Elektryzator bateryjno-sieciowy (uniwersalny) EBS 872/M + zasilacz
Product code 101010010
Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 3 dni
Product features:
Currency | Rate | |
Purchase | Sale | |
EUR | 4,1061 | 4,1891 |
USD | 3,9406 | 4,0202 |
*Tabela C NBP | ||
EUR | 3,982 | 4,3484 |
USD | 3,833 | 4,1858 |
*BNP Paribas |
Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 3 dni
Product features:
Elektryzator bateryjno-sieciowy (uniwersalny) EBS 872/M + zasilacz
Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 3 dni
net: 312,75 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 286,88 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 320,63 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 64) , 3 dni
Product features:
Palik Słupek z polipropylenu L-900 jedna stopka KIPOST 90 REC ( sprzedawane po 10 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 64) , 3 dni
net: 46,13 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 18) , 3 dni
Product features:
Palik Słupek z polipropylenu L-1330 ( sprzedawane po 10 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 18) , 3 dni
net: 85,50 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 53) , 3 dni
Product features:
Izolator do taśmy z wkrętem do drewna ( sprzedawane po 25 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 53) , 3 dni
net: 16,56 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 22) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 17,50 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 2 dni
Product features:
Izolator narożny do taśmy IRUANGLE ( sprzedawane po 2 szt)
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 2 dni
net: 16,65 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 24,98 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 47) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 157,50 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 21) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 39,26 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 44) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 22,39 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 105) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 53,73 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 148) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 60,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 122,63 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 129,38 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 82,46 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 106,88 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 50,63 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 41,63 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 18,36 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - • Energizer parameters: Voltage – 10,000 V Input energy – 1100 mJ Output energy in TURBO mode – 500 mJ Output energy in ECO mode – 370 mJ • Power supply: 230V/50Hz power supply – 15 mA 12V DC battery – 65 mA • Designed for short and medium fences up to 12 km • The set includes: • energizer • power cables • warning sign • power supply • crocodile clips for connecting the battery • operating and installation instructions
net: 236,25 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 189) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 7,73 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Natural wild boar repellent KUNAGONE It effectively deters wild boars roaming around the garden, as well as other animals such as foxes and squirrels. This is a patented Polish product that is based on natural fragrances and is completely safe for both humans and animals. The mixture of dog hair from different breeds scares and discourages wild animals from entering the area. The product placed in a given place can work for up to 3 months. The bag with its contents should be unpacked from the foil protection and placed in a place from which we want to eliminate visits from wild animals. It can be placed on the ground or, for example, hung on a fence.
Naturalny odstraszacz na dziki KUNAGONE ( sprzedawane po 10 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
net: 60,63 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Kunagone works on mice by repelling rodents with its scent, not by killing them, as is the case with other products of this type. The appropriate composition, based on oils, waxes and selected dog hair, repels mice that leave your home or garden. This product is not a biocidal product, which means that it does not negatively affect the health of people and animals.
Naturalny odstraszacz na myszy KUNAGONE (sprzedawane po 10 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
net: 63,75 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 19) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Kunagone works on mice by repelling rodents with its scent, not by killing them, as is the case with other products of this type. The appropriate composition, based on oils, waxes and selected dog hair, repels mice that leave your home or garden. This product is not a biocidal product, which means that it does not negatively affect the health of people and animals.
Naturalny odstraszacz na myszy KUNAGONE (sprzedawane po 2 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 19) , 3 dni
net: 15,40 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Natural mole repellent KUNAGONE An innovative formula that ensures exceptional effectiveness. Very easy to use - just bury in a mound. Safe for people and animals. Long operating time - up to 3 months! Creates a protective barrier that effectively repels moles and voles.
Naturalny odstraszacz na krety KUNAGONE ( sprzedawane po 10 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
net: 61,25 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 47) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Natural Marten Repellent KUNAGONE Specific fragrance blends naturally deter wild animals. For the attic or car - you can place the bag under the hood of your car or in the attic of your home. Long-lasting effect - the bags release the fragrance continuously, up to three months. A phenomenal Polish product that effectively discourages martens from rummaging through the car's electrical system and annoys and stops martens from feeding in attics and their meeting places. The product releases the natural scent of a dog, which is a natural enemy of martens, thanks to which it repels not only martens, but also other wild animals. The scent is practically imperceptible to humans. The effectiveness of the KUNAGONE marten repellent has been confirmed during tests and studies lasting 12 months.
net: 12,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Natural Marten Repellent KUNAGONE Specific fragrance blends naturally deter wild animals. For the attic or car - you can place the bag under the hood of your car or in the attic of your home. Long-lasting effect - the bags release the fragrance continuously, up to three months. A phenomenal Polish product that effectively discourages martens from rummaging through the car's electrical system and annoys and stops martens from feeding in attics and their meeting places. The product releases the natural scent of a dog, which is a natural enemy of martens, thanks to which it repels not only martens, but also other wild animals. The scent is practically imperceptible to humans. The effectiveness of the KUNAGONE marten repellent has been confirmed during tests and studies lasting 12 months.
Naturalny odstraszacz na kuny KUNAGONE ( sprzedawane po 6 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
net: 64,13 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 28) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 14,63 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 59) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 21,94 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 58) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 39,38 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 148) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 4,39 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 250) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 44,89 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 457) , 3 dni
Product features:
Złączka redukcja pół holender poidła stary typ H200/6
Availability: Available (quantity: 457) , 3 dni
net: 8,78 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 330) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 97,88 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 632) , 3 dni
Product features:
Palik Słupek z polipropylenu L-900 jedna stopka KIPOST REC Pomelac
Availability: Available (quantity: 632) , 3 dni
net: 4,73 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 300) , 3 dni
Product features:
Palik Słupek z polipropylenu L-900 dwie stopki REC Pomelac
Availability: Available (quantity: 300) , 3 dni
net: 6,53 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 11) , 3 dni
Product features:
Izolator zatrzaskowy fi 10 do taśmy i drutu G302 (sprzedawane po 25)
Availability: Available (quantity: 11) , 3 dni
net: 21,25 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 2 dni
Product features:
Izolator narożny owalny do drutu i plecionki IEF (sprzedawane po 10)
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 2 dni
net: 7,38 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 64,91 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 2 dni
Product features:
Drut bez szpuli do pastucha ocynkowany fi 1,2 mm 1000m
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 2 dni
net: 115,31 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 31,50 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 13) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 28,69 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 50) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 1,91 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 2,81 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 21,15 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 44,89 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 15) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 26,21 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 8,21 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 34) , 3 dni
Product features:
Izolator do słupków palików z włókna szklanego 8mm ( sprzedawane po 25 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 34) , 3 dni
net: 16,88 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 23,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
Pulsator 60/40 regulacja płynna pasuje do Alfa-Laval Dojarka Amir bez adaptera
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
net: 248,63 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 28,69 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
Elektryzator sieciowy SECUR 2 400 HTE (4000 mJ) zamiennik 201010021
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
net: 698,63 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
Elektryzator Julbox JB-400-S (4000mJ) zamiennik 201010017
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
net: 478,13 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 106,20 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 59,96 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 32,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 10) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 10,01 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 133,88 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
Szczotka do wylotu gumy strzykowej nowy typ stilon Dojarka
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
net: 13,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Product features:
Szczotka do wylotu gumy strzykowej kołnierzowa stilon Dojarka
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
net: 13,28 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 29) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 22,39 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 2,70 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 20) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 2,76 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 45) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 2,81 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 16) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 5,85 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 14) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 16,88 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 10) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 14,06 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 5,85 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,13 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 8,78 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 23) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,10 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 15) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 8,89 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 12) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,33 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,10 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 45) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 9,00 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
Korpus górny kolektora 120ml średnica wewnętrzna końcówki 10mm Dojarka
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
net: 62,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 10,13 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 15) , 3 dni
Product features:
Uszczelka zaworu z wkładką kolektora 50/120ml odwijana Dojarka
Availability: Available (quantity: 15) , 3 dni
net: 5,51 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 29) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 14,06 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 49) , 3 dni
Product features:
Przewód mleczny PCV L-0,8m średnica 14.5x4.5mm z atestem Dojarka
Availability: Available (quantity: 49) , 3 dni
net: 13,73 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 11) , 3 dni
Product features:
Przewód mleczny PCV L-0,8m średnica 16x4.5mm z atestem Dojarka
Availability: Available (quantity: 11) , 3 dni
net: 14,63 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 77) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,15 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 11) , 3 dni
Product features:
Guma strzykowa średnica wewnętrzna końcówki fi-8 Dojarka Amir ( sprzedawane po 4 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 11) , 3 dni
net: 44,95 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 28) , 3 dni
Product features:
Guma strzykowa średnica wewnętrzna końcówki fi-8 Dojarka Polanes ( sprzedawane po 4 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 28) , 3 dni
net: 36,45 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
Guma strzykowa średnica wewnętrzna końcówki fi-10 Dojarka Amir ( sprzedawane po 4 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
net: 51,75 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 31) , 3 dni
Product features:
Guma strzykowa średnica wewnętrzna końcówki fi-10 Dojarka Polanes ( sprzedawane po 4 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 31) , 3 dni
net: 36,00 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,10 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 10) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 4,28 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 23,75 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 11,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 9,00 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
Szczotka przewodu mlecznego L-130cm średnica 16mm stilon Dojarka
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
net: 8,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
Product features:
Szczotka przewodu mlecznego L-130cm średnica 30mm stilon Dojarka
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
net: 11,14 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 9,56 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 9,00 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
Product features:
Szczotka przewodu mlecznego L-90cm średnica 16mm stilon Dojarka
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
net: 8,33 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
Product features:
Szczotka przewodu mlecznego L-90cm średnica 30mm stilon Dojarka
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
net: 8,89 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
Szczotka wielofunkcyjna gumy strzykowej stilon Dojarka
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
net: 16,76 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 17,44 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 5,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 20,81 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
Wkład gęsty cedzidła małego chromoniklowy oczko siatki 0.50mm Dojarka
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
net: 8,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
Wkład rzadki cedzidła małego śr.otw. 4mm 177otw Dojarka
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
net: 6,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 140,63 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
Kolektor kompletny 120 ml średnica wew. Końcówki 10mm Dojarka
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
net: 99,98 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 36,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Product features:
Korpus dolny kolektora HCC150 wylot na mleko wew 16 mm Dojarka
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
net: 33,64 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 13,73 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 13,73 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 10) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 12,71 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 25) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 13,50 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 28,69 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 47,48 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 84,94 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 104,96 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 56,14 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 135,63 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 67) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,60 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 13) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 7,88 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 56) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 1,91 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 11,10 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 61) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 44,94 PLN
Availability: Currently not available
Product features:
net: 7020,00 PLN
Availability: Currently not available
Product features:
net: 13,16 PLN
Availability: Currently not available
Product features:
Elektryzator sieciowy SECUR 2 600 HTE (6000 mJ) zamiennik 201010023
Availability: Currently not available
net: 913,50 PLN
Availability: Currently not available
Product features:
net: 517,49 PLN
Availability: Currently not available
Product features:
net: 96,19 PLN
Availability: Currently not available
Product features:
net: 1,41 PLN
Availability: Currently not available
Product features:
net: 53,66 PLN
Availability: Currently not available
Product features:
net: 12,60 PLN
Availability: Currently not available
Product features:
net: 5,06 PLN
Availability: Currently not available
Product features:
net: 87,41 PLN
Availability: Currently not available
Product features:
net: 3,26 PLN
Availability: Currently not available
Product features:
net: 2,88 PLN
Availability: Currently not available
Product features:
Wkład gęsty cedzidła dużego chromoniklowy oczko siatki 0.63mm Dojarka
Availability: Currently not available
net: 16,20 PLN
Availability: Currently not available
Product features:
net: 10,01 PLN
Availability: Currently not available
Product features:
Kolektor kompletny 150 ml HCC150 wylot na mleko średnica wew.16mm Dojarka
Availability: Currently not available
net: 148,50 PLN
Availability: Currently not available
Product features:
net: 17,11 PLN
Availability: Currently not available
Product features:
net: 6,19 PLN
Availability: Currently not available
Product features:
net: 14,06 PLN