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Exchange rate
Currency Rate
Purchase Sale
EUR 4,1575 4,2415
USD 4,0123 4,0933
*Tabela C NBP
EUR 4,0076 4,3764
USD 3,8613 4,2167
*BNP Paribas

Villa Hydraulics

Clear filters
max. pressure
220 bars
250 bars
260 bar
260 bars
280 bar
300 bar
300 bars
320 bars
350 bar
350 bars
400 bar
400 bars
500 bar
select all
max. flow
17/25 l/min
17/27 l/min
25 l/min
30/30 l/min
30 l/min
35 l/min
40/50 l/min
40 l/min
45 l/min
50 l/min
50/80 l/min
60 l/min
80 l/min
80/110 l/min
90 l/min
100 l/min
110/160 l/min
110 l/min
120 l/min
130 l/min
140 l/min
150 l/min
180 l/min
250 l/min
380 l/min
select all
pilot rate
select all
Connection type
1 1/2" BSP
1/2" BSP
1/4" BSPP
1 1/4" BSP
1" BSP
1/2" BSP
1/4" BSP
3/8" BSPP
3/8" BSP
3/4" BSP
3/8" BSP
select all
Villa Hydraulics
select all
Setting range
5-50 bar
30-260 bars
50-350 bars
100-350 bars
130-350 bars
select all
Single-acting check valve for 1/2" BSP M26x1.5 actuator
Single-acting check valve for 1/2" BSP M26x1.5 actuator

Single-acting check valve for 1/2" BSP M26x1.5 actuator

Product code CBA03

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

max. pressure - 260 bar

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Single-acting check valve for 1/2" BSP M26x1.5 actuator

  • net: 31,23 PLN


Single-acting check valve for 1/2" BSP M26x1.5 actuator

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

max. pressure - 260 bar

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 31,23 PLN

Double check valve 3/8" BSP 100-350 bar
Double check valve 3/8" BSP 100-350 bar

Double check valve 3/8" BSP 100-350 bar

Product code CBDL35RCC0230

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 40 l/min

Setting range - 100-350 bars

pilot rate - 4.2:1

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - "Dual overcenter" hydraulic lock 3/8" BSP 100-350 bar Body dimensions: 151x80x30mm

  • net: 459,12 PLN


Double check valve 3/8" BSP 100-350 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 40 l/min

Setting range - 100-350 bars

pilot rate - 4.2:1

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 459,12 PLN

Villa hydraulics TR Series Single Acting CC 3/8" BSP Check Valve
Villa hydraulics TR Series Single Acting CC 3/8" BSP Check Valve

Villa hydraulics TR Series Single Acting CC 3/8" BSP Check Valve

Product code CBSEPFB02

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 40 l/min

Setting range - 100-350 bars

pilot rate - 4.2:1

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Single Acting Villa Hydraulics TR Series CC Type 3/8" BSP Check Valve Prepared 3/8" Gauge Port C1 Banjo Bolt Port

Comparison code - CBSEPFCC 02

  • net: 345,00 PLN


Villa hydraulics TR Series Single Acting CC 3/8" BSP Check Valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 40 l/min

Setting range - 100-350 bars

pilot rate - 4.2:1

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Comparison code - CBSEPFCC 02

net: 345,00 PLN

Single check valve 3/8" BSP 100-350 bar
Single check valve 3/8" BSP 100-350 bar

Single check valve 3/8" BSP 100-350 bar

Product code CBSLRCC0230

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 40 l/min

Setting range - 100-350 bars

pilot rate - 4.2:1

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - "Single overcenter" hydraulic lock 3/8" BSP 100-350 bar Body dimensions: 109x55x30mm

  • net: 302,03 PLN


Single check valve 3/8" BSP 100-350 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 40 l/min

Setting range - 100-350 bars

pilot rate - 4.2:1

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 302,03 PLN

Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 1/4" BSP 0.5 BAR
Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 1/4" BSP 0.5 BAR

Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 1/4" BSP 0.5 BAR

Product code CVL01

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bars

max. flow - 30L/min

Connection type - 1/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

  • net: 60,22 PLN


Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 1/4" BSP 0.5 BAR

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

max. pressure - 400 bars

max. flow - 30L/min

Connection type - 1/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 60,22 PLN

Linear check valve 3/8" BSP 0.5 BAR
Linear check valve 3/8" BSP 0.5 BAR

Linear check valve 3/8" BSP 0.5 BAR

Product code CVL02

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

max. flow - 50 l/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

  • net: 50,00 PLN


Linear check valve 3/8" BSP 0.5 BAR

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 400 bar

max. flow - 50 l/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 50,00 PLN

Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 1/2" BSP 0.5 BAR
Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 1/2" BSP 0.5 BAR

Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 1/2" BSP 0.5 BAR

Product code CVL03

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 90 l/min

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

  • net: 28,47 PLN


Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 1/2" BSP 0.5 BAR

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 90 l/min

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 28,47 PLN

Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 1"1/2 BSP 0.5 BAR
Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 1"1/2 BSP 0.5 BAR

Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 1"1/2 BSP 0.5 BAR

Product code CVL07

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 220 bars

max. flow - 380 l/min

Connection type - 1 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

  • net: 139,99 PLN


Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 1"1/2 BSP 0.5 BAR

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 220 bars

max. flow - 380 l/min

Connection type - 1 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 139,99 PLN

NC limit valve 3/8" BSP
NC limit valve 3/8" BSP

NC limit valve 3/8" BSP

Product code ESCD02

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 30L/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Normally closed limit valve, double control Body dimensions: 65x60x30mm

  • net: 107,83 PLN


NC limit valve 3/8" BSP

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 30L/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 107,83 PLN

NC limit valve 1/2" BSP
NC limit valve 1/2" BSP

NC limit valve 1/2" BSP

Product code ESCD03

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 60 l/min

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Normally closed limit valve, double control Body dimensions: 77x70x35mm

  • net: 102,21 PLN


NC limit valve 1/2" BSP

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 60 l/min

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 102,21 PLN

End stroke valve normally open, single check 1/2 "BSP
End stroke valve normally open, single check 1/2 "BSP

End stroke valve normally open, single check 1/2 "BSP

Product code ESOP03

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bar

max. flow - 60 l/min

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Zawór krańcowy normalnie otwarty
Wymiary korpusu: 65x60x30mm

  • net: 162,85 PLN


End stroke valve normally open, single check 1/2 "BSP

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

max. pressure - 350 bar

max. flow - 60 l/min

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 162,85 PLN

3/8 "BSP 90 ° throttle check valve
3/8 "BSP 90 ° throttle check valve

3/8 "BSP 90 ° throttle check valve

Product code FRU9002

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bar

max. flow - 50 l/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Zawór dławiąco-zwrotny 3/8" BSP 90°

  • net: 120,71 PLN


3/8 "BSP 90 ° throttle check valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 350 bar

max. flow - 50 l/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 120,71 PLN

OFC 1/2" BSP barrel throttling check valve
OFC 1/2" BSP barrel throttling check valve

OFC 1/2" BSP barrel throttling check valve

Product code FRUB03

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 50/80 l/min

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Description - 1/2" BSP barrel throttle check valve

  • net: 196,38 PLN


OFC 1/2" BSP barrel throttling check valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 50/80 l/min

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

net: 196,38 PLN

"FF" in-line 1/4 "BSP safety valve
"FF" in-line 1/4 "BSP safety valve

"FF" in-line 1/4 "BSP safety valve

Product code HBV01FF

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 25 l/min

Connection type - 1/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

  • net: 39,42 PLN


"FF" in-line 1/4 "BSP safety valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 25 l/min

Connection type - 1/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 39,42 PLN

Double check valve without regulation 1/2” BSP 35 l/m 260 bar
Double check valve without regulation 1/2” BSP 35 l/m 260 bar

Double check valve without regulation 1/2” BSP 35 l/m 260 bar

Product code LVDL25

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 260 bar

max. flow - 35 l/min

pilot rate - 1:7

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

  • net: 239,59 PLN


Double check valve without regulation 1/2” BSP 35 l/m 260 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 260 bar

max. flow - 35 l/min

pilot rate - 1:7

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 239,59 PLN

Double check valve 3/8 "BSP 45 l / min
Double check valve 3/8 "BSP 45 l / min

Double check valve 3/8 "BSP 45 l / min

Product code LVDT02

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

max. pressure - 300 bar

max. flow - 45 l/min

pilot rate - 1:4

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

  • net: 158,21 PLN


Double check valve 3/8 "BSP 45 l / min

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

max. pressure - 300 bar

max. flow - 45 l/min

pilot rate - 1:4

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 158,21 PLN

Support lock Villa Hydraulics 1/2"; 65 l/min - 8 Bar
Support lock Villa Hydraulics 1/2"; 65 l/min - 8 Bar

Support lock Villa Hydraulics 1/2"; 65 l/min - 8 Bar

Product code LVSFLR038

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 50 l/min

pilot rate - 3.2:1

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Villa Hydraulics support lock 1/2" Body dimensions: 95x70x34.5mm

Comparison code - LVSFLR03 8

  • net: 401,86 PLN


Support lock Villa Hydraulics 1/2"; 65 l/min - 8 Bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 50 l/min

pilot rate - 3.2:1

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Comparison code - LVSFLR03 8

net: 401,86 PLN

Relief valve 80 LPM 1/2" BSP 30-260 BAR
Relief valve 80 LPM 1/2" BSP 30-260 BAR

Relief valve 80 LPM 1/2" BSP 30-260 BAR

Product code PRL800320A

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 80 l/min

Setting range - 30-260 bars

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

  • net: 218,57 PLN


Relief valve 80 LPM 1/2" BSP 30-260 BAR

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 80 l/min

Setting range - 30-260 bars

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 218,57 PLN

Overflow valve 80 LPM 1/2 "BSP 130-350 BAR
Overflow valve 80 LPM 1/2 "BSP 130-350 BAR

Overflow valve 80 LPM 1/2 "BSP 130-350 BAR

Product code PRL800330A

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 80 l/min

Setting range - 130-350 bars

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

  • net: 218,57 PLN


Overflow valve 80 LPM 1/2 "BSP 130-350 BAR

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 80 l/min

Setting range - 130-350 bars

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 218,57 PLN

Relief valve 80 LPM 3/4" BSP 30-260 BAR
Relief valve 80 LPM 3/4" BSP 30-260 BAR

Relief valve 80 LPM 3/4" BSP 30-260 BAR

Product code PRL800420A

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 80 l/min

Setting range - 30-260 bars

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

  • net: 218,57 PLN


Relief valve 80 LPM 3/4" BSP 30-260 BAR

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 80 l/min

Setting range - 30-260 bars

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 218,57 PLN

Villa hydraulics 1/4" logic valve
Villa hydraulics 1/4" logic valve

Villa hydraulics 1/4" logic valve

Product code SHV01

Availability: Available (quantity: 9)

Product features:

max. pressure - 500 bar

max. flow - 35 l/min

Connection type - 1/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Villa hydraulics logic valve with galvanized steel body Body dimensions: 69x35x25mm

  • net: 88,00 PLN


Villa hydraulics 1/4" logic valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 9)

max. pressure - 500 bar

max. flow - 35 l/min

Connection type - 1/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 88,00 PLN

Villa hydraulics logic valve 3/8"
Villa hydraulics logic valve 3/8"

Villa hydraulics logic valve 3/8"

Product code SHV02

Availability: Available (quantity: 20)

Product features:

max. pressure - 500 bar

max. flow - 50 l/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Villa hydraulics logic valve with galvanized steel body Body dimensions: 75x45x30mm

  • net: 96,00 PLN


Villa hydraulics logic valve 3/8"

Availability: Available (quantity: 20)

max. pressure - 500 bar

max. flow - 50 l/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 96,00 PLN

Villa hydraulics 1/2" logic valve
Villa hydraulics 1/2" logic valve

Villa hydraulics 1/2" logic valve

Product code SHV03

Availability: Available (quantity: 14)

Product features:

max. pressure - 500 bar

max. flow - 90 l/min

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Villa hydraulics logic valve with galvanized steel body Body dimensions: 94x50x35mm

  • net: 110,00 PLN


Villa hydraulics 1/2" logic valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 14)

max. pressure - 500 bar

max. flow - 90 l/min

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 110,00 PLN

Linear sequential valve Villa hydraulics 3/8" BSP; 40 l/min; 30-120 bar
Linear sequential valve Villa hydraulics 3/8" BSP; 40 l/min; 30-120 bar

Linear sequential valve Villa hydraulics 3/8" BSP; 40 l/min; 30-120 bar

Product code SVL0210

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 40 l/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Linear sequential valve Villa hydraulics 3/8" BSP; 40 l/min; 30-120 bar

  • net: 245,90 PLN


Linear sequential valve Villa hydraulics 3/8" BSP; 40 l/min; 30-120 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 40 l/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 245,90 PLN

Linear sequential valve Villa hydraulics 1/2" BSP; 80 l/min; 30-140 bar
Linear sequential valve Villa hydraulics 1/2" BSP; 80 l/min; 30-140 bar

Linear sequential valve Villa hydraulics 1/2" BSP; 80 l/min; 30-140 bar

Product code SVL0310

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 80 l/min

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Linear sequential valve Villa hydraulics 1/2" BSP; 80 l/min; 30-140 bar

  • net: 229,08 PLN


Linear sequential valve Villa hydraulics 1/2" BSP; 80 l/min; 30-140 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 80 l/min

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 229,08 PLN

Linear sequential valve Villa hydraulics 1/2" BSP; 100 l/min; 50-140 bar
Linear sequential valve Villa hydraulics 1/2" BSP; 100 l/min; 50-140 bar

Linear sequential valve Villa hydraulics 1/2" BSP; 100 l/min; 50-140 bar

Product code SVLCC0310

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 100 l/min

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Linear sequence valve 1/2" BSP 100 LPM 50-140 bar

  • net: 239,50 PLN


Linear sequential valve Villa hydraulics 1/2" BSP; 100 l/min; 50-140 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 100 l/min

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 239,50 PLN

Linear sequential valve Villa hydraulics 3/4" BSP; 120 l/min; 80-250 bar
Linear sequential valve Villa hydraulics 3/4" BSP; 120 l/min; 80-250 bar

Linear sequential valve Villa hydraulics 3/4" BSP; 120 l/min; 80-250 bar

Product code SVLCC0420

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 120 l/min

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Linear sequence valve 3/4" BSP 120 LPM 80-250 bar

  • net: 400,70 PLN


Linear sequential valve Villa hydraulics 3/4" BSP; 120 l/min; 80-250 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 120 l/min

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 400,70 PLN

1/4 "linear throttle check valve FCV-1-90-1 / 4G (TYPE: DRV / VRFU)
1/4 "linear throttle check valve FCV-1-90-1 / 4G (TYPE: DRV / VRFU)

1/4 "linear throttle check valve FCV-1-90-1 / 4G (TYPE: DRV / VRFU)

Product code 21E02B0130020

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

max. flow - 15L/min

Connection type - 1/4" BSPP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Linear Throttle Check Valve 1/4" FCV-1-90-1/4G (TYPE: DRV/VRFU)

Comparison code - 21E02B0130020N1, 21-E-02-B01-3-0-02-0

  • net: 121,48 PLN


1/4 "linear throttle check valve FCV-1-90-1 / 4G (TYPE: DRV / VRFU)

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

max. flow - 15L/min

Connection type - 1/4" BSPP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Comparison code - 21E02B0130020N1, 21-E-02-B01-3-0-02-0

net: 121,48 PLN

3/8 "linear throttle valve FCV-1-90-3 / 8G (TYPE: DRV / VRFU)
3/8 "linear throttle valve FCV-1-90-3 / 8G (TYPE: DRV / VRFU)

3/8 "linear throttle valve FCV-1-90-3 / 8G (TYPE: DRV / VRFU)

Product code 21E02B0130030

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

max. flow - 30L/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSPP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Linear Throttle Check Valve 3/8" FCV-1-90-3/8G (TYPE: DRV/VRFU)

Comparison code - 21E02B0130030N1, 21-E-02-B01-3-0-03-0

  • net: 74,87 PLN


3/8 "linear throttle valve FCV-1-90-3 / 8G (TYPE: DRV / VRFU)

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

max. flow - 30L/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSPP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Comparison code - 21E02B0130030N1, 21-E-02-B01-3-0-03-0

net: 74,87 PLN

Villa hydraulics 1/2" BSP brake valve
Villa hydraulics 1/2" BSP brake valve

Villa hydraulics 1/2" BSP brake valve

Product code CB150DLF03

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 150 l/min

Setting range - 100-350 bars

pilot rate - 4:1

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Villa hydraulics 1/2" BSP brake valve

  • net: 483,19 PLN


Villa hydraulics 1/2" BSP brake valve

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 150 l/min

Setting range - 100-350 bars

pilot rate - 4:1

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 483,19 PLN

Villa hydraulics 3/4" BSP brake valve
Villa hydraulics 3/4" BSP brake valve

Villa hydraulics 3/4" BSP brake valve

Product code CB150DLF04

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 150 l/min

Setting range - 100-350 bars

pilot rate - 4:1

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Villa hydraulics 3/4" BSP brake valve


Villa hydraulics 3/4" BSP brake valve

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 150 l/min

Setting range - 100-350 bars

pilot rate - 4:1

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 3/4" BSP 0.5 BAR
Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 3/4" BSP 0.5 BAR

Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 3/4" BSP 0.5 BAR

Product code CVL04

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 300 bars

max. flow - 130 l/min

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

  • net: 66,89 PLN


Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 3/4" BSP 0.5 BAR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 300 bars

max. flow - 130 l/min

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 66,89 PLN

Villa hydraulics 1" BSP 0.5 BAR in-line check valve
Villa hydraulics 1" BSP 0.5 BAR in-line check valve

Villa hydraulics 1" BSP 0.5 BAR in-line check valve

Product code CVL05

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 280 bar

max. flow - 180 l/min

Connection type - 1" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

  • net: 66,29 PLN


Villa hydraulics 1" BSP 0.5 BAR in-line check valve

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 280 bar

max. flow - 180 l/min

Connection type - 1" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 66,29 PLN

Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 1"1/4 BSP 0.5 BAR
Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 1"1/4 BSP 0.5 BAR

Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 1"1/4 BSP 0.5 BAR

Product code CVL06

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 260 bars

max. flow - 250 l/min

Connection type - 1 1/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

  • net: 91,59 PLN


Villa hydraulics in-line check valve 1"1/4 BSP 0.5 BAR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 260 bars

max. flow - 250 l/min

Connection type - 1 1/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 91,59 PLN

End valve 3/8" BSP NO
End valve 3/8" BSP NO

End valve 3/8" BSP NO

Product code ESOP02

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bar

max. flow - 30 l/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Zawór krańcowy normalnie otwarty
Wymiary korpusu: 65x60x30mm

  • net: 372,24 PLN


End valve 3/8" BSP NO

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bar

max. flow - 30 l/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 372,24 PLN

Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 1/4" M25x1
Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 1/4" M25x1

Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 1/4" M25x1

Product code FRB9001

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 30L/min

Connection type - 1/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Villa Hydraulics throttling valve with galvanized steel body


Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 1/4" M25x1

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 30L/min

Connection type - 1/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 3/8" M25x1
Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 3/8" M25x1

Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 3/8" M25x1

Product code FRB9002

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 40 l/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Villa Hydraulics throttling valve with galvanized steel body


Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 3/8" M25x1

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 40 l/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 1/2" M25x1
Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 1/2" M25x1

Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 1/2" M25x1

Product code FRB9003

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 50 l/min

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Villa Hydraulics throttling valve with galvanized steel body


Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 1/2" M25x1

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 50 l/min

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 3/4" M35x1
Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 3/4" M35x1

Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 3/4" M35x1

Product code FRB9004

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 320 bars

max. flow - 80 l/min

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Villa Hydraulics throttling valve with galvanized steel body

  • net: 224,30 PLN


Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 3/4" M35x1

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 320 bars

max. flow - 80 l/min

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 224,30 PLN

Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 1" M35x1
Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 1" M35x1

Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 1" M35x1

Product code FRB9005

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 300 bar

max. flow - 110 l/min

Connection type - 1" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Villa Hydraulics throttling valve with galvanized steel body


Throttle valve Villa Hydraulics FRB90 1" M35x1

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 300 bar

max. flow - 110 l/min

Connection type - 1" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Villa hydraulics flow regulator 1/4" BSP 90°
Villa hydraulics flow regulator 1/4" BSP 90°

Villa hydraulics flow regulator 1/4" BSP 90°

Product code FRC9001

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 250 bars

max. flow - 17/25 l/min

Connection type - 1/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Villa hydraulics flow regulator 1/4" BSP 90°

  • net: 114,50 PLN


Villa hydraulics flow regulator 1/4" BSP 90°

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 250 bars

max. flow - 17/25 l/min

Connection type - 1/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 114,50 PLN

Villa hydraulics flow regulator 3/8" BSP 90°
Villa hydraulics flow regulator 3/8" BSP 90°

Villa hydraulics flow regulator 3/8" BSP 90°

Product code FRC9002

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 250 bars

max. flow - 17/27 l/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Villa hydraulics flow regulator 3/8" BSP 90°


Villa hydraulics flow regulator 3/8" BSP 90°

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 250 bars

max. flow - 17/27 l/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

1/2 "BSP 90 ° throttle check valve
1/2 "BSP 90 ° throttle check valve

1/2 "BSP 90 ° throttle check valve

Product code FRU9003

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 79,50 PLN

net: 79,50 PLN

OFC 1/4" BSP barrel throttling check valve
OFC 1/4" BSP barrel throttling check valve

OFC 1/4" BSP barrel throttling check valve

Product code FRUB01

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 30/30 l/min

Connection type - 1/4" BSP

Description - 1/4" BSP barrel throttle check valve


OFC 1/4" BSP barrel throttling check valve

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 30/30 l/min

Connection type - 1/4" BSP

OFC 3/8" BSP barrel throttling check valve
OFC 3/8" BSP barrel throttling check valve

OFC 3/8" BSP barrel throttling check valve

Product code FRUB02

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 40/50 l/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Description - 3/8" BSP barrel throttle check valve


OFC 3/8" BSP barrel throttling check valve

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 40/50 l/min

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

OFC 3/4" BSP barrel throttling check valve
OFC 3/4" BSP barrel throttling check valve

OFC 3/4" BSP barrel throttling check valve

Product code FRUB04

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 300 bar

max. flow - 80/110 l/min

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Description - 3/4" BSP barrel throttle check valve


OFC 3/4" BSP barrel throttling check valve

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 300 bar

max. flow - 80/110 l/min

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

OFC 1" BSP barrel throttling check valve
OFC 1" BSP barrel throttling check valve

OFC 1" BSP barrel throttling check valve

Product code FRUB05

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 250 bars

max. flow - 110/160 l/min

Connection type - 1" BSP

Description - 1" BSP barrel throttling check valve


OFC 1" BSP barrel throttling check valve

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 250 bars

max. flow - 110/160 l/min

Connection type - 1" BSP

Double flange check valve 1/4" BSP 20 l/m
Double flange check valve 1/4" BSP 20 l/m

Double flange check valve 1/4" BSP 20 l/m

Product code LVDF01

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 260 bars

max. flow - 20L/min

pilot rate - 1:4

Connection type - 1/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Twin check valve, controlled 1/4" Body dimensions: 90x50x30

  • net: 285,98 PLN


Double flange check valve 1/4" BSP 20 l/m

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 260 bars

max. flow - 20L/min

pilot rate - 1:4

Connection type - 1/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 285,98 PLN

Double flange check valve 3/8" BSP 35 l/m
Double flange check valve 3/8" BSP 35 l/m

Double flange check valve 3/8" BSP 35 l/m

Product code LVDF02

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 260 bar

max. flow - 35 l/min

pilot rate - 1:7

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Twin check valve, controlled 3/8" Body dimensions: 96x60x35

Comparison code - VPDE02F

  • net: 230,00 PLN


Double flange check valve 3/8" BSP 35 l/m

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 260 bar

max. flow - 35 l/min

pilot rate - 1:7

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Comparison code - VPDE02F

net: 230,00 PLN

Double flange check valve 1/2" BSP 60 l/m
Double flange check valve 1/2" BSP 60 l/m

Double flange check valve 1/2" BSP 60 l/m

Product code LVDF03

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 260 bars

max. flow - 60 l/min

pilot rate - 1:3.4

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Twin check valve, controlled 1/2" Body dimensions: 110x70x35


Double flange check valve 1/2" BSP 60 l/m

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 260 bars

max. flow - 60 l/min

pilot rate - 1:3.4

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Double flange check valve 3/4" BSP 100 l/m
Double flange check valve 3/4" BSP 100 l/m

Double flange check valve 3/4" BSP 100 l/m

Product code LVDF04

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 260 bar

max. flow - 100 l/min

pilot rate - 1:4

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Twin check valve, controlled 3/4" Body dimensions: 165x90x50


Double flange check valve 3/4" BSP 100 l/m

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 260 bar

max. flow - 100 l/min

pilot rate - 1:4

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Double flange check valve 3/8" BSP 20 l/m
Double flange check valve 3/8" BSP 20 l/m

Double flange check valve 3/8" BSP 20 l/m

Product code LVDF15

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 260 bar

max. flow - 20L/min

pilot rate - 1:4

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Twin check valve, controlled 3/8" Body dimensions: 90x50x30


Double flange check valve 3/8" BSP 20 l/m

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 260 bar

max. flow - 20L/min

pilot rate - 1:4

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Double flange check valve 1/2" BSP 35 l/m
Double flange check valve 1/2" BSP 35 l/m

Double flange check valve 1/2" BSP 35 l/m

Product code LVDF25

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 260 bar

max. flow - 35 l/min

pilot rate - 1:7

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Twin check valve, controlled 1/2" Body dimensions: 96x60x35


Double flange check valve 1/2" BSP 35 l/m

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 260 bar

max. flow - 35 l/min

pilot rate - 1:7

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Double check valve without regulation 1/4” BSP 20 l/m 260 bar
Double check valve without regulation 1/4” BSP 20 l/m 260 bar

Double check valve without regulation 1/4” BSP 20 l/m 260 bar

Product code LVDL01

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 260 bar

max. flow - 20L/min

pilot rate - 1:4

Connection type - 1/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

  • net: 160,00 PLN


Double check valve without regulation 1/4” BSP 20 l/m 260 bar

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 260 bar

max. flow - 20L/min

pilot rate - 1:4

Connection type - 1/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 160,00 PLN

Double check valve without regulation 3/8” BSP 35 l/m 260 bar
Double check valve without regulation 3/8” BSP 35 l/m 260 bar

Double check valve without regulation 3/8” BSP 35 l/m 260 bar

Product code LVDL02

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 260 bars

max. flow - 35 l/min

pilot rate - 1:7

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics


Double check valve without regulation 3/8” BSP 35 l/m 260 bar

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 260 bars

max. flow - 35 l/min

pilot rate - 1:7

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Double check valve without regulation 1/2” BSP 60 l/m 260 bar
Double check valve without regulation 1/2” BSP 60 l/m 260 bar

Double check valve without regulation 1/2” BSP 60 l/m 260 bar

Product code LVDL03

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 260 bar

max. flow - 60 l/min

pilot rate - 1:3.4

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics


Double check valve without regulation 1/2” BSP 60 l/m 260 bar

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 260 bar

max. flow - 60 l/min

pilot rate - 1:3.4

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Double check valve without regulation 3/4” BSP 100 l/m 260 bar
Double check valve without regulation 3/4” BSP 100 l/m 260 bar

Double check valve without regulation 3/4” BSP 100 l/m 260 bar

Product code LVDL04

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 260 bars

max. flow - 100 l/min

pilot rate - 1:4

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics


Double check valve without regulation 3/4” BSP 100 l/m 260 bar

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 260 bars

max. flow - 100 l/min

pilot rate - 1:4

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Double check valve without regulation 3/8” BSP 20 l/m 260 bar
Double check valve without regulation 3/8” BSP 20 l/m 260 bar

Double check valve without regulation 3/8” BSP 20 l/m 260 bar

Product code LVDL15

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 260 bar

max. flow - 20L/min

pilot rate - 1:4

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics


Double check valve without regulation 3/8” BSP 20 l/m 260 bar

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 260 bar

max. flow - 20L/min

pilot rate - 1:4

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

1/4 "BSP double check valve 25 l / min
1/4 "BSP double check valve 25 l / min

1/4 "BSP double check valve 25 l / min

Product code LVDT01

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 25 l/min

pilot rate - 1:4.6

Connection type - 1/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics


1/4 "BSP double check valve 25 l / min

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 25 l/min

pilot rate - 1:4.6

Connection type - 1/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Double 1/2 "BSP check valve 80 l / min
Double 1/2 "BSP check valve 80 l / min

Double 1/2 "BSP check valve 80 l / min

Product code LVDT03

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 300 bar

max. flow - 80 l/min

pilot rate - 1:4

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

  • net: 109,56 PLN


Double 1/2 "BSP check valve 80 l / min

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 300 bar

max. flow - 80 l/min

pilot rate - 1:4

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 109,56 PLN

Double check valve 3/4 "BSP 120 l / min
Double check valve 3/4 "BSP 120 l / min

Double check valve 3/4 "BSP 120 l / min

Product code LVDT04

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 300 bar

max. flow - 120 l/min

pilot rate - 1:3.5

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics


Double check valve 3/4 "BSP 120 l / min

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 300 bar

max. flow - 120 l/min

pilot rate - 1:3.5

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Double check valve 1 "BSP 150 l / min
Double check valve 1 "BSP 150 l / min

Double check valve 1 "BSP 150 l / min

Product code LVDT05

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 300 bars

max. flow - 150 l/min

pilot rate - 1:3.4

Connection type - 1" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics


Double check valve 1 "BSP 150 l / min

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 300 bars

max. flow - 150 l/min

pilot rate - 1:3.4

Connection type - 1" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

3/8 "BSP 30 l / min double check valve
3/8 "BSP 30 l / min double check valve

3/8 "BSP 30 l / min double check valve

Product code LVDT15

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 30L/min

pilot rate - 1:4.6

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics


3/8 "BSP 30 l / min double check valve

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 30L/min

pilot rate - 1:4.6

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Double check valve 1/2 "BSP 50 l / min
Double check valve 1/2 "BSP 50 l / min

Double check valve 1/2 "BSP 50 l / min

Product code LVDT25

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 300 bar

max. flow - 50 l/min

pilot rate - 1:4

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics


Double check valve 1/2 "BSP 50 l / min

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 300 bar

max. flow - 50 l/min

pilot rate - 1:4

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

3/8" BSP Single Acting Hand Lever (RH) Check Valve
3/8" BSP Single Acting Hand Lever (RH) Check Valve

3/8" BSP Single Acting Hand Lever (RH) Check Valve

Product code LVSFRD02

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 30L/min

pilot rate - 4:1

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - 3/8" BSP Single Acting Hand Lever (RH) Check Valve

Comparison code - LVSFRD 02

  • net: 214,02 PLN


3/8" BSP Single Acting Hand Lever (RH) Check Valve

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 30L/min

pilot rate - 4:1

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Comparison code - LVSFRD 02

net: 214,02 PLN

Product code M-VMP/BT/CT5

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Overflow valve 150 LPM 1 "BSP 50-350 BAR
Overflow valve 150 LPM 1 "BSP 50-350 BAR

Overflow valve 150 LPM 1 "BSP 50-350 BAR

Product code PRL1500530A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 150 l/min

Setting range - 50-350 bars

Connection type - 1" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

  • net: 270,34 PLN


Overflow valve 150 LPM 1 "BSP 50-350 BAR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 150 l/min

Setting range - 50-350 bars

Connection type - 1" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 270,34 PLN

Overflow valve 35 LPM 3/8" BSP 5-50 BAR; Allen screw
Overflow valve 35 LPM 3/8" BSP 5-50 BAR; Allen screw

Overflow valve 35 LPM 3/8" BSP 5-50 BAR; Allen screw

Product code PRL350210A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 35 l/min

Setting range - 5-50 bar

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Adjustment option: allen screw

Comparison code - VMD3502A1

  • net: 160,18 PLN


Overflow valve 35 LPM 3/8" BSP 5-50 BAR; Allen screw

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 35 l/min

Setting range - 5-50 bar

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Comparison code - VMD3502A1

net: 160,18 PLN

Relief valve 35 LPM 3/8" BSP 5-50 BAR; Knob
Relief valve 35 LPM 3/8" BSP 5-50 BAR; Knob

Relief valve 35 LPM 3/8" BSP 5-50 BAR; Knob

Product code PRL350210B

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 35 l/min

Setting range - 5-50 bar

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Adjustment option: Knob

Comparison code - VMD3502A2

  • net: 166,66 PLN


Relief valve 35 LPM 3/8" BSP 5-50 BAR; Knob

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 35 l/min

Setting range - 5-50 bar

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Comparison code - VMD3502A2

net: 166,66 PLN

Relief valve 35 LPM 3/8" BSP 100-350 BAR
Relief valve 35 LPM 3/8" BSP 100-350 BAR

Relief valve 35 LPM 3/8" BSP 100-350 BAR

Product code PRL350230A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 35 l/min

Setting range - 100-350 bars

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - OFC Villa Hydraulics overload valve

Comparison code - PRL350230

  • net: 171,23 PLN


Relief valve 35 LPM 3/8" BSP 100-350 BAR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 35 l/min

Setting range - 100-350 bars

Connection type - 3/8" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Comparison code - PRL350230

net: 171,23 PLN

Overflow valve 35 LPM 1/2" BSP 100-350 BAR
Overflow valve 35 LPM 1/2" BSP 100-350 BAR

Overflow valve 35 LPM 1/2" BSP 100-350 BAR

Product code PRL350330A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 35 l/min

Setting range - 100-350 bars

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - OFC Villa Hydraulics overload valve

  • net: 74,26 PLN


Overflow valve 35 LPM 1/2" BSP 100-350 BAR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 35 l/min

Setting range - 100-350 bars

Connection type - 1/2" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 74,26 PLN

Overflow valve 80 LPM 3/4 "BSP 130-350 BAR
Overflow valve 80 LPM 3/4 "BSP 130-350 BAR

Overflow valve 80 LPM 3/4 "BSP 130-350 BAR

Product code PRL800430A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 80 l/min

Setting range - 130-350 bars

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

  • net: 177,89 PLN


Overflow valve 80 LPM 3/4 "BSP 130-350 BAR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 80 l/min

Setting range - 130-350 bars

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

net: 177,89 PLN

Villa Hydraulics 40 bar reducing valve
Villa Hydraulics 40 bar reducing valve

Villa Hydraulics 40 bar reducing valve

Product code PSUHCD4

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 718,39 PLN

net: 718,39 PLN

Villa hydraulics logic valve 3/4"
Villa hydraulics logic valve 3/4"

Villa hydraulics logic valve 3/4"

Product code SHV04

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 140 l/min

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Villa hydraulics logic valve with galvanized steel body Body dimensions: 100x60x50mm


Villa hydraulics logic valve 3/4"

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 140 l/min

Connection type - 3/4" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Villa hydraulics 1" logic valve
Villa hydraulics 1" logic valve

Villa hydraulics 1" logic valve

Product code SHV05

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 300 bar

max. flow - 180 l/min

Connection type - 1" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

Description - Villa hydraulics logic valve with galvanized steel body Body dimensions: 126x80x50mm


Villa hydraulics 1" logic valve

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 300 bar

max. flow - 180 l/min

Connection type - 1" BSP

Producent - Villa Hydraulics

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