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EUR 4,131 4,2144
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EUR 3,9871 4,3541
USD 3,8088 4,1592
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Control levers, Joysticks

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RS 210
RSQ 240
RM 250 / RM 260
RS 270 / RM 310
RM 270
RM 310 / RS 260 / RS 270
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LM2 type cross joystick ball joint
LM2 type cross joystick ball joint

LM2 type cross joystick ball joint

Product code 2230-803661

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - LM2 type cross joystick ball joint

  • net: 295,64 PLN

net: 295,64 PLN

Distributor lever Nordhydraulic RM250 RM260 type M-275
Distributor lever Nordhydraulic RM250 RM260 type M-275

Distributor lever Nordhydraulic RM250 RM260 type M-275

Product code 2260-260601

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Type - M-275

Destiny - RM 250 / RM 260

  • net: 146,50 PLN

net: 146,50 PLN

Distributor lever Nordhydraulic RM250 RM260 type NS-275H
Distributor lever Nordhydraulic RM250 RM260 type NS-275H

Distributor lever Nordhydraulic RM250 RM260 type NS-275H

Product code 2260-260646

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Type - NS-275H

Destiny - RM 250 / RM 260

Description - Distributor lever Nordhydraulic RM250 RM260 type NS-275H Pin: fi = 7mm, h = 35mm

  • net: 146,50 PLN


Distributor lever Nordhydraulic RM250 RM260 type NS-275H

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Type - NS-275H

Destiny - RM 250 / RM 260

net: 146,50 PLN

Distributor lever Nordhydraulic RSQ240 type ME180
Distributor lever Nordhydraulic RSQ240 type ME180

Distributor lever Nordhydraulic RSQ240 type ME180

Product code 2260-265090

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Type - ME180

Destiny - RSQ 240

Description - Distributor lever Nordhydraulic RSQ240 type ME180

  • net: 166,06 PLN

net: 166,06 PLN

Distributor lever Nordhydraulic RS210 RM310 RS260 RS270 Type MV245 90deg.
Distributor lever Nordhydraulic RS210 RM310 RS260 RS270 Type MV245 90deg.

Distributor lever Nordhydraulic RS210 RM310 RS260 RS270 Type MV245 90deg.

Product code 2260-267983

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

Destiny - RM 310 / RS 260 / RS 270

Type - MV245

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 129,60 PLN

net: 129,60 PLN

Distributor lever Nordhydraulic RS210 RM310 RS260 RS270 Type MH245 straight
Distributor lever Nordhydraulic RS210 RM310 RS260 RS270 Type MH245 straight

Distributor lever Nordhydraulic RS210 RM310 RS260 RS270 Type MH245 straight

Product code 2260-267984

Availability: Available (quantity: 13)

Product features:

Destiny - RM 310 / RS 260 / RS 270

Type - MH245

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 142,92 PLN

net: 142,92 PLN

Lever Hiab RM270 straight Hydac M262H
Lever Hiab RM270 straight Hydac M262H

Lever Hiab RM270 straight Hydac M262H

Product code 2260-6902201

Availability: Available (quantity: 15)

Product features:

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - HIAB lever - straight Pin: fi = 8mm, h = 32mm

  • net: 171,32 PLN

net: 171,32 PLN

Hiab RM270 lever Hydac M200V
Hiab RM270 lever Hydac M200V

Hiab RM270 lever Hydac M200V

Product code 2260-6902324

Availability: Available (quantity: 33)

Product features:

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Type - M200V

  • net: 174,88 PLN

net: 174,88 PLN

Rod with Nordhydraulic lever base type M340KSL
Rod with Nordhydraulic lever base type M340KSL

Rod with Nordhydraulic lever base type M340KSL

Product code 8230-9962433

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Destiny - RM 270

Type - M340KSL

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 196,00 PLN

net: 196,00 PLN

Joystick Nordhydraulic RS210 type M3K
Joystick Nordhydraulic RS210 type M3K

Joystick Nordhydraulic RS210 type M3K

Product code 2260-280581

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Type - M3K

Destiny - RS 210

Description - Complete joystick part M3K for third spool RS210

Comparison code - 6900000540

  • net: 1714,37 PLN


Joystick Nordhydraulic RS210 type M3K

Availability: Currently not available

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Type - M3K

Destiny - RS 210

Comparison code - 6900000540

net: 1714,37 PLN

Left joystick Nordhydraulic RS210 type M2KL250 3/3
Left joystick Nordhydraulic RS210 type M2KL250 3/3

Left joystick Nordhydraulic RS210 type M2KL250 3/3

Product code 2260-281552

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Type - M2KL250

Destiny - RS 210

Description - Joystick Nordhydraulic M2KR250 for RS210

  • net: 1021,92 PLN

net: 1021,92 PLN

Right joystick Nordhydraulic RS210 type M2KR250 3/3
Right joystick Nordhydraulic RS210 type M2KR250 3/3

Right joystick Nordhydraulic RS210 type M2KR250 3/3

Product code 2260-281553

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Type - M2KR250

Destiny - RS 210

Description - Joystick Nordhydraulic M2KR250 for RS210

  • net: 1021,92 PLN

net: 1021,92 PLN

Joystick Nordhydraulic RM270 type M340KSL
Joystick Nordhydraulic RM270 type M340KSL

Joystick Nordhydraulic RM270 type M340KSL

Product code 2260-6904815

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Type - M340KSL

Destiny - RM 270

  • net: 400,00 PLN


Joystick Nordhydraulic RM270 type M340KSL

Availability: Currently not available

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Type - M340KSL

Destiny - RM 270

net: 400,00 PLN

Lever Hiab RM270 Hydac M250VH - discontinued
Lever Hiab RM270 Hydac M250VH - discontinued

Lever Hiab RM270 Hydac M250VH - discontinued

Product code 6902219

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - HIAB lever - 2-sided control Straight lever M262H 2260-6902201 Angle lever M200V 2260-6902324 Pin: fi=8mm, h=32mm

Comparison code - 2260-6902219, 2260-6902201, 2260-6902324

  • net: 149,26 PLN


Lever Hiab RM270 Hydac M250VH - discontinued

Availability: Currently not available

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Comparison code - 2260-6902219, 2260-6902201, 2260-6902324

net: 149,26 PLN

Joystick krzyżowy Nordhydraulic RS270 RM310
Joystick krzyżowy Nordhydraulic RS270 RM310

Joystick krzyżowy Nordhydraulic RS270 RM310

Product code J-RS270

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Destiny - RS 270 / RM 310

Producer - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 55,40 PLN

net: 55,40 PLN

Nordhydraulic WK-10 cable lever
Nordhydraulic WK-10 cable lever

Nordhydraulic WK-10 cable lever

Product code Lever WK-10

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 379,97 PLN

net: 379,97 PLN

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