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EUR 4,1575 4,2415
USD 4,0123 4,0933
*Tabela C NBP
EUR 4,0076 4,3764
USD 3,8613 4,2167
*BNP Paribas


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inner diameter
fi = 13.1mm
fi = 16.1mm
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h = 35.7mm
h = 39mm
h = 50mm
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AMP Junior Timer
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12 VDC
24 VDC
27 VDC
96 VDC
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18 W.
22 in
28.5 watts
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Coil 24VDC 18W fi13.1 h = 35.7mm
Coil 24VDC 18W fi13.1 h = 35.7mm

Coil 24VDC 18W fi13.1 h = 35.7mm

Product code 25125102

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13.1mm

Height - h = 35.7mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 18W

Producent - Flucom

Description - B20-24C-18H B2024C18H

  • net: 98,32 PLN


Coil 24VDC 18W fi13.1 h = 35.7mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

inner diameter - fi = 13.1mm

Height - h = 35.7mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 18W

Producent - Flucom

net: 98,32 PLN

Coil 96VDC 18W fi13.1 h = 35.7mm B20-110A-18H
Coil 96VDC 18W fi13.1 h = 35.7mm B20-110A-18H

Coil 96VDC 18W fi13.1 h = 35.7mm B20-110A-18H

Product code 25125104

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13.1mm

Height - h = 35.7mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 96 VDC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Flucom

Comparison code - B20-110A-18H, B20110A18H

  • net: 105,08 PLN


Coil 96VDC 18W fi13.1 h = 35.7mm B20-110A-18H

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

inner diameter - fi = 13.1mm

Height - h = 35.7mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 96 VDC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Flucom

Comparison code - B20-110A-18H, B20110A18H

net: 105,08 PLN

Coil Flucom 27VDC 18W fi13.1 h=35.7mm
Coil Flucom 27VDC 18W fi13.1 h=35.7mm

Coil Flucom 27VDC 18W fi13.1 h=35.7mm

Product code 25125110

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=13.1mm

Height - h=35.7mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 27 VDC

Power - 18W

Producent - Flucom

Description - B20-27C-18H

Comparison code - 25 125 110, VDE0580

  • net: 103,86 PLN


Coil Flucom 27VDC 18W fi13.1 h=35.7mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

inner diameter - fi=13.1mm

Height - h=35.7mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 27 VDC

Power - 18W

Producent - Flucom

Comparison code - 25 125 110, VDE0580

net: 103,86 PLN

Coil 12VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm
Coil 12VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm

Coil 12VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm

Product code 35125101

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 28.5 watts

Producent - Flucom

Description - B30-12C-28H

  • net: 163,44 PLN


Coil 12VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 28.5 watts

Producent - Flucom

net: 163,44 PLN

Coil 24VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm
Coil 24VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm

Coil 24VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm

Product code 35125102

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 28.5 watts

Producent - Flucom

Description - B30-24C-28H; 1.19A 5ohm

  • net: 157,84 PLN


Coil 24VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 28.5 watts

Producent - Flucom

net: 157,84 PLN

Coil 27VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm
Coil 27VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm

Coil 27VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm

Product code 35125109

Availability: Available (quantity: 12)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 27 VDC

Power - 28.5 watts

Producent - Flucom

Comparison code - B30-27C-28H

  • net: 170,72 PLN


Coil 27VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 12)

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 27 VDC

Power - 28.5 watts

Producent - Flucom

Comparison code - B30-27C-28H

net: 170,72 PLN

Coil Flucom 24VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h=50mm
Coil Flucom 24VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h=50mm

Coil Flucom 24VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h=50mm

Product code 35125119

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 28.5 watts

Producent - Flucom

  • net: 203,13 PLN


Coil Flucom 24VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h=50mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 28.5 watts

Producent - Flucom

net: 203,13 PLN

Coil 12VDC 22W fi13.1 h = 39mm
Coil 12VDC 22W fi13.1 h = 39mm

Coil 12VDC 22W fi13.1 h = 39mm

Product code 25125127

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13.1mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Flucom


Coil 12VDC 22W fi13.1 h = 39mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13.1mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Flucom

Coil 24VDC 22W fi13.1 h = 39mm
Coil 24VDC 22W fi13.1 h = 39mm

Coil 24VDC 22W fi13.1 h = 39mm

Product code 25125128

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13.1mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Flucom


Coil 24VDC 22W fi13.1 h = 39mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13.1mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Flucom

Coil 24VDC fi13 h = 39mm M27
Coil 24VDC fi13 h = 39mm M27

Coil 24VDC fi13 h = 39mm M27

Product code 2514051H

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 120,76 PLN

net: 120,76 PLN

Coil 110RAC 18W fi16.1 h=50mm B20-110A-18H
Coil 110RAC 18W fi16.1 h=50mm B20-110A-18H

Coil 110RAC 18W fi16.1 h=50mm B20-110A-18H

Product code 35125104

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 102,32 PLN

net: 102,32 PLN

Coil 12VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm
Coil 12VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm

Coil 12VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm

Product code 35125118

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 28.5 watts

Producent - Flucom


Coil 12VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 28.5 watts

Producent - Flucom

Coil 27VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm
Coil 27VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm

Coil 27VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm

Product code 35125120

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 27 VDC

Power - 28.5 watts

Producent - Flucom


Coil 27VDC 28.5W fi16.1 h = 50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 27 VDC

Power - 28.5 watts

Producent - Flucom

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