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Exchange rate
Currency Rate
Purchase Sale
EUR 4,1575 4,2415
USD 4,0123 4,0933
*Tabela C NBP
EUR 4,0076 4,3764
USD 3,8613 4,2167
*BNP Paribas

Manual monoblock

Clear filters
35 l/min
40 l / min
40 l/min
80 l / min
80 l/min
100 l/min
120 l/min
select all
Number of sections
select all
max. pressure
210 bars
210 bar
250 bars
300 bar
select all
select all
select all
2-section hydraulic distributor
2-section hydraulic distributor

2-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 02P401A1A1GKZ1-11

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

  • net: 298,57 PLN


2-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

net: 298,57 PLN

4-section hydraulic distributor
4-section hydraulic distributor

4-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 04P401A1A1A1A1GKZ1-11

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

Comparison code - 1000306

  • net: 528,57 PLN


4-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

Comparison code - 1000306

net: 528,57 PLN

4-section hydraulic distributor 1/2 "
4-section hydraulic distributor 1/2 "

4-section hydraulic distributor 1/2 "

Product code 04P801A1A1A1A1GkZ1-11

Availability: Available (quantity: 26)

Product features:

Flow - 80 l / min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestnost

Type - P80

  • net: 566,13 PLN


4-section hydraulic distributor 1/2 "

Availability: Available (quantity: 26)

Flow - 80 l / min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestnost

Type - P80

net: 566,13 PLN

5-section hydraulic distributor
5-section hydraulic distributor

5-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 05P40A1A1A1A1A1GkZ1-11

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 5

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

  • net: 642,86 PLN


5-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 5

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

net: 642,86 PLN

1-section hydraulic distributor
1-section hydraulic distributor

1-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 1P40A1GKZ1-11

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

Comparison code - 1000005

  • net: 280,00 PLN


1-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

Comparison code - 1000005

net: 280,00 PLN

1-section hydraulic distributor
1-section hydraulic distributor

1-section hydraulic distributor

Product code P80A1GKZ1-11

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

  • net: 219,27 PLN


1-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

net: 219,27 PLN

1-section hydraulic manifold new version P40
1-section hydraulic manifold new version P40

1-section hydraulic manifold new version P40

Product code Z50A1-GKZ1

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - Z50

  • net: 280,00 PLN


1-section hydraulic manifold new version P40

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - Z50

net: 280,00 PLN

1-section hydraulic distributor
1-section hydraulic distributor

1-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 01P1201(A1X1)GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 120 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P120


1-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 120 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P120

2-section hydraulic distributor
2-section hydraulic distributor

2-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 02P120A1A1GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 120 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P120

  • net: 809,71 PLN


2-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 120 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P120

net: 809,71 PLN

2-section hydraulic distributor with a latch
2-section hydraulic distributor with a latch

2-section hydraulic distributor with a latch

Product code 02P401A1A08GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Type - P40

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness


2-section hydraulic distributor with a latch

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Type - P40

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

2-section hydraulic distributor with a joystick, one floating section
2-section hydraulic distributor with a joystick, one floating section

2-section hydraulic distributor with a joystick, one floating section

Product code 02P401A1K16(JS+3)G

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Type - P40

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness


2-section hydraulic distributor with a joystick, one floating section

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Type - P40

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

2-section hydraulic distributor, one floating section
2-section hydraulic distributor, one floating section

2-section hydraulic distributor, one floating section

Product code 02P401A1K16GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40


2-section hydraulic distributor, one floating section

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

2-section hydraulic distributor
2-section hydraulic distributor

2-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 02P401A8A8GKZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

  • net: 244,40 PLN


2-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

net: 244,40 PLN

2-section hydraulic distributor
2-section hydraulic distributor

2-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 02P40A1A1GKZ1-1/2

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

  • net: 202,71 PLN


2-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

net: 202,71 PLN

2-section hydraulic distributor
2-section hydraulic distributor

2-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 02P40A1A1GV1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40


2-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

2-section hydraulic distributor with a joystick
2-section hydraulic distributor with a joystick

2-section hydraulic distributor with a joystick

Product code 02P40A1A1JU+3G

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40


2-section hydraulic distributor with a joystick

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

2-section hydraulic distributor
2-section hydraulic distributor

2-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 02P40A1A1MKZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Type - P40

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

  • net: 226,76 PLN


2-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Type - P40

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

net: 226,76 PLN

2-section hydraulic distributor
2-section hydraulic distributor

2-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 02P40A1A8GKZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

  • net: 226,76 PLN


2-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

net: 226,76 PLN

2-section hydraulic distributor, two floating sections
2-section hydraulic distributor, two floating sections

2-section hydraulic distributor, two floating sections

Product code 02P40K16K16GKZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Type - P40

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness


2-section hydraulic distributor, two floating sections

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Type - P40

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

3-section hydraulic distributor
3-section hydraulic distributor

3-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 03P1201(A1X3)GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 120 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P120


3-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 120 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P120

3-section hydraulic distributor
3-section hydraulic distributor

3-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 03P401A1A1A1GKZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l / min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestnost

Type - P40

Description - 3 section hydraulic manifold

Comparison code - 1000290, AK45

  • net: 414,29 PLN


3-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l / min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestnost

Type - P40

Comparison code - 1000290, AK45

net: 414,29 PLN

3-section hydraulic distributor with a latch
3-section hydraulic distributor with a latch

3-section hydraulic distributor with a latch

Product code 03P401A1A1A8GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40


3-section hydraulic distributor with a latch

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

3-section hydraulic distributor
3-section hydraulic distributor

3-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 03P401A1A1AGV1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40


3-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

3-section hydraulic distributor, one floating section
3-section hydraulic distributor, one floating section

3-section hydraulic distributor, one floating section

Product code 03P401A1A1K16GKZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40


3-section hydraulic distributor, one floating section

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

3-section hydraulic distributor, two floating sections
3-section hydraulic distributor, two floating sections

3-section hydraulic distributor, two floating sections

Product code 03P401A1K16K16GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

  • net: 568,69 PLN


3-section hydraulic distributor, two floating sections

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

net: 568,69 PLN

3-section hydraulic distributor
3-section hydraulic distributor

3-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 03P801A1A1A1GV1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80


3-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

3-section hydraulic distributor
3-section hydraulic distributor

3-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 03P801A1A1A1MkZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

  • net: 426,46 PLN


3-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

net: 426,46 PLN

3-section hydraulic distributor, one floating section
3-section hydraulic distributor, one floating section

3-section hydraulic distributor, one floating section

Product code 03P801A1A1L12GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80


3-section hydraulic distributor, one floating section

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

4-section hydraulic distributor
4-section hydraulic distributor

4-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 04P1201(A1X4)GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 120 l/min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P120


4-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 120 l/min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P120

4-section hydraulic distributor
4-section hydraulic distributor

4-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 04P120A1A1A1A1GKZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 120 l/min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P120

  • net: 1148,77 PLN


4-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 120 l/min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P120

net: 1148,77 PLN

4-section hydraulic distributor
4-section hydraulic distributor

4-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 04P40A1A1A1A1GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40


4-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

4-section hydraulic distributor
4-section hydraulic distributor

4-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 04P801(A1X4)GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80


4-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

4-section hydraulic distributor
4-section hydraulic distributor

4-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 04P801D1D1D1D1GKZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l / min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestnost

Type - P80

  • net: 821,43 PLN


4-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l / min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestnost

Type - P80

net: 821,43 PLN

4-section hydraulic distributor 1/2 "
4-section hydraulic distributor 1/2 "

4-section hydraulic distributor 1/2 "

Product code 04Z801D1D1D1D1GKZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l / min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 300 bar

Producent - Badestnost

Description - Badestnost Z80 hydraulic distributor, 4-section with a set of levers

  • net: 842,86 PLN


4-section hydraulic distributor 1/2 "

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l / min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 300 bar

Producent - Badestnost

net: 842,86 PLN

4-section hydraulic manifold 4x floating slide
4-section hydraulic manifold 4x floating slide

4-section hydraulic manifold 4x floating slide

Product code 04Z80L12L12L12L12-GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 300 bar

Producent - Badestnost

Type - Z80

Description - Badestnost Z80 hydraulic distributor, 4-section with lever set Maximum supply pressure: 250 Bar Maximum return pressure: 50 Bar Maximum section pressure: 300 Bar

  • net: 1214,29 PLN


4-section hydraulic manifold 4x floating slide

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 300 bar

Producent - Badestnost

Type - Z80

net: 1214,29 PLN

5-section hydraulic distributor, 1 plunger section
5-section hydraulic distributor, 1 plunger section

5-section hydraulic distributor, 1 plunger section

Product code 05P40A1A1A1A1C1GkZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 5

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

  • net: 434,40 PLN


5-section hydraulic distributor, 1 plunger section

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 5

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

net: 434,40 PLN

5-section hydraulic distributor
5-section hydraulic distributor

5-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 05P801(A1X5)MKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 5

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80


5-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 5

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

6-section hydraulic distributor
6-section hydraulic distributor

6-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 06P40(A1X6)GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 6

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40


6-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 6

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

6-section hydraulic distributor
6-section hydraulic distributor

6-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 06P40A1A1A1A1A1A1GkZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l / min

Number of sections - 6

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestnost

Type - P40

  • net: 771,43 PLN


6-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l / min

Number of sections - 6

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestnost

Type - P40

net: 771,43 PLN

7-section hydraulic distributor
7-section hydraulic distributor

7-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 07P40(A1X7)GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 7

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40


7-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 7

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

1 section 1/2 "hydraulic distributor
1 section 1/2 "hydraulic distributor

1 section 1/2 "hydraulic distributor

Product code 1P801A1A1GkZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

  • net: 228,29 PLN


1 section 1/2 "hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

net: 228,29 PLN

2-section hydraulic distributor
2-section hydraulic distributor

2-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 2P801A1A1AGV1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80


2-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

2-section hydraulic distributor
2-section hydraulic distributor

2-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 2P801A1A1GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80


2-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

2-section hydraulic valve 1/2 "
2-section hydraulic valve 1/2 "

2-section hydraulic valve 1/2 "

Product code 2P801A1A1GkZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

  • net: 378,57 PLN


2-section hydraulic valve 1/2 "

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

net: 378,57 PLN

2-section hydraulic valve M22x1.5
2-section hydraulic valve M22x1.5

2-section hydraulic valve M22x1.5

Product code 2P801A1A1MkZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

  • net: 346,64 PLN


2-section hydraulic valve M22x1.5

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

net: 346,64 PLN

2-section hydraulic distributor with a joystick
2-section hydraulic distributor with a joystick

2-section hydraulic distributor with a joystick

Product code 2P80A1A1JU+3-G

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80


2-section hydraulic distributor with a joystick

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

2-section hydraulic distributor, one floating section
2-section hydraulic distributor, one floating section

2-section hydraulic distributor, one floating section

Product code 2P80A1L12GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80


2-section hydraulic distributor, one floating section

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

2-section hydraulic distributor
2-section hydraulic distributor

2-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 2P80A1L12GV1C11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80


2-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

2-section hydraulic distributor
2-section hydraulic distributor

2-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 2PC100N1A1A1T1G2KZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 100 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 210 bar

Producent - Badestness

Type - PC100


2-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 100 l/min

Number of sections - 2

max. pressure - 210 bar

Producent - Badestness

Type - PC100

3-section hydraulic distributor
3-section hydraulic distributor

3-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 3P801A1A1A1GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

  • net: 524,29 PLN


3-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

net: 524,29 PLN

3-section hydraulic distributor
3-section hydraulic distributor

3-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 3P801A1A1A1GkZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

  • net: 427,54 PLN


3-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

net: 427,54 PLN

3-section hydraulic distributor
3-section hydraulic distributor

3-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 3PC100N1A1X3T1G2KZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 100 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 210 bar

Producent - Badestness

Type - PC100


3-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 100 l/min

Number of sections - 3

max. pressure - 210 bar

Producent - Badestness

Type - PC100

1-section hydraulic distributor
1-section hydraulic distributor

1-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 4092045

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Number of sections - 1

Producent - Badestness

4-section hydraulic distributor
4-section hydraulic distributor

4-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 4PC100N1A1X4T1G2KZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 100 l/min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 210 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - PC100


4-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 100 l/min

Number of sections - 4

max. pressure - 210 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - PC100

5-section hydraulic distributor
5-section hydraulic distributor

5-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 5P80 1(A1X5)GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 5

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

5P80 1(A1X5)GKZ1

5-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 5

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

5-section hydraulic distributor 80l / min
5-section hydraulic distributor 80l / min

5-section hydraulic distributor 80l / min

Product code 5P801A1A1A1A1A1AGkZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 5

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

  • net: 649,71 PLN


5-section hydraulic distributor 80l / min

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 5

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

net: 649,71 PLN

6-section hydraulic distributor
6-section hydraulic distributor

6-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 6P80-A1X6-MKZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 6

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80


6-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 6

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

6-section hydraulic distributor 80l / min 250bar
6-section hydraulic distributor 80l / min 250bar

6-section hydraulic distributor 80l / min 250bar

Product code 6P801A1A1A1A1A1A1GkZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 6

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

  • net: 832,86 PLN


6-section hydraulic distributor 80l / min 250bar

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 6

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

net: 832,86 PLN

6-section hydraulic distributor
6-section hydraulic distributor

6-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 6P801A1A1A1A1A1AGKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 6

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80


6-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 6

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

6-section hydraulic distributor JOY 1/2 "
6-section hydraulic distributor JOY 1/2 "

6-section hydraulic distributor JOY 1/2 "

Product code 6P801A1A1joyA1A1A1A1joyGkZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 6

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

  • net: 1217,21 PLN


6-section hydraulic distributor JOY 1/2 "

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 6

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

net: 1217,21 PLN

1-section hydraulic distributor
1-section hydraulic distributor

1-section hydraulic distributor

Product code P35RU6GKZO1T

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 35 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P35


1-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 35 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P35

1-section hydraulic distributor
1-section hydraulic distributor

1-section hydraulic distributor

Product code P40A1GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40


1-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

1-section hydraulic distributor
1-section hydraulic distributor

1-section hydraulic distributor

Product code P40A1GKZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Type - P40

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

  • net: 138,96 PLN


1-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Type - P40

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

net: 138,96 PLN

1-section hydraulic distributor
1-section hydraulic distributor

1-section hydraulic distributor

Product code P40A1GV1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40


1-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

1-section hydraulic distributor
1-section hydraulic distributor

1-section hydraulic distributor

Product code P40A1MKZ1-11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Type - P40

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

  • net: 149,19 PLN


1-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Type - P40

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

net: 149,19 PLN

1-section hydraulic distributor
1-section hydraulic distributor

1-section hydraulic distributor

Product code P40A8GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40


1-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

1-section hydraulic distributor
1-section hydraulic distributor

1-section hydraulic distributor

Product code P40C1GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40


1-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

1-section hydraulic distributor
1-section hydraulic distributor

1-section hydraulic distributor

Product code P40K16GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40


1-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

1-section hydraulic distributor with a latch
1-section hydraulic distributor with a latch

1-section hydraulic distributor with a latch

Product code P80A8GKZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80


1-section hydraulic distributor with a latch

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

1-section hydraulic distributor
1-section hydraulic distributor

1-section hydraulic distributor

Product code PC100N1A1T1G2KZ1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Flow - 100 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 210 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - PC100


1-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Currently not available

Flow - 100 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 210 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - PC100

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