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EUR 4,0076 4,3764
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45 cm3 / rev
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Hydraulic pump, replacement for Manitou 197297
Hydraulic pump, replacement for Manitou 197297

Hydraulic pump, replacement for Manitou 197297

Product code 2025870

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Description - Manitou pump replacement 197297 Centering diameter: 82.5 mm Shaft type: 22mm spline - 13 teeth Flange mounting: 106 mm Ports: 1 section: 52.4 / 26.2mm by 47.6 / 22.2mm 2 section: BSPC 3 / 4 "by 1/2" 3 section: BSPC 2x 1/2 "Application: Manitou 626, Manitou 626T, Manitou MLT626, Manitou MLT725, Manitou 630.

Turning direction - Right

Comparison code - 197297, 703612, 190227H4144, 3339531036

  • net: 3142,86 PLN


Hydraulic pump, replacement for Manitou 197297

Availability: Currently not available

Turning direction - Right

Comparison code - 197297, 703612, 190227H4144, 3339531036

net: 3142,86 PLN

Manitou hydraulic pump
Manitou hydraulic pump

Manitou hydraulic pump

Product code 246547

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 4529,29 PLN

net: 4529,29 PLN

Hydraulic pump Manitou 273626
Hydraulic pump Manitou 273626

Hydraulic pump Manitou 273626

Product code 273626

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Working volume - 45 cm3 / rev

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 290 bar

Manufacturer - Rexroth

Description - * see paper clip

  • net: 7079,63 PLN


Hydraulic pump Manitou 273626

Availability: Currently not available

Working volume - 45 cm3 / rev

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 290 bar

Manufacturer - Rexroth

net: 7079,63 PLN

Hydraulic pump manitou
Hydraulic pump manitou

Hydraulic pump manitou

Product code 286453

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 3573,45 PLN

net: 3573,45 PLN

Hydraulic pump manitou
Hydraulic pump manitou

Hydraulic pump manitou

Product code 310818

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 7080,84 PLN

net: 7080,84 PLN

Manitou pump shaft (replacement); R902413417 , 563790 , 2413417 , R902423665
Manitou pump shaft (replacement); R902413417 , 563790 , 2413417 , R902423665

Manitou pump shaft (replacement); R902413417 , 563790 , 2413417 , R902423665

Product code R902413417X

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Description - Manitou pump shaft (replacement) 14t / 20t Shaft length 232mm, for bearings 25mm and 35mm.

Comparison code - R902413417, 563790, 2413417, R902423665

  • net: 585,71 PLN

net: 585,71 PLN

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