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Purchase Sale
EUR 4,1075 4,1905
USD 3,9457 4,0255
*Tabela C NBP
EUR 3,9847 4,3513
USD 3,8294 4,1818
*BNP Paribas

Miniature fuses

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400mA melting fuse; 1kVAC; 6.3x32mm
400mA melting fuse; 1kVAC; 6.3x32mm

400mA melting fuse; 1kVAC; 6.3x32mm

Product code 7017240.0.4

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

  • net: 21,68 PLN

net: 21,68 PLN

Glass fuse, slow-blow, 10A 250VAC, 5x20mm
Glass fuse, slow-blow, 10A 250VAC, 5x20mm

Glass fuse, slow-blow, 10A 250VAC, 5x20mm

Product code ZKT-10A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 1,12 PLN

net: 1,12 PLN

Glass fuse, slow-blow, 2A 250VAC, 5x20mm
Glass fuse, slow-blow, 2A 250VAC, 5x20mm

Glass fuse, slow-blow, 2A 250VAC, 5x20mm

Product code ZKT-2A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 0,60 PLN

net: 0,60 PLN

Glass fuse, slow-blow, 4A 250VAC, 5x20mm
Glass fuse, slow-blow, 4A 250VAC, 5x20mm

Glass fuse, slow-blow, 4A 250VAC, 5x20mm

Product code ZKT-4A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 0,80 PLN

net: 0,80 PLN

Glass fuse, slow-blow, 5A 250VAC, 5x20mm
Glass fuse, slow-blow, 5A 250VAC, 5x20mm

Glass fuse, slow-blow, 5A 250VAC, 5x20mm

Product code ZKT-5A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 0,78 PLN

net: 0,78 PLN

Glass fuse, slow-blow, 8A 250VAC, 5x20mm
Glass fuse, slow-blow, 8A 250VAC, 5x20mm

Glass fuse, slow-blow, 8A 250VAC, 5x20mm

Product code ZKT-8A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 0,90 PLN

net: 0,90 PLN

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