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Luen Solenoid Valve Body, 3/4-16UNF Socket, 3/8"BSP Ports
Luen Solenoid Valve Body, 3/4-16UNF Socket, 3/8"BSP Ports

Luen Solenoid Valve Body, 3/4-16UNF Socket, 3/8"BSP Ports

Product code 005.099.001.F

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:

Description - Luen Solenoid Valve Body, 3/4-16UNF Socket, 3/8"BSP Ports

  • net: 83,16 PLN

net: 83,16 PLN

Luen Solenoid Body, 7/8-14UNF Socket, 3/8"BSP Ports
Luen Solenoid Body, 7/8-14UNF Socket, 3/8"BSP Ports

Luen Solenoid Body, 7/8-14UNF Socket, 3/8"BSP Ports

Product code 005.221.001.F

Availability: Available (quantity: 14)

Product features:

Description - Safety valve body 3/8" Socket 7/8"-14UNF C-38GAS-020N-L

  • net: 95,86 PLN

net: 95,86 PLN

Luen SV10-42-H solenoid valve
Luen SV10-42-H solenoid valve

Luen SV10-42-H solenoid valve

Product code 005.248.0H0

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 250 bar

max. flow - 25 l/min

Recess - CE-167-N

connection - 7/8"-14

Producent - Luen

Description - 3-section Luen solenoid valve SV10-42-H Nose: 15.8mm / 17.4mm / 19mm Connection: 7/8-14 UNF Stem Ø 16mm

Comparison code - 403AA00736A, S542N-H24, SV10-42-H

  • net: 652,22 PLN


Luen SV10-42-H solenoid valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 250 bar

max. flow - 25 l/min

Recess - CE-167-N

connection - 7/8"-14

Producent - Luen

Comparison code - 403AA00736A, S542N-H24, SV10-42-H

net: 652,22 PLN

Luen Solenoid Body, G 1 Port, 1"BSP Ports, 16/50mm Solenoid
Luen Solenoid Body, G 1 Port, 1"BSP Ports, 16/50mm Solenoid

Luen Solenoid Body, G 1 Port, 1"BSP Ports, 16/50mm Solenoid

Product code 005.533.001.F

Availability: Available (quantity: 19)

Product features:

Recess - CE-114-N

Description - Luen solenoid valve body, G 1 socket, 1" BSP ports Body dimensions: 80x70x50mm

Comparison code - 005.533.001

  • net: 193,20 PLN

net: 193,20 PLN

Solenoid valve Luen N0, 12.70mm, 3/4-16UNF, coil 13/38mm, 20l/min
Solenoid valve Luen N0, 12.70mm, 3/4-16UNF, coil 13/38mm, 20l/min

Solenoid valve Luen N0, 12.70mm, 3/4-16UNF, coil 13/38mm, 20l/min

Product code 005.540.000

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

max. flow - 20L/min

Type - YEAH

Recess - CE-011-N

Description - Safety valve LUEN (NO) 3/4"UNF VE-NA-20-011N-34UNF

  • net: 144,96 PLN

net: 144,96 PLN

Luen NO solenoid valve, 15.87mm, 7/8-14UNF, 16/50mm coil, 50l/min
Luen NO solenoid valve, 15.87mm, 7/8-14UNF, 16/50mm coil, 50l/min

Luen NO solenoid valve, 15.87mm, 7/8-14UNF, 16/50mm coil, 50l/min

Product code 005.552.E00

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 50 l/min

Type - YEAH

Recess - CE-020-N

Description - Safety valve LUEN (NO) 50l/min 350bar coil fi16 h50mm DSL102N

  • net: 263,76 PLN


Luen NO solenoid valve, 15.87mm, 7/8-14UNF, 16/50mm coil, 50l/min

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

max. pressure - 350 bars

max. flow - 50 l/min

Type - YEAH

Recess - CE-020-N

net: 263,76 PLN

Luen NC solenoid valve, 15.87mm, 7/8-14UNF, coil 16/50mm, 50l/min
Luen NC solenoid valve, 15.87mm, 7/8-14UNF, coil 16/50mm, 50l/min

Luen NC solenoid valve, 15.87mm, 7/8-14UNF, coil 16/50mm, 50l/min

Product code 005.553.E00

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. flow - 50 l/min

Type - NC

Recess - CE-020-N

Description - Luen NC solenoid valve, 15.87mm, 7/8-14UNF, coil 16/50mm, 50l/min

Comparison code - 005553E00, 005-553-E00

  • net: 241,80 PLN


Luen NC solenoid valve, 15.87mm, 7/8-14UNF, coil 16/50mm, 50l/min

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. flow - 50 l/min

Type - NC

Recess - CE-020-N

Comparison code - 005553E00, 005-553-E00

net: 241,80 PLN

Solenoid valve LUEN (NO) 30mm, 1", coil 16/50mm, 150l/min
Solenoid valve LUEN (NO) 30mm, 1", coil 16/50mm, 150l/min

Solenoid valve LUEN (NO) 30mm, 1", coil 16/50mm, 150l/min

Product code 005.560.E00

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

Product features:

max. pressure - 300 bar

max. flow - 150 l/min

Type - YEAH

Recess - CE-114-N

Description - Luen safety valve VEP-NA-150-114N-100GAS-E normally open coil fi16 h50mm body 005.533.001.F

Comparison code - 005560E00

  • net: 535,72 PLN


Solenoid valve LUEN (NO) 30mm, 1", coil 16/50mm, 150l/min

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

max. pressure - 300 bar

max. flow - 150 l/min

Type - YEAH

Recess - CE-114-N

Comparison code - 005560E00

net: 535,72 PLN

Luen Solenoid Body, 7/8-14UNF Socket, 1/2"BSP Ports
Luen Solenoid Body, 7/8-14UNF Socket, 1/2"BSP Ports

Luen Solenoid Body, 7/8-14UNF Socket, 1/2"BSP Ports

Product code 005.577.001

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Product features:

Recess - CE-020-N

Description - Luen solenoid valve body, 7/8-14UNF socket, 1/2"BSP ports Body dimensions: 70x70x35mm

Comparison code - 005.577.001.F

  • net: 140,64 PLN

net: 140,64 PLN

Matilsa Parma actuator solenoid valve
Matilsa Parma actuator solenoid valve

Matilsa Parma actuator solenoid valve

Product code 578.001.084

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - Matilsa Parma actuator solenoid valve Body code: 005.101.EX1 Body dimensions: 50x50x29 12V coil fi14 h50

Comparison code - 578-001-084, 578001084

  • net: 1074,60 PLN

net: 1074,60 PLN

Luen NC solenoid valve, 12.70mm, 3/4-16UNF, coil 13/38mm, 20l/min
Luen NC solenoid valve, 12.70mm, 3/4-16UNF, coil 13/38mm, 20l/min

Luen NC solenoid valve, 12.70mm, 3/4-16UNF, coil 13/38mm, 20l/min

Product code 005.541.000

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. flow - 20L/min

Type - NC

Recess - CE-011-N

Description - Safety valve LUEN (NC) 3/4"UNF VE-NC-20-011N-34UNF

  • net: 147,90 PLN

net: 147,90 PLN

LUEN solenoid valve (NC) 30mm, 1", coil 16/50mm, 150l/min
LUEN solenoid valve (NC) 30mm, 1", coil 16/50mm, 150l/min

LUEN solenoid valve (NC) 30mm, 1", coil 16/50mm, 150l/min

Product code 005.561.E00

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. flow - 150 l/min

Type - NC

Recess - CE-114-N

Description - Luen safety valve VEP-NC-150-114N-100GAS-E normally closed coil fi16 h50mm body 005.533.001.F

Comparison code - 005561E00

  • net: 608,16 PLN


LUEN solenoid valve (NC) 30mm, 1", coil 16/50mm, 150l/min

Availability: Currently not available

max. flow - 150 l/min

Type - NC

Recess - CE-114-N

Comparison code - 005561E00

net: 608,16 PLN

S542N-H24 valve
S542N-H24 valve

S542N-H24 valve

Product code 403AA00736A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 473,78 PLN

net: 473,78 PLN

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