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1500 mAh
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100-240VAC + 12-24VDC
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270g / 9.52oz
345g / 12.17oz
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102.20 x 58.90 x 27.60mm
120.50 x 47.50 x 21.75mm
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Hiab XSDrive 7.2VDC battery original
Hiab XSDrive 7.2VDC battery original

Hiab XSDrive 7.2VDC battery original

Product code 3786692

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Type - Ni-Mh

Capacity - 2000 mAh

Tension - 7.2VDC

Producent - Hiab

Description - Original Hiab XSDrive battery 7.2VDC Replacements: FUA46, FUA43 Chargers: 3787079, FUA45

  • net: 462,28 PLN


Hiab XSDrive 7.2VDC battery original

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Type - Ni-Mh

Capacity - 2000 mAh

Tension - 7.2VDC

Producent - Hiab

net: 462,28 PLN

Hiab Combidrive 7.2VDC battery
Hiab Combidrive 7.2VDC battery

Hiab Combidrive 7.2VDC battery

Product code 9836721

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - Ni-Mh

Capacity - 1800mAh

Tension - 7.2VDC

Producent - Hiab

Description - Original Hiab battery 7.2V 1800mAh - red color Fits Combidrive 5000 transmitters Available replacement: FUA41, CS-HAB400BL Available charger: 9836713

  • net: 649,89 PLN


Hiab Combidrive 7.2VDC battery

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - Ni-Mh

Capacity - 1800mAh

Tension - 7.2VDC

Producent - Hiab

net: 649,89 PLN

Radio control Olsbergs Hiab 8 functions, complete
Radio control Olsbergs Hiab 8 functions, complete

Radio control Olsbergs Hiab 8 functions, complete

Product code 9895001

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - Radio control Olsberg Hiab 8 functions, complete The control includes: Transmitter with stickers 9881557 Receiver 9882499 charger 9836713 2x battery 804572 7.2V 1.6ah Belt 3787125

  • net: 24700,00 PLN

net: 24700,00 PLN

Hiab Combidrive 7.2VDC 2000mAh battery
Hiab Combidrive 7.2VDC 2000mAh battery

Hiab Combidrive 7.2VDC 2000mAh battery

Product code CS-HAB400BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 10) , 30 dni

Product features:

Type - Ni-Mh

Libra - 270g / 9.52oz

Capacity - 2000 mAh

Tension - 7.2VDC

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 102.20 x 58.90 x 27.60mm

Description - Zamiennik Baterii Hiab Combidrive 7,2VDC 2000mAh

Bateria stosowana w Hiab:
Combi drive 5000
Olsberg DOH116A
Hi Drive 4000 ET
Olsbergs DOH116A
Hi Drive 4000
Dulevo 5000 combi
XS Drive
Hiab/Olsbergs Hi Drive 4000

Ładowarka dostępna pod kodem: 9836713

Comparison code - 9836721, 9836713, 2055112, 804572, FUA 41, FUA41, AF-HI40000M, RNBB7215, H984.7669, H2055112, H983.6721, H983.6713, AF-HI4000M, 983.6721, 983.6713

Zastosowanie (producent) - Hiab

  • net: 117,53 PLN


Hiab Combidrive 7.2VDC 2000mAh battery

Availability: Available (quantity: 10) , 30 dni

Type - Ni-Mh

Libra - 270g / 9.52oz

Capacity - 2000 mAh

Tension - 7.2VDC

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 102.20 x 58.90 x 27.60mm

Comparison code - 9836721, 9836713, 2055112, 804572, FUA 41, FUA41, AF-HI40000M, RNBB7215, H984.7669, H2055112, H983.6721, H983.6713, AF-HI4000M, 983.6721, 983.6713

Zastosowanie (producent) - Hiab

net: 117,53 PLN

Hiab XSDrive 3786692 battery 7.2VDC 2000mAh
Hiab XSDrive 3786692 battery 7.2VDC 2000mAh

Hiab XSDrive 3786692 battery 7.2VDC 2000mAh

Product code CS-HAB720BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 30 dni

Product features:

Type - Ni-Mh

Libra - 345g / 12.17oz

Capacity - 2000 mAh

Tension - 7.2VDC

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 120.50 x 47.50 x 21.75mm

Description - Hiab XSDrive 3786692 2000 mAh Battery Replacement Application: XS Drive H3786692 XS Drive H3796692 AX-HI6692 AMH0627 XS Drive

Comparison code - 3786692, 378-6692, 378 6692, HIA7220

  • net: 106,11 PLN


Hiab XSDrive 3786692 battery 7.2VDC 2000mAh

Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 30 dni

Type - Ni-Mh

Libra - 345g / 12.17oz

Capacity - 2000 mAh

Tension - 7.2VDC

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 120.50 x 47.50 x 21.75mm

Comparison code - 3786692, 378-6692, 378 6692, HIA7220

net: 106,11 PLN

NBB NANO / HIAB HiDrive 4000 charger, 100-240VAC or 12-24VDC for 9847669 batteries
NBB NANO / HIAB HiDrive 4000 charger, 100-240VAC or 12-24VDC for 9847669 batteries

NBB NANO / HIAB HiDrive 4000 charger, 100-240VAC or 12-24VDC for 9847669 batteries

Product code FUA20

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Tension - 100-240VAC + 12-24VDC

Producent - NBB

Description - Original NBB charger 12-24VDC 7.2V = 800 / 1000 / 1500 mA Charges batteries: 9847669

Comparison code - 2.250.1449

  • net: 904,62 PLN

net: 904,62 PLN

Hiab Combidrive 7.2VDC battery
Hiab Combidrive 7.2VDC battery

Hiab Combidrive 7.2VDC battery

Product code FUA41

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Type - Ni-Mh

Capacity - 1650 mAh

Tension - 7.2VDC

Producent - LBW GmbH

Description - Replacement battery for Hiab COMBIDRIVE 7.2VDC 1650 mAh Fits COMBIDRIVE 5000 transmitters

Comparison code - 9836721, CS-HAB400BL

  • net: 310,77 PLN


Hiab Combidrive 7.2VDC battery

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Type - Ni-Mh

Capacity - 1650 mAh

Tension - 7.2VDC

Producent - LBW GmbH

Comparison code - 9836721, CS-HAB400BL

net: 310,77 PLN

Hiab CombiDrive 5000 Olsbergs 100-240 VAC loader
Hiab CombiDrive 5000 Olsbergs 100-240 VAC loader

Hiab CombiDrive 5000 Olsbergs 100-240 VAC loader

Product code FUA58

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Tension - 100-240VAC

Description - Replacement for the original Olsbergs 9836713 charger Charges batteries: 9836721, 2055112, 804572, HIA7216 Voltage: 100-240 VAC 50/60HZ -- 0.8A

  • net: 633,77 PLN

net: 633,77 PLN

Olsbergs Hiab radio remote control 6 functions
Olsbergs Hiab radio remote control 6 functions

Olsbergs Hiab radio remote control 6 functions

Product code U-9826564

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - Used Olsberg Hiab 6 function remote control

  • net: 7500,00 PLN

net: 7500,00 PLN

HiDrive NBB joystick
HiDrive NBB joystick

HiDrive NBB joystick

Product code 3.660.1016

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Description - Joystick for HIAB NANO-L-A1 transmitter, black PA6.6-GF30

  • net: 657,14 PLN

net: 657,14 PLN

Hiab XS Drive 10-35VDC charger for 3786692 battery
Hiab XS Drive 10-35VDC charger for 3786692 battery

Hiab XS Drive 10-35VDC charger for 3786692 battery

Product code 3787079

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Tension - 10-35VDC

Producent - Hiab

Description - Hiab XS Drive Charger 10-35VDC for 3786692 IP21 Battery

Comparison code - 378 7079

  • net: 1295,36 PLN


Hiab XS Drive 10-35VDC charger for 3786692 battery

Availability: Currently not available

Tension - 10-35VDC

Producent - Hiab

Comparison code - 378 7079

net: 1295,36 PLN

Hiab XS drive 3779190 radio transmitter
Hiab XS drive 3779190 radio transmitter

Hiab XS drive 3779190 radio transmitter

Product code 3864103

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 15760,00 PLN

net: 15760,00 PLN

Hiab XS Drive radio transmitter repair kit
Hiab XS Drive radio transmitter repair kit

Hiab XS Drive radio transmitter repair kit

Product code 3873136

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Description - Hiab XS Drive radio transmitter repair kit

Comparison code - 387-3136

  • net: 1172,99 PLN

net: 1172,99 PLN

Panel CombiDrive Olsberg
Panel CombiDrive Olsberg

Panel CombiDrive Olsberg

Product code 9823611

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Description - CombiDrive Olsberg panel cover

Hiab Olsbergs COMBIDRIVE 5000 charger 12-24VDC for 9836721 battery
Hiab Olsbergs COMBIDRIVE 5000 charger 12-24VDC for 9836721 battery

Hiab Olsbergs COMBIDRIVE 5000 charger 12-24VDC for 9836721 battery

Product code 9836713

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Tension - 12/24VDC

Producent - Hiab

Description - HIAB OLSBERG COMBIDRIVE 5000 charger 12-24VDC for 9836721 battery

  • net: 2176,46 PLN

net: 2176,46 PLN

Hiab HiDrive NBB 7.2VDC battery
Hiab HiDrive NBB 7.2VDC battery

Hiab HiDrive NBB 7.2VDC battery

Product code 9847669

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Type - Ni-Mh

Capacity - 1500 mAh

Tension - 7.2VDC

Producent - Hiab

Description - Battery Hiab HiDrive NBB 7.2VDC Equivalents / Replacements: 2.260.1020 - 1500 mAh 2.260.1022 - 2400 mAh FUA13 2.250.2011

Comparison code - 2.250.1000, 2.250.2010, 22502011, 3.820.2032, RNBB7215, NBB NANO

  • net: 871,00 PLN


Hiab HiDrive NBB 7.2VDC battery

Availability: Currently not available

Type - Ni-Mh

Capacity - 1500 mAh

Tension - 7.2VDC

Producent - Hiab

Comparison code - 2.250.1000, 2.250.2010, 22502011, 3.820.2032, RNBB7215, NBB NANO

net: 871,00 PLN

Hiab XSDrive 3786692 7.2VDC battery
Hiab XSDrive 3786692 7.2VDC battery

Hiab XSDrive 3786692 7.2VDC battery

Product code FUA43

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Type - Ni-Mh

Tension - 7.2VDC

Description - Hiab XSDrive Battery 7.2VDC 2000 mAh (Replacement for 3786692) HIAB Battery Replacement

Comparison code - 378-6692, 378 6692, FUA46, 3786692

  • net: 354,27 PLN


Hiab XSDrive 3786692 7.2VDC battery

Availability: Currently not available

Type - Ni-Mh

Tension - 7.2VDC

Comparison code - 378-6692, 378 6692, FUA46, 3786692

net: 354,27 PLN

Replacement for Hiab XS Drive 100-240VAC + 12-24VDC charger for 3786692 battery
Replacement for Hiab XS Drive 100-240VAC + 12-24VDC charger for 3786692 battery

Replacement for Hiab XS Drive 100-240VAC + 12-24VDC charger for 3786692 battery

Product code FUA45

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Tension - 100-240VAC + 12-24VDC


  • net: 825,06 PLN

net: 825,06 PLN

Battery for Hiab XSDrive 3786692 7.2VDC 2000 mAh
Battery for Hiab XSDrive 3786692 7.2VDC 2000 mAh

Battery for Hiab XSDrive 3786692 7.2VDC 2000 mAh

Product code FUA46

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Type - Ni-Mh

Tension - 7.2VDC

Description - Hiab XSDrive battery replacement with low self-discharge. Replacement Battery HIAB: 3786692, 378-6692, 378 6692, FUA43

  • net: 312,20 PLN

net: 312,20 PLN

HiDrive NBB joystick
HiDrive NBB joystick

HiDrive NBB joystick

Product code HiDrive-Joystick

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Description - Joystick for HIAB NANO-L-A1 transmitter, blackComparative code: 3.660.1016 2.200.2041

  • net: 788,57 PLN

net: 788,57 PLN

HiDrive NBB transmitter stop button
HiDrive NBB transmitter stop button

HiDrive NBB transmitter stop button

Product code HiDrive-Stop

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 559,41 PLN

net: 559,41 PLN

Hiab Olsbergs charger 9836713 12-24VDC - used, working order
Hiab Olsbergs charger 9836713 12-24VDC - used, working order

Hiab Olsbergs charger 9836713 12-24VDC - used, working order

Product code U-9836713

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Description - Used HIAB OLSBERG COMBIDRIVE 5000 12-24VDC charger

  • net: 1600,00 PLN

net: 1600,00 PLN

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