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Purchase Sale
EUR 4,1575 4,2415
USD 4,0123 4,0933
*Tabela C NBP
EUR 4,0076 4,3764
USD 3,8613 4,2167
*BNP Paribas


Clear filters
Working volume
102,60 cm3/obr
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Turning direction
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Max. working pressure (continuous)
250 bar
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Flange type
80/80mm, 4 śruby
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Centering diameter
80 mm
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Roller type
Wielowypust - 6 zębów
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Pump type
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OMFB Binotto
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Gear pump Binotto NPGH-100 ASAE L
Gear pump Binotto NPGH-100 ASAE L

Gear pump Binotto NPGH-100 ASAE L

Product code 10506201011

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Working volume - 102,60 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Lewy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 250 bar

Flange type - 80/80mm, 4 śruby

Centering diameter - 80 mm

Roller type - Wielowypust - 6 zębów

Pump type - Zębata

Producent - OMFB Binotto

Comparison code - 105-062-01011

  • net: 2362,50 PLN


Gear pump Binotto NPGH-100 ASAE L

Availability: Currently not available

Working volume - 102,60 cm3/obr

Turning direction - Lewy

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 250 bar

Flange type - 80/80mm, 4 śruby

Centering diameter - 80 mm

Roller type - Wielowypust - 6 zębów

Pump type - Zębata

Producent - OMFB Binotto

Comparison code - 105-062-01011

net: 2362,50 PLN

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