Przewód wskaźnika ciśnienia powietrza C-385
Product code 80235060
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 2 dni
Product features:
Currency | Rate | |
Purchase | Sale | |
EUR | 4,116 | 4,1992 |
USD | 3,8219 | 3,8991 |
*Tabela C NBP | ||
EUR | 3,9752 | 4,341 |
USD | 3,6803 | 4,0189 |
*BNP Paribas |
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 21,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Air pressure gauge hose C-385 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód manometru ciśnienia powietrza C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 29,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Air tank hose - brake regulator C-385 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód zbiornik powietrza - regulator hamulcy C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 33,11 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 49) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 96,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
Product features:
Producent - URSUS
Sprężyna pedału hamulca sprzedawane po 10 C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 52,38 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 11,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 11,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 162) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 7,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 16) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 9,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 22) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 4,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 6,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 124,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 124,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 10) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 249,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 22) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 250,00 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 149,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 22,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 24) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 4,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 33,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 73) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 17,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 16) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 2,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 129,36 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 9,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 49,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 2 dni
Product features:
Description - Power steering pump hose II C-385 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód pompy II wspomagania C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 2 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 62,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 49,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 74,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 387,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 5,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 67,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 15,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 38,63 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 16,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 8) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 33,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 19,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 10) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 49,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 7,73 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1960) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 7,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 204) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 32,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 25) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 67,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 38) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 58,61 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Oil pressure gauge hose 80350020 C-385 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód manometru ciśnienia oleju 80350020 C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 34,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 2 dni
Product features:
Description - Oil pressure gauge hose 80350030 C-385 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód manometru ciśnienia oleju 80350030 C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 2 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 44,36 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Air/oil pressure gauge hose Ursus C-385 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód manometru ciśnienia powietrza / oleju Ursus C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 29,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Product features:
Przełącznik kierunkowskazów z przyciskiem sygnału 67115725 C-385
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
net: 63,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 20) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 16,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 371) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 31,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 166) , 3 dni
Product features:
Wyłącznik, włącznik wyciągany 60115803, 67185810, 50457929 C-385 ( sprzedawane po 10 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 166) , 3 dni
net: 35,00 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 12) , 3 dni
Product features:
Producent - URSUS
Sprężyna drzwi sprzedawane po 10 C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 12) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 89,88 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 41) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 13,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 149,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 149,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 279) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 7,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 604) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 6,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 43) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 4,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 26,00 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 143) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 4,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 103) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 7,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 149,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Carpet floor mat C-385 cabin ORIGINAL URSUS
net: 162,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 173) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 84,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 29) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 94,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 287,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Universal front fender, red, galvanized sheet metal, powder coated, 80381101
Błotnik przedni uniwersalny kolor czerwony blacha ocynkowana malowany proszkowo 80381101
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
net: 98,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 11) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 44,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
Wręga rurowa-wspornik lewy błotnika przedniego C-385 4-cyl.
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
net: 78,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
Wręga rurowa-wspornik prawy błotnika przedniego C-385 4-cyl.
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
net: 74,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 10) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 23,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 23,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 87,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 2 dni
Product features:
Description - Left front wheel drive mudguard, red, galvanized sheet metal, powder coated, 80383160
Błotnik lewy przedni napęd kolor czerwony blacha ocynkowana malowany proszkowo 80383160
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 2 dni
net: 137,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 87,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 2 dni
Product features:
Description - Right front wheel drive mudguard, red, galvanized sheet metal, powder coated, 80383170
Błotnik prawy przedni napęd kolor czerwony blacha ocynkowana.malowany proszkowo 80383170
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 2 dni
net: 137,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 25,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 102,38 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
Producent - URSUS
Komplet ( zestaw ) uszczelek tylnego mostu C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 222,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
Producent - URSUS
Uszczelka korpusu podnośnika krążelit 1mm C-385 ( sprzedawane po 5 ) ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 224,94 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 74,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 8) , 3 dni
Product features:
Uszczelka wału podnośnika 88400003 C-385 (sprzedawane po 20 szt)
Availability: Available (quantity: 8) , 3 dni
net: 74,75 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 114,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 12,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 12) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 9,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Connector, hydraulic cylinder screw C-385 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Złączka. śruba siłownika hydraulicznego C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 21,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Hydraulic pump hose 86407110 C-385 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód pompy hydraulicznej 86407110 C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 64,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
Description - III hydraulic hose C-385 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód III hydrauliki C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 51,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 2 dni
Product features:
Description - IV hydraulics hose C-385 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód IV hydrauliki C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 2 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 46,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 19) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 25,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 22) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 69,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 87,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 14) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 78,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 174,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 78) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 44,83 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 11) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 22,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 22,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 240) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 7,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 23) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 7,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 25) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 324,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 487,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 724,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 146,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 94,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 487,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 524,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 593,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 157) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 8,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - In order to improve mechanical properties, ORIGINAL URSUS pins have been subjected to the hardening process (induction) HARDENING guarantees - longer service life - increased resistance to mechanical damage The pins can be used for all other machines and devices with the matching dimension. URSUS pins guarantee a safe and durable connection.
Producent - URSUS
Sworzeń widełek C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 23,11 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 20) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 8,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 43) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 8) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 52,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 12) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 499,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 212,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 98) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 1,90 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 281) , 3 dni
Product features:
Czop (sworzeń) zabezpieczający mocowania nośnika zaczepu C-385
Availability: Available (quantity: 281) , 3 dni
net: 6,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 14) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - In order to improve mechanical properties, ORIGINAL URSUS pins have been subjected to the hardening process (induction) HARDENING guarantees - longer service life - increased resistance to mechanical damage The pins can be used for all other machines and devices with the matching dimension. URSUS pins guarantee a safe and durable connection.
Producent - URSUS
Sworzeń zaczepu górnego C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 14) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 26,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 976) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 2,10 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 18) , 3 dni
Product features:
Pierścień uszczelniający serwomechanizmu (manszeta) C-385
Availability: Available (quantity: 18) , 3 dni
net: 4,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Product features:
Producent - URSUS
Instalacja elektryczna 4-cylindrowy C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 218,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 10) , 3 dni
Product features:
Pierścień mosiężny złącza filtra serwomechanizmu 54251702 C-380/385
Availability: Available (quantity: 10) , 3 dni
net: 2,11 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 9,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 40) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,11 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
Koło pasowe wału korbowego stożek na cztery paski C-385 4-cyl stożek fi42
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
net: 312,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 1999,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 299,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 587,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 69) , 3 dni
Product features:
Uszczelka głowicy silikon 4-cyl. 1.5mm (wszystkie otwory) C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 69) , 3 dni
net: 71,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 2 dni
Product features:
Uszczelka głowicy silikon 83005921 C-385 4-cyl. 1.5mm (wszystkie otwory)
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 2 dni
net: 58,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 16,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 30) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Complete set of injection lines for C-385 4-cyl. (4 pcs.)
Producent - URSUS
Komplet przewodów wtryskowych do C-385 4- cyl. (4 szt.) ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 30) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 113,11 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 8) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Injection pipe I 4-cyl C-385 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód wtrysku I 4-cyl C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 8) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 27,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 16,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 14) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Injection pipe II 4-cyl C-385 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód wtrysku II 4-cyl C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 14) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 28,11 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 16,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Injection pipe III 4-cyl C-385 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód wtrysku III 4-cyl C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 27,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Product features:
Przewód wysokiego ciśnienia IV cylindra C-385 4-cyl Polski
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
net: 17,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 10) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Injection pipe IV 4-cyl C-385 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód wtrysku IV 4-cyl C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 10) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 27,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 86,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Injector drain hose (rubber) 4-cyl C-385 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód zlewny wtryskiwaczy (gumowy) 4-cyl C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 106,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 2874,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 56) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 6,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 106) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 13,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 299,99 PLN