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Eaton Vickers

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110 VAC / 50Hz
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Coil Eaton Vickers 110VAC/50Hz fi23 h=43mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 110VAC/50Hz fi23 h=43mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 110VAC/50Hz fi23 h=43mm

Product code 02-101725

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 43mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 110 VAC / 50Hz

Power - 0.39 A

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Description - Eaton Vickers coil

Comparison code - A-02-101725

  • net: 223,56 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 110VAC/50Hz fi23 h=43mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 43mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 110 VAC / 50Hz

Power - 0.39 A

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - A-02-101725

net: 223,56 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 24 VDC fi17.5 h=49.5mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 24 VDC fi17.5 h=49.5mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 24 VDC fi17.5 h=49.5mm

Product code 02-154423

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 7 dni

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 17.5mm

Height - h = 49.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

  • net: 411,33 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 24 VDC fi17.5 h=49.5mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 7 dni

inner diameter - fi = 17.5mm

Height - h = 49.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

net: 411,33 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 230VAC fi13 h=40mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 230VAC fi13 h=40mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 230VAC fi13 h=40mm

Product code 300AA00006A

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 40mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 230 VAC

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Description - MCSCS230AG000010

  • net: 144,74 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 230VAC fi13 h=40mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 40mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 230 VAC

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

net: 144,74 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 23W fi13 h=40mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 23W fi13 h=40mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 23W fi13 h=40mm

Product code 300AA00042A

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 40mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 23 W.

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Description - MCSCP024DG000010

  • net: 118,76 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 23W fi13 h=40mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 40mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 23 W.

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

net: 118,76 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 12VDC 20W fi13 h=46mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 12VDC 20W fi13 h=46mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 12VDC 20W fi13 h=46mm

Product code 300AA00081A

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 46mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Description - 02-178086

Comparison code - 02-178086

  • net: 133,62 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 12VDC 20W fi13 h=46mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 46mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - 02-178086

net: 133,62 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 20W fi13 h=46mm, 02-179506
Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 20W fi13 h=46mm, 02-179506

Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 20W fi13 h=46mm, 02-179506

Product code 300AA00082A

Availability: Available (quantity: 9)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 46mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 23 W.

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Description - comparative code: MCSCJ024DG000010, 02-178087

  • net: 213,33 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 20W fi13 h=46mm, 02-179506

Availability: Available (quantity: 9)

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 46mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 23 W.

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

net: 213,33 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 230VAC 20W fi13 h=46mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 230VAC 20W fi13 h=46mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 230VAC 20W fi13 h=46mm

Product code 300AA00086A

Availability: Available (quantity: 11)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 46mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 230 VAC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Description - 02-178117

Comparison code - MCSCJ230AG000010

  • net: 192,98 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 230VAC 20W fi13 h=46mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 11)

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 46mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 230 VAC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - MCSCJ230AG000010

net: 192,98 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers Vickers 12VDC 23W fi13 h=46mm
Coil Eaton Vickers Vickers 12VDC 23W fi13 h=46mm

Coil Eaton Vickers Vickers 12VDC 23W fi13 h=46mm

Product code 300AA00095A

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 46mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 23 W.

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - MCSCJ012DWOB0010

  • net: 138,98 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers Vickers 12VDC 23W fi13 h=46mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 46mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 23 W.

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - MCSCJ012DWOB0010

net: 138,98 PLN

Eaton Vickers coil 12VDC fi12.9 h=46.5mm
Eaton Vickers coil 12VDC fi12.9 h=46.5mm

Eaton Vickers coil 12VDC fi12.9 h=46.5mm

Product code 300AA00101A

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=12.9mm

Height - h=46.5mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 23 W

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - MCSCJ012DN000010

  • net: 143,16 PLN


Eaton Vickers coil 12VDC fi12.9 h=46.5mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

inner diameter - fi=12.9mm

Height - h=46.5mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 23 W

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - MCSCJ012DN000010

net: 143,16 PLN

Eaton Vickers coil 24VDC fi12.9 h=46.5 mm
Eaton Vickers coil 24VDC fi12.9 h=46.5 mm

Eaton Vickers coil 24VDC fi12.9 h=46.5 mm

Product code 300AA00102A

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=12.9mm

Height - h=46.5mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 23 W

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - MCSCJ024DN000010

  • net: 121,24 PLN


Eaton Vickers coil 24VDC fi12.9 h=46.5 mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

inner diameter - fi=12.9mm

Height - h=46.5mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 23 W

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - MCSCJ024DN000010

net: 121,24 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 12VDC fi18 h=46mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 12VDC fi18 h=46mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 12VDC fi18 h=46mm

Product code 300AA00121A

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 18mm

Height - h = 46mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12VDC

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Description - MCSCH012DG000010

  • net: 152,59 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 12VDC fi18 h=46mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

inner diameter - fi = 18mm

Height - h = 46mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12VDC

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

net: 152,59 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC fi18 h=46mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC fi18 h=46mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC fi18 h=46mm

Product code 300AA00122A

Availability: Available (quantity: 11)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 18mm

Height - h = 46mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - MCSH024DG000010

  • net: 174,40 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC fi18 h=46mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 11)

inner diameter - fi = 18mm

Height - h = 46mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - MCSH024DG000010

net: 174,40 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 230VAC fi18 h=46mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 230VAC fi18 h=46mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 230VAC fi18 h=46mm

Product code 300AA00126A

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 18mm

Height - h = 46mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 230VAC

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

  • net: 210,34 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 230VAC fi18 h=46mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

inner diameter - fi = 18mm

Height - h = 46mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 230VAC

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

net: 210,34 PLN

Eaton Vickers coil 12VDC fi12.9 h=46.5mm
Eaton Vickers coil 12VDC fi12.9 h=46.5mm

Eaton Vickers coil 12VDC fi12.9 h=46.5mm

Product code 300AA00172A

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=12,9mm

Height - h=46,5mm

Connection type - Weather Pack

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 23 W

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Description - MCSCJ012DF0A0010

Comparison code - MCSCJ012DF0A0010

  • net: 319,04 PLN


Eaton Vickers coil 12VDC fi12.9 h=46.5mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

inner diameter - fi=12,9mm

Height - h=46,5mm

Connection type - Weather Pack

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 23 W

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - MCSCJ012DF0A0010

net: 319,04 PLN

Eaton Vickers coil 12VDC fi12.9 h=46.5mm
Eaton Vickers coil 12VDC fi12.9 h=46.5mm

Eaton Vickers coil 12VDC fi12.9 h=46.5mm

Product code 300AA00186A

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=12.9mm

Height - h=46.5mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Description - 24228 COIL-SV4-3185A-SV1

Comparison code - MCSCJ012CY000010, 02-169840

  • net: 291,08 PLN


Eaton Vickers coil 12VDC fi12.9 h=46.5mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

inner diameter - fi=12.9mm

Height - h=46.5mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - MCSCJ012CY000010, 02-169840

net: 291,08 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 28VDC fi13 h=46mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 28VDC fi13 h=46mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 28VDC fi13 h=46mm

Product code 300AA00191A

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 46mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 28VDC

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - MCSCJ028BN000010

  • net: 171,16 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 28VDC fi13 h=46mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 46mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 28VDC

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - MCSCJ028BN000010

net: 171,16 PLN

Eaton Vickers coil 24VDC 19W fi16 h=50mm; C16H24/19
Eaton Vickers coil 24VDC 19W fi16 h=50mm; C16H24/19

Eaton Vickers coil 24VDC 19W fi16 h=50mm; C16H24/19

Product code 400AA00004A

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=16mm

Height - h=50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24VDC

Power - 19 W

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - C16H24/19

  • net: 212,02 PLN


Eaton Vickers coil 24VDC 19W fi16 h=50mm; C16H24/19

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

inner diameter - fi=16mm

Height - h=50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24VDC

Power - 19 W

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - C16H24/19

net: 212,02 PLN

Eaton Vickers coil 24VDC 14W fi13 h=38.5mm; C13H24/14
Eaton Vickers coil 24VDC 14W fi13 h=38.5mm; C13H24/14

Eaton Vickers coil 24VDC 14W fi13 h=38.5mm; C13H24/14

Product code 400AA00008A

Availability: Available (quantity: 40)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 14W

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - C13H24/14, C13H24/14

  • net: 72,30 PLN


Eaton Vickers coil 24VDC 14W fi13 h=38.5mm; C13H24/14

Availability: Available (quantity: 40)

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 14W

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - C13H24/14, C13H24/14

net: 72,30 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 22W fi13 h=38.5mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 22W fi13 h=38.5mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 22W fi13 h=38.5mm

Product code 400AA00029A

Availability: Available (quantity: 19)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 22W

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - C13H24/22, C13H24/22

  • net: 142,28 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 22W fi13 h=38.5mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 19)

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 22W

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - C13H24/22, C13H24/22

net: 142,28 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 12VDC 14W fi13 h=38.5mm C13DM12/14 UN-D
Coil Eaton Vickers 12VDC 14W fi13 h=38.5mm C13DM12/14 UN-D

Coil Eaton Vickers 12VDC 14W fi13 h=38.5mm C13DM12/14 UN-D

Product code 400AA00031A

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=13mm

Height - h=38.5mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 14W

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - C13DM12/14UN-D, C13DM12/14UN-D, C131224/14UN-D, C13DM12/14UN-D

  • net: 107,40 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 12VDC 14W fi13 h=38.5mm C13DM12/14 UN-D

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

inner diameter - fi=13mm

Height - h=38.5mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 14W

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - C13DM12/14UN-D, C13DM12/14UN-D, C131224/14UN-D, C13DM12/14UN-D

net: 107,40 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 14W fi13 h=38.5mm C13DM24/14 UN-D
Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 14W fi13 h=38.5mm C13DM24/14 UN-D

Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 14W fi13 h=38.5mm C13DM24/14 UN-D

Product code 400AA00033A

Availability: Available (quantity: 15)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 14 W.

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - C13DM24/14 UN-D, C13DM24/14 UN-D, C13DM24/14UN-D, C13DM24/14UN-D

  • net: 130,98 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 14W fi13 h=38.5mm C13DM24/14 UN-D

Availability: Available (quantity: 15)

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 14 W.

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - C13DM24/14 UN-D, C13DM24/14 UN-D, C13DM24/14UN-D, C13DM24/14UN-D

net: 130,98 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 19W fi16 h=50mm C16DM24/21 UN-D
Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 19W fi16 h=50mm C16DM24/21 UN-D

Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 19W fi16 h=50mm C16DM24/21 UN-D

Product code 400AA00058A

Availability: Available (quantity: 9)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 19 in

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Description - C16DM24 / 21 UN-D

  • net: 218,32 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 19W fi16 h=50mm C16DM24/21 UN-D

Availability: Available (quantity: 9)

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 19 in

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

net: 218,32 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 220VAC fi23 h=50mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 220VAC fi23 h=50mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 220VAC fi23 h=50mm

Product code 507826

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220VAC

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

  • net: 494,92 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 220VAC fi23 h=50mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220VAC

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

net: 494,92 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 240VAC fi23 h=50mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 240VAC fi23 h=50mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 240VAC fi23 h=50mm

Product code 507827

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 240VAC

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - ED-507827

  • net: 278,72 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 240VAC fi23 h=50mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 240VAC

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - ED-507827

net: 278,72 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 110/120VAC fi23 h=50mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 110/120VAC fi23 h=50mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 110/120VAC fi23 h=50mm

Product code 507833

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 110VAC 50Hz/120VAC 60Hz

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Description - 110V 50 120V 60

Comparison code - B-507833

  • net: 329,22 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 110/120VAC fi23 h=50mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 110VAC 50Hz/120VAC 60Hz

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - B-507833

net: 329,22 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 220/240VAC fi23 h=50mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 220/240VAC fi23 h=50mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 220/240VAC fi23 h=50mm

Product code 507834

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220 VAC 50Hz/240 VAC 60Hz

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - D-507834

  • net: 278,02 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 220/240VAC fi23 h=50mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220 VAC 50Hz/240 VAC 60Hz

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - D-507834

net: 278,02 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 12VDC 30W fi23 h=60mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 12VDC 30W fi23 h=60mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 12VDC 30W fi23 h=60mm

Product code 507847

Availability: Available (quantity: 14)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 60mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 30 watts

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

  • net: 329,22 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 12VDC 30W fi23 h=60mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 14)

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 60mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 30 watts

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

net: 329,22 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 30W fi23 h=60mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 30W fi23 h=60mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 30W fi23 h=60mm

Product code 507848

Availability: Available (quantity: 12)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 60mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 30 watts

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

  • net: 329,22 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 30W fi23 h=60mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 12)

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 60mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 30 watts

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

net: 329,22 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 30W fi23 h=60mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 30W fi23 h=60mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 30W fi23 h=60mm

Product code 865923

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 60mm

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 30 watts

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - H-865923

  • net: 332,84 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 24VDC 30W fi23 h=60mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 60mm

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 30 watts

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - H-865923

net: 332,84 PLN

DIN / JPT adapter
DIN / JPT adapter

DIN / JPT adapter

Product code P9-67-DJ-01

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - The DIN / JPT adapter allows the use of a coil or electromagnet equipped with a male connector according to the DIN43650A standard in an installation equipped with a female connector according to the AMP Junior Timer (JP) or AMP Junior Power Timer (JPT) mobile standard. The adapter has a rotary insert of the DIN43650A connector, which allows you to change the position of the adapter every 90o in relation to the coil (electromagnet) connector.

  • net: 90,00 PLN

net: 90,00 PLN



Product code 02-101707

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:



Product code 02-101722

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Coil Eaton Vickers 110VAC 50Hz/120VAC 60Hz fi23 h=43mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 110VAC 50Hz/120VAC 60Hz fi23 h=43mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 110VAC 50Hz/120VAC 60Hz fi23 h=43mm

Product code 02-101726

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 43mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 110 VAC 50Hz / 120 VAC 60Hz

Power - 0.48 A

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Description - 110V 50 0.48 AMP 120V 60 0.46 AMP

Comparison code - B-02-101726

  • net: 279,16 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 110VAC 50Hz/120VAC 60Hz fi23 h=43mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 43mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 110 VAC 50Hz / 120 VAC 60Hz

Power - 0.48 A

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

Comparison code - B-02-101726

net: 279,16 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 220VAC/50Hz fi23 h=43mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 220VAC/50Hz fi23 h=43mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 220VAC/50Hz fi23 h=43mm

Product code 02-101727

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 43mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220 VAC / 50Hz

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

  • net: 278,02 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 220VAC/50Hz fi23 h=43mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 43mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220 VAC / 50Hz

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

net: 278,02 PLN

Coil Eaton Vickers 220VAC 50Hz/240VAC 60Hz fi23 h=43mm
Coil Eaton Vickers 220VAC 50Hz/240VAC 60Hz fi23 h=43mm

Coil Eaton Vickers 220VAC 50Hz/240VAC 60Hz fi23 h=43mm

Product code 02-101728

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 43mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220 VAC 50Hz / 240 VAC 60Hz

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

  • net: 264,82 PLN


Coil Eaton Vickers 220VAC 50Hz/240VAC 60Hz fi23 h=43mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 23mm

Height - h = 43mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220 VAC 50Hz / 240 VAC 60Hz

Producent - Eaton/Vickers

net: 264,82 PLN

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