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Galtech Q25/45/30/GSV50-VLP(R) overflow valve 180-350 bar
Galtech Q25/45/30/GSV50-VLP(R) overflow valve 180-350 bar

Galtech Q25/45/30/GSV50-VLP(R) overflow valve 180-350 bar

Product code 02550F1S-R

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - Galtech Q25/45/30/GSV50-VLP(R) overflow valve 180-350 bar

Comparison code - RDGA75002020

  • net: 198,80 PLN

net: 198,80 PLN

Lever console Galtech Q25 Q30 Q50 Q95
Lever console Galtech Q25 Q30 Q50 Q95

Lever console Galtech Q25 Q30 Q50 Q95

Product code 03600A1-A2

Availability: Available (quantity: 18)

Product features:

Description - Galtech Q25 Q30 Q35 Q45 Q50 GSV50 lever console Bolt spacing: 28x28mm Thread for lever: M8 Length: 42mm Height: 85.5 mm

Comparison code - RDGA75001010

  • net: 79,12 PLN

net: 79,12 PLN

Galtech Q25, Q35, Q45, GSV50 spring dome M1 type
Galtech Q25, Q35, Q45, GSV50 spring dome M1 type

Galtech Q25, Q35, Q45, GSV50 spring dome M1 type

Product code 03730M1

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Description - The M1 cap is on a spring at the "back" of the distributor. Bolt spacing: 28mm. Total length: 42mm.

Comparison code - RDGA75001032

  • net: 28,00 PLN

net: 28,00 PLN

Osłona gumowa kopułki A1/Q75 06.093.28172.99
Osłona gumowa kopułki A1/Q75 06.093.28172.99

Osłona gumowa kopułki A1/Q75 06.093.28172.99

Product code 060932817299

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

Product features:

Producent - Galtech

Description - Osłona gumowa kopułki Q75, Q80, Q95 typ A1

Comparison code - 06.093.28172.99

  • net: 30,00 PLN

net: 30,00 PLN

Galtech Q75, Q95, Q80 type A1 lever console
Galtech Q75, Q95, Q80 type A1 lever console

Galtech Q75, Q95, Q80 type A1 lever console

Product code 08600A1-A2

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - Bolt pitch 36mm Comparison code: RDGA75001110

  • net: 105,00 PLN

net: 105,00 PLN

Lever console Galtech Q25 Q45 Q30 Q50 type A1 / D4
Lever console Galtech Q25 Q45 Q30 Q50 type A1 / D4

Lever console Galtech Q25 Q45 Q30 Q50 type A1 / D4

Product code D018-030-A1D4

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - The console comes in two versions (old type and new type)

  • net: 121,43 PLN

net: 121,43 PLN

Galtech A1-D4 / A2-D4 lever console
Galtech A1-D4 / A2-D4 lever console

Galtech A1-D4 / A2-D4 lever console

Product code 01210661

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 180,87 PLN

net: 180,87 PLN

Galtech Q25 / 45/30 / GSV50-VLP (N) 80-200 bar overflow valve
Galtech Q25 / 45/30 / GSV50-VLP (N) 80-200 bar overflow valve

Galtech Q25 / 45/30 / GSV50-VLP (N) 80-200 bar overflow valve

Product code 02550F1S-N

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Comparison code - RDGA75002022

  • net: 162,50 PLN

net: 162,50 PLN

Galtech Q25 Q30 Q35 Q45 Q50 GSV50 lever console
Galtech Q25 Q30 Q35 Q45 Q50 GSV50 lever console

Galtech Q25 Q30 Q35 Q45 Q50 GSV50 lever console

Product code 03610A1-A2

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Description - Galtech Q25 Q30 Q35 Q45 Q50 GSV50 lever console Bolt spacing: 28x28mm Thread for lever: M8 Length: 42mm Height: 85.5 mm Material: aluminum

  • net: 163,04 PLN

net: 163,04 PLN

Galtech Q25 slider latch, R3 type
Galtech Q25 slider latch, R3 type

Galtech Q25 slider latch, R3 type

Product code 03743R3

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Description - Galtech Q25 slider latch type R3

Comparison code - 03743 R3, RDGA75005020

  • net: 64,00 PLN

net: 64,00 PLN

V32-NN anti-shock valve for GSV50 / Q50
V32-NN anti-shock valve for GSV50 / Q50

V32-NN anti-shock valve for GSV50 / Q50

Product code 03802V32-NN

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - V32-NN anti-shock valve for GSV50/Q50

  • net: 157,14 PLN

net: 157,14 PLN

Distributor lever Q95 L = 205mm
Distributor lever Q95 L = 205mm

Distributor lever Q95 L = 205mm

Product code 06.029.27013.99

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Description - Distributor lever L=205mm Application: Q75/Q80/Q95/Q130

Comparison code - RDGA75003020

  • net: 12,00 PLN

net: 12,00 PLN

Galtech Q75, Q95, Q85 spring dome M1 type
Galtech Q75, Q95, Q85 spring dome M1 type

Galtech Q75, Q95, Q85 spring dome M1 type

Product code 08730M1

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Description - Comparative code: RDGA75001125

  • net: 58,00 PLN

net: 58,00 PLN

Galtech spring
Galtech spring

Galtech spring

Product code A1D4

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 8,00 PLN

net: 8,00 PLN

Galtech 03630 SL lever console
Galtech 03630 SL lever console

Galtech 03630 SL lever console

Product code D018-030-SL

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 191,64 PLN

net: 191,64 PLN

Galtech A1-D4 lever screw
Galtech A1-D4 lever screw

Galtech A1-D4 lever screw

Product code D018-154006010

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 5,50 PLN

net: 5,50 PLN

Overflow valve VLP, 35S-N 30 - 280 bar
Overflow valve VLP, 35S-N 30 - 280 bar

Overflow valve VLP, 35S-N 30 - 280 bar

Product code SQ925VVLP

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Description - Pressure relief valve VLP, 35S-N 30 - 280 bar Application: Q25, Q45, GSV50

  • net: 86,44 PLN

net: 86,44 PLN

V32-NN anti-shock valve for GSV50/Q50
V32-NN anti-shock valve for GSV50/Q50

V32-NN anti-shock valve for GSV50/Q50

Product code V32-NN

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 157,14 PLN

net: 157,14 PLN

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