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SC30 EU Schwing Scanreco receiver PN: 1611
SC30 EU Schwing Scanreco receiver PN: 1611

SC30 EU Schwing Scanreco receiver PN: 1611

Product code 98357744

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 4 dni

Product features:

Description - SC30 EU Schwing receiver Technical information: Protection level: IP 67 Frequency: 433-434, 902-928 MHz or 2.4 GHz (other frequencies available on request) Operating temperature: -25°C to +70°C / ~-15 °F to +160°F Supply voltage: 12/24 VDC Dimensions (W × H × D): 110 × 140 × 157 mm Control: Standard length 10 m Weight: 1.2 kg Bidirectional communication CANopen interface Two-digit display LED

Producent - Scanreco

Comparison code - 1611

Scanreco SC30 Schwing 49276 Cross Manipulator
Scanreco SC30 Schwing 49276 Cross Manipulator

Scanreco SC30 Schwing 49276 Cross Manipulator

Product code 50754

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Description - The 50754 manipulator is discontinued and no longer available, it has been replaced by A1000380406 The shape of the joystick is different, but the functionality and compatibility are the same. Cross Control + Knob Scanreco SC30

Producent - Scanreco

Comparison code - 50754, 49276, 98362745, A1000380406


Scanreco SC30 Schwing 49276 Cross Manipulator

Availability: Currently not available

Producent - Scanreco

Comparison code - 50754, 49276, 98362745, A1000380406

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