 50mm

Product code 1837A01270

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 22mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 2.6 amps

Producent - Rexroth

Description - Cewka 12VDC 2,6A fi22 h=50mm +Dioda bi-dyrekcyjna

Favorit 716, Favorit 716NA, Favorit 916, Favorit 918NA, Favorit 920, Favorit 920NA, Favorit 924, Favorit 924NA, Favorit 926, Favorit 926NA, Vario 411, Vario 412, Vario 413, Vario 414, Vario 415, Vario 711, Vario 712, Vario 712NA, Vario 714, Vario 714NA, Favorit 711, Favorit 712, Favorit 712NA, Favorit 714, Favorit 714NA, Vario 716, Vario 716NA, Vario 718, Vario 718NA, Vario 815, Vario 815NA, Vario 817, Vario 817NA, Vario 818, Vario 818NA, Vario 820, Vario 820NA, Vario 916, Vario 918NA, Vario 920, Vario 920NA, Vario 924, Vario 924NA, Vario 926, Vario 926NA, Vario 930, Vario 930NA

Comparison code - F916961020210, 1 837 001 270, 1837001270

  • net: 481,88 PLN


Coil 12VDC 2.6A fi22 h = 50mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

inner diameter - fi = 22mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 2.6 amps

Producent - Rexroth

Comparison code - F916961020210, 1 837 001 270, 1837001270

net: 481,88 PLN

Oil Sistem Rexroth coil 24VAC/50Hz 19W fi13.2 h=39mm
Oil Sistem Rexroth coil 24VAC/50Hz 19W fi13.2 h=39mm

Oil Sistem Rexroth coil 24VAC/50Hz 19W fi13.2 h=39mm

Product code C1.664.01.OH.2

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=13,2mm

Height - h=39mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VAC/50Hz

Power - 19W

Producent - Oil Sistem Rexroth

Comparison code - S2 CE 24V-50Hz

  • net: 200,00 PLN


Oil Sistem Rexroth coil 24VAC/50Hz 19W fi13.2 h=39mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

inner diameter - fi=13,2mm

Height - h=39mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VAC/50Hz

Power - 19W

Producent - Oil Sistem Rexroth

Comparison code - S2 CE 24V-50Hz

net: 200,00 PLN

Coil 12 VDC 20W fi14.1 h = 39mm
Coil 12 VDC 20W fi14.1 h = 39mm

Coil 12 VDC 20W fi14.1 h = 39mm

Product code Cewka 12 VDC fi14,16 h=39mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 54)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 14.1mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

  • net: 80,00 PLN

Cewka 12 VDC fi14,16 h=39mm

Coil 12 VDC 20W fi14.1 h = 39mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 54)

inner diameter - fi = 14.1mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

net: 80,00 PLN

Coil 230 VAC fi22.2 h = 38mm
Coil 230 VAC fi22.2 h = 38mm

Coil 230 VAC fi22.2 h = 38mm

Product code Cewka 230 VAC fi22,2 h=38mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 9)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 22.2mm

Height - h = 38mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 230 VAC

Producent - Rexroth

  • net: 40,00 PLN

Cewka 230 VAC fi22,2 h=38mm

Coil 230 VAC fi22.2 h = 38mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 9)

inner diameter - fi = 22.2mm

Height - h = 38mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 230 VAC

Producent - Rexroth

net: 40,00 PLN

Coil 110VDC 21W fi14.1 h = 51.5mm
Coil 110VDC 21W fi14.1 h = 51.5mm

Coil 110VDC 21W fi14.1 h = 51.5mm

Product code OD02030130OE

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 14.1mm

Height - h = 51.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 110 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Rexroth

Type - S3

Description - S3-H

  • net: 100,00 PLN


Coil 110VDC 21W fi14.1 h = 51.5mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

inner diameter - fi = 14.1mm

Height - h = 51.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 110 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Rexroth

Type - S3

net: 100,00 PLN

Coil 24VDC 4.8W fi8 / 9mm h = 30mm
Coil 24VDC 4.8W fi8 / 9mm h = 30mm

Coil 24VDC 4.8W fi8 / 9mm h = 30mm

Product code R414007991

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 5 dni

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 8 / 9mm

Height - h = 30mm

Connection type - Kostal

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 4.8 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Description - old code 5420647022 new code R414007991 2 round pins; 100 10bar 0.2 A Kostal M27x1

Comparison code - 5420647022, R414007991

  • net: 518,03 PLN


Coil 24VDC 4.8W fi8 / 9mm h = 30mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 5 dni

inner diameter - fi = 8 / 9mm

Height - h = 30mm

Connection type - Kostal

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 4.8 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Comparison code - 5420647022, R414007991

net: 518,03 PLN

Coil 24VDC 30W fi23 h = 50mm
Coil 24VDC 30W fi23 h = 50mm

Coil 24VDC 30W fi23 h = 50mm

Product code R900069997

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Producent - Rexroth

Type - GZ45

  • net: 593,60 PLN


Coil 24VDC 30W fi23 h = 50mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Producent - Rexroth

Type - GZ45

net: 593,60 PLN

Rexroth coil 230VAC fi22 h=44mm
Rexroth coil 230VAC fi22 h=44mm

Rexroth coil 230VAC fi22 h=44mm

Product code R900071030

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 22mm

Height - h = 44mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 230 VAC

Producent - Rexroth

Description - WZ45-4 230V / 60Hz 230V / 50Hz 50VA / 220VA

  • net: 404,10 PLN


Rexroth coil 230VAC fi22 h=44mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

inner diameter - fi = 22mm

Height - h = 44mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 230 VAC

Producent - Rexroth

net: 404,10 PLN

Rexroth coil 230VAC fi25 h=45mm WZ65-4-L 230V-50/60HZ
Rexroth coil 230VAC fi25 h=45mm WZ65-4-L 230V-50/60HZ

Rexroth coil 230VAC fi25 h=45mm WZ65-4-L 230V-50/60HZ

Product code R900071037

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 25mm

Height - h = 45mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 230 VAC

Producent - Rexroth

Description - WZ65-4-L 230V-50 / 60HZ 230V / 60HZ 230V / 50HZ 90VA / 550VA

  • net: 755,22 PLN


Rexroth coil 230VAC fi25 h=45mm WZ65-4-L 230V-50/60HZ

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

inner diameter - fi = 25mm

Height - h = 45mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 230 VAC

Producent - Rexroth

net: 755,22 PLN

Coil 24VDC fi22 h = 50.5mm
Coil 24VDC fi22 h = 50.5mm

Coil 24VDC fi22 h = 50.5mm

Product code R901022174

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 22mm

Height - h = 50.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Producent - Rexroth

  • net: 315,65 PLN


Coil 24VDC fi22 h = 50.5mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

inner diameter - fi = 22mm

Height - h = 50.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Producent - Rexroth

net: 315,65 PLN

Coil 24VDC fi23 h = 50mm
Coil 24VDC fi23 h = 50mm

Coil 24VDC fi23 h = 50mm

Product code R901022683

Availability: Available (quantity: 9)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Producent - Rexroth

Type - GP45

Description - GP45 03 - 45 C4; 1.2 A; 7.2 ohms

  • net: 469,92 PLN


Coil 24VDC fi23 h = 50mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 9)

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Producent - Rexroth

Type - GP45

net: 469,92 PLN

Coil 24VDC 20W fi12.7 h = 38.5mm
Coil 24VDC 20W fi12.7 h = 38.5mm

Coil 24VDC 20W fi12.7 h = 38.5mm

Product code R901083065

Availability: Available (quantity: 13)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Type - S8-356

Comparison code - OD02170130OC00

  • net: 110,00 PLN


Coil 24VDC 20W fi12.7 h = 38.5mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 13)

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Type - S8-356

Comparison code - OD02170130OC00

net: 110,00 PLN

Coil 12VDC 20W fi12.7 h = 38.5mm
Coil 12VDC 20W fi12.7 h = 38.5mm

Coil 12VDC 20W fi12.7 h = 38.5mm

Product code R901090821

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Type - S8-356

Comparison code - OD02170130OB00, R901110016

  • net: 116,38 PLN


Coil 12VDC 20W fi12.7 h = 38.5mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Type - S8-356

Comparison code - OD02170130OB00, R901110016

net: 116,38 PLN

Coil 12VDC 23W fi19 h = 55mm
Coil 12VDC 23W fi19 h = 55mm

Coil 12VDC 23W fi19 h = 55mm

Product code R901090827

Availability: Available (quantity: 20)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 55mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 23 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - S5

Description - S5L35HRL 12VDC 23W CLASSE H

Comparison code - OD02090130OB01

  • net: 135,77 PLN


Coil 12VDC 23W fi19 h = 55mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 20)

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 55mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 23 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - S5

Comparison code - OD02090130OB01

net: 135,77 PLN

Coil 24VDC 23W fi19 h = 55mm
Coil 24VDC 23W fi19 h = 55mm

Coil 24VDC 23W fi19 h = 55mm

Product code R901090828

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 55mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 23 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - S5

Comparison code - OD02090130OC01

  • net: 134,14 PLN


Coil 24VDC 23W fi19 h = 55mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 55mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 23 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - S5

Comparison code - OD02090130OC01

net: 134,14 PLN

Coil GZ45-4 24VDC 1,25A fi23 h = 50mm
Coil GZ45-4 24VDC 1,25A fi23 h = 50mm

Coil GZ45-4 24VDC 1,25A fi23 h = 50mm

Product code R901104847

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 1.25 A.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - GZ45

Description - Coil GZ45-4 24V PL

  • net: 643,00 PLN


Coil GZ45-4 24VDC 1,25A fi23 h = 50mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 1.25 A.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - GZ45

net: 643,00 PLN

Coil 12VDC 20W fi16 h = 41mm
Coil 12VDC 20W fi16 h = 41mm

Coil 12VDC 20W fi16 h = 41mm

Product code R901393412

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 41mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Type - D36

Description - D36 CLASS H OD02360130OB00

Comparison code - OD02360130OB00

  • net: 110,00 PLN


Coil 12VDC 20W fi16 h = 41mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 41mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Type - D36

Comparison code - OD02360130OB00

net: 110,00 PLN

Coil 24VDC 20W fi16 h = 41mm
Coil 24VDC 20W fi16 h = 41mm

Coil 24VDC 20W fi16 h = 41mm

Product code R901393577

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 100 dni

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 41mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Type - D36

Description - D36 CLASS H OD02360130OC00-36-K4

Comparison code - OD02360130OC00

  • net: 110,00 PLN


Coil 24VDC 20W fi16 h = 41mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 100 dni

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 41mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Type - D36

Comparison code - OD02360130OC00

net: 110,00 PLN

Coil 96VDC 20W fi16mm h = 41mm
Coil 96VDC 20W fi16mm h = 41mm

Coil 96VDC 20W fi16mm h = 41mm

Product code R901394229

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 41mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 96 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Type - D36

Comparison code - OD02360130OU00, OD02360130OU00-36-K4

  • net: 118,76 PLN


Coil 96VDC 20W fi16mm h = 41mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 41mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 96 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Type - D36

Comparison code - OD02360130OU00, OD02360130OU00-36-K4

net: 118,76 PLN

Coil 24VDC 20W fi16 h = 41mm
Coil 24VDC 20W fi16 h = 41mm

Coil 24VDC 20W fi16 h = 41mm

Product code R901394393

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 41mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Type - D36

Comparison code - FROM0236203POC00

  • net: 132,34 PLN


Coil 24VDC 20W fi16 h = 41mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 41mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Type - D36

Comparison code - FROM0236203POC00

net: 132,34 PLN

Coil 24VDC 20W fi16mm h = 41mm with a diode
Coil 24VDC 20W fi16mm h = 41mm with a diode

Coil 24VDC 20W fi16mm h = 41mm with a diode

Product code R901435494

Availability: Available (quantity: 31)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 41mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Type - D36

Description - with diode

Comparison code - OD02361530OC00

  • net: 116,49 PLN


Coil 24VDC 20W fi16mm h = 41mm with a diode

Availability: Available (quantity: 31)

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 41mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Type - D36

Comparison code - OD02361530OC00

net: 116,49 PLN

Coil 12VDC 20W fi16 h = 41mm
Coil 12VDC 20W fi16 h = 41mm

Coil 12VDC 20W fi16 h = 41mm

Product code R901435508

Availability: Available (quantity: 17)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 41mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Type - D36

Comparison code - OD02360730OB00

  • net: 101,74 PLN


Coil 12VDC 20W fi16 h = 41mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 17)

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 41mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Type - D36

Comparison code - OD02360730OB00

net: 101,74 PLN

Coil 220VAC 15W fi14.1 h = 51.5mm
Coil 220VAC 15W fi14.1 h = 51.5mm

Coil 220VAC 15W fi14.1 h = 51.5mm

Product code R930044669

Availability: Available (quantity: 11)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 14.1mm

Height - h = 51.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220 VAC

Power - 15 W.

Producent - Rexroth

  • net: 40,00 PLN


Coil 220VAC 15W fi14.1 h = 51.5mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 11)

inner diameter - fi = 14.1mm

Height - h = 51.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220 VAC

Power - 15 W.

Producent - Rexroth

net: 40,00 PLN

Coil 12VDC 33W fi19.2 h = 56mm
Coil 12VDC 33W fi19.2 h = 56mm

Coil 12VDC 33W fi19.2 h = 56mm

Product code R933000026

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - Solenoid Coil C45-01-OC-12DC-33W-H-D19-271-0417

Comparison code - 271-0417

  • net: 240,83 PLN


Coil 12VDC 33W fi19.2 h = 56mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - 271-0417

net: 240,83 PLN

Coil 12VDC 31W fi19.2 h = 56mm
Coil 12VDC 31W fi19.2 h = 56mm

Coil 12VDC 31W fi19.2 h = 56mm

Product code R933000027

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 31 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - c45-03-ob-12dc-31w-h-d19-271-041710

Comparison code - 271-041710

  • net: 154,56 PLN


Coil 12VDC 31W fi19.2 h = 56mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 31 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - 271-041710

net: 154,56 PLN

Cewka 12VDC 33W fi19,2 h=56mm
Cewka 12VDC 33W fi19,2 h=56mm

Cewka 12VDC 33W fi19,2 h=56mm

Product code R933000030

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - C45-07-OB-12DC-33W-H-D19-271-041717

Comparison code - 271-041717

  • net: 161,62 PLN


Cewka 12VDC 33W fi19,2 h=56mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - 271-041717

net: 161,62 PLN

Coil Rexroth 24VDC 33W fi19.2 h=56mm
Coil Rexroth 24VDC 33W fi19.2 h=56mm

Coil Rexroth 24VDC 33W fi19.2 h=56mm

Product code R933000034

Availability: Available (quantity: 28)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - Solenoid Coil C45-01-OC-24DC-33W-H-D19-271-0418

Comparison code - 271-0418

  • net: 137,48 PLN


Coil Rexroth 24VDC 33W fi19.2 h=56mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 28)

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - 271-0418

net: 137,48 PLN

Rexroth coil 24VDC 26W fi14 h=40mm; C36-01-OC-24DC-26W-H-D14-271-0511
Rexroth coil 24VDC 26W fi14 h=40mm; C36-01-OC-24DC-26W-H-D14-271-0511

Rexroth coil 24VDC 26W fi14 h=40mm; C36-01-OC-24DC-26W-H-D14-271-0511

Product code R933000053

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 14mm

Height - h = 40mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C36

Description - Coil C36-01-OC-24DC-26W-H-D14-271-0511

Comparison code - 271-0511

  • net: 105,61 PLN


Rexroth coil 24VDC 26W fi14 h=40mm; C36-01-OC-24DC-26W-H-D14-271-0511

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

inner diameter - fi = 14mm

Height - h = 40mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C36

Comparison code - 271-0511

net: 105,61 PLN

Cewka 24VDC 36W fi19,2 h=55mm
Cewka 24VDC 36W fi19,2 h=55mm

Cewka 24VDC 36W fi19,2 h=55mm

Product code R933000076

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 55mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 36 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C48

Description - C48-01-OC-24DC-36W-H-D19-271-0521

Comparison code - 271-0521

  • net: 184,74 PLN


Cewka 24VDC 36W fi19,2 h=55mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 55mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 36 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C48

Comparison code - 271-0521

net: 184,74 PLN

Coil 24VDC 33W fi19.2 h = 56mm
Coil 24VDC 33W fi19.2 h = 56mm

Coil 24VDC 33W fi19.2 h = 56mm

Product code R933003630

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 33 W

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - C45 03 24DC C45-03-OC-24DC-33W-H-D19

Comparison code - 271-041725

  • net: 159,42 PLN


Coil 24VDC 33W fi19.2 h = 56mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 33 W

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - 271-041725

net: 159,42 PLN

Coil 26VDC fi12.7 h=38.5mm R934003034
Coil 26VDC fi12.7 h=38.5mm R934003034

Coil 26VDC fi12.7 h=38.5mm R934003034

Product code YE63007A

Availability: Available (quantity: 16)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 26 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Type - S8-356


Comparison code - R934003034, OD0217223PAC00

  • net: 172,70 PLN


Coil 26VDC fi12.7 h=38.5mm R934003034

Availability: Available (quantity: 16)

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 26 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Rexroth

Type - S8-356

Comparison code - R934003034, OD0217223PAC00

net: 172,70 PLN



Product code 0498316905

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 231,80 PLN

net: 231,80 PLN

Coil CO1-FORM_BI-048AC-8.0VA-22MM
Coil CO1-FORM_BI-048AC-8.0VA-22MM

Coil CO1-FORM_BI-048AC-8.0VA-22MM

Product code 0498317006

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 231,80 PLN

net: 231,80 PLN



Product code 0498317103

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 231,80 PLN

net: 231,80 PLN



Product code 0498317405

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 231,80 PLN

net: 231,80 PLN



Product code 0498317502

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 231,80 PLN

net: 231,80 PLN



Product code 0498317618

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 231,80 PLN

net: 231,80 PLN



Product code 0498317707

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 231,80 PLN

net: 231,80 PLN



Product code 0498317804

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 231,80 PLN

net: 231,80 PLN



Product code 0498318800

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 231,80 PLN

net: 231,80 PLN



Product code 0498322506

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 224,20 PLN

net: 224,20 PLN

Control magnet 24 VDC 0.8A Rexroth
Control magnet 24 VDC 0.8A Rexroth

Control magnet 24 VDC 0.8A Rexroth

Product code 0831006055

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 1495,63 PLN

net: 1495,63 PLN



Product code 1070015541

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:



Product code 1070055165

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:



Product code 1070055212

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Coil Rexroth valve cap
Coil Rexroth valve cap

Coil Rexroth valve cap

Product code 1833343009

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Coil Rexroth valve cap with rubber cap
Coil Rexroth valve cap with rubber cap

Coil Rexroth valve cap with rubber cap

Product code 1833343015

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Coil Rexroth nut
Coil Rexroth nut

Coil Rexroth nut

Product code 1833343018

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth



Product code 1837001126

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Coil NG10 G12 / K4 BOSCH
Coil NG10 G12 / K4 BOSCH

Coil NG10 G12 / K4 BOSCH

Product code 1837001139

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 31mm

Height - h = 72mm

Tension - 12 VDC

Producent - Rexroth

  • net: 1129,30 PLN


Coil NG10 G12 / K4 BOSCH

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 31mm

Height - h = 72mm

Tension - 12 VDC

Producent - Rexroth

net: 1129,30 PLN

Coil NG10 G24 / K4 BOSCH
Coil NG10 G24 / K4 BOSCH

Coil NG10 G24 / K4 BOSCH

Product code 1837001140

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 31mm

Height - h = 72mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 1.8 amps

Producent - Rexroth

  • net: 1398,86 PLN


Coil NG10 G24 / K4 BOSCH

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 31mm

Height - h = 72mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 1.8 amps

Producent - Rexroth

net: 1398,86 PLN

Coil NG10 W230 / K4 BOSCH
Coil NG10 W230 / K4 BOSCH

Coil NG10 W230 / K4 BOSCH

Product code 1837001213

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

  • net: 1162,62 PLN

net: 1162,62 PLN

Rexroth coil
Rexroth coil

Rexroth coil

Product code 1837001219

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth



Product code 1837001222

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Rexroth coil
Rexroth coil

Rexroth coil

Product code 1837001223

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Coil NG6 G24 / C4 BOSCH
Coil NG6 G24 / C4 BOSCH

Coil NG6 G24 / C4 BOSCH

Product code 1837001224

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Coil 12 VDC fi22 h = 50mm NG6 G12 / K4 BOSCH
Coil 12 VDC fi22 h = 50mm NG6 G12 / K4 BOSCH

Coil 12 VDC fi22 h = 50mm NG6 G12 / K4 BOSCH

Product code 1837001226

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 22mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 2.7 A.

Producent - Rexroth

Description - NG6 G12 / K4

  • net: 466,10 PLN


Coil 12 VDC fi22 h = 50mm NG6 G12 / K4 BOSCH

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 22mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 2.7 A.

Producent - Rexroth

net: 466,10 PLN

NG6 G24 / K4 BOSCH coil
NG6 G24 / K4 BOSCH coil

NG6 G24 / K4 BOSCH coil

Product code 1837001227

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 22mm

Height - h = 50mm

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 1.4 amps

Producent - Rexroth

  • net: 584,18 PLN


NG6 G24 / K4 BOSCH coil

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 22mm

Height - h = 50mm

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 1.4 amps

Producent - Rexroth

net: 584,18 PLN

Rexroth coil
Rexroth coil

Rexroth coil

Product code 1837001229

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Rexroth coil
Rexroth coil

Rexroth coil

Product code 1837001232

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Rexroth coil
Rexroth coil

Rexroth coil

Product code 1837001233

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Rexroth coil
Rexroth coil

Rexroth coil

Product code 1837001252

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Rexroth coil
Rexroth coil

Rexroth coil

Product code 1837001253

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Rexroth coil
Rexroth coil

Rexroth coil

Product code 1837001254

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Coil 115 VAC fi22 h = 42mm NG6 W110 / K4 BOSCH
Coil 115 VAC fi22 h = 42mm NG6 W110 / K4 BOSCH

Coil 115 VAC fi22 h = 42mm NG6 W110 / K4 BOSCH

Product code 1837001255

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 22mm

Height - h = 42mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 115 VAC

Producent - Rexroth

Description - 1 837 001 255 115V 60HZ 70VA 110V 50HZ 80VA 194011 100 46/15

  • net: 711,12 PLN


Coil 115 VAC fi22 h = 42mm NG6 W110 / K4 BOSCH

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 22mm

Height - h = 42mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 115 VAC

Producent - Rexroth

net: 711,12 PLN

NG6 W230 / K4 BOSCH coil
NG6 W230 / K4 BOSCH coil

NG6 W230 / K4 BOSCH coil

Product code 1837001256

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Cewka 12VDC 2,6A fi22 h=50mm
Cewka 12VDC 2,6A fi22 h=50mm

Cewka 12VDC 2,6A fi22 h=50mm

Product code 1837001270

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=22mm

Height - h=50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 2,6 A

Producent - Rexroth

Description - Cewka BOSCH 2,6A +Dioda bi-dyrekcyjna

Favorit 716, Favorit 716NA, Favorit 916, Favorit 918NA, Favorit 920, Favorit 920NA, Favorit 924, Favorit 924NA, Favorit 926, Favorit 926NA, Vario 411, Vario 412, Vario 413, Vario 414, Vario 415, Vario 711, Vario 712, Vario 712NA, Vario 714, Vario 714NA, Favorit 711, Favorit 712, Favorit 712NA, Favorit 714, Favorit 714NA, Vario 716, Vario 716NA, Vario 718, Vario 718NA, Vario 815, Vario 815NA, Vario 817, Vario 817NA, Vario 818, Vario 818NA, Vario 820, Vario 820NA, Vario 916, Vario 918NA, Vario 920, Vario 920NA, Vario 924, Vario 924NA, Vario 926, Vario 926NA, Vario 930, Vario 930NA

Comparison code - 1 837 001 270, 1837A01270, WV G12/C4+DIODE


Cewka 12VDC 2,6A fi22 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi=22mm

Height - h=50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 2,6 A

Producent - Rexroth

Comparison code - 1 837 001 270, 1837A01270, WV G12/C4+DIODE

Rexroth coil
Rexroth coil

Rexroth coil

Product code 1837001271

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Coil NG6 G12 / K4-E-SE.BOSCH
Coil NG6 G12 / K4-E-SE.BOSCH

Coil NG6 G12 / K4-E-SE.BOSCH

Product code 1837001277

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

BOSCH WV NG6 G205 / K4 coil
BOSCH WV NG6 G205 / K4 coil

BOSCH WV NG6 G205 / K4 coil

Product code 1837001305

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Coil 3.35A 100% ED fi19 h = 49mm
Coil 3.35A 100% ED fi19 h = 49mm

Coil 3.35A 100% ED fi19 h = 49mm

Product code 1837001311

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 49mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Power - 3.35A

Producent - Rexroth

Description - The coil is only available in the set. Set code 1527010391


Coil 3.35A 100% ED fi19 h = 49mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 49mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Power - 3.35A

Producent - Rexroth



Product code 1837001325

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:



Product code 1837001328

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:



Product code 1837001329

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:



Product code 1837001330

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:



Product code 1837001331

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:



Product code 1837001335

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:



Product code 1837001419

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Rexroth coil
Rexroth coil

Rexroth coil

Product code 1837001421

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth



Product code 1837001425

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

BOSCH WV G24 / K46 coil
BOSCH WV G24 / K46 coil

BOSCH WV G24 / K46 coil

Product code 1837001432

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Coil NG6 G28 / K4 BOSCH
Coil NG6 G28 / K4 BOSCH

Coil NG6 G28 / K4 BOSCH

Product code 1837001457

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth



Product code 271-0417

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - C45-01-OB-12DC-33W-H-D19-271-0417

Comparison code - R933000026



Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - R933000026



Product code 271-041710

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 31 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - C45-03-OB-12DC-31W-H-D19-271-041710

Comparison code - R933000027



Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 31 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - R933000027



Product code 271-041711

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 13 VDC

Power - 31 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - C45-01-AD-13DC-31W-H-D19-271-041711

Comparison code - R933000028



Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 13 VDC

Power - 31 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - R933000028



Product code 271-041712

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 13 VDC

Power - 31 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - C45-03-AD-13DC-31W-H-D19-271-041712

Comparison code - R933000029



Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 13 VDC

Power - 31 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - R933000029



Product code 271-041717

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - C45-07-OB-12DC-33W-H-D19-271-041717

Comparison code - R933000030



Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - R933000030



Product code 271-041718

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 13 VDC

Power - 31 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - C45-07-AD-13DC-31W-H-D19-271-041718

Comparison code - R933000031



Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 13 VDC

Power - 31 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - R933000031



Product code 271-041719

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - C45-07-OC-24DC-33W-H-D19-271-041719

Comparison code - R933000032



Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - R933000032



Product code 271-041720

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 27 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - C45-07-AC-27DC-33W-H-D19-271-041720

Comparison code - R933000033



Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 27 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - R933000033



Product code 271-041725

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45



Availability: Currently not available

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45



Product code 271-0418

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - C45-01-OC-24DC-33W-H-D19-271-0418

Comparison code - R933000034



Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - R933000034



Product code 271-04181

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 27 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - C45-01-AC-27DC-33W-H-D19-271-04181

Comparison code - R933000035



Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 27 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - R933000035



Product code 271-041812

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 27 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - C45-03-AC-27DC-33W-H-D19-271-041812

Comparison code - R933000036



Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 27 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - R933000036



Product code 271-0419

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 48 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - C45-01-OD-48DC-33W-H-D19-271-0419

Comparison code - R933000037



Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 48 VDC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - R933000037



Product code 271-04191

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24V RAC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - C45-01-OV-24RAC-33W-H-D19-271-04191

Comparison code - R933000038



Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24V RAC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - R933000038



Product code 271-04192

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 110V RAC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - C45-01-OW-110RAC-33W-H-D19-271-04192

Comparison code - R933000039



Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 110V RAC

Power - 33 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - R933000039



Product code 271-041921

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 110 VDC

Power - 35 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Description - C45-01-OE-110DC-35W-H-D19-271-041921

Comparison code - R933000040



Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19.2mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 110 VDC

Power - 35 W.

Producent - Rexroth

Type - C45

Comparison code - R933000040

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