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EUR 4,1575 4,2415
USD 4,0123 4,0933
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EUR 4,0076 4,3764
USD 3,8613 4,2167
*BNP Paribas

Slider dividers

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Argo Hytos
Dana Brevini
Eaton / Vickers
Eeaton / Vickers
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Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-8C-VM-U-H7-61
Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-8C-VM-U-H7-61

Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-8C-VM-U-H7-61

Product code 02-145162

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - DG4V

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Eeaton / Vickers

Size - ISO 4401-03

Description - Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-8C-VM-U-H7-61 2x coil 24 VDC 30W Code: 507848

Comparison code - DG4V-3-8C-VM-U-H7-61

  • net: 760,14 PLN


Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-8C-VM-U-H7-61

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - DG4V

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Eeaton / Vickers

Size - ISO 4401-03

Comparison code - DG4V-3-8C-VM-U-H7-61

net: 760,14 PLN

Kwadring Argo Hytos 12.42x1.68 NBR 70
Kwadring Argo Hytos 12.42x1.68 NBR 70

Kwadring Argo Hytos 12.42x1.68 NBR 70

Product code 15608500

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Product features:

Producent - Argo Hytos

Description - Kwadring Argo Hytos 12.42x1.68 NBR 70

  • net: 1,68 PLN

net: 1,68 PLN

Rozdzielacz Argo-Hytos RPEK1-03G2R11/02400E1K1
Rozdzielacz Argo-Hytos RPEK1-03G2R11/02400E1K1

Rozdzielacz Argo-Hytos RPEK1-03G2R11/02400E1K1

Product code 15687000

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 60 dni

Product features:

  • net: 334,17 PLN

net: 334,17 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-062R11/02400E1 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-062R11/02400E1 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-062R11/02400E1 slide distributor

Product code 15731100

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - R11

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

Description - Coil 24VDC 1.29A, Code: 16211600

Comparison code - RPE3-062R11/02400E1, R900561274

  • net: 368,80 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-062R11/02400E1 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - R11

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

Comparison code - RPE3-062R11/02400E1, R900561274

net: 368,80 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-062J15/02400E1 slide distributor (DS3-RK/10N)
Argo Hytos RPE3-062J15/02400E1 slide distributor (DS3-RK/10N)

Argo Hytos RPE3-062J15/02400E1 slide distributor (DS3-RK/10N)

Product code 15733500

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - J15

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

  • net: 456,01 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-062J15/02400E1 slide distributor (DS3-RK/10N)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - J15

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

net: 456,01 PLN

Argo-hytos RPE3-062R31/02400E1 slide distributor
Argo-hytos RPE3-062R31/02400E1 slide distributor

Argo-hytos RPE3-062R31/02400E1 slide distributor

Product code 15736100

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - R31

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

Description - Slide distributor RPE3-062R31/02400E1 Coil 24 VDC code: 16211600

Comparison code - RPE3-062R31/02400E1

  • net: 390,41 PLN


Argo-hytos RPE3-062R31/02400E1 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Type - R31

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

Comparison code - RPE3-062R31/02400E1

net: 390,41 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-062Y51/02400E1 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-062Y51/02400E1 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-062Y51/02400E1 slide distributor

Product code 15737400

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - Y51

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

  • net: 395,47 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-062Y51/02400E1 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - Y51

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 395,47 PLN

Argo-Hytos RPE3-062X11 / 02400E1 slide manifold
Argo-Hytos RPE3-062X11 / 02400E1 slide manifold

Argo-Hytos RPE3-062X11 / 02400E1 slide manifold

Product code 15738000

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - X11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Description - RPE3-06 2 X11 / 02400 E1 Body code without coil: 15763800 coil: 16211600 24VDC 1.29A

  • net: 323,11 PLN


Argo-Hytos RPE3-062X11 / 02400E1 slide manifold

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - X11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 323,11 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-063Y11/23050E5 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-063Y11/23050E5 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-063Y11/23050E5 slide distributor

Product code 15750400

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - Y11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Description - 2x Coil 18849000 230 VAC 0.15A 100% ED

  • net: 494,57 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-063Y11/23050E5 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - Y11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 494,57 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-063Z11 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-063Z11 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-063Z11 slide distributor

Product code 15756300

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Type - Z11

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

  • net: 394,09 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-063Z11 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Type - Z11

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

net: 394,09 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-063C11 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-063C11 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-063C11 slide distributor

Product code 15757600

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Type - C11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

  • net: 431,54 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-063C11 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Type - C11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 431,54 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-063H11 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-063H11 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-063H11 slide distributor

Product code 15758600

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Type - H11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

  • net: 394,13 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-063H11 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Type - H11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 394,13 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-063Y11 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-063Y11 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-063Y11 slide distributor

Product code 15759900

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - Y11

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

  • net: 365,76 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-063Y11 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - Y11

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

net: 365,76 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-062R11 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-062R11 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-062R11 slide distributor

Product code 15761200

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - R11

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

  • net: 269,94 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-062R11 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Type - R11

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

net: 269,94 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-062A51 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-062A51 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-062A51 slide distributor

Product code 15762200

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - A51

Size - CETOP 06

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

  • net: 344,34 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-062A51 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - A51

Size - CETOP 06

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 344,34 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-062J15 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-062J15 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-062J15 slide distributor

Product code 15762700

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - J15

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

  • net: 419,59 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-062J15 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Type - J15

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

net: 419,59 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-062C51 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-062C51 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-062C51 slide distributor

Product code 15764300

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Type - C51

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

Description - Argo Hytos RPE3-062C51 Slide Manifold

  • net: 425,28 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-062C51 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Type - C51

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

net: 425,28 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-062C11 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-062C11 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-062C11 slide distributor

Product code 15764700

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - C11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

  • net: 400,93 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-062C11 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Type - C11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 400,93 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-062H11 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-062H11 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-062H11 slide distributor

Product code 15766200

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - H11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

  • net: 359,91 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-062H11 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - H11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 359,91 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-062Z51 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-062Z51 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-062Z51 slide distributor

Product code 15766500

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - Z51

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

  • net: 457,14 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-062Z51 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - Z51

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 457,14 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-062P51 slide valve
Argo Hytos RPE3-062P51 slide valve

Argo Hytos RPE3-062P51 slide valve

Product code 15780600

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - P51

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

Description - Argo Hytos RPE3-062P51 slide valve

Comparison code - RPE3-062P51

  • net: 290,88 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-062P51 slide valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - P51

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

Comparison code - RPE3-062P51

net: 290,88 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-062Y11 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-062Y11 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-062Y11 slide distributor

Product code 15787600

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - Y11

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

  • net: 263,70 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-062Y11 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - Y11

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

net: 263,70 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-043Z11 slide valve
Argo Hytos RPE3-043Z11 slide valve

Argo Hytos RPE3-043Z11 slide valve

Product code 15859600

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - Z11

max. pressure - 320 bar

Flow - 30 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 02

Description - Argo Hytos RPE3-043Z11 slide valve

Comparison code - RPE3-043Z11

  • net: 314,93 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-043Z11 slide valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - Z11

max. pressure - 320 bar

Flow - 30 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 02

Comparison code - RPE3-043Z11

net: 314,93 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-043C11 size NG4 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-043C11 size NG4 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-043C11 size NG4 slide distributor

Product code 15860300

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - C11

Size - CETOP 02

max. pressure - 320 bars

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

  • net: 372,49 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-043C11 size NG4 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - C11

Size - CETOP 02

max. pressure - 320 bars

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 372,49 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-043H11 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-043H11 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-043H11 slide distributor

Product code 15860800

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - H11

Size - CETOP 02

max. pressure - 320 bar

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Description - RPE3-04 3 H11

  • net: 320,29 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-043H11 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - H11

Size - CETOP 02

max. pressure - 320 bar

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 320,29 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-043Y11 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-043Y11 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-043Y11 slide distributor

Product code 15861200

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - Y11

max. pressure - 320 bars

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

  • net: 314,93 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-043Y11 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - Y11

max. pressure - 320 bars

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 314,93 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-043Z11/02400E1K1 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-043Z11/02400E1K1 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-043Z11/02400E1K1 slide distributor

Product code 15865300

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - Z11

max. pressure - 320 bar

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 02

Description - Manifold RPE3-043Z11 / 02400E1K1 Body code: 15859600 2 x coil 27316700 24 VDC

  • net: 390,93 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-043Z11/02400E1K1 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - Z11

max. pressure - 320 bar

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 02

net: 390,93 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE4-103H11 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE4-103H11 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE4-103H11 slide distributor

Product code 15889000

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 7 dni

Product features:

Type - H11

Size - CETOP 05

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 140 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

  • net: 517,83 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE4-103H11 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 7 dni

Type - H11

Size - CETOP 05

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 140 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 517,83 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE4-102J15 NG10 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE4-102J15 NG10 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE4-102J15 NG10 slide distributor

Product code 15889400

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - J15

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 140 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 05

  • net: 633,27 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE4-102J15 NG10 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Type - J15

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 140 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 05

net: 633,27 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE4-102X11 NG10 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE4-102X11 NG10 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE4-102X11 NG10 slide distributor

Product code 15895500

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - X11

Size - CETOP 05

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 140 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Description - 2 X 16 196 100 24 VDC 1.73A coils

  • net: 543,34 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE4-102X11 NG10 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - X11

Size - CETOP 05

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 140 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 543,34 PLN

Zawór dławiący Argo-hytos VSO1-04/R3-G
Zawór dławiący Argo-hytos VSO1-04/R3-G

Zawór dławiący Argo-hytos VSO1-04/R3-G

Product code 15956200

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Flow - 20 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Description - Throttle valve VSO1-04/R3-G G 1/4"

Comparison code - VSO1-04/R3-G

  • net: 193,48 PLN


Zawór dławiący Argo-hytos VSO1-04/R3-G

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

max. pressure - 100 bar

Flow - 20 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Comparison code - VSO1-04/R3-G

net: 193,48 PLN

Argo Hytos VRN2-06/S-21T-A Indirect-Action Reducing Valve
Argo Hytos VRN2-06/S-21T-A Indirect-Action Reducing Valve

Argo Hytos VRN2-06/S-21T-A Indirect-Action Reducing Valve

Product code 15997500

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni

Product features:

Producent - Argo Hytos

Description - Argo Hytos VRN2-06/S-16RS-A M22 x 1.5 Indirect-acting pressure reducing valve Cavity: QF3 Max. pressure: 320 bar Max. flow: 40 l/min Adjustable pressure range: 10 ... 210 bar

  • net: 427,12 PLN

net: 427,12 PLN

Argo Hytos core for RPE3-06
Argo Hytos core for RPE3-06

Argo Hytos core for RPE3-06

Product code 16200900

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Producent - Argo Hytos

Description - Argo Hytos Core for RPE3-06

  • net: 89,26 PLN

net: 89,26 PLN

Nut for manual override of the Argo Hytos RPE3-06/N7 valve
Nut for manual override of the Argo Hytos RPE3-06/N7 valve

Nut for manual override of the Argo Hytos RPE3-06/N7 valve

Product code 16204300

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

Description - Nut for manual override of the RPE3-06 / N7 valve

  • net: 182,14 PLN

net: 182,14 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-062R11-A/M slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-062R11-A/M slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-062R11-A/M slide distributor

Product code 18968100

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - R11

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

Description - Surface treatment standard galvanized (ZnCr-3), ISO 9227 (240 h)

  • net: 379,84 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-062R11-A/M slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Type - R11

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

net: 379,84 PLN

Argo Hytos RPH3-063C11/22 pneumatically controlled distributor
Argo Hytos RPH3-063C11/22 pneumatically controlled distributor

Argo Hytos RPH3-063C11/22 pneumatically controlled distributor

Product code 20979300

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - C11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

  • net: 876,06 PLN


Argo Hytos RPH3-063C11/22 pneumatically controlled distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Type - C11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 876,06 PLN

2-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-2-C
2-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-2-C

2-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-2-C

Product code 21005508

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 207 bar

Number of sections - 2

Description - Blok zaworowy 2-sekcyjny z zaworem przelewowym pod rozdzielacze NG6/Cetop 3

P,T: G 1/2" BSP
A,B: G 3/8 BSP

Comparison code - HSAZVB6P2BC

  • net: 352,03 PLN


2-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-2-C

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 207 bar

Number of sections - 2

Comparison code - HSAZVB6P2BC

net: 352,03 PLN

3-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-3-C
3-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-3-C

3-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-3-C

Product code 21005509

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 207 bar

Size - NG6

Description - Blok zaworowy 3-sekcyjny z zaworem przelewowym pod rozdzielacze NG6/Cetop 3

P,T: G 1/2" BSP
A,B: G 3/8 BSP

Comparison code - HSAZVB6P3BC

  • net: 360,00 PLN

net: 360,00 PLN

4-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-4-C
4-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-4-C

4-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-4-C

Product code 21005510

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 207 bar

Number of sections - 4

Size - NG6

Description - Blok zaworowy 4-sekcyjny z zaworem przelewowym pod rozdzielacze NG6/Cetop 3

P,T: G 1/2" BSP
A,B: G 3/8 BSP

Comparison code - HSAZVB6P4BC

  • net: 420,00 PLN


4-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-4-C

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 207 bar

Number of sections - 4

Size - NG6

Comparison code - HSAZVB6P4BC

net: 420,00 PLN

6-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-6-C
6-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-6-C

6-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-6-C

Product code 21005512

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 207 bar

Number of sections - 6

Size - NG6

Description - Blok zaworowy 6-sekcyjny z zaworem przelewowym pod rozdzielacze NG6/Cetop 3

P,T: G 1/2" BSP
A,B: G 3/8 BSP

Comparison code - HSAZVB6P6BC

  • net: 614,29 PLN


6-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-6-C

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 207 bar

Number of sections - 6

Size - NG6

Comparison code - HSAZVB6P6BC

net: 614,29 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE4-103Z11/02400E1K1 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE4-103Z11/02400E1K1 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE4-103Z11/02400E1K1 slide distributor

Product code 21874000

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - Z11

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 140 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 05

  • net: 871,06 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE4-103Z11/02400E1K1 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - Z11

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 140 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 05

net: 871,06 PLN

Argo-hytos RPE4-102A51/02400E1K1 slide distributor
Argo-hytos RPE4-102A51/02400E1K1 slide distributor

Argo-hytos RPE4-102A51/02400E1K1 slide distributor

Product code 21910100

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - A51

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 140 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 05

Description - Slide distributor RPE4-102A51/02400E1K1 Coil 24 VDC code: 16196100

Comparison code - RPE4-102A51/02400E1K1

  • net: 652,71 PLN


Argo-hytos RPE4-102A51/02400E1K1 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - A51

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 140 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 05

Comparison code - RPE4-102A51/02400E1K1

net: 652,71 PLN

Zestaw uszczelnień SP-SK-QF3-N
Zestaw uszczelnień SP-SK-QF3-N

Zestaw uszczelnień SP-SK-QF3-N

Product code 22752700

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 10 dni

Product features:

  • net: 51,06 PLN

net: 51,06 PLN

Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/20-AL
Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/20-AL

Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/20-AL

Product code 27562700

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 320 bar

Number of sections - 2

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

Description - Płyta przyłączeniowa 2-sekcyjna DR2-06/20-AL

Comparison code - DR2-06/20-AL

  • net: 315,54 PLN


Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/20-AL

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 320 bar

Number of sections - 2

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

Comparison code - DR2-06/20-AL

net: 315,54 PLN

Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/21-AL
Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/21-AL

Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/21-AL

Product code 27563600

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 5 dni

Product features:

  • net: 389,47 PLN

net: 389,47 PLN

Argo Hytos PRM2-063H11/35-12E3A slide distributor
Argo Hytos PRM2-063H11/35-12E3A slide distributor

Argo Hytos PRM2-063H11/35-12E3A slide distributor

Product code 28254700

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - H11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 30 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Description - Proportional distributor PRM2-063H11/35-12E3A Coil 12 VDC Code: 24157900 Body code: 28254700

  • net: 2057,59 PLN


Argo Hytos PRM2-063H11/35-12E3A slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Type - H11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 30 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 2057,59 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-062H51-A slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-062H51-A slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-062H51-A slide distributor

Product code 40791100

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - H51

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

Description - Argo Hytos RPE3-062H51-A slide valve

  • net: 378,23 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-062H51-A slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - H51

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

net: 378,23 PLN

Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/31-AL
Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/31-AL

Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/31-AL

Product code 42030000

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 5 dni

Product features:

  • net: 489,61 PLN

net: 489,61 PLN

Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/10-AL
Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/10-AL

Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/10-AL

Product code 42095300

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 320 bar

Number of sections - 1

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

Description - Płyta przyłączeniowa 1-sekcyjna DR2-06/10-AL

Comparison code - DR2-06/10-AL

  • net: 243,37 PLN


Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/10-AL

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 320 bar

Number of sections - 1

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

Comparison code - DR2-06/10-AL

net: 243,37 PLN

Ponar 12VDC slide divider
Ponar 12VDC slide divider

Ponar 12VDC slide divider

Product code 4WE6-W-32/G12NZ4

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Ponar

Description - Ponar 12VDC spool splitter, 2x coil N-EMSG-06/01 12V 30W

Type - WE6

Size - CETOP 03

  • net: 424,29 PLN

net: 424,29 PLN

Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-2C-MU-H7-60
Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-2C-MU-H7-60

Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-2C-MU-H7-60

Product code 529760

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - DG4V

max. pressure - 350 bar

Producent - Eaton / Vickers

Size - ISO 4401-03

Description - Bitch divider DG4V-3-2C-MU-H7-60 Coil code: 507848

  • net: 759,18 PLN


Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-2C-MU-H7-60

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - DG4V

max. pressure - 350 bar

Producent - Eaton / Vickers

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 759,18 PLN



Product code 829AN00128A

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 60 dni

Product features:

  • net: 673,47 PLN

net: 673,47 PLN

Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-0B-MU-H7-60
Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-0B-MU-H7-60

Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-0B-MU-H7-60

Product code 859160

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - DG4V

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Size - ISO 4401-03

Description - Slide distributor DG4V-3-0B-MU-H7-60 Coil 24 VDC Coil code: 507848

Comparison code - DG4V-3-0B-MU-H7-60

  • net: 610,30 PLN


Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-0B-MU-H7-60

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - DG4V

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Size - ISO 4401-03

Comparison code - DG4V-3-0B-MU-H7-60

net: 610,30 PLN

Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-0B-MU-G7-60
Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-0B-MU-G7-60

Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-0B-MU-G7-60

Product code 859168

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - DG4V

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Size - ISO 4401-03

Description - Slide distributor DG4V-3-0B-MU-H7-60 Coil 12 VDC Coil code: 507847

Comparison code - DG4V-3-0B-MU-H7-60

  • net: 646,78 PLN


Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-0B-MU-G7-60

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - DG4V

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Size - ISO 4401-03

Comparison code - DG4V-3-0B-MU-H7-60

net: 646,78 PLN

Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-2A-MU-G7-60
Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-2A-MU-G7-60

Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-2A-MU-G7-60

Product code 859189

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - DG4V

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Size - ISO 4401-03

Description - Slide distributor DG4V-3-2A-MU-G7-60 Coil 12 VDC Coil code: 507847

Comparison code - DG4V-3-2A-MU-G7-60

  • net: 610,30 PLN


Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-2A-MU-G7-60

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - DG4V

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Size - ISO 4401-03

Comparison code - DG4V-3-2A-MU-G7-60

net: 610,30 PLN

Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-0C-MU-G7-60
Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-0C-MU-G7-60

Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-0C-MU-G7-60

Product code 869576

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - DG4V

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Eaton / Vickers

Size - ISO 4401-03

Description - Voltage 12 VDC Coil code: 507847

  • net: 759,40 PLN


Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-0C-MU-G7-60

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - DG4V

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Eaton / Vickers

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 759,40 PLN

Eaton / Vickers DG4V-3-0C-MU-G7-60 slide distributor - without coils
Eaton / Vickers DG4V-3-0C-MU-G7-60 slide distributor - without coils

Eaton / Vickers DG4V-3-0C-MU-G7-60 slide distributor - without coils

Product code 869576-BC

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - DG4V

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Eeaton / Vickers

Size - ISO 4401-03

Description - Slide distributor DG4V-3-0C-MU-G7-60 Coil code: 507847

  • net: 569,52 PLN


Eaton / Vickers DG4V-3-0C-MU-G7-60 slide distributor - without coils

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - DG4V

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Eeaton / Vickers

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 569,52 PLN

Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-2B-HMU-H7-60
Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-2B-HMU-H7-60

Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-2B-HMU-H7-60

Product code 870107

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 60 dni

Product features:

Type - DG4V

Producent - Eeaton / Vickers

Size - ISO 4401-03

Zawór zwrotny PARKER
Zawór zwrotny PARKER

Zawór zwrotny PARKER

Product code CPOM2DDHTV

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 10 dni

Product features:

  • net: 566,63 PLN

net: 566,63 PLN

Parker spool valve - D1VW series
Parker spool valve - D1VW series

Parker spool valve - D1VW series

Product code D1VW001CNJW

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni

Product features:

  • net: 1483,39 PLN

net: 1483,39 PLN



Product code D3W020BNJW

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 7 dni

Product features:

  • net: 1946,03 PLN

net: 1946,03 PLN

Duplomatic DL3-S2 12VDC slide distributor
Duplomatic DL3-S2 12VDC slide distributor

Duplomatic DL3-S2 12VDC slide distributor

Product code DL3-S2/10N-D12K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 280 bar

Flow - 50 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic DL3-S2 slide distributor Coil: 2x 1902740 12 VDC

Comparison code - 3412110031

Type - S2

Size - ISO 4401-03

  • net: 336,53 PLN


Duplomatic DL3-S2 12VDC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 280 bar

Flow - 50 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Comparison code - 3412110031

Type - S2

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 336,53 PLN

Duplomatic DL3-S2 24VDC slide distributor
Duplomatic DL3-S2 24VDC slide distributor

Duplomatic DL3-S2 24VDC slide distributor

Product code DL3-S2/10N-D24K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 280 bar

Flow - 50 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic electrically operated slide distributor

Comparison code - 3412110001

Type - S2

Size - ISO 4401-03

  • net: 240,18 PLN


Duplomatic DL3-S2 24VDC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 280 bar

Flow - 50 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Comparison code - 3412110001

Type - S2

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 240,18 PLN

Duplomatic DL3-S4 24VDC slide distributor
Duplomatic DL3-S4 24VDC slide distributor

Duplomatic DL3-S4 24VDC slide distributor

Product code DL3-S4/10N-D24K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

Product features:

max. pressure - 280 bar

Flow - 50 l / min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic slide distributor, electrically controlled, 2x DIN coil; 24VDC - 1902741

Type - S4

Size - ISO 4401-03

  • net: 385,71 PLN


Duplomatic DL3-S4 24VDC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

max. pressure - 280 bar

Flow - 50 l / min

Producent - Duplomatic

Type - S4

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 385,71 PLN

Duplomatic DL3-SA2 12VDC slide distributor
Duplomatic DL3-SA2 12VDC slide distributor

Duplomatic DL3-SA2 12VDC slide distributor

Product code DL3-SA2/10N-D12K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 280 bar

Flow - 50 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic DL3-SA2 slide distributor Coil: 1x 1902740 12 VDC DIN 43650

Comparison code - 3412110156

Type - SA2

Size - ISO 4401-03

  • net: 145,38 PLN


Duplomatic DL3-SA2 12VDC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 280 bar

Flow - 50 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Comparison code - 3412110156

Type - SA2

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 145,38 PLN

Duplomatic DS3-S1 230VAC slide distributor
Duplomatic DS3-S1 230VAC slide distributor

Duplomatic DS3-S1 230VAC slide distributor

Product code DS3-S1/11N-A230K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic DS3-S1 slide distributor Coil: 2x 1902833 230 VAC C20.6S3-A230K1/10

Type - S1

Size - ISO 4401-03

  • net: 321,33 PLN


Duplomatic DS3-S1 230VAC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Type - S1

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 321,33 PLN

Duplomatic DS3-S3 230VAC slide distributor
Duplomatic DS3-S3 230VAC slide distributor

Duplomatic DS3-S3 230VAC slide distributor

Product code DS3-S3/11N-A230K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic DS3-S3 slide distributor Coil: 2x 1902833 230 VAC

Type - S3

Size - ISO 4401-03

  • net: 321,33 PLN


Duplomatic DS3-S3 230VAC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Type - S3

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 321,33 PLN

Duplomatic DS3-SA2 230VAC slide distributor
Duplomatic DS3-SA2 230VAC slide distributor

Duplomatic DS3-SA2 230VAC slide distributor

Product code DS3-SA2/11N-A230K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic DS3-SA2 slide distributor Coil: 1x 1902833 230 VAC

Type - SA2

Size - ISO 4401-03

  • net: 328,56 PLN


Duplomatic DS3-SA2 230VAC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Type - SA2

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 328,56 PLN

Duplomatic DS3-SA2 24VDC slide distributor
Duplomatic DS3-SA2 24VDC slide distributor

Duplomatic DS3-SA2 24VDC slide distributor

Product code DS3-SA2/11N-D24K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic DS3-SA2 slide distributor Coil: 2x 1903081 24 VDC

Comparison code - 3411500038

Type - SA2

Size - ISO 4401-03

  • net: 298,50 PLN


Duplomatic DS3-SA2 24VDC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Comparison code - 3411500038

Type - SA2

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 298,50 PLN

Duplomatic DS3-SA3 12VDC slide distributor
Duplomatic DS3-SA3 12VDC slide distributor

Duplomatic DS3-SA3 12VDC slide distributor

Product code DS3-SA3/11N-D12K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic DS3-SA3 slide distributor Coil: 2x 1903080 12 VDC

Type - SA3

Size - ISO 4401-03

  • net: 342,00 PLN


Duplomatic DS3-SA3 12VDC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Type - SA3

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 342,00 PLN

Duplomatic DS5-S2 12VDC slide distributor
Duplomatic DS5-S2 12VDC slide distributor

Duplomatic DS5-S2 12VDC slide distributor

Product code DS5-S2/12N-D12K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 320 bar

Flow - 150 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic DS5-S2 slide distributor Coil: 2x 1902870 12 VDC 100% ED 3.81A C31-D12K1/20 X DS5

Comparison code - 3413100028

Type - S2

Size - ISO 4401-05

  • net: 343,27 PLN


Duplomatic DS5-S2 12VDC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 320 bar

Flow - 150 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Comparison code - 3413100028

Type - S2

Size - ISO 4401-05

net: 343,27 PLN

4WE10-D electrically operated diverter
4WE10-D electrically operated diverter

4WE10-D electrically operated diverter

Product code HP-4WE10-D/D24-SR-Z5L

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - HP-4WE-10

Flow - 120 l/min

Size - NG10

Description - Electrically controlled 4-way plate distributor. Maximum flow (L/min) - according to from spool: up to 120 l/min Slide type: D Voltage: 24 VDC coil MFZ10-90YC DC24V 36W DIN Electrical connection plug-in DIN43650 with LED Mounting screws: M5x45 - class 10.9

  • net: 750,00 PLN

net: 750,00 PLN

Rexroth 4WE 6 H6X/EG24N9K4 slide distributor
Rexroth 4WE 6 H6X/EG24N9K4 slide distributor

Rexroth 4WE 6 H6X/EG24N9K4 slide distributor

Product code R900561286

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - 4-WE-6

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Rexroth

Comparison code - 4 WE 6 H62/EG24N9K4

  • net: 1277,66 PLN


Rexroth 4WE 6 H6X/EG24N9K4 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Type - 4-WE-6

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Rexroth

Comparison code - 4 WE 6 H62/EG24N9K4

net: 1277,66 PLN

Rexroth 4WE 10 H50/EG24N8K4/M slide distributor
Rexroth 4WE 10 H50/EG24N8K4/M slide distributor

Rexroth 4WE 10 H50/EG24N8K4/M slide distributor

Product code R901349809

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - 4-WE-10

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 160 l/min

Producent - Rexroth

Comparison code - 4WE 10 H50/EG24N8K4/M

  • net: 1115,13 PLN


Rexroth 4WE 10 H50/EG24N8K4/M slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - 4-WE-10

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 160 l/min

Producent - Rexroth

Comparison code - 4WE 10 H50/EG24N8K4/M

net: 1115,13 PLN

Pneumatically operated slide valve LC L51P1A201000000
Pneumatically operated slide valve LC L51P1A201000000

Pneumatically operated slide valve LC L51P1A201000000

Product code R933005001

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 310 bar

Producent - LC/Rexroth

Description - Pneumatically controlled slide valve

Comparison code - V.LC1-OP-A201-STD-N, L51P1A201000000

  • net: 974,17 PLN


Pneumatically operated slide valve LC L51P1A201000000

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 310 bar

Producent - LC/Rexroth

Comparison code - V.LC1-OP-A201-STD-N, L51P1A201000000

net: 974,17 PLN

Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-8C-VM-U-G7-61
Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-8C-VM-U-G7-61

Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-8C-VM-U-G7-61

Product code 02-144957

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Type - DG4V

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Eeaton / Vickers

Size - ISO 4401-03

Description - Eeaton / Vickers DG4V-3-8C-VM-U-G7-61 slide distributor 2x coil 12 VDC 30W Code: 507847

Comparison code - DG4V-3-8C-VM-U-G7-61

  • net: 844,00 PLN


Eaton / Vickers slide distributor DG4V-3-8C-VM-U-G7-61

Availability: Currently not available

Type - DG4V

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Eeaton / Vickers

Size - ISO 4401-03

Comparison code - DG4V-3-8C-VM-U-G7-61

net: 844,00 PLN

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