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EUR 4,1247 4,2081
USD 3,948 4,0278
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EUR 3,9797 4,3459
USD 3,7912 4,14
*BNP Paribas

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100g / 3.53oz
102.2g / 3.60oz
102g / 3.60oz
103g / 3.63oz
103.8g / 3.66oz
104.9g / 3.70oz
105.6g / 3.72oz
105g / 3.70oz
107.6g / 3.80oz
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114.0g / 4.02oz
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123.4g / 4.35oz
124.8g / 4.40oz
124.2g / 4.38oz
124g / 4.37oz
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125.5g / 4.43oz
125g / 4.41oz
125.0g / 4.41oz
126.2g / 4.45oz
127.0g / 4.48oz
128g / 4.52oz
128.4g / 4.53oz
130g / 4.59oz
131g / 4.62oz
131.3g / 4.63oz
132g / 4.66oz
132.8g / 4.68oz
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133.6g / 4.71oz
133g / 4.69oz
133.0g / 4.69oz
134g / 4.73oz
135g / 4.76oz
135.9g / 4.79oz
137.0g / 4.83oz
137g / 4.83oz
138.2g / 4.87oz
139g / 4.90oz
141g / 4.97oz
142.6g / 5.03oz
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159.5g / 5.63oz
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160g / 5.64oz
161g / 5.68oz
163.8g / 5.78oz
164g / 5.78oz
164.2g / 5.79oz
164.4g / 5.80oz
165.0g / 5.82oz
165g / 5.82oz
165.3g / 5.83oz
166g / 5.86oz
166.4g / 5.87oz
166.0g / 5.86oz
167.0g / 5.89oz
167g / 5.89oz
168.1g / 5.93oz
169.1g / 5.96oz
169.6g / 5.98oz
170.6g / 6.02oz
170.2g / 6.00oz
170g / 6.00oz
170.0g / 6.00oz
171.2g / 6.04oz
171g / 6.03oz
172g / 6.07oz
172.4g / 6.08oz
173.6g / 6.12oz
173g / 6.10oz
175g / 6.17oz
175.0g / 6.17oz
175.1g / 6.18oz
177g / 6.24oz
177.4g / 6.26oz
178g / 6.28oz
180g / 6.35oz
181.2g / 6.39oz
181g / 6.38oz
181.1g / 6.39oz
182.0g / 6.42oz
183.4g / 6.47oz
184g / 6.49oz
186g / 6.56oz
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188g / 6.63oz
189g / 6.67oz
190.5g / 6.72oz
191g / 6.74oz
193g / 6.81oz
193.2g / 6.81oz
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195g / 6.88oz
196g / 6.91oz
199g / 7.02oz
199.0g / 7.02oz
200g / 7.05oz
201.0g / 7.09oz
202g / 7.13oz
203.5g / 7.18oz
206.0g / 7.27oz
207g / 7.30oz
208.4g / 7.35oz
209.4g / 7.39oz
209g / 7.37oz
210g / 7.41oz
211.8g / 7.47oz
211.4g / 7.46oz
212.4g / 7.49oz
213.5g / 7.53oz
213.2g / 7.52oz
213g / 7.51oz
214.8g / 7.58oz
214g / 7.55oz
214.2g / 7.56oz
215.3g / 7.59oz
215.0g / 7.58oz
215g / 7.58oz
216g / 7.62oz
216.2g / 7.63oz
217g / 7.65oz
217.0g / 7.65oz
217.4g / 7.67oz
219g / 7.72oz
219.6g / 7.75oz
220g / 7.76oz
220.4g / 7.77oz
220.0g / 7.76oz
222.0g / 7.83oz
222.2g / 7.84oz
223g / 7.87oz
224.5g / 7.92oz
225.2g / 7.94oz
225.6g / 7.96oz
225.4g / 7.95oz
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226.4g / 7.99oz
226g / 7.97oz
227.4g / 8.02oz
227g / 8.01oz
230.2g / 8.12oz
230.6g / 8.13oz
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236g / 8.32oz
237.5g / 8.38oz
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240g / 8.47oz
241.0g / 8.50oz
241g / 8.50oz
242.0g / 8.54oz
242.4g / 8.55oz
243g / 8.57oz
244g / 8.61oz
246g / 8.68oz
248.5g / 8.77oz
250.0g / 8.82oz
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251g / 8.85oz
252.5g / 8.91oz
253.1g / 8.93oz
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256.8g / 9.06oz
256.0g / 9.03oz
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259.4g / 9.15oz
260g / 9.17oz
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261g / 9.21oz
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262g / 9.24oz
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274g / 9.67oz
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276.4g / 9.75oz
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280.6g / 9.90oz
282.0g / 9.95oz
283g / 9.98oz
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283.5g / 10.00oz
284g / 10.02oz
285.8g / 10.08oz
287.8g / 10.15oz
287.0g / 10.12oz
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291.8g / 10.29oz
291.2g / 10.27oz
292g / 10.30oz
294.8g / 10.40oz
295.0g / 10.41oz
296.5g / 10.46oz
298.0g / 10.51oz
298g / 10.51oz
299.2g / 10.55oz
299.4g / 10.56oz
300.5g / 10.60oz
303g / 10.69oz
304g / 10.72oz
305.0g / 10.76oz
307.0g / 10.83oz
309.4g / 10.91oz
311.6g / 10.99oz
311g / 10.97oz
311.2g / 10.98oz
312.8g / 11.03oz
312g / 11.01oz
313g / 11.04oz
314g / 11.08oz
317g / 11.18oz
318g / 11.22oz
320g / 11.29oz
321.6g / 11.34oz
324.4g / 11.44oz
325.2g / 11.47oz
326.6g / 11.52oz
326.5g / 11.52oz
327.0g / 11.53oz
329.5g / 11.62oz
330g / 11.64oz
332.4g / 11.73oz
333g / 11.75oz
334g / 11.78oz
335.2g / 11.82oz
335g / 11.82oz
335.0g / 11.82oz
336g / 11.85oz
337g / 11.89oz
337.5g / 11.90oz
338g / 11.92oz
339g / 11.96oz
339.4g / 11.97oz
340g / 11.99oz
341.0g / 12.03oz
343g / 12.10oz
345g / 12.17oz
346g / 12.20oz
347g / 12.24oz
347.0g / 12.24oz
348g / 12.28oz
350.0g / 12.35oz
350g / 12.35oz
350.2g / 12.35oz
354g / 12.49oz
355.0g / 12.52oz
355.9g / 12.55oz
356g / 12.56oz
357.2g / 12.60oz
359.2g / 12.67oz
360g / 12.70oz
360.0g / 12.70oz
361g / 12.73oz
364.2g / 12.85oz
365.2g / 12.88oz
366.8g / 12.94oz
367g / 12.95oz
372g / 13.12oz
373.6g / 13.18oz
374g / 13.19oz
375g / 13.23oz
376g / 13.26oz
378g / 13.33oz
379g / 13.37oz
380.2g / 13.41oz
380.6g / 13.43oz
381g / 13.44oz
381.4g / 13.45oz
383g / 13.51oz
383.0g / 13.51oz
383.5g / 13.53oz
384.9g / 13.58oz
386g / 13.62oz
387.6g / 13.67oz
387g / 13.65oz
389.8g / 13.75oz
390g / 13.76oz
393g / 13.86oz
395g / 13.93oz
400.0g / 14.11oz
400g / 14.11oz
401.6g / 14.17oz
403.0g / 14.22oz
404g / 14.25oz
405.6g / 14.31oz
406g / 14.32oz
408g / 14.39oz
410g / 14.46oz
410.8g / 14.49oz
412g / 14.53oz
413.5g / 14.59oz
417.0g / 14.71oz
420g / 14.82oz
421g / 14.85oz
422.0g / 14.89oz
426.0g / 15.03oz
426.5g / 15.04oz
429g / 15.13oz
430g / 15.17oz
430.0g / 15.17oz
431.6g / 15.22oz
431.4g / 15.22oz
432.6g / 15.26oz
433g / 15.27oz
436g / 15.38oz
437.4g / 15.43oz
437.5g / 15.43oz
439g / 15.49oz
440g / 15.52oz
441.6g / 15.58oz
441g / 15.56oz
441.0g / 15.56oz
443.0g / 15.63oz
444g / 15.66oz
445g / 15.70oz
445.0g / 15.70oz
446g / 15.73oz
446.5g / 15.75oz
448.2g / 15.81oz
449.3g / 15.85oz
450g / 15.87oz
450.0g / 15.87oz
452g / 15.94oz
453g / 15.98oz
455.9g / 16.08oz
455g / 16.05oz
456g / 16.08oz
456.2g / 16.09oz
458.2g / 16.16oz
462g / 16.30oz
463.0g / 16.33oz
464g / 16.37oz
465.5g / 16.42oz
466.4g / 16.45oz
468g / 16.51oz
468.6g / 16.53oz
470.0g / 16.58oz
470g / 16.58oz
471.0g / 16.61oz
472.2g / 16.66oz
473.0g / 16.68oz
474g / 16.72oz
475.6g / 16.78oz
476g / 16.79oz
477g / 16.83oz
477.0g / 16.83oz
478.2g / 16.87oz
478g / 16.86oz
479.1g / 16.90oz
479.0g / 16.90oz
480g / 16.93oz
481.0g / 16.97oz
482.0g / 17.00oz
482g / 17.00oz
482.8g / 17.03oz
485.2g / 17.11oz
486.6g / 17.16oz
486.5g / 17.16oz
487.0g / 17.18oz
488.1g / 17.22oz
490g / 17.28oz
492.8g / 17.38oz
492.4g / 17.37oz
492.5g / 17.37oz
492g / 17.35oz
498g / 17.57oz
500.0g / 17.64oz
500.9g / 17.67oz
501g / 17.67oz
502.8g / 17.74oz
502.4g / 17.72oz
504.2g / 17.79oz
506.8g / 17.88oz
506.4g / 17.86oz
509g / 17.95oz
512g / 18.06oz
512.2g / 18.07oz
513.2g / 18.10oz
514g / 18.13oz
516.4g / 18.22oz
518.0g / 18.27oz
519.2g / 18.31oz
519g / 18.31oz
520g / 18.34oz
521g / 18.38oz
521.0g / 18.38oz
522.5g / 18.43oz
524g / 18.48oz
525.5g / 18.54oz
528g / 18.62oz
530g / 18.70oz
534g / 18.84oz
540.0g / 19.05oz
541.1g / 19.09oz
542.0g / 19.12oz
545.0g / 19.22oz
550.0g / 19.40oz
550g / 19.40oz
552.0g / 19.47oz
553.5g / 19.52oz
556g / 19.61oz
558.0g / 19.68oz
559g / 19.72oz
559.0g / 19.72oz
560g / 19.75oz
564.2g / 19.90oz
566.0g / 19.97oz
566.2g / 19.97oz
566g / 19.97oz
567.8g / 20.03oz
569.8g / 20.10oz
570g / 20.11oz
572.0g / 20.18oz
573g / 20.21oz
574.0g / 20.25oz
576.0g / 20.32oz
578.5g / 20.41oz
579g / 20.42oz
580.8g / 20.49oz
580g / 20.46oz
582g / 20.53oz
587.0g / 20.71oz
589.3g / 20.79oz
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590g / 20.81oz
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594g / 20.95oz
595.0g / 20.99oz
595g / 20.99oz
596.2g / 21.03oz
598.0g / 21.09oz
598g / 21.09oz
600.0g / 21.16oz
600g / 21.16oz
601g / 21.20oz
605.8g / 21.37oz
605.2g / 21.35oz
606g / 21.38oz
607g / 21.41oz
607.4g / 21.43oz
609.0g / 21.48oz
610.0g / 21.52oz
610.8g / 21.55oz
611g / 21.55oz
613.8g / 21.65oz
615.0g / 21.69oz
616g / 21.73oz
616.5g / 21.75oz
619g / 21.83oz
620g / 21.87oz
621g / 21.91oz
625g / 22.05oz
632.0g / 22.29oz
632.6g / 22.31oz
640g / 22.58oz
640.4g / 22.59oz
641.2g / 22.62oz
642.0g / 22.65oz
642.5g / 22.66oz
644g / 22.72oz
646g / 22.79oz
647.8g / 22.85oz
650.0g / 22.93oz
650g / 22.93oz
655.0g / 23.10oz
656.0g / 23.14oz
657.2g / 23.18oz
662g / 23.35oz
666g / 23.49oz
666.0g / 23.49oz
667g / 23.53oz
668.0g / 23.56oz
672.0g / 23.70oz
672g / 23.70oz
675g / 23.81oz
678.7g / 23.94oz
690.5g / 24.36oz
690g / 24.34oz
690.0g / 24.34oz
691g / 24.37oz
695g / 24.52oz
695.6g / 24.54oz
697.8g / 24.61oz
700g / 24.69oz
701.0g / 24.73oz
708g / 24.97oz
709.0g / 25.01oz
712g / 25.12oz
712.0g / 25.12oz
713g / 25.15oz
713.2g / 25.16oz
714.8g / 25.21oz
716g / 25.26oz
718g / 25.33oz
722g / 25.47oz
725.0g / 25.57oz
727g / 25.64oz
727.0g / 25.64oz
735.2g / 25.93oz
736.9g / 25.99oz
741.0g / 26.14oz
741.4g / 26.15oz
743.4g / 26.22oz
745g / 26.28oz
746.0g / 26.31oz
749.9g / 26.45oz
754g / 26.60oz
755g / 26.63oz
756.0g / 26.67oz
756g / 26.67oz
757.8g / 26.73oz
760g / 26.81oz
768.0g / 27.09oz
770g / 27.16oz
771.0g / 27.20oz
772.0g / 27.23oz
773g / 27.27oz
775g / 27.34oz
785g / 27.69oz
787.6g / 27.78oz
790.0g / 27.87oz
804.2g / 28.37oz
804.5g / 28.38oz
807.4g / 28.48oz
810g / 28.57oz
812g / 28.64oz
813.0g / 28.68oz
818.4g / 28.87oz
819.2g / 28.90oz
820g / 28.92oz
823g / 29.03oz
835g / 29.45oz
840g / 29.63oz
841g / 29.67oz
843.2g / 29.74oz
845g / 29.81oz
854.0g / 30.12oz
860g / 30.34oz
864g / 30.48oz
882.0g / 31.11oz
884g / 31.18oz
889g / 31.36oz
890g / 31.39oz
892.4g / 31.48oz
908.0g / 32.03oz
908g / 32.03oz
917g / 32.35oz
918.0g / 32.38oz
920.5g / 32.47oz
925.8g / 32.66oz
935g / 32.98oz
950g / 33.51oz
951.5g / 33.56oz
951g / 33.55oz
955g / 33.69oz
956g / 33.72oz
966.0g / 34.07oz
967.0g / 34.11oz
980g / 34.57oz
982.7g / 34.66oz
985g / 34.74oz
987.0g / 34.82oz
994.0g / 35.06oz
1000g / 35.27oz
1006g / 35.49oz
1009.7g / 35.62oz
1034.0g / 36.47oz
1036.0g / 36.54oz
1045.1g / 36.86oz
1047g / 36.93oz
1051.0g / 37.07oz
1071.0g / 37.78oz
1106.0g / 39.01oz
1110.0g / 39.15oz
1125.0g / 39.68oz
1135g / 40.04oz
1171.3g / 41.32oz
1180.0g / 41.62oz
1189.2g / 41.95oz
1213.0g / 42.79oz
1217g / 42.93oz
1220.0g / 43.03oz
1236.0g / 43.60oz
1245.0g / 43.92oz
1250.0g / 44.09oz
1254g / 44.23oz
1260g / 44.45oz
1261g / 44.48oz
1310.5g / 46.23oz
1322.0g / 46.63oz
1322g / 46.63oz
1363g / 48.08oz
1394g / 49.17oz
1400.0g / 49.38oz
1468g / 51.78oz
1488g / 52.49oz
1510.0g / 53.26oz
1554g / 54.82oz
1612.5g / 56.88oz
1636g / 57.71oz
1676g / 59.12oz
1801g / 63.53oz
1833g / 64.66oz
2374.0g / 83.74oz
2478g / 87.41oz
2486.4g / 87.71oz
3193.0g / 112.63oz
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White Grey
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18.00 x 15.00mm
30.00 x 24.72 x 14.26 mm
31.22 x 29.80 x 10.80mm
32.00 x 25.10 x 14.00mm
34.00 x 24.50 x 5.00mm
34.80 x 18.90 x 17.10mm
34.00 x 24.70 x 14.10mm
35.40 x 33.20 x 33.20mm
35.80 x 34.10 x 17.60mm
36.40 x 24.40 x 9.00 mm
37.50 x 26.40 x 17.20mm
38.80 x 20.80 x 6.90mm
38.70 x 35.20 x 6.00mm
39.30 x 35.40 x 5.95mm
39.15 x 31.30 x 5.80mm
40.48 x 29.33 x 6.80mm
40.20 x 35.30 x 6.10mm
40.50 x 25.70 x 25.70mm
41.10 x 26.70 x 25.80mm
42.30 x 37.20 x 9.60mm
42.00 x 27.00 x 14.00mm
43.60 x 36.50 x 5.60 mm
43.50 x 16.90 x 14.40 mm
44.80 x 20.80 x 11.42mm
44.40 x 35.70 x 35.00 mm
44.60 x 19.50 x 19.50mm
44.80 x 25.10 x 18.00mm
44.60 x 31.00 x 10.50mm
45.00 x 22.00 x 10.00mm
45.60 x 42.20 x 21.20mm
45.60 x 42.20 x 10.80mm
45.95 x 20.00 x 17.00mm
45.00 x 41.60 x 12.00mm
45.87 x 41.50 x 20.84mm
45.00 x 20.60 x 10.50mm
45.18 x 21.40 x 19.54mm
45.20 x 41.20 x 10.50mm
46.58 x 41.75 x 20.40mm
46.50 x 41.62 x 10.70mm
46.00 x 31.60 x 10.90mm
46.00 x 41.80 x 10.60mm
46.80 x 41.80 x 21.40mm
47.00 x 28.30 x 15.00mm
48.60 x 32.77 x 6.60mm
48.00 x 33.12 x 7.00mm
48.40 x 43.50 x 29.30mm
48.50 x 30.00 x 8.00mm
48.72 x 34.20 x 44.20mm
48.30 x 33.00 x 5.60mm
49.50 x 16.80 x 14.50mm
49.70 x 30.00 x 11.00mm
49.22 x 23.90 x 17.54 mm
49.00 x 14.40 x 14.40mm
49.30 x 25.00 x 8.00mm
49.20 x 28.50 x 28.50mm
49.50 x 23.50 x 19.50mm
50.00 x 43.50 x 11.00mm
50.00 x 16.70 x 14.60mm
50.00 x 38.60 x 28.10mm
50.10 x 42.70 x 28.50mm
50.80 x 44.00 x 34.20mm
50.48 x 50.40 x 47.00mm
50.30 x 29.25 x 14.60mm
50.00 x 16.60 x 14.50mm
50.50 x 42.70 x 28.50mm
50.50 x 29.16 x 15.80mm
50.10 x 48.90 x 13.50mm
50.00 x 45.00 x 14.50mm
50.50 x 42.80 x 28.56mm
50.70 x 42.68 x 14.50mm
51.50 x 42.80 x 14.70mm
51.35 x 35.70 x 26.00mm
51.80 x 18.50 x 18.50mm
51.04 x 43.35 x 29.20mm
51.30 x 43.40 x 27.40mm
51.75 x 43.72 x 29.30mm
51.00 x 20.10 x 18.40mm
51.52 x 29.30 x 15.64 mm
51.30 x 30.00 x 17.30mm
51.85 x 43.82 x 29.50mm
51.56 x 28.85 x 14.85mm
51.10 x 34.06 x 25.70mm
51.00 x 43.60 x 29.10mm
51.56 x 14.40 x 14.40mm
51.40 x 27.40 x 26.00mm
51.80 x 43.82 x 29.50mm
51.10 x 43.50 x 29.25mm
51.80 x 43.40 x 29.10mm
51.00 x 43.60 x 27.40mm
51.90 x 37.95 x 12.04mm
52.50 x 38.60 x 12.60mm
52.00 x 42.50 x 14.60mm
52.30 x 43.15 x 15.00mm
52.42 x 38.10 x 30.00mm
52.80 x 28.50 x 17.20mm
52.50 x 34.60 x 11.00mm
52.93 x 32.52 x 7.61mm
52.00 x 51.00 x 27.50mm
52.70 x 34.00 x 11.20mm
52.00 x 43.52 x 43.70mm
52.20 x 46.50 x 21.30mm
52.20 x 35.30 x 7.10mm
52.00 x 46.42 x 21.28mm
53.00 x 35.30 x 11.00mm
53.50 x 51.40 x 6.80 mm
53.00 x 34.00 x 6.50mm
53.70 x 36.20 x 10.80 mm
53.30 x 36.00 x 5.80mm
53.00 x 34.00 x 5.60mm
54.00 x 46.25 x 13.00mm
54.78 x 35.60 x 8.60mm
55.30 x 49.20 x 14.00mm
55.96 x 34.12 x 21.40mm
55.00 x 51.00 x 41.00mm
55.60 x 44.40 x 21.60mm
55.50 x 52.80 x 10.70mm
55.64 x 28.54 x 23.94mm
56.70 x 31.00 x 14.50mm
56.76 x 49.50 x 28.60mm
56.84 x 51.52 x 15.65mm
56.60 x 49.70 x 28.60 mm
56.36 x 49.24 x 24.30mm
56.30 x 39.10 x 20.60mm
56.60 x 50.56 x 28.60 mm
56.50 x 50.50 x 14.50mm
56.45 x 50.90 x 14.40mm
56.10 x 17.10 x 17.10 mm
56.14 x 29.45 x 11.00mm
57.00 x 14.40 x 52.20mm
57.96 x 51.46 x 29.38 mm
57.00 x 49.50 x 43.20mm
57.20 x 51.00 x 14.80mm
57.00 x 52.00 x 14.50mm
57.90 x 50.20 x 15.20mm
57.10 x 50.00 x 14.30mm
57.10 x 31.80 x 14.30mm
57.68 x 50.45 x 29.05mm
57.23 x 37.00 x 12.68mm
57.92 x 51.00 x 29.20mm
58.10 x 53.50 x 16.50mm
58.30 x 52.60 x 14.70mm
58.45 x 20.80 x 10.68mm
58.50 x 52.35 x 14.80mm
58.40 x 51.40 x 29.30mm
58.00 x 51.00 x 29.40mm
58.25 x 52.42 x 14.75mm
58.40 x 42.50 x 16.36mm
58.10 x 52.50 x 14.80mm
58.32 x 34.08 x 10.74mm
59.70 x 28.50 x 25.69mm
59.00 x 38.60 x 14.00mm
60.00 x 59.70 x 15.00mm
60.60 x 37.00 x 4.90mm
61.78 x 44.80 x 28.50mm
62.82 x 42.60 x 14.08mm
63.20 x 42.85 x 11.90mm
64.40 x 44.70 x 13.00mm
65.60 x 37.70 x 10.90mm
65.90 x 36.90 x 20.00mm
65.75 x 36.80 x 20.00mm
65.90 x 21.00 x 18.50mm
66.55 x 55.20 x 20.50mm
66.65 x 37.00 x 19.50mm
66.42 x 22.10 x 18.70mm
66.00 x 36.92 x 20.32mm
66.20 x 36.80 x 20.26mm
66.72 x 55.10 x 21.80mm
66.86 x 36.80 x 11.60mm
66.42 x 19.70 x 22.68mm
66.80 x 36.70 x 20.50mm
66.32 x 55.20 x 20.30mm
66.00 x 36.82 x 18.70mm
66.00 x 55.50 x 20.50mm
66.80 x 36.10 x 34.20mm
66.20 x 37.10 x 20.80mm
66.50 x 37.00 x 19.00mm
66.40 x 33.20 x 13.00mm
66.35 x 36.80 x 19.60mm
66.80 x 36.80 x 20.50mm
66.30 x 50.60 x 39.10mm
66.50 x 55.30 x 20.50mm
66.10 x 20.50 x 18.50mm
66.10 x 37.00 x 18.70mm
66.75 x 55.42 x 19.80mm
66.00 x 55.00 x 21.00mm
66.50 x 21.60 x 18.70mm
66.45 x 39.56 x 37.00mm
66.30 x 38.40 x 37.00mm
66.40 x 55.10 x 20.30mm
66.60 x 37.00 x 19.60mm
66.00 x 20.32 x 18.36mm
66.20 x 55.50 x 20.30mm
66.00 x 39.10 x 37.60mm
66.10 x 37.00 x 20.60mm
66.60 x 55.65 x 41.00mm
66.36 x 36.97 x 39.80mm
66.50 x 36.95 x 19.50mm
66.50 x 36.80 x 20.26mm
66.82 x 44.92 x 43.52 mm
66.00 x 36.84 x 19.35mm
66.40 x 36.70 x 20.50mm
66.40 x 37.00 x 19.60mm
66.00 x 40.00 x 37.00mm
66.20 x 50.00 x 23.20mm
66.50 x 36.82 x 19.30mm
66.60 x 39.70 x 36.70mm
67.50 x 40.10 x 36.50mm
67.90 x 44.60 x 43.00mm
67.60 x 34.80 x 13.50mm
67.90 x 37.10 x 19.04mm
67.00 x 36.90 x 20.00mm
67.50 x 50.30 x 33.86mm
67.05 x 45.71 x 45.01mm
67.25 x 45.70 x 25.23mm
67.40 x 50.50 x 46.40mm
67.20 x 58.00 x 37.50mm
67.00 x 39.60 x 37.00mm
67.50 x 40.10 x 36.80mm
67.80 x 37.30 x 19.50mm
67.00 x 37.00 x 19.00mm
67.90 x 45.97 x 42.80mm
67.10 x 45.00 x 44.60mm
67.28 x 52.20 x 63.08mm
67.30 x 53.50 x 40.45mm
67.40 x 55.20 x 20.50mm
67.10 x 40.00 x 37.00mm
67.00 x 55.20 x 20.30mm
67.20 x 39.70 x 37.20mm
67.80 x 37.20 x 19.00mm
67.30 x 46.20 x 33.80mm
67.90 x 50.70 x 34.00mm
67.80 x 46.40 x 34.34mm
67.10 x 54.15 x 7.50mm
67.00 x 55.30 x 20.00mm
67.72 x 55.00 x 22.00mm
67.24 x 45.50 x 22.60mm
67.00 x 37.00 x 20.00mm
68.20 x 18.50 x 18.50mm
68.00 x 20.50 x 18.80mm
68.00 x 36.00 x 34.40mm
68.50 x 37.00 x 19.00mm
68.75 x 55.30 x 19.00mm
68.70 x 54.90 x 18.60mm
68.80 x 39.50 x 18.70mm
68.64 x 56.90 x 16.32mm
68.60 x 55.20 x 18.60mm
68.00 x 50.80 x 34.10mm
68.10 x 40.80 x 41.00mm
68.70 x 54.90 x 20.90mm
68.70 x 55.00 x 18.60mm
68.50 x 37.00 x 19.20mm
68.56 x 55.26 x 19.00mm
68.60 x 18.60 x 18.60mm
68.00 x 55.30 x 37.00mm
68.00 x 45.30 x 44.00mm
68.60 x 68.00 x 34.00mm
68.50 x 71.00 x 58.50mm
68.56 x 55.20 x 18.60mm
68.50 x 55.30 x 22.00mm
68.22 x 36.35 x 34.35mm
68.50 x 55.40 x 18.60mm
69.40 x 46.53 x 33.70mm
69.16 x 55.50 x 21.00mm
69.20 x 64.00 x 35.00mm
69.10 x 37.10 x 19.10mm
69.00 x 55.00 x 19.40mm
69.30 x 55.80 x 18.80mm
69.30 x 67.60 x 19.00 mm
69.60 x 55.30 x 18.60mm
69.44 x 37.20 x 19.60mm
69.00 x 38.90 x 37.10mm
69.10 x 66.50 x 43.40mm
69.20 x 55.30 x 19.50mm
69.20 x 55.30 x 20.40mm
69.00 x 55.00 x 19.32mm
69.00 x 51.32 x 34.20mm
69.70 x 55.60 x 37.20mm
69.20 x 72.40 x 23.20mm
69.30 x 36.90 x 40.10 mm
69.70 x 29.50 x 21.40mm
69.50 x 55.60 x 19.50mm
69.60 x 55.40 x 20.70mm
69.65 x 67.20 x 17.80mm
70.83 x 38.71 x 20.72mm
70.20 x 52.00 x 38.90mm
70.30 x 50.80 x 28.50mm
70.50 x 20.70 x 20.70mm
70.74 x 38.03 x 21.02mm
70.00 x 37.17 x 18.90mm
70.63 x 19.60 x 19.60mm
70.00 x 54.00 x 29.00mm
70.24 x 50.05 x 22.10mm
70.80 x 51.23 x 14.65mm
70.30 x 38.00 x 20.10mm
70.50 x 49.40 x 28.46mm
70.00 x 55.60 x 19.00mm
70.00 x 74.00 x 18.70mm
70.60 x 55.15 x 18.90mm
70.00 x 73.70 x 20.90 mm
70.40 x 38.70 x 20.50mm
70.00 x 36.90 x 18.80mm
70.60 x 38.20 x 20.60mm
70.50 x 50.90 x 10.60mm
70.60 x 37.31 x 19.52 mm
70.00 x 40.10 x 21.00mm
70.95 x 50.54 x 28.68 mm
70.90 x 49.66 x 28.50mm
70.90 x 43.50 x 28.60mm
70.84 x 73.46 x 19.30mm
70.00 x 36.90 x 18.70mm
70.00 x 59.00 x 37.80mm
71.21 x 25.40 x 25.40mm
71.70 x 37.70 x 20.40mm
71.00 x 49.70 x 28.40mm
71.00 x 52.00 x 29.00mm
71.10 x 56.70 x 19.60mm
71.16 x 49.85 x 28.80mm
71.00 x 49.20 x 28.80mm
71.70 x 37.60 x 20.40mm
71.84 x 39.11 x 21.41mm
71.75 x 51.84 x 14.65mm
71.00 x 51.45 x 14.52mm
71.30 x 50.50 x 28.80mm
71.30 x 41.50 x 23.10mm
71.30 x 63.60 x 16.00mm
71.70 x 60.00 x 24.80mm
71.60 x 73.00 x 18.60 mm
71.60 x 73.20 x 19.10 mm
71.30 x 64.00 x 14.50mm
71.15 x 51.00 x 14.50mm
72.00 x 40.00 x 21.60mm
72.36 x 52.64 x 15.55 mm
72.20 x 51.60 x 15.40 mm
72.10 x 50.70 x 29.00mm
72.00 x 28.70 x 49.50mm
72.70 x 51.50 x 29.30mm
72.00 x 59.00 x 17.50mm
72.50 x 51.00 x 29.20mm
72.00 x 51.20 x 14.60mm
72.05 x 50.45 x 28.88mm
72.40 x 51.70 x 29.20 mm
72.40 x 51.10 x 29.10mm
72.10 x 51.90 x 29.40mm
72.70 x 51.40 x 29.30mm
73.30 x 67.50 x 51.00mm
73.10 x 70.00 x 15.50mm
73.55 x 69.40 x 18.70mm
73.20 x 70.00 x 18.40mm
73.10 x 69.20 x 18.60mm
73.50 x 70.00 x 37.60mm
73.68 x 71.00 x 38.15mm
73.70 x 69.00 x 20.00mm
73.00 x 69.00 x 19.20mm
73.20 x 68.60 x 18.60mm
73.00 x 29.80 x 16.30mm
73.60 x 73.70 x 18.80mm
73.40 x 68.00 x 20.30mm
73.60 x 69.00 x 18.70mm
73.70 x 73.00 x 37.00mm
73.00 x 39.70 x 17.90mm
73.30 x 34.30 x 16.20mm
73.60 x 67.00 x 37.00mm
73.60 x 69.50 x 37.00 mm
73.20 x 68.60 x 19.50mm
73.24 x 68.90 x 18.60mm
73.70 x 69.50 x 18.70mm
73.42 x 70.00 x 37.00mm
73.10 x 51.60 x 29.10mm
73.30 x 28.50 x 25.70mm
73.50 x 69.50 x 37.00mm
73.58 x 68.55 x 18.60mm
73.50 x 50.00 x 31.20mm
73.50 x 69.80 x 18.60mm
73.14 x 69.40 x 18.70mm
74.00 x 69.70 x 37.00 mm
74.50 x 70.00 x 32.90mm
74.60 x 51.80 x 33.00mm
74.52 x 34.00 x 18.40mm
74.30 x 58.10 x 15.58mm
74.14 x 46.92 x 24.07mm
74.00 x 65.80 x 37.30mm
74.65 x 71.90 x 56.20mm
74.10 x 46.90 x 24.00mm
74.60 x 69.30 x 37.80mm
74.50 x 21.50 x 5.50mm
74.10 x 65.80 x 16.00mm
75.74 x 44.65 x 14.30mm
75.80 x 55.00 x 37.90mm
75.70 x 67.00 x 42.20mm
76.84 x 57.20 x 17.00mm
76.00 x 70.60 x 57.20mm
76.10 x 50.00 x 33.40mm
76.65 x 63.36 x 13.74mm
78.00 x 57.60 x 17.00mm
78.50 x 57.40 x 33.60mm
79.70 x 41.50 x 44.00mm
79.00 x 51.20 x 51.50mm
79.20 x 52.20 x 52.00mm
80.40 x 43.80 x 40.50mm
80.94 x 50.33 x 27.40mm
81.20 x 59.15 x 20.00mm
81.10 x 65.60 x 20.00mm
82.10 x 28.20 x 26.00mm
82.00 x 49.80 x 6.00mm
82.10 x 41.00 x 61.60mm
83.84 x 43.69 x 33.87mm
83.60 x 49.30 x 46.70mm
83.90 x 43.00 x 33.60mm
83.88 x 42.88 x 34.15mm
84.00 x 43.52 x 33.90mm
84.50 x 51.00 x 19.00mm
84.14 x 69.00 x 34.00mm x 2
84.00 x 35.00 x 19.00mm
84.80 x 50.30 x 14.30mm
84.25 x 45.00 x 18.00mm
84.20 x 44.50 x 17.10 mm
84.90 x 77.40 x 22.60mm
84.00 x 72.00 x 4.00mm
84.50 x 55.50 x 11.00mm
84.80 x 68.00 x 34.20mm
84.60 x 68.10 x 34.00mm
84.00 x 43.00 x 34.00mm
85.50 x 46.50 x 45.50mm
85.00 x 68.50 x 46.80mm
85.00 x 66.80 x 45.30mm
85.20 x 68.70 x 34.20 mm
85.07 x 72.00 x 44.00mm
85.00 x 49.35 x 14.50mm
85.07 x 72.00 x 43.70mm
85.20 x 53.20 x 16.20mm
85.30 x 72.06 x 44.00mm
86.80 x 52.10 x 14.64mm
86.80 x 47.50 x 37.50mm
86.80 x 50.50 x 16.70mm
86.20 x 45.00 x 33.40mm
86.50 x 53.80 x 38.60mm
86.80 x 51.70 x 29.10mm
86.16 x 34.15 x 34.15mm
87.80 x 83.20 x 28.10mm
87.43 x 45.39 x 22.49mm
87.50 x 68.00 x 87.90 mm
87.75 x 28.30 x 15.06mm
87.00 x 53.62 x 14.68mm
87.20 x 53.30 x 14.70mm
87.00 x 53.13 x 16.00mm
88.70 x 68.00 x 45.60mm
88.60 x 43.10 x 22.30mm
88.00 x 28.00 x 19.00mm
88.60 x 86.30 x 29.00mm
88.02 x 20.60 x 11.20mm
88.50 x 63.90 x 45.40mm
88.50 x 71.00 x 58.50mm
89.00 x 43.80 x 41.60mm
89.30 x 47.20 x 23.70mm
89.30 x 42.30 x 11.40mm
89.52 x 45.04 x 44.82 mm
89.00 x 50.10 x 9.30mm
89.54 x 43.13 x 44.90 mm
89.60 x 84.90 x 18.50mm
90.00 x 45.80 x 22.60mm
90.00 x 61.50 x 43.20mm
90.10 x 68.50 x 22.90mm
90.00 x 43.14 x 42.96 mm
90.58 x 45.83 x 24.00mm
90.45 x 69.40 x 43.40mm
91.50 x 49.60 x 31.50mm
91.30 x 45.70 x 22.00mm
91.40 x 69.50 x 37.10mm
91.10 x 43.75 x 32.10mm
91.74 x 39.90 x 33.80mm
91.80 x 69.50 x 37.60mm
92.50 x 52.80 x 32.00mm
92.50 x 11.00 x 45.50mm
93.50 x 61.50 x 22.20mm
93.00 x 68.00 x 31.70mm
94.80 x 74.50 x 5.00mm
94.00 x 44.50 x 12.40mm
94.60 x 62.35 x 28.92mm
95.60 x 73.60 x 43.65mm
95.30 x 73.60 x 43.65mm
95.60 x 60.00 x 8.60mm
97.20 x 67.56 x 47.20mm
97.48 x 67.20 x 39.68mm
97.60 x 65.30 x 62.00mm
97.20 x 68.00 x 63.00mm
97.80 x 65.50 x 61.50mm
97.64 x 28.36 x 14.70 mm
97.04 x 50.85 x 50.32mm
98.80 x 26.80 x 26.80mm
98.00 x 51.50 x 31.90mm
98.50 x 65.50 x 61.50mm
98.70 x 16.00 x 14.50mm
98.00 x 63.10 x 14.50mm
98.50 x 35.10 x 32.60mm
99.72 x 72.30 x 14.80 mm
99.75 x 29.15 x 14.58mm
99.10 x 29.10 x 15.50mm
99.40 x 28.50 x 28.50mm
99.10 x 30.00 x 28.80mm
99.60 x 54.00 x 41.70mm
99.40 x 28.94 x 14.70mm
99.00 x 29.00 x 14.66mm
99.80 x 29.10 x 15.14mm
100.90 x 76.50 x 69.40mm
100.64 x 80.23 x 28.40mm
100.60 x 50.70 x 10.50 mm
100.75 x 58.66 x 14.95mm 52.67 x 42.20 x 14.84mm
100.76 x 52.40 x 17.00mm
100.86 x 68.40 x 32.14mm
100.00 x 30.10 x 22.00mm
100.60 x 45.20 x 17.00mm
100.90 x 76.20 x 69.20 mm
100.45 x 61.71 x 43.34mm
101.40 x 45.45 x 17.10mm
101.30 x 58.71 x 44.24mm
101.00 x 68.40 x 17.56mm
101.02 x 52.26 x 75.48mm
101.00 x 69.50 x 17.30mm
101.20 x 30.10 x 29.50 mm
101.30 x 30.30 x 17.40mm
101.24 x 75.76 x 17.60mm
101.50 x 67.30 x 34.00mm
101.20 x 67.72 x 17.44mm
101.30 x 14.60 x 14.60mm
101.00 x 38.30 x 10.20mm
102.26 x 43.85 x 15.20mm
102.30 x 44.00 x 41.00mm
102.20 x 53.63 x 11.00mm
102.25 x 73.80 x 30.10 mm
102.60 x 54.16 x 31.70mm
102.92 x 98.34 x 26.70mm
102.30 x 28.90 x 14.70mm
102.00 x 70.00 x 50.50mm
102.40 x 82.14 x 42.30mm
102.30 x 27.20 x 27.20mm
102.00 x 72.40 x 15.40mm
102.00 x 85.30 x 34.60mm
102.20 x 43.30 x 43.30mm
102.50 x 62.80 x 43.30mm
102.09 x 61.21 x 43.27mm
103.77 x 78.63 x 56.15mm
103.60 x 25.50 x 25.50mm
103.00 x 67.50 x 47.50mm
104.80 x 45.60 x 21.40mm
104.62 x 15.82 x 14.58mm
104.00 x 50.00 x 17.00mm
104.56 x 46.70 x 18.76mm
104.60 x 70.50 x 47.80mm
105.20 x 75.80 x 33.50mm
105.60 x 20.20 x 16.00mm
106.00 x 75.25 x 53.20mm
106.84 x 74.20 x 51.00mm
106.60 x 79.90 x 21.93mm
107.60 x 25.00 x 25.00mm
108.70 x 78.00 x 58.00mm
109.82 x 68.55 x 18.50mm
110.70 x 70.00 x 19.00mm
110.40 x 69.45 x 18.70mm
110.50 x 69.00 x 19.00mm
110.00 x 69.00 x 19.00mm
110.00 x 66.50 x 20.50mm
110.40 x 56.50 x 18.90 mm
110.00 x 44.80 x 44.10mm
110.50 x 68.00 x 20.00mm
110.20 x 70.00 x 18.80mm
111.10 x 46.00 x 22.50mm
111.00 x 79.00 x 59.00mm
111.40 x 89.10 x 22.50mm
111.00 x 45.00 x 43.00mm
111.60 x 44.70 x 22.50mm
111.93 x 45.33 x 43.26mm
112.20 x 58.62 x 27.24mm
112.00 x 44.20 x 22.70mm
112.00 x 46.00 x 44.60mm
112.20 x 45.00 x 44.80mm
112.70 x 79.70 x 23.80mm
112.10 x 88.75 x 23.00mm
112.20 x 44.00 x 44.60mm
113.10 x 88.00 x 23.00mm
113.20 x 64.30 x 14.40mm * 2
113.00 x 44.50 x 22.80mm
113.00 x 64.30 x 16.70mm
113.00 x 45.00 x 45.05mm
114.60 x 89.90 x 23.30mm
114.80 x 52.00 x 15.00mm
114.70 x 51.80 x 28.50mm
115.74 x 85.24 x 22.94 mm
115.56 x 50.25 x 14.37mm
116.00 x 52.00 x 27.25 mm
117.60 x 79.00 x 25.10mm
117.00 x 69.00 x 34.00mm
117.30 x 102.55 x 16.22mm
118.60 x 78.30 x 15.50mm
118.00 x 52.00 x 15.00mm
119.98 x 97.60 x 28.42mm
122.00 x 66.20 x 35.20mm
122.48 x 90.10 x 27.90mm
123.80 x 78.00 x 46.80mm
127.20 x 50.30 x 51.00mm
127.60 x 52.50 x 25.70mm
127.60 x 51.65 x 25.86mm
127.90 x 52.00 x 51.15 mm
127.40 x 68.00 x 68.00mm
127.20 x 39.00 x 26.10mm
127.00 x 62.00 x 27.50mm
128.80 x 106.20 x 72.50mm
128.50 x 44.70 x 24.20mm
128.80 x 63.60 x 44.50mm
128.50 x 71.50 x 36.00mm
130.60 x 74.50 x 23.10mm
130.64 x 67.48 x 22.69 mm
131.50 x 40.00 x 36.85mm
131.40 x 37.50 x 20.15mm
131.60 x 36.90 x 23.10mm
132.20 x 37.70 x 19.70 mm
132.70 x 52.10 x 20.00mm
132.70 x 98.60 x 28.70mm
132.20 x 40.00 x 37.00mm
132.00 x 37.00 x 18.90mm
132.80 x 80.30 x 20.00mm
132.40 x 41.10 x 37.00mm
133.50 x 84.50 x 19.00mm
133.60 x 45.00 x 22.40mm
133.00 x 36.80 x 19.90mm
134.00 x 88.20 x 61.00mm
134.80 x 52.20 x 17.20mm
134.69 x 68.66 x 17.33mm
134.20 x 34.10 x 34.10 mm
134.41 x 33.78 x 34.30mm
134.00 x 48.60 x 35.80mm
134.00 x 42.67 x 22.38 mm
134.20 x 50.50 x 17.00mm
135.20 x 73.40 x 32.70mm
135.26 x 84.59 x 33.66mm
135.67 x 67.42 x 18.11mm
135.68 x 85.56 x 17.80mm
135.50 x 58.40 x 7.60mm
135.20 x 73.80 x 18.90mm
136.40 x 50.70 x 24.60mm
136.00 x 93.00 x 33.00mm
136.30 x 84.70 x 17.60mm
136.00 x 71.00 x 22.00mm
136.00 x 68.30 x 18.00mm
136.50 x 67.50 x 20.00mm
136.20 x 34.80 x 17.00mm
136.50 x 90.00 x 18.00mm
137.20 x 92.00 x 20.00mm
137.00 x 56.70 x 20.00mm
137.40 x 45.10 x 17.24mm
138.25 x 33.90 x 16.80mm
138.10 x 87.10 x 21.00mm
138.80 x 55.60 x 19.20mm
140.30 x 60.70 x 23.10mm
140.00 x 51.40 x 23.60mm
140.78 x 103.09 x 46.89mm
140.30 x 51.60 x 25.20mm
141.40 x 51.10 x 14.35mm
141.50 x 50.00 x 28.50mm
141.50 x 66.50 x 26.00mm
141.00 x 66.50 x 25.00mm
141.60 x 130.70 x 28.95mm
141.55 x 97.60 x 29.86mm
141.45 x 50.80 x 14.35mm
142.00 x 49.50 x 29.90mm
143.78 x 124.78 x 25.40mm
143.00 x 62.00 x 21.00mm
143.30 x 62.90 x 51.00mm
144.50 x 124.90 x 25.40mm
144.70 x 52.20 x 14.60mm
144.00 x 52.25 x 14.66mm
144.00 x 51.63 x 29.30mm
144.50 x 52.40 x 14.60 mm
144.60 x 52.20 x 15.30 mm
144.50 x 52.00 x 18.50mm
144.80 x 52.00 x 14.70mm
145.00 x 52.00 x 19.00mm
145.50 x 51.70 x 25.70mm
146.50 x 72.00 x 19.00mm
146.90 x 68.75 x 18.60mm
146.40 x 82.10 x 24.00mm
146.6 x 72.40 x 18.80 mm
147.80 x 60.40 x 23.20mm
147.47 x 60.22 x 22.93mm
147.00 x 16.30 x 14.30mm
147.00 x 60.20 x 23.50mm
147.40 x 69.00 x 18.50mm
147.00 x 60.30 x 22.90mm
147.50 X 24.30 X 29.00mm
147.50 x 60.50 x 23.70mm
147.50 x 71.50 x 18.70mm
147.90 x 92.00 x 67.70mm
148.40 x 28.45 x 14.40mm
148.00 x 60.00 x 23.40mm
148.00 x 38.00 x 20.00mm
148.20 x 60.00 x 23.00mm
148.10 x 89.20 x 19.90mm
148.00 x 89.00 x 20.00mm
148.50 x 60.54 x 23.44mm
148.20 x 71.30 x 18.60 mm
148.50 x 89.00 x 19.46mm
148.50 x 88.50 x 20.00mm
148.00 x 59.75 x 22.82mm
149.00 x 90.00 x 20.00mm
149.00 x 81.00 x 27.90mm
149.00 x 89.00 x 20.60mm
149.00 x 89.00 x 19.70mm
149.30 x 89.00 x 19.50mm
149.15 x 59.40 x 22.92mm
149.10 x 89.30 x 19.50mm
150.40 x 59.20 x 22.20mm
150.15 x 51.00 x 35.00mm
150.50 x 29.10 x 14.60mm
150.50 x 98.20 x 35.20mm
150.20 x 116.80 x 23.52mm
151.70 x 72.50 x 22.30mm
151.53 x 101.61 x 34.85mm
152.85 x 90.18 x 21.00mm
152.00 x 67.80 x 40.00mm
152.10 x 59.20 x 21.60mm
153.30 x 44.00 x 58.00mm
153.80 x 62.00 x 22.50mm
154.00 x 85.50 x 21.00mm
154.20 x 62.30 x 23.10mm
154.10 x 51.80 x 39.53mm
157.80 x 61.90 x 24.00mm
159.30 x 44.40 x 47.50mm
160.00 x 78.50 x 22.00mm
160.00 x 110.20 x 32.20mm
160.50 x 69.00 x 26.00mm
160.70 x 69.00 x 35.80mm
160.20 x 73.60 x 23.40mm
161.70 x 130.50 x 7.20mm
161.86 x 63.55 x 25.00mm
161.00 x 62.20 x 32.78 mm
163.00 x 119.00 x 35.20mm
163.50 x 131.00 x 61.00mm
163.00 x 98.70 x 41.55mm
164.34 x 60.70 x 31.45mm
165.60 x 85.55 x 17.20mm
165.70 x 61.70 x 34.10mm
166.80 x 107.20 x 20.60mm
166.50 x 68.50 x 34.50mm
167.00 x 52.10 x 33.70mm
167.05 x 45.20 x 17.00mm
167.00 x 107.10 x 21.00mm
167.00 x 107.10 x 21.20mm
167.00 x 107.20 x 20.80mm
167.90 x 76.00 x 44.70mm
167.20 x 51.40 x 33.70mm
168.00 x 69.70 x 17.30mm
168.00 x 80.50 x 70.00mm
168.30 x 69.10 x 34.00mm
168.40 x 68.50 x 34.00mm
169.00 x 73.65 x 22.30mm
169.80 x 114.40 x 51.20mm
170.00 x 22.37 x 22.37mm
170.60 x 45.80 x 23.00mm
171.72 x 44.76 x 22.60mm
172.50 x 91.30 x 68.00mm
172.36 x 66.12 x 39.12mm
172.00 x 22.60 x 22.60mm
173.60 x 123.50 x 22.60mm
176.00 x 59.00 x 46.20mm
176.20 x 65.40 x 47.20mm
176.00 x 51.80 x 31.75mm
176.00 x 50.60 x 32.00mm
177.50 x 74.80 x 29.70mm
177.00 x 74.50 x 42.80mm
178.00 x 75.80 x 24.50mm
178.00 x 66.60 x 35.00mm
178.90 x 66.32 x 35.30mm
178.00 x 74.00 x 30.00mm
179.00 x 61.00 x 36.80mm
179.60 x 65.50 x 36.00mm
180.50 x 66.50 x 47.20mm
181.30 x 61.30 x 23.50mm
181.20 x 61.35 x 24.20mm
181.90 x 61.00 x 22.90mm
182.21 x 60.74 x 23.58mm
182.60 x 121.00 x 24.40mm
182.30 x 60.30 x 24.00mm
182.10 x 60.30 x 23.50mm
183.40 x 70.80 x 24.50mm
183.95 x 70.80 x 24.80mm
184.30 x 69.05 x 27.20mm
185.20 x 109.50 x 33.00mm
185.70 x 71.20 x 33.70mm
185.00 x 81.00 x 63.35mm
186.70 x 53.30 x 20.07 mm
190.70 x 22.96 x 56.61mm
190.00 x 71.30 x 39.00mm
193.40 x 67.50 x 31.60mm
195.00 x 73.86 x 49.65mm
195.00 x 81.20 x 28.40mm
195.20 x 69.50 x 18.00mm
197.20 x 50.40 x 36.60mm
197.40 x 49.20 x 30.00mm
198.70 x 119.60 x 27.80mm
199.80 x 85.50 x 17.50mm
200.20 x 50.30 x 36.90 mm
200.70 x 61.80 x 24.80mm
200.50 x 73.00 x 15.00mm
201.64 x 70.50 x 47.80mm
202.00 x 70.00 x 17.50mm
203.60 x 71.20 x 23.70mm
203.60 x 52.75 x 22.90mm
203.40 x 61.70 x 34.00mm
204.35 x 135.20 x 8.70mm
205.24 x 50.75 x 41.02mm
207.60 x 77.50 x 22.50mm
208.40 x 73.25 x 40.00mm
210.40 x 116.80 x 7.50mm
210.00 x 154.20 x 6.80mm
210.50 x 45.00 x 22.50mm
212.40 x 45.70 x 23.60mm
212.76 x 61.12 x 48.36mm
213.00 x 52.50 x 19.00mm
213.50 x 71.00 x 33.90mm
213.11 x 58.51 x 22.22mm
213.36 x 58.47 x 22.69mm
214.23 x 23.57 x 22.56mm
214.17 x 52.52 x 19.08mm
215.00 x 68.00 x 23.00mm
215.00 x 45.60 x 23.00mm
216.20 x 59.00 x 21.70mm
216.03 x 46.05 x 23.39mm
233.00 x 82.50 x 25.50mm
235.30 x 69.40 x 17.30mm
238.00 x 71.20 x 51.00mm
241.00 x 140.00 x 23.00mm
241.15 x 139.40 x 21.10mm
241.80 x 68.60 x 68.60mm
242.00 x 64.20 x 41.50mm
242.90 x 57.80 x 50.00mm
247.70 x 77.20 x 7.10mm
251.10 x 46.10 x 33.70mm
254.60 x 50.20 x 28.10mm
254.00 x 50.00 x 27.50mm
255.00 x 67.00 x 23.15 mm
261.00*92.00*33.50mm+ 163.00*92.00*33.50mm
269.90 x 44.70 x 23.20mm
275.00 x 23.00 x 45.50mm
285.20 x 58.40 x 22.10mm
288.20 x 61.00 x 27.00 mm
310.00 x 65.00 x 33.30mm
select all
Rechargeable Batteries Pack
select all
select all
Zastosowanie (producent)
Ahram Biosystems
Air Liquide
Air Shields-Vickers
Air shields-Vickers
Alaris Medicalsystems
American Diagnostic
Arcomed AG
Arjo Huntleigh
Aspect Medical System
BHM Medical
Bard Medsystem
Bard Medsystems
Baxter Healthcare
CU Medical
Caire Inc
Cardiac Science
Cardinal Medical
Care Vision
Cas Medical
Charter Kontron
Clinical Dynamics
Colin Medical
Criticare Systems
Critikon Systems
Curtis Mathes
Datex Ohmeda
Diversified Medical
Drummond Scientific
Eitan Medical
Escort Prism
Flight Medical
Given Imagion
Grason Stadler
IMT Medical
Impact Medical
Invivo Research
Keller Medical
Kenz Cardico
Kern Chair
Kern chair
McGaw Horizon
Medic Lux
Medical Compression System
Medical Econet
Medical Industries
Medical Research
Merck Millipore
Micro Medical
Nellcor Puritan Bennett
New Age
Nihon Kohden
PM Atemschutz
Palco Laboratories
Puritan Bennett
Retinomax hand
SSCOR Quickdraw
Schiller America
Smith & Nephew
Somno Medics
Thermo Scientific
Top Corporation
Viasys Healthcare
Zyno Medical
select all
GE Aespire 7100 / M1081511-S 5000mAh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 6V (Cameron Sino)
GE Aespire 7100 / M1081511-S 5000mAh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 6V (Cameron Sino)

GE Aespire 7100 / M1081511-S 5000mAh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 6V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GMA710MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 5000mAh

Libra - 920.5g / 32.47oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 104.60 x 70.50 x 47.80mm

Type - Rechargeable Batteries Pack

Tension - 6V

Description - Battery used in: GE: Aespire 7100 IEC Aespire 7100 IEC Ventilator Display Aestiva 5 7100 Aespire 7100

Comparison code - M1081511-S, EE400216

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

  • net: 139,65 PLN


GE Aespire 7100 / M1081511-S 5000mAh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 6V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 5000mAh

Libra - 920.5g / 32.47oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 104.60 x 70.50 x 47.80mm

Type - Rechargeable Batteries Pack

Tension - 6V

Comparison code - M1081511-S, EE400216

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

net: 139,65 PLN

GE Carescape B450 Monitor / FLEX-3S2P 3800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
GE Carescape B450 Monitor / FLEX-3S2P 3800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

GE Carescape B450 Monitor / FLEX-3S2P 3800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GMB450MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3800mAh

Libra - 470g / 16.58oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 152.10 x 59.20 x 21.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Battery used in: GE: Carescape B450 Monitor

Comparison code - FLEX-3S2P, 2062895-001, 3ICR19/66-2, 02379

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

  • net: 854,27 PLN


GE Carescape B450 Monitor / FLEX-3S2P 3800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3800mAh

Libra - 470g / 16.58oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 152.10 x 59.20 x 21.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - FLEX-3S2P, 2062895-001, 3ICR19/66-2, 02379

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

net: 854,27 PLN

GE Patient Data Module Monitor / 2016989-002 1850mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)
GE Patient Data Module Monitor / 2016989-002 1850mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

GE Patient Data Module Monitor / 2016989-002 1850mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GMB650MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1850mAh

Libra - 227g / 8.01oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 81.20 x 59.15 x 20.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Description - Battery used in: GE: Dash Mini B650 B850 Carescape PDM Mini Dash 20 Solar 8000E Solar 8000i Optima XR220amx Patient Data Module Monitor

Comparison code - 2016989-002, 2016989-003, M2820, DR203, AMED3709, 6291-A, 2031069-003

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

  • net: 427,02 PLN


GE Patient Data Module Monitor / 2016989-002 1850mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1850mAh

Libra - 227g / 8.01oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 81.20 x 59.15 x 20.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Comparison code - 2016989-002, 2016989-003, M2820, DR203, AMED3709, 6291-A, 2031069-003

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

net: 427,02 PLN

Marquette 16 Central Console / 401086-002 1100mAh Ni-MH 3.6V (Cameron Sino)
Marquette 16 Central Console / 401086-002 1100mAh Ni-MH 3.6V (Cameron Sino)

Marquette 16 Central Console / 401086-002 1100mAh Ni-MH 3.6V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GMC120MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1100mAh

Libra - 132.0g / 4.66oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 52.80 x 28.50 x 17.20mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 3.6V

Description - Battery used in: Marquette: Mac 12 Recorder Mac 15 Recorder 15 Central Console 16 Central Console GE: Mac 12 Mac 15 Mac12 Mac15 CASE 15 CASE 16

Comparison code - 401086-002, B11129, 5653, B10068, 401086-002D, BATT/110330

Zastosowanie (producent) - Marquette

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

  • net: 71,60 PLN


Marquette 16 Central Console / 401086-002 1100mAh Ni-MH 3.6V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1100mAh

Libra - 132.0g / 4.66oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 52.80 x 28.50 x 17.20mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 3.6V

Comparison code - 401086-002, B11129, 5653, B10068, 401086-002D, BATT/110330

Zastosowanie (producent) - Marquette

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

net: 71,60 PLN

GE ECG Mac 1600 / 2032095-001 2200mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)
GE ECG Mac 1600 / 2032095-001 2200mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)

GE ECG Mac 1600 / 2032095-001 2200mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GMC160MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2200mAh

Libra - 456g / 16.08oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 143.30 x 62.90 x 51.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.8V

Description - Battery used in: GE: Mac 1600 ECG Mac 1600

Comparison code - 2032095-001, 2035701-001, M2821

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

  • net: 733,29 PLN


GE ECG Mac 1600 / 2032095-001 2200mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2200mAh

Libra - 456g / 16.08oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 143.30 x 62.90 x 51.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.8V

Comparison code - 2032095-001, 2035701-001, M2821

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

net: 733,29 PLN

GE MAC Stress / 900770-001 3500mAh Ni-MH 18.0V (Cameron Sino)
GE MAC Stress / 900770-001 3500mAh Ni-MH 18.0V (Cameron Sino)

GE MAC Stress / 900770-001 3500mAh Ni-MH 18.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GMC500MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3500mAh

Libra - 1045.1g / 36.86oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 212.76 x 61.12 x 48.36mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 18.0V

Description - Battery used in: GE: MAC 3500 MAC 5000 MAC 5500 MAC 5500 HD MAC Pac MAC Stress

Comparison code - 900770-001, MED3500, MED0118, AS30200, OM0033, 6905-R, MQMC5000

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

  • net: 1281,55 PLN


GE MAC Stress / 900770-001 3500mAh Ni-MH 18.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3500mAh

Libra - 1045.1g / 36.86oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 212.76 x 61.12 x 48.36mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 18.0V

Comparison code - 900770-001, MED3500, MED0118, AS30200, OM0033, 6905-R, MQMC5000

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

net: 1281,55 PLN

GretagMacbeth SpectroEye spectrophotometers / 362132 1800mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)
GretagMacbeth SpectroEye spectrophotometers / 362132 1800mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

GretagMacbeth SpectroEye spectrophotometers / 362132 1800mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GMD196MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 187g / 6.60oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 50.50 x 42.70 x 28.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Description - Bateria stosowana w:
Densitometer D196
Densitometer D19C
SpectroEye spectrophotometers

Comparison code - 362132

Zastosowanie (producent) - GretagMacbeth

  • net: 101,84 PLN


GretagMacbeth SpectroEye spectrophotometers / 362132 1800mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 187g / 6.60oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 50.50 x 42.70 x 28.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Comparison code - 362132

Zastosowanie (producent) - GretagMacbeth

net: 101,84 PLN

Philips Monitor 100 / B11009 4000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Philips Monitor 100 / B11009 4000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Philips Monitor 100 / B11009 4000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GME106MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 4000mAh

Libra - 987.0g / 34.82oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 127.90 x 52.00 x 51.15 mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Battery used in: Marquette: Dash 1000 Philips: M2475B Monitor 100 McGaw Horizon: Infusion Pump 501-305 Braun: Infusion Pump 501-305 GE: Eagle Monitor 1000 Eagle Monitor 1006 Eagle Monitor 1008 Eagle Monitor 1009 Hellige Marquette Eagle Monitor 1000 Hellige Marquette Eagle Monitor 1006 Hellige Marquette Eagle Monitor 1008 Hellige Marquette Eagle Monitor 1009 Dash 1000

Comparison code - B11009, 406679-003, B10701, 120107, BATT/110107, 303 444 09, OM11208, 303-444-09

Zastosowanie (producent) - Marquette

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

Zastosowanie (producent) - McGaw Horizon

Zastosowanie (producent) - Braun

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

  • net: 200,15 PLN


Philips Monitor 100 / B11009 4000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 4000mAh

Libra - 987.0g / 34.82oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 127.90 x 52.00 x 51.15 mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - B11009, 406679-003, B10701, 120107, BATT/110107, 303 444 09, OM11208, 303-444-09

Zastosowanie (producent) - Marquette

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

Zastosowanie (producent) - McGaw Horizon

Zastosowanie (producent) - Braun

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

net: 200,15 PLN

GE Oxycapnomonitor SMK 365 / 120164 300mAh Ni-MH 3.6V (Cameron Sino)
GE Oxycapnomonitor SMK 365 / 120164 300mAh Ni-MH 3.6V (Cameron Sino)

GE Oxycapnomonitor SMK 365 / 120164 300mAh Ni-MH 3.6V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GME365MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 300mAh

Libra - 72g / 2.54oz

Colour - White

Dimensions - 49.00 x 14.40 x 14.40mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 3.6V

Description - Battery used in: GE: Oxycapnomonitor SMK 365

Comparison code - 120164, BATT/110164

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

  • net: 64,04 PLN


GE Oxycapnomonitor SMK 365 / 120164 300mAh Ni-MH 3.6V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 300mAh

Libra - 72g / 2.54oz

Colour - White

Dimensions - 49.00 x 14.40 x 14.40mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 3.6V

Comparison code - 120164, BATT/110164

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

net: 64,04 PLN

Hellige Marquette Eagle 4000 / 110184 3500mAh Ni-MH 12V (Cameron Sino)
Hellige Marquette Eagle 4000 / 110184 3500mAh Ni-MH 12V (Cameron Sino)

Hellige Marquette Eagle 4000 / 110184 3500mAh Ni-MH 12V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GME400MX

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3500mAh

Libra - 1036.0g / 36.54oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 254.60 x 50.20 x 28.10mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12V

Description - Battery used in: Marquette: Eagle 4000 Eagle 4000 Patient Montior Hellige: Marquette Eagle 4000 GE: Eagle Monitor 4000 Eagle Monitor 3000

Comparison code - 110184, 120184, BATT/110184, OM11116, 420315-001

Zastosowanie (producent) - Marquette

Zastosowanie (producent) - Hellige

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

  • net: 207,71 PLN


Hellige Marquette Eagle 4000 / 110184 3500mAh Ni-MH 12V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3500mAh

Libra - 1036.0g / 36.54oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 254.60 x 50.20 x 28.10mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12V

Comparison code - 110184, 120184, BATT/110184, OM11116, 420315-001

Zastosowanie (producent) - Marquette

Zastosowanie (producent) - Hellige

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

net: 207,71 PLN

Marquette Solar 9500 / 413079-005 Rev C 1800mAh Ni-MH 13.2V (Cameron Sino)
Marquette Solar 9500 / 413079-005 Rev C 1800mAh Ni-MH 13.2V (Cameron Sino)

Marquette Solar 9500 / 413079-005 Rev C 1800mAh Ni-MH 13.2V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GME950MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 576.0g / 20.32oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 186.70 x 53.30 x 20.07 mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 13.2V

Description - Battery used in: Marquette: Solar 9500 GE: Monitor Solar 9500

Comparison code - 413079-005 Rev C, B11242, 110274, 120274, BATT/110274

Zastosowanie (producent) - Marquette

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

  • net: 158,56 PLN


Marquette Solar 9500 / 413079-005 Rev C 1800mAh Ni-MH 13.2V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 576.0g / 20.32oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 186.70 x 53.30 x 20.07 mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 13.2V

Comparison code - 413079-005 Rev C, B11242, 110274, 120274, BATT/110274

Zastosowanie (producent) - Marquette

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

net: 158,56 PLN

GE Mack Link / J1067 3700mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)
GE Mack Link / J1067 3700mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

GE Mack Link / J1067 3700mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GML106MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3700mAh

Libra - 151g / 5.33oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 135.50 x 58.40 x 7.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Description - Battery used in: GE: Mack Link

Comparison code - J1067, 21CP5/57/128, 2091057-001

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

  • net: 207,71 PLN


GE Mack Link / J1067 3700mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3700mAh

Libra - 151g / 5.33oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 135.50 x 58.40 x 7.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Comparison code - J1067, 21CP5/57/128, 2091057-001

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

net: 207,71 PLN

GE Mack Link / 2076585-002 2600mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
GE Mack Link / 2076585-002 2600mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

GE Mack Link / 2076585-002 2600mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GML170MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 73g / 2.57oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 65.90 x 21.00 x 18.50mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: GE: Mack Link

Comparison code - 2076585-002, SKU17080022WA, 2077568-001 Rev F, 2052-0042

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

  • net: 124,53 PLN


GE Mack Link / 2076585-002 2600mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 73g / 2.57oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 65.90 x 21.00 x 18.50mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - 2076585-002, SKU17080022WA, 2077568-001 Rev F, 2052-0042

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

net: 124,53 PLN

GE Defi SCP851 / B0402111 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
GE Defi SCP851 / B0402111 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

GE Defi SCP851 / B0402111 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GMS181MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 324.4g / 11.44oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 101.24 x 75.76 x 17.60mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Battery used in: GE: Hellige Servomed SMS 181 Servomed SMS 182 Defi SCP851

Comparison code - B0402111

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

  • net: 116,96 PLN


GE Defi SCP851 / B0402111 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 324.4g / 11.44oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 101.24 x 75.76 x 17.60mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - B0402111

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

net: 116,96 PLN

GE Vscan Access / 5498471 3350mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)
GE Vscan Access / 5498471 3350mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

GE Vscan Access / 5498471 3350mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GMU549MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3350mAh

Libra - 199g / 7.02oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 91.30 x 45.70 x 22.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Description - Battery used in: GE: Portable Ultrasound Machine Vscan Access

Comparison code - 5498471

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

  • net: 551,78 PLN


GE Vscan Access / 5498471 3350mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3350mAh

Libra - 199g / 7.02oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 91.30 x 45.70 x 22.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Comparison code - 5498471

Zastosowanie (producent) - GE

net: 551,78 PLN

Globus A3R / FKG3870 700mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)
Globus A3R / FKG3870 700mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Globus A3R / FKG3870 700mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GNS200MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 700mAh

Libra - 29g / 1.02oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 46.00 x 41.80 x 10.60mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 4.8V

Description - Battery used in: Globus: Elite SII Genesy S2 Duo Tens A3R

Comparison code - FKG3870

Zastosowanie (producent) - Globus

  • net: 60,25 PLN


Globus A3R / FKG3870 700mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 700mAh

Libra - 29g / 1.02oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 46.00 x 41.80 x 10.60mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 4.8V

Comparison code - FKG3870

Zastosowanie (producent) - Globus

net: 60,25 PLN

Globus RF Clinic Body / PBT MH0091 4000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Globus RF Clinic Body / PBT MH0091 4000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Globus RF Clinic Body / PBT MH0091 4000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GNV200MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 4000mAh

Libra - 595g / 20.99oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 113.20 x 64.30 x 14.40mm * 2

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Battery used in: Globus: TecarVet 2000 MagnetoVet 4000 UltrasoundVet 4000 Magnum 3500 Medisound 3000 Lipozero G150 Lipozero G39 RF Clinic Pro RF Clinic Body

Comparison code - PBT MH0091, G1120

Zastosowanie (producent) - Globus

  • net: 185,02 PLN


Globus RF Clinic Body / PBT MH0091 4000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 4000mAh

Libra - 595g / 20.99oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 113.20 x 64.30 x 14.40mm * 2

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - PBT MH0091, G1120

Zastosowanie (producent) - Globus

net: 185,02 PLN

Getinge OP Table1160 / 0000022019 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
Getinge OP Table1160 / 0000022019 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Getinge OP Table1160 / 0000022019 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GTP116MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 120g / 4.23oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 58.32 x 34.08 x 10.74mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: Getinge: OP Table1160

Comparison code - 0000022019, 2270503


Getinge OP Table1160 / 0000022019 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 120g / 4.23oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 58.32 x 34.08 x 10.74mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - 0000022019, 2270503

Ohmeda See Datek / 0690-1000-311 3600mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)
Ohmeda See Datek / 0690-1000-311 3600mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Ohmeda See Datek / 0690-1000-311 3600mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-GVM540MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3600mAh

Libra - 312g / 11.01oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 87.43 x 45.39 x 22.49mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 4.8V

Description - Battery used in: Ohmeda: 5120 Oxygen Monitor 5420 Volume Monitor See Datek Datex: Volume Monitor 5400 Volume Monitor 5410 Volume Monitor 5420 Volume Monitor 6800

Comparison code - 0690-1000-311

Zastosowanie (producent) - Ohmeda

Zastosowanie (producent) - Datex

  • net: 105,62 PLN


Ohmeda See Datek / 0690-1000-311 3600mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3600mAh

Libra - 312g / 11.01oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 87.43 x 45.39 x 22.49mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 4.8V

Comparison code - 0690-1000-311

Zastosowanie (producent) - Ohmeda

Zastosowanie (producent) - Datex

net: 105,62 PLN

HUAXI HX-901A 2000mAh Ni-MH 9.6V (Cameron Sino)
HUAXI HX-901A 2000mAh Ni-MH 9.6V (Cameron Sino)

HUAXI HX-901A 2000mAh Ni-MH 9.6V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-HAX901MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 285.8g / 10.08oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 114.80 x 52.00 x 15.00mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 9.6V

Description - Battery used in: HUAXI: HX-901A

Zastosowanie (producent) - HUAXI

  • net: 101,84 PLN


HUAXI HX-901A 2000mAh Ni-MH 9.6V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 285.8g / 10.08oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 114.80 x 52.00 x 15.00mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 9.6V

Zastosowanie (producent) - HUAXI

net: 101,84 PLN

Hellige SCB2 Scope / 110034 3000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Hellige SCB2 Scope / 110034 3000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Hellige SCB2 Scope / 110034 3000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-HCB200MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3000mAh

Libra - 690.5g / 24.36oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 112.10 x 88.75 x 23.00mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Bateria stosowana w:
SCB2 Scope

Comparison code - 110034

Zastosowanie (producent) - Hellige

  • net: 192,58 PLN


Hellige SCB2 Scope / 110034 3000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3000mAh

Libra - 690.5g / 24.36oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 112.10 x 88.75 x 23.00mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - 110034

Zastosowanie (producent) - Hellige

net: 192,58 PLN

Hellige SCB2 Defibrillator / 110035 3000mAh Ni-MH 14.4V (Cameron Sino)
Hellige SCB2 Defibrillator / 110035 3000mAh Ni-MH 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Hellige SCB2 Defibrillator / 110035 3000mAh Ni-MH 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-HCB210MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3000mAh

Libra - 713.2g / 25.16oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 88.70 x 68.00 x 45.60mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 14.4V

Description - Bateria stosowana w:
SCB2 Defibrillator

Comparison code - 110035

Zastosowanie (producent) - Hellige

  • net: 200,15 PLN


Hellige SCB2 Defibrillator / 110035 3000mAh Ni-MH 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3000mAh

Libra - 713.2g / 25.16oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 88.70 x 68.00 x 45.60mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 14.4V

Comparison code - 110035

Zastosowanie (producent) - Hellige

net: 200,15 PLN

Hokanson EPG-52018 / MD6VR 2000mAh Ni-MH 14.4V (Cameron Sino)
Hokanson EPG-52018 / MD6VR 2000mAh Ni-MH 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Hokanson EPG-52018 / MD6VR 2000mAh Ni-MH 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-HKE863MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 395g / 13.93oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 57.00 x 49.50 x 43.20mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 14.4V

Description - Battery used in: Hokanson: EPG-0863 EPG-52018

Comparison code - MD6VR, B11785

Zastosowanie (producent) - Hokanson

  • net: 139,65 PLN


Hokanson EPG-52018 / MD6VR 2000mAh Ni-MH 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 395g / 13.93oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 57.00 x 49.50 x 43.20mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 14.4V

Comparison code - MD6VR, B11785

Zastosowanie (producent) - Hokanson

net: 139,65 PLN

Heska Veterinary IV 2.2 Infusion Pump / 400-940 1000mAh Ni-CD 7.2V (Cameron Sino)
Heska Veterinary IV 2.2 Infusion Pump / 400-940 1000mAh Ni-CD 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Heska Veterinary IV 2.2 Infusion Pump / 400-940 1000mAh Ni-CD 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-HKV220MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1000mAh

Libra - 153g / 5.40oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 70.30 x 50.80 x 28.50mm

Type - Ni-CD

Tension - 7.2V

Description - Battery used in: Heska: IV Pump 2.2 Veterinary Veterinary IV 2.2 Infusion Pump

Comparison code - 400-940

Zastosowanie (producent) - Heska

  • net: 90,49 PLN


Heska Veterinary IV 2.2 Infusion Pump / 400-940 1000mAh Ni-CD 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1000mAh

Libra - 153g / 5.40oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 70.30 x 50.80 x 28.50mm

Type - Ni-CD

Tension - 7.2V

Comparison code - 400-940

Zastosowanie (producent) - Heska

net: 90,49 PLN

Hill-Rom Active Care DTV / 503-A-0001-01 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)
Hill-Rom Active Care DTV / 503-A-0001-01 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Hill-Rom Active Care DTV / 503-A-0001-01 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-HLA503MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Dimensions - 98.80 x 26.80 x 26.80mm

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 234g / 8.25oz

Colour - Black

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Description - Bateria stosowana w:
Active Care DTV

Comparison code - 503-A-0001-01

Zastosowanie (producent) - Hill-Rom

  • net: 94,27 PLN


Hill-Rom Active Care DTV / 503-A-0001-01 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Dimensions - 98.80 x 26.80 x 26.80mm

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 234g / 8.25oz

Colour - Black

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Comparison code - 503-A-0001-01

Zastosowanie (producent) - Hill-Rom

net: 94,27 PLN

Inditherm mattress heating Cosytherm / 110751 3700mAh Ni-MH 26.4V (Cameron Sino)
Inditherm mattress heating Cosytherm / 110751 3700mAh Ni-MH 26.4V (Cameron Sino)

Inditherm mattress heating Cosytherm / 110751 3700mAh Ni-MH 26.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-HMR751MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3700mAh

Libra - 1322g / 46.63oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 193.40 x 67.50 x 31.60mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 26.4V

Description - Battery used in: Inditherm: mattress heating Cosytherm

Comparison code - 110751

Zastosowanie (producent) - Inditherm

  • net: 434,58 PLN


Inditherm mattress heating Cosytherm / 110751 3700mAh Ni-MH 26.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3700mAh

Libra - 1322g / 46.63oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 193.40 x 67.50 x 31.60mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 26.4V

Comparison code - 110751

Zastosowanie (producent) - Inditherm

net: 434,58 PLN

Heine mPack LL / X-007.99.676 5200mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)
Heine mPack LL / X-007.99.676 5200mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Heine mPack LL / X-007.99.676 5200mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-HNM676MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 5200mAh

Libra - 264g / 9.31oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 70.00 x 74.00 x 18.70mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Description - Battery used in: Heine: mPack mPack LL

Comparison code - X-007.99.676, X-007.99.675

Zastosowanie (producent) - Heine

  • net: 158,56 PLN


Heine mPack LL / X-007.99.676 5200mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 5200mAh

Libra - 264g / 9.31oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 70.00 x 74.00 x 18.70mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Comparison code - X-007.99.676, X-007.99.675

Zastosowanie (producent) - Heine

net: 158,56 PLN

Respironics 970SE-10 Smart Monitor / 130-0017-00-T 4000mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)
Respironics 970SE-10 Smart Monitor / 130-0017-00-T 4000mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Respironics 970SE-10 Smart Monitor / 130-0017-00-T 4000mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-HPS930MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 4000mAh

Libra - 528g / 18.62oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 127.60 x 51.65 x 25.86mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 6.0V

Description - Battery used in: Respironics: 930 Oximeter 900S-10 970SE-10 Smart Monitor Healthdyne: 930 Pulse Oximeter Smart Monitor 900S Smart Monitor 930S Smart Monitor 950S Smart Monitor 970S

Comparison code - 130-0017-00-T, OM11198, B10507, B11198, 5492

Zastosowanie (producent) - Respironics

Zastosowanie (producent) - Healthdyne

  • net: 139,65 PLN


Respironics 970SE-10 Smart Monitor / 130-0017-00-T 4000mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 4000mAh

Libra - 528g / 18.62oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 127.60 x 51.65 x 25.86mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 6.0V

Comparison code - 130-0017-00-T, OM11198, B10507, B11198, 5492

Zastosowanie (producent) - Respironics

Zastosowanie (producent) - Healthdyne

net: 139,65 PLN

Huntleigh SC750 monitor / 110786 4500mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Huntleigh SC750 monitor / 110786 4500mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Huntleigh SC750 monitor / 110786 4500mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-HSC750MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 4500mAh

Libra - 691g / 24.37oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 91.40 x 69.50 x 37.10mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Bateria stosowana w:
SC750 monitor

Comparison code - 110786, 55483, 88890097, EE090232

Zastosowanie (producent) - Huntleigh

  • net: 249,31 PLN


Huntleigh SC750 monitor / 110786 4500mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 4500mAh

Libra - 691g / 24.37oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 91.40 x 69.50 x 37.10mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - 110786, 55483, 88890097, EE090232

Zastosowanie (producent) - Huntleigh

net: 249,31 PLN

Huntleigh SC1000 / 400-316 3500mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Huntleigh SC1000 / 400-316 3500mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Huntleigh SC1000 / 400-316 3500mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-HTC100MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3500mAh

Libra - 640g / 22.58oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 168.00 x 69.70 x 17.30mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Battery used in: Huntleigh: SC1000

Comparison code - 400-316

Zastosowanie (producent) - Huntleigh

  • net: 219,05 PLN


Huntleigh SC1000 / 400-316 3500mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3500mAh

Libra - 640g / 22.58oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 168.00 x 69.70 x 17.30mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - 400-316

Zastosowanie (producent) - Huntleigh

net: 219,05 PLN

H-Wave OTC / OSA476 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)
H-Wave OTC / OSA476 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

H-Wave OTC / OSA476 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-HWV400MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 209g / 7.37oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 84.80 x 50.30 x 14.30mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Description - Bateria stosowana w:

Comparison code - OSA476

Zastosowanie (producent) - H-Wave

  • net: 109,40 PLN


H-Wave OTC / OSA476 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 209g / 7.37oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 84.80 x 50.30 x 14.30mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Comparison code - OSA476

Zastosowanie (producent) - H-Wave

net: 109,40 PLN

Innomed HeartScreen 112d / PPC 002 3500mAh Ni-MH 8.4V (Cameron Sino)
Innomed HeartScreen 112d / PPC 002 3500mAh Ni-MH 8.4V (Cameron Sino)

Innomed HeartScreen 112d / PPC 002 3500mAh Ni-MH 8.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-ICD112MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3500mAh

Libra - 787.6g / 27.78oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 101.02 x 52.26 x 75.48mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 8.4V

Description - Battery used in: Innomed: HeartScreen 112d

Comparison code - PPC 002, 7/NC-3000-CR, 7D-C2500, R-5702-1

Zastosowanie (producent) - Innomed

  • net: 181,24 PLN


Innomed HeartScreen 112d / PPC 002 3500mAh Ni-MH 8.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3500mAh

Libra - 787.6g / 27.78oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 101.02 x 52.26 x 75.48mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 8.4V

Comparison code - PPC 002, 7/NC-3000-CR, 7D-C2500, R-5702-1

Zastosowanie (producent) - Innomed

net: 181,24 PLN

Innomed CA360-B / R-5702-1 3000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Innomed CA360-B / R-5702-1 3000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Innomed CA360-B / R-5702-1 3000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-ICD360MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3000mAh

Libra - 657.2g / 23.18oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 100.90 x 76.50 x 69.40mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Battery used in: Innomed: CA360B CA360-B

Comparison code - R-5702-1

Zastosowanie (producent) - Innomed

  • net: 612,29 PLN


Innomed CA360-B / R-5702-1 3000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3000mAh

Libra - 657.2g / 23.18oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 100.90 x 76.50 x 69.40mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - R-5702-1

Zastosowanie (producent) - Innomed

net: 612,29 PLN

Infinum Omni / XHP5Ah 5000mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)
Infinum Omni / XHP5Ah 5000mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Infinum Omni / XHP5Ah 5000mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-IFP5400MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 5000mAh

Libra - 444g / 15.66oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 140.30 x 60.70 x 23.10mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Description - Battery used in: Infinum: Omni II Omni

Comparison code - XHP5Ah

Zastosowanie (producent) - Infinum

  • net: 404,33 PLN


Infinum Omni / XHP5Ah 5000mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 5000mAh

Libra - 444g / 15.66oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 140.30 x 60.70 x 23.10mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Comparison code - XHP5Ah

Zastosowanie (producent) - Infinum

net: 404,33 PLN

Invacare lifter Robin type 1493139 / 20HHR-260SCP 2000mAh Ni-MH 24.0V (Cameron Sino)
Invacare lifter Robin type 1493139 / 20HHR-260SCP 2000mAh Ni-MH 24.0V (Cameron Sino)

Invacare lifter Robin type 1493139 / 20HHR-260SCP 2000mAh Ni-MH 24.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-IVS139MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 1006g / 35.49oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 179.00 x 61.00 x 36.80mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 24.0V

Description - Battery used in: Invacare: lifter Robin type 1493139

Comparison code - 20HHR-260SCP

Zastosowanie (producent) - Invacare

  • net: 396,76 PLN


Invacare lifter Robin type 1493139 / 20HHR-260SCP 2000mAh Ni-MH 24.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 1006g / 35.49oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 179.00 x 61.00 x 36.80mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 24.0V

Comparison code - 20HHR-260SCP

Zastosowanie (producent) - Invacare

net: 396,76 PLN

JUMPER JPD-800B / ICR18650-3S 2600mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)
JUMPER JPD-800B / ICR18650-3S 2600mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

JUMPER JPD-800B / ICR18650-3S 2600mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-JMP800MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 367g / 12.95oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 182.30 x 60.30 x 24.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Description - Battery used in: JUMPER: JPD-800A JPD-800B

Comparison code - ICR18650-3S

Zastosowanie (producent) - JUMPER

  • net: 207,71 PLN


JUMPER JPD-800B / ICR18650-3S 2600mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 367g / 12.95oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 182.30 x 60.30 x 24.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Comparison code - ICR18650-3S

Zastosowanie (producent) - JUMPER

net: 207,71 PLN

Jaeger Apnoescreen / 110129 3000mAh Ni-CD 6.0V (Cameron Sino)
Jaeger Apnoescreen / 110129 3000mAh Ni-CD 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Jaeger Apnoescreen / 110129 3000mAh Ni-CD 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-JRA524MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3000mAh

Libra - 498g / 17.57oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 127.60 x 52.50 x 25.70mm

Type - Ni-CD

Tension - 6.0V

Description - Bateria stosowana w:

Comparison code - 110129, 806524, A0-61

Zastosowanie (producent) - Jaeger

  • net: 154,78 PLN


Jaeger Apnoescreen / 110129 3000mAh Ni-CD 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3000mAh

Libra - 498g / 17.57oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 127.60 x 52.50 x 25.70mm

Type - Ni-CD

Tension - 6.0V

Comparison code - 110129, 806524, A0-61

Zastosowanie (producent) - Jaeger

net: 154,78 PLN

Kangaroo K524 Feeding Pump / 010170 3000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)
Kangaroo K524 Feeding Pump / 010170 3000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Kangaroo K524 Feeding Pump / 010170 3000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-KNG224MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3000mAh

Libra - 534g / 18.84oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 113.00 x 45.00 x 45.05mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Description - Battery used in: Kangaroo: 224 Feeding Pump 321 Feeding Pump 324 Feeding Pump K524 Feeding Pump Sherwood: Kangaroo 224 Feeding Pump Kangaroo 321 Feeding Pump Kangaroo 324 Feeding Pump Kangaroo K524 Feeding Pump

Comparison code - 010170, 41B030AG18001, OM10426

Zastosowanie (producent) - Kangaroo

Zastosowanie (producent) - Sherwood

  • net: 154,78 PLN


Kangaroo K524 Feeding Pump / 010170 3000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3000mAh

Libra - 534g / 18.84oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 113.00 x 45.00 x 45.05mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Comparison code - 010170, 41B030AG18001, OM10426

Zastosowanie (producent) - Kangaroo

Zastosowanie (producent) - Sherwood

net: 154,78 PLN

Kangaroo Pump 324 / 5-7905 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)
Kangaroo Pump 324 / 5-7905 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Kangaroo Pump 324 / 5-7905 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-KNG324MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 242.4g / 8.55oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 51.80 x 43.82 x 29.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Description - Battery used in: Kangaroo: Control Enteral Feeding Pump Pump 324

Comparison code - 5-7905, 5-7920

Zastosowanie (producent) - Kangaroo

  • net: 94,27 PLN


Kangaroo Pump 324 / 5-7905 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 242.4g / 8.55oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 51.80 x 43.82 x 29.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Comparison code - 5-7905, 5-7920

Zastosowanie (producent) - Kangaroo

net: 94,27 PLN

Kangaroo Control Enteral Feeding Pump / 5-7905 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)
Kangaroo Control Enteral Feeding Pump / 5-7905 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Kangaroo Control Enteral Feeding Pump / 5-7905 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-KNG579MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 242.4g / 8.55oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 51.85 x 43.82 x 29.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Description - Battery used in: Kangaroo: Control Enteral Feeding Pump

Comparison code - 5-7905, 5-7920, AMED2125, B11409

Zastosowanie (producent) - Kangaroo

  • net: 94,27 PLN


Kangaroo Control Enteral Feeding Pump / 5-7905 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 242.4g / 8.55oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 51.85 x 43.82 x 29.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Comparison code - 5-7905, 5-7920, AMED2125, B11409

Zastosowanie (producent) - Kangaroo

net: 94,27 PLN

Kern Chair scale MCC300K100M / 110742 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)
Kern Chair scale MCC300K100M / 110742 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Kern Chair scale MCC300K100M / 110742 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-KRC300MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 243g / 8.57oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 51.00 x 43.60 x 29.10mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Description - Bateria stosowana w:
Kern Chair:
scale MCC300K100M

Comparison code - 110742

Zastosowanie (producent) - Kern Chair

  • net: 101,84 PLN


Kern Chair scale MCC300K100M / 110742 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 243g / 8.57oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 51.00 x 43.60 x 29.10mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Comparison code - 110742

Zastosowanie (producent) - Kern Chair

net: 101,84 PLN

Kern chair scale MPD250 / 110730 2200mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)
Kern chair scale MPD250 / 110730 2200mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Kern chair scale MPD250 / 110730 2200mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-KRD250MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2200mAh

Libra - 223g / 7.87oz

Colour - Yellow

Dimensions - 150.50 x 29.10 x 14.60mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Description - Bateria stosowana w:
Kern chair:
scale MPD250

Comparison code - 110730

Zastosowanie (producent) - Kern chair

  • net: 101,84 PLN


Kern chair scale MPD250 / 110730 2200mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2200mAh

Libra - 223g / 7.87oz

Colour - Yellow

Dimensions - 150.50 x 29.10 x 14.60mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Comparison code - 110730

Zastosowanie (producent) - Kern chair

net: 101,84 PLN

Kenz Cardico Cardico 601 / 10HR-AAU 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Kenz Cardico Cardico 601 / 10HR-AAU 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Kenz Cardico Cardico 601 / 10HR-AAU 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-KZC601MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 295.0g / 10.41oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 144.50 x 52.40 x 14.60 mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Battery used in: Suzuken: Kenz ECG 305 Kenz ECG-305 Kenz Cardico: ECG-601 Cardico 601

Comparison code - 10HR-AAU

Zastosowanie (producent) - Suzuken

Zastosowanie (producent) - Kenz Cardico

  • net: 113,18 PLN


Kenz Cardico Cardico 601 / 10HR-AAU 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 295.0g / 10.41oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 144.50 x 52.40 x 14.60 mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - 10HR-AAU

Zastosowanie (producent) - Suzuken

Zastosowanie (producent) - Kenz Cardico

net: 113,18 PLN

Labnet Biopette Plus 100-1000mL / P3942-1000 750mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
Labnet Biopette Plus 100-1000mL / P3942-1000 750mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Labnet Biopette Plus 100-1000mL / P3942-1000 750mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-LBP100MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 750mAh

Libra - 38g / 1.34oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 39.30 x 35.40 x 5.95mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: Labnet: Biopette Plus 100-1000mL

Comparison code - P3942-1000

Zastosowanie (producent) - Labnet

  • net: 67,82 PLN


Labnet Biopette Plus 100-1000mL / P3942-1000 750mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 750mAh

Libra - 38g / 1.34oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 39.30 x 35.40 x 5.95mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - P3942-1000

Zastosowanie (producent) - Labnet

net: 67,82 PLN

Laerdal Resusci Baby QCPR / 161-40023 3400mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)
Laerdal Resusci Baby QCPR / 161-40023 3400mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Laerdal Resusci Baby QCPR / 161-40023 3400mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-LDR161MX

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3400mAh

Libra - 202g / 7.13oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 86.20 x 45.00 x 33.40mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Description - Note: The Li-Ion battery in not compatible with older versions of the Resusci Baby QCPR manikins Battery used in: Laerdal: Resusci Baby QCPR

Comparison code - 161-40023

Zastosowanie (producent) - Laerdal

  • net: 132,09 PLN


Laerdal Resusci Baby QCPR / 161-40023 3400mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3400mAh

Libra - 202g / 7.13oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 86.20 x 45.00 x 33.40mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Comparison code - 161-40023

Zastosowanie (producent) - Laerdal

net: 132,09 PLN

Laerdal LCSU 4 / 88005101 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Laerdal LCSU 4 / 88005101 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Laerdal LCSU 4 / 88005101 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-LDU300MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 335g / 11.82oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 76.10 x 50.00 x 33.40mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Battery used in: Laerdal: LCSU4 Suction Units LCSU3 Suction Unit LCSU 3 LCSU 4

Comparison code - 88005101, 88006101, 88005001, 88006001, 886113, 88007005, 110517-O

Zastosowanie (producent) - Laerdal

  • net: 207,71 PLN


Laerdal LCSU 4 / 88005101 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 335g / 11.82oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 76.10 x 50.00 x 33.40mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - 88005101, 88006101, 88005001, 88006001, 886113, 88007005, 110517-O

Zastosowanie (producent) - Laerdal

net: 207,71 PLN

Life-Point defibrillator AED Pro / 110894-O 4500mAh Li-MnO2 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Life-Point defibrillator AED Pro / 110894-O 4500mAh Li-MnO2 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Life-Point defibrillator AED Pro / 110894-O 4500mAh Li-MnO2 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-LPF110MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 4500mAh

Libra - 550g / 19.40oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 55.00 x 51.00 x 41.00mm

Type - Li-MnO2

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Primary Battery, Non-rechargeable Battery used in: Life-Point: Pro AED defibrillator AED Pro

Comparison code - 110894-O, BAT-11

Zastosowanie (producent) - Life-Point

  • net: 188,80 PLN


Life-Point defibrillator AED Pro / 110894-O 4500mAh Li-MnO2 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 4500mAh

Libra - 550g / 19.40oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 55.00 x 51.00 x 41.00mm

Type - Li-MnO2

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - 110894-O, BAT-11

Zastosowanie (producent) - Life-Point

net: 188,80 PLN

Lionville Lock Alert / B11655 17000mAh Alkaline 6.0V (Cameron Sino)
Lionville Lock Alert / B11655 17000mAh Alkaline 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Lionville Lock Alert / B11655 17000mAh Alkaline 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-LVA655MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 17000mAh

Libra - 745g / 26.28oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 122.00 x 66.20 x 35.20mm

Type - Alkaline

Tension - 6.0V

Description - Alkaline Battery, Do not rechargeable Battery used in: Lionville: Lock Alert

Comparison code - B11655

Zastosowanie (producent) - Lionville

  • net: 79,15 PLN


Lionville Lock Alert / B11655 17000mAh Alkaline 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 17000mAh

Libra - 745g / 26.28oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 122.00 x 66.20 x 35.20mm

Type - Alkaline

Tension - 6.0V

Comparison code - B11655

Zastosowanie (producent) - Lionville

net: 79,15 PLN

Merck Millipore type MAS-AC-7009 / 110518-U 1800mAh Ni-CD 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
Merck Millipore type MAS-AC-7009 / 110518-U 1800mAh Ni-CD 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Merck Millipore type MAS-AC-7009 / 110518-U 1800mAh Ni-CD 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MAS100MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 501g / 17.67oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 69.10 x 66.50 x 43.40mm

Type - Ni-CD

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Battery used in: Merck Millipore: Air Sampler MAS-100 MAS-AC-6009 type MAS-AC-7009

Comparison code - 110518-U

Zastosowanie (producent) - Merck Millipore

  • net: 188,80 PLN


Merck Millipore type MAS-AC-7009 / 110518-U 1800mAh Ni-CD 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 501g / 17.67oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 69.10 x 66.50 x 43.40mm

Type - Ni-CD

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - 110518-U

Zastosowanie (producent) - Merck Millipore

net: 188,80 PLN

MAQUET Getinge Servo Air ventilator / 6882607 7800mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)
MAQUET Getinge Servo Air ventilator / 6882607 7800mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

MAQUET Getinge Servo Air ventilator / 6882607 7800mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MAT024MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 756g / 26.67oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 167.00 x 107.10 x 21.20mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.4V

Description - Battery used in: MAQUET: SERVO-AIR VENTILATOR VENTILATOR SERVO Getinge Servo Air ventilator

Comparison code - 6882607, RRC2024

Zastosowanie (producent) - MAQUET

  • net: 1281,55 PLN


MAQUET Getinge Servo Air ventilator / 6882607 7800mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 756g / 26.67oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 167.00 x 107.10 x 21.20mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.4V

Comparison code - 6882607, RRC2024

Zastosowanie (producent) - MAQUET

net: 1281,55 PLN

MAQUET Cardiosave hybrid / 0146-00-0097 14900mAh Li-ion 14.3V (Cameron Sino)
MAQUET Cardiosave hybrid / 0146-00-0097 14900mAh Li-ion 14.3V (Cameron Sino)

MAQUET Cardiosave hybrid / 0146-00-0097 14900mAh Li-ion 14.3V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MAT097MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 14900mAh

Libra - 1468g / 51.78oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 185.00 x 81.00 x 63.35mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.3V

Description - Battery used in: MAQUET: Cardiosave hybrid

Comparison code - 0146-00-0097

Zastosowanie (producent) - MAQUET

  • net: 1890,29 PLN


MAQUET Cardiosave hybrid / 0146-00-0097 14900mAh Li-ion 14.3V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 14900mAh

Libra - 1468g / 51.78oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 185.00 x 81.00 x 63.35mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.3V

Comparison code - 0146-00-0097

Zastosowanie (producent) - MAQUET

net: 1890,29 PLN

MAQUET Magnus OR Table Wireless Hand Control / B11927 700mAh Ni-MH 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
MAQUET Magnus OR Table Wireless Hand Control / B11927 700mAh Ni-MH 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

MAQUET Magnus OR Table Wireless Hand Control / B11927 700mAh Ni-MH 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MAT244MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 700mAh

Libra - 650.0g / 22.93oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 92.50 x 11.00 x 45.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Battery used in: MAQUET: Magnus OR Table Wireless Hand Control

Comparison code - B11927, LH070-3A44C9BR, 2270244

Zastosowanie (producent) - MAQUET

  • net: 139,65 PLN


MAQUET Magnus OR Table Wireless Hand Control / B11927 700mAh Ni-MH 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 700mAh

Libra - 650.0g / 22.93oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 92.50 x 11.00 x 45.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - B11927, LH070-3A44C9BR, 2270244

Zastosowanie (producent) - MAQUET

net: 139,65 PLN

MAQUET / 0227-0353 8800mAh Li-ion 22.2V (Cameron Sino)
MAQUET / 0227-0353 8800mAh Li-ion 22.2V (Cameron Sino)

MAQUET / 0227-0353 8800mAh Li-ion 22.2V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MAT353MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 8800mAh

Libra - 1394g / 49.17oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 241.00 x 140.00 x 23.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 22.2V

Description - Battery used in: Maquet: 0227-0353 02270353 0227040203

Comparison code - 0227-0353

Zastosowanie (producent) - Maquet

  • net: 623,64 PLN


MAQUET / 0227-0353 8800mAh Li-ion 22.2V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 8800mAh

Libra - 1394g / 49.17oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 241.00 x 140.00 x 23.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 22.2V

Comparison code - 0227-0353

Zastosowanie (producent) - Maquet

net: 623,64 PLN

MAQUET / 0227-0353 12000mAh Li-ion 22.2V (Cameron Sino)
MAQUET / 0227-0353 12000mAh Li-ion 22.2V (Cameron Sino)

MAQUET / 0227-0353 12000mAh Li-ion 22.2V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MAT353MX

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 12000mAh

Libra - 1488g / 52.49oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 241.15 x 139.40 x 21.10mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 22.2V

Description - Battery used in: Maquet: 0227-0353 02270353 0227040203

Comparison code - 0227-0353

Zastosowanie (producent) - Maquet

  • net: 684,13 PLN


MAQUET / 0227-0353 12000mAh Li-ion 22.2V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 12000mAh

Libra - 1488g / 52.49oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 241.15 x 139.40 x 21.10mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 22.2V

Comparison code - 0227-0353

Zastosowanie (producent) - Maquet

net: 684,13 PLN

Mindray UBECONN C9 / LI13S001A 3400mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)
Mindray UBECONN C9 / LI13S001A 3400mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Mindray UBECONN C9 / LI13S001A 3400mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MBR300MX

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3400mAh

Libra - 217.4g / 7.67oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 68.56 x 55.26 x 19.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Description - Battery used in: Mindray: BeneHeart R3 BeneHeart R3A uMEC10 BeneHeart R3 EKG uMEC6 uMEC7 uMEC12 UBECONN C9

Comparison code - LI13S001A, 3ICR18/65, 022-000122-00, 115-037896-00

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

  • net: 124,53 PLN


Mindray UBECONN C9 / LI13S001A 3400mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3400mAh

Libra - 217.4g / 7.67oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 68.56 x 55.26 x 19.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Comparison code - LI13S001A, 3ICR18/65, 022-000122-00, 115-037896-00

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

net: 124,53 PLN

Medical Compression System ActiveCare + SFT / B11707 2500mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)
Medical Compression System ActiveCare + SFT / B11707 2500mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Medical Compression System ActiveCare + SFT / B11707 2500mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MCB117MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2500mAh

Libra - 251g / 8.85oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 102.30 x 27.20 x 27.20mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Description - Battery used in: Medical Compression System: ActiveCare + SFT

Comparison code - B11707

Zastosowanie (producent) - Medical Compression System

  • net: 120,75 PLN


Medical Compression System ActiveCare + SFT / B11707 2500mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2500mAh

Libra - 251g / 8.85oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 102.30 x 27.20 x 27.20mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Comparison code - B11707

Zastosowanie (producent) - Medical Compression System

net: 120,75 PLN

Micro Medical Microlab 3300 pulmonary function tester / MLA4303 1200mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)
Micro Medical Microlab 3300 pulmonary function tester / MLA4303 1200mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Micro Medical Microlab 3300 pulmonary function tester / MLA4303 1200mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MCL330MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1200mAh

Libra - 165.0g / 5.82oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 101.30 x 30.30 x 17.40mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Description - Battery used in: Micro Medical: MicroLab 3300 Spirometer Microlab 3300 pulmonary function tester

Comparison code - MLA4303, ML2000

Zastosowanie (producent) - Micro Medical

  • net: 105,62 PLN


Micro Medical Microlab 3300 pulmonary function tester / MLA4303 1200mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1200mAh

Libra - 165.0g / 5.82oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 101.30 x 30.30 x 17.40mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Comparison code - MLA4303, ML2000

Zastosowanie (producent) - Micro Medical

net: 105,62 PLN

MGVG Doring Combimat 2000 / 110052 1000mAh Ni-MH 9.6V (Cameron Sino)
MGVG Doring Combimat 2000 / 110052 1000mAh Ni-MH 9.6V (Cameron Sino)

MGVG Doring Combimat 2000 / 110052 1000mAh Ni-MH 9.6V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MDC200MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1000mAh

Libra - 267g / 9.42oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 99.40 x 28.50 x 28.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 9.6V

Description - Bateria stosowana w:
Doring Combimat 2000

Comparison code - 110052, 110278

Zastosowanie (producent) - MGVG

  • net: 101,84 PLN


MGVG Doring Combimat 2000 / 110052 1000mAh Ni-MH 9.6V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1000mAh

Libra - 267g / 9.42oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 99.40 x 28.50 x 28.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 9.6V

Comparison code - 110052, 110278

Zastosowanie (producent) - MGVG

net: 101,84 PLN

Meditech G3D Monitor 2600mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)
Meditech G3D Monitor 2600mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Meditech G3D Monitor 2600mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MDH300MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 165g / 5.82oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 68.60 x 55.20 x 18.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Description - Battery used in: Meditech: G3D Monitor

Zastosowanie (producent) - Meditech

  • net: 105,62 PLN


Meditech G3D Monitor 2600mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 165g / 5.82oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 68.60 x 55.20 x 18.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Zastosowanie (producent) - Meditech

net: 105,62 PLN

Impact Medical Univent Eagle Ventilator / B11152 5000mAh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Impact Medical Univent Eagle Ventilator / B11152 5000mAh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Impact Medical Univent Eagle Ventilator / B11152 5000mAh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MDL754MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 5000mAh

Libra - 1636g / 57.71oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 201.64 x 70.50 x 47.80mm

Type - Rechargeable Batteries Pack

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Battery used in: Impact Medical: 754 Eagle Uni-Vent Ventilator 754 Eagle Ventilator 326 Portable Aspirator 326M Portable Aspirato 326 326M 704-0754-01 750 754 754M Univent Eagle Ventilator 765 Univent Eagle Ventilator Univent Eagle Ventilator

Comparison code - B11152, 704-0754-01, 00817392021571, OM11152, 5927, MLA2640

Zastosowanie (producent) - Impact Medical

  • net: 245,53 PLN


Impact Medical Univent Eagle Ventilator / B11152 5000mAh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 5000mAh

Libra - 1636g / 57.71oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 201.64 x 70.50 x 47.80mm

Type - Rechargeable Batteries Pack

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - B11152, 704-0754-01, 00817392021571, OM11152, 5927, MLA2640

Zastosowanie (producent) - Impact Medical

net: 245,53 PLN

Medfusion 4000 Syringe Pump / 22-4050-51 4600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)
Medfusion 4000 Syringe Pump / 22-4050-51 4600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Medfusion 4000 Syringe Pump / 22-4050-51 4600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MDP400MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 4600mAh

Libra - 214g / 7.55oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 73.60 x 73.70 x 18.80mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Description - Battery used in: Medfusion: 4000 Pump 4000 Syringe Pump

Comparison code - 22-4050-51, 22-4050-51-C, B11798

Zastosowanie (producent) - Medfusion

  • net: 355,18 PLN


Medfusion 4000 Syringe Pump / 22-4050-51 4600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 4600mAh

Libra - 214g / 7.55oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 73.60 x 73.70 x 18.80mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Comparison code - 22-4050-51, 22-4050-51-C, B11798

Zastosowanie (producent) - Medfusion

net: 355,18 PLN

Medcaptain HP-60 / INR18650-3S1P 2900mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)
Medcaptain HP-60 / INR18650-3S1P 2900mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Medcaptain HP-60 / INR18650-3S1P 2900mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MDP500MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2900mAh

Libra - 167g / 5.89oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 69.60 x 55.30 x 18.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Description - Battery used in: Medcaptain: HP-30 Syringe Pump HP-30 SYS-50 HP-60

Comparison code - INR18650-3S1P

Zastosowanie (producent) - Medcaptain

  • net: 185,02 PLN


Medcaptain HP-60 / INR18650-3S1P 2900mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2900mAh

Libra - 167g / 5.89oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 69.60 x 55.30 x 18.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Comparison code - INR18650-3S1P

Zastosowanie (producent) - Medcaptain

net: 185,02 PLN

Medcaptain MP-60A / INR18650-2S1P-02 2600mAh Li-ion 7.2V (Cameron Sino)
Medcaptain MP-60A / INR18650-2S1P-02 2600mAh Li-ion 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Medcaptain MP-60A / INR18650-2S1P-02 2600mAh Li-ion 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MDP600MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 119g / 4.20oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 65.90 x 36.90 x 20.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.2V

Description - Battery used in: Medcaptain: SYS-6010A MP-60A

Comparison code - INR18650-2S1P-02

Zastosowanie (producent) - Medcaptain

  • net: 135,87 PLN


Medcaptain MP-60A / INR18650-2S1P-02 2600mAh Li-ion 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 119g / 4.20oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 65.90 x 36.90 x 20.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.2V

Comparison code - INR18650-2S1P-02

Zastosowanie (producent) - Medcaptain

net: 135,87 PLN

Medical Econet Compact Type 5 / 80.10.5521 5200mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
Medical Econet Compact Type 5 / 80.10.5521 5200mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Medical Econet Compact Type 5 / 80.10.5521 5200mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MEC500MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 5200mAh

Libra - 430g / 15.17oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 110.00 x 66.50 x 20.50mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Battery used in: Medical Econet: Compact Type 9 Compact Type 7 Compact Type 5

Comparison code - 80.10.5521, 032PpTC (3ICR19/65-2), BN211013

Zastosowanie (producent) - Medical Econet

  • net: 135,87 PLN


Medical Econet Compact Type 5 / 80.10.5521 5200mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 5200mAh

Libra - 430g / 15.17oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 110.00 x 66.50 x 20.50mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - 80.10.5521, 032PpTC (3ICR19/65-2), BN211013

Zastosowanie (producent) - Medical Econet

net: 135,87 PLN

medicalEconet Smart 3 / 110616 4000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
medicalEconet Smart 3 / 110616 4000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

medicalEconet Smart 3 / 110616 4000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MEC616MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 4000mAh

Libra - 713g / 25.15oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 141.50 x 50.00 x 28.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Battery used in: medicalEconet: Cardio M Cardio M Plus Smart 1 Smart 3

Comparison code - 110616, 110616-O

Zastosowanie (producent) - medicalEconet

  • net: 185,02 PLN


medicalEconet Smart 3 / 110616 4000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 4000mAh

Libra - 713g / 25.15oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 141.50 x 50.00 x 28.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - 110616, 110616-O

Zastosowanie (producent) - medicalEconet

net: 185,02 PLN

Medela Sonata / 919.7013 2600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)
Medela Sonata / 919.7013 2600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Medela Sonata / 919.7013 2600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MEL919MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 160g / 5.64oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 66.80 x 36.80 x 20.50mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Description - Bateria stosowana w:

Comparison code - 919.7013

Zastosowanie (producent) - Medela

  • net: 75,38 PLN


Medela Sonata / 919.7013 2600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 160g / 5.64oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 66.80 x 36.80 x 20.50mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Comparison code - 919.7013

Zastosowanie (producent) - Medela

net: 75,38 PLN

medicalEconet Monitor Compact Type 5O / 21.10.5515 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
medicalEconet Monitor Compact Type 5O / 21.10.5515 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

medicalEconet Monitor Compact Type 5O / 21.10.5515 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MET500MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 336g / 11.85oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 144.70 x 52.20 x 14.60mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Battery used in: medicalEconet: Monitor Compact Type 5O

Comparison code - 21.10.5515, 110647-O

Zastosowanie (producent) - medicalEconet

  • net: 128,31 PLN


medicalEconet Monitor Compact Type 5O / 21.10.5515 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 336g / 11.85oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 144.70 x 52.20 x 14.60mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - 21.10.5515, 110647-O

Zastosowanie (producent) - medicalEconet

net: 128,31 PLN

Mangar Airflo 12 / CD0313 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Mangar Airflo 12 / CD0313 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Mangar Airflo 12 / CD0313 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MGA313MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 343g / 12.10oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 74.60 x 51.80 x 33.00mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Battery used in: Mangar: Airflo 12

Comparison code - CD0313

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mangar

  • net: 132,09 PLN


Mangar Airflo 12 / CD0313 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 343g / 12.10oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 74.60 x 51.80 x 33.00mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - CD0313

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mangar

net: 132,09 PLN

Mindray BeneHeart D2 / LI24I001A 6800mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)
Mindray BeneHeart D2 / LI24I001A 6800mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)

Mindray BeneHeart D2 / LI24I001A 6800mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MHD300MX

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 6800mAh

Libra - 690g / 24.34oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 178.00 x 74.00 x 30.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.8V

Description - Battery used in: Mindray: BeneHeart D3 BeneHeart D1 BeneHeart D2

Comparison code - LI24I001A, 022-000034-00, 022-000047-00, 022-000124-00, LI24001A, LI24005A

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

  • net: 442,15 PLN


Mindray BeneHeart D2 / LI24I001A 6800mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 6800mAh

Libra - 690g / 24.34oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 178.00 x 74.00 x 30.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.8V

Comparison code - LI24I001A, 022-000034-00, 022-000047-00, 022-000124-00, LI24001A, LI24005A

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

net: 442,15 PLN

Minolta Jaundice Meter 102 / 110055 500mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)
Minolta Jaundice Meter 102 / 110055 500mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Minolta Jaundice Meter 102 / 110055 500mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MJM940MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 500mAh

Libra - 80g / 2.82oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 37.50 x 26.40 x 17.20mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 4.8V

Description - Battery used in: Minolta: Jaundice Meter 9404 Jaundice Meter 102

Comparison code - 110055

Zastosowanie (producent) - Minolta

  • net: 82,93 PLN


Minolta Jaundice Meter 102 / 110055 500mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 500mAh

Libra - 80g / 2.82oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 37.50 x 26.40 x 17.20mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 4.8V

Comparison code - 110055

Zastosowanie (producent) - Minolta

net: 82,93 PLN

Kejian Jaundice Meter KJ-8000 / 2/3AAS4 500mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)
Kejian Jaundice Meter KJ-8000 / 2/3AAS4 500mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Kejian Jaundice Meter KJ-8000 / 2/3AAS4 500mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MKJ800MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 500mAh

Libra - 81g / 2.86oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 56.70 x 31.00 x 14.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 4.8V

Description - Battery used in: Kejian: Jaundice Meter KJ-8000

Comparison code - 2/3AAS4

Zastosowanie (producent) - Kejian

  • net: 75,38 PLN


Kejian Jaundice Meter KJ-8000 / 2/3AAS4 500mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 500mAh

Libra - 81g / 2.86oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 56.70 x 31.00 x 14.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 4.8V

Comparison code - 2/3AAS4

Zastosowanie (producent) - Kejian

net: 75,38 PLN

Million ML1200 / LPO155-14.8V-2.2AH 2600mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)
Million ML1200 / LPO155-14.8V-2.2AH 2600mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)

Million ML1200 / LPO155-14.8V-2.2AH 2600mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MML120MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 256.8g / 9.06oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 73.20 x 68.60 x 18.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.8V

Description - Battery used in: Million: ML1500 ML1200

Comparison code - LPO155-14.8V-2.2AH, FY-18650LP01555

Zastosowanie (producent) - Million

  • net: 139,65 PLN


Million ML1200 / LPO155-14.8V-2.2AH 2600mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 256.8g / 9.06oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 73.20 x 68.60 x 18.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.8V

Comparison code - LPO155-14.8V-2.2AH, FY-18650LP01555

Zastosowanie (producent) - Million

net: 139,65 PLN

Million ML1200 / LPO155-14.8V-2.2AH 3400mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)
Million ML1200 / LPO155-14.8V-2.2AH 3400mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)

Million ML1200 / LPO155-14.8V-2.2AH 3400mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MML120MX

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3400mAh

Libra - 270g / 9.52oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 73.60 x 69.00 x 18.70mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.8V

Description - Battery used in: Million: ML1500 ML1200

Comparison code - LPO155-14.8V-2.2AH, FY-18650LP01555

Zastosowanie (producent) - Million

  • net: 166,13 PLN


Million ML1200 / LPO155-14.8V-2.2AH 3400mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3400mAh

Libra - 270g / 9.52oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 73.60 x 69.00 x 18.70mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.8V

Comparison code - LPO155-14.8V-2.2AH, FY-18650LP01555

Zastosowanie (producent) - Million

net: 166,13 PLN

Million ML1100 / B0402101 2400mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)
Million ML1100 / B0402101 2400mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)

Million ML1100 / B0402101 2400mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MML700MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2400mAh

Libra - 203.5g / 7.18oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 74.10 x 65.80 x 16.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.8V

Description - Battery used in: Million: ML700 ML1100

Comparison code - B0402101

Zastosowanie (producent) - Million

  • net: 211,49 PLN


Million ML1100 / B0402101 2400mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2400mAh

Libra - 203.5g / 7.18oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 74.10 x 65.80 x 16.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.8V

Comparison code - B0402101

Zastosowanie (producent) - Million

net: 211,49 PLN

Medtronic Lifepak 9P / 803704-03 2500mAh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 16.0V (Cameron Sino)
Medtronic Lifepak 9P / 803704-03 2500mAh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 16.0V (Cameron Sino)

Medtronic Lifepak 9P / 803704-03 2500mAh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 16.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MPD910MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2500mAh

Libra - 1676g / 59.12oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 127.40 x 68.00 x 68.00mm

Type - Rechargeable Batteries Pack

Tension - 16.0V

Description - Battery used in: Medtronic: Physio-Control Lifepak 9 Physio-Control Lifepak 9A Physio-Control LifePak 9B Physio-Control LifePak 9P Lifepak 9 Lifepak 9A Lifepak 9B Lifepak 9P Physio-Control: Lifepak 9 Lifepak 9A Lifepak 9B Lifepak 9P Defibrillator Lifepak 9 Defibrillator Lifepak 9A Defibrillator Lifepak 9B Defibrillator Lifepak 9P

Comparison code - 803704-03, 21300-002259, 803704-03, 21300-002259

Zastosowanie (producent) - Medtronic

Zastosowanie (producent) - Physio-Control

  • net: 1648,31 PLN


Medtronic Lifepak 9P / 803704-03 2500mAh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 16.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2500mAh

Libra - 1676g / 59.12oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 127.40 x 68.00 x 68.00mm

Type - Rechargeable Batteries Pack

Tension - 16.0V

Comparison code - 803704-03, 21300-002259, 803704-03, 21300-002259

Zastosowanie (producent) - Medtronic

Zastosowanie (producent) - Physio-Control

net: 1648,31 PLN

Medcaptain TP-20S / IPC494252 (21CP6/43/52) 1500mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)
Medcaptain TP-20S / IPC494252 (21CP6/43/52) 1500mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Medcaptain TP-20S / IPC494252 (21CP6/43/52) 1500mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MPT200MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1500mAh

Libra - 72g / 2.54oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 50.00 x 43.50 x 11.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Description - Battery used in: Medcaptain: TP-20S

Comparison code - IPC494252 (21CP6/43/52)

Zastosowanie (producent) - Medcaptain

  • net: 185,02 PLN


Medcaptain TP-20S / IPC494252 (21CP6/43/52) 1500mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1500mAh

Libra - 72g / 2.54oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 50.00 x 43.50 x 11.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Comparison code - IPC494252 (21CP6/43/52)

Zastosowanie (producent) - Medcaptain

net: 185,02 PLN

Mindray BeneHeart S2 / LM34S002A 4200mAh Li-MnO2 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Mindray BeneHeart S2 / LM34S002A 4200mAh Li-MnO2 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Mindray BeneHeart S2 / LM34S002A 4200mAh Li-MnO2 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MRB100MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 4200mAh

Libra - 446g / 15.73oz

Colour - Yellow

Dimensions - 157.80 x 61.90 x 24.00mm

Type - Li-MnO2

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Non-Rechargeable Replacement Battery Pack Battery used in: Mindray: BeneHeart C BeneHeart C1 Fully Automatic BeneHeart C1 BeneHeart C2 BeneHeart S1 BeneHeart S2

Comparison code - LM34S002A

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

  • net: 793,78 PLN


Mindray BeneHeart S2 / LM34S002A 4200mAh Li-MnO2 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 4200mAh

Libra - 446g / 15.73oz

Colour - Yellow

Dimensions - 157.80 x 61.90 x 24.00mm

Type - Li-MnO2

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - LM34S002A

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

net: 793,78 PLN

Mindray MEC-1000 2600mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)
Mindray MEC-1000 2600mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Mindray MEC-1000 2600mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MRC100MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 214g / 7.55oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 68.56 x 55.20 x 18.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Description - Battery used in: Mindray: MEC-1000

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

  • net: 128,31 PLN


Mindray MEC-1000 2600mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 214g / 7.55oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 68.56 x 55.20 x 18.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

net: 128,31 PLN

Mindray MEC-1000 3400mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)
Mindray MEC-1000 3400mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Mindray MEC-1000 3400mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MRC100MX

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3400mAh

Libra - 220g / 7.76oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 69.30 x 55.80 x 18.80mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Description - Battery used in: Mindray: MEC-1000

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

  • net: 147,22 PLN


Mindray MEC-1000 3400mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3400mAh

Libra - 220g / 7.76oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 69.30 x 55.80 x 18.80mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

net: 147,22 PLN

Mindray LI13I001G / LI13I001G 3400mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
Mindray LI13I001G / LI13I001G 3400mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Mindray LI13I001G / LI13I001G 3400mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MRL130MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3400mAh

Libra - 181g / 6.38oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 71.10 x 56.70 x 19.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Battery used in: Mindray: LI13I001G

Comparison code - LI13I001G

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

  • net: 192,58 PLN


Mindray LI13I001G / LI13I001G 3400mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3400mAh

Libra - 181g / 6.38oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 71.10 x 56.70 x 19.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - LI13I001G

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

net: 192,58 PLN

Mindray DP-10VET / 115-011218-00 4800mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)
Mindray DP-10VET / 115-011218-00 4800mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Mindray DP-10VET / 115-011218-00 4800mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MRP200MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 4800mAh

Libra - 480g / 16.93oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 136.00 x 71.00 x 22.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Description - Battery used in: Mindray: Ultraschallgerat DP-10VET DP-20 DP-30 DP-10 DP-20Vet DP-30Vet DP-V12 DP-V21 DP-10VET

Comparison code - 115-011218-00, LI23I0021, 0146-00-0091-01, 115-018013-00

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

  • net: 854,27 PLN


Mindray DP-10VET / 115-011218-00 4800mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 4800mAh

Libra - 480g / 16.93oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 136.00 x 71.00 x 22.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Comparison code - 115-011218-00, LI23I0021, 0146-00-0091-01, 115-018013-00

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

net: 854,27 PLN

Mindray BeneFusion VP5 EX / 022-000161-00 4800mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)
Mindray BeneFusion VP5 EX / 022-000161-00 4800mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Mindray BeneFusion VP5 EX / 022-000161-00 4800mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MRP500MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 4800mAh

Libra - 374g / 13.19oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 140.30 x 51.60 x 25.20mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Description - Battery used in: Mindray: SP5 VP5 BeneFusion VP5 BeneFusion SP5 BeneFusion VP5 EX

Comparison code - 022-000161-00, 115-050226-00, SK04B9003, SK04B9003B, 022-000541-00

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

  • net: 612,29 PLN


Mindray BeneFusion VP5 EX / 022-000161-00 4800mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 4800mAh

Libra - 374g / 13.19oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 140.30 x 51.60 x 25.20mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Comparison code - 022-000161-00, 115-050226-00, SK04B9003, SK04B9003B, 022-000541-00

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

net: 612,29 PLN

Mindray BP10 / LI11I001A 1800mAh Li-ion 3.8V (Cameron Sino)
Mindray BP10 / LI11I001A 1800mAh Li-ion 3.8V (Cameron Sino)

Mindray BP10 / LI11I001A 1800mAh Li-ion 3.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MRS601MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 77g / 2.72oz

Colour - White

Dimensions - 57.90 x 50.20 x 15.20mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.8V

Description - Battery used in: Mindray: TMS-6016 BP10

Comparison code - LI11I001A, 022-000198-00, 115-035534-00

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

  • net: 245,53 PLN


Mindray BP10 / LI11I001A 1800mAh Li-ion 3.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 77g / 2.72oz

Colour - White

Dimensions - 57.90 x 50.20 x 15.20mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.8V

Comparison code - LI11I001A, 022-000198-00, 115-035534-00

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

net: 245,53 PLN

Mindray ME7 / LI24I001H 6600mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)
Mindray ME7 / LI24I001H 6600mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Mindray ME7 / LI24I001H 6600mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MRV300MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 6600mAh

Libra - 594g / 20.95oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 138.10 x 87.10 x 21.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.4V

Description - Battery used in: Mindray: SV300 uMED20 Consona N9 SV60 SV70 SV350 ME7

Comparison code - LI24I001H, LI24I002H

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

  • net: 854,27 PLN


Mindray ME7 / LI24I001H 6600mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 6600mAh

Libra - 594g / 20.95oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 138.10 x 87.10 x 21.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.4V

Comparison code - LI24I001H, LI24I002H

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

net: 854,27 PLN

Mindray VS850 / 115-034132-00 5600mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)
Mindray VS850 / 115-034132-00 5600mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Mindray VS850 / 115-034132-00 5600mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MRV650MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 5600mAh

Libra - 474g / 16.72oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 147.00 x 60.20 x 23.50mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Description - Battery used in: Mindray: Benevision N19 Benevision N22 SV600 SV650 SV800 VS850

Comparison code - 115-034132-00, LI23I003A, 022-000248-00, 022-000348-00

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

  • net: 854,27 PLN


Mindray VS850 / 115-034132-00 5600mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 5600mAh

Libra - 474g / 16.72oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 147.00 x 60.20 x 23.50mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Comparison code - 115-034132-00, LI23I003A, 022-000248-00, 022-000348-00

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

net: 854,27 PLN

Mindray MP3543R / LP13I001B 3800mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)
Mindray MP3543R / LP13I001B 3800mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Mindray MP3543R / LP13I001B 3800mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MRY700MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3800mAh

Libra - 412g / 14.53oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 204.35 x 135.20 x 8.70mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Description - Battery used in: Mindray: EPM 700P mobiEye 700A MobiEye 700 MP3543R

Comparison code - LP13I001B

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

  • net: 1100,05 PLN


Mindray MP3543R / LP13I001B 3800mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3800mAh

Libra - 412g / 14.53oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 204.35 x 135.20 x 8.70mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Comparison code - LP13I001B

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mindray

net: 1100,05 PLN

Siemens SC9000 Patient monitor / EE090263 2500mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)
Siemens SC9000 Patient monitor / EE090263 2500mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Siemens SC9000 Patient monitor / EE090263 2500mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MSC700MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2500mAh

Libra - 264g / 9.31oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 84.50 x 51.00 x 19.00mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 6.0V

Description - Battery used in: Siemens: SC7000 Patient monitor SC9000 Patient monitor

Comparison code - EE090263

Zastosowanie (producent) - Siemens

  • net: 113,18 PLN


Siemens SC9000 Patient monitor / EE090263 2500mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2500mAh

Libra - 264g / 9.31oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 84.50 x 51.00 x 19.00mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 6.0V

Comparison code - EE090263

Zastosowanie (producent) - Siemens

net: 113,18 PLN

Primedic M113 / TB01020701 3000mAh Ni-MH 14.4V (Cameron Sino)
Primedic M113 / TB01020701 3000mAh Ni-MH 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Primedic M113 / TB01020701 3000mAh Ni-MH 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MTB207MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3000mAh

Libra - 757.8g / 26.73oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 102.50 x 62.80 x 43.30mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 14.4V

Description - Battery used in: Primedic: Medtronic DEFI-B M110 M111 M112 M113

Comparison code - TB01020701

Zastosowanie (producent) - Primedic

  • net: 207,71 PLN


Primedic M113 / TB01020701 3000mAh Ni-MH 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3000mAh

Libra - 757.8g / 26.73oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 102.50 x 62.80 x 43.30mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 14.4V

Comparison code - TB01020701

Zastosowanie (producent) - Primedic

net: 207,71 PLN

Mortara Monitor Surveyor S4 / 120020-O 1600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)
Mortara Monitor Surveyor S4 / 120020-O 1600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Mortara Monitor Surveyor S4 / 120020-O 1600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MTD062MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1600mAh

Libra - 110g / 3.88oz

Colour - Grey

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Description - Battery used in: Mortara: F1559 Monitor Surveyor S4

Comparison code - 120020-O, 4800-018, D062

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mortara

  • net: 75,38 PLN


Mortara Monitor Surveyor S4 / 120020-O 1600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1600mAh

Libra - 110g / 3.88oz

Colour - Grey

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Comparison code - 120020-O, 4800-018, D062

Zastosowanie (producent) - Mortara

net: 75,38 PLN

Morita SM-DP-ZX 1600mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)
Morita SM-DP-ZX 1600mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Morita SM-DP-ZX 1600mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-MTZ700MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1600mAh

Libra - 173.6g / 6.12oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 46.80 x 41.80 x 21.40mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 4.8V

Description - Battery used in: Morita: SM-DP-ZX

Zastosowanie (producent) - Morita

  • net: 124,53 PLN


Morita SM-DP-ZX 1600mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1600mAh

Libra - 173.6g / 6.12oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 46.80 x 41.80 x 21.40mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 4.8V

Zastosowanie (producent) - Morita

net: 124,53 PLN

NONIN 8500 / GP200AAH-051PTC 2000mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)
NONIN 8500 / GP200AAH-051PTC 2000mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

NONIN 8500 / GP200AAH-051PTC 2000mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-NAT850MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 350.0g / 12.35oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions -

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 6.0V

Description - Battery used in: NONIN: 8500

Comparison code - GP200AAH-051PTC

Zastosowanie (producent) - NONIN

  • net: 151,00 PLN


NONIN 8500 / GP200AAH-051PTC 2000mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 350.0g / 12.35oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions -

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 6.0V

Comparison code - GP200AAH-051PTC

Zastosowanie (producent) - NONIN

net: 151,00 PLN

Nihon Kohden Cardiolife TEC-7521 / LC-S2912NK 2900mAh 34.8Wh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Nihon Kohden Cardiolife TEC-7521 / LC-S2912NK 2900mAh 34.8Wh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Nihon Kohden Cardiolife TEC-7521 / LC-S2912NK 2900mAh 34.8Wh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-NK9320MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2900mAh 34.8Wh

Libra - 1261g / 44.48oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 103.77 x 78.63 x 56.15mm

Type - Rechargeable Batteries Pack

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Stop Production Battery used in: Nihon Kohden: DCB-ENEL12 Cardiolife ECG-9320 Cardiolife TEC-7431 Cardiolife TEC-7511 Cardiolife TEC-7521

Comparison code - LC-S2912NK

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nihon Kohden

  • net: 245,53 PLN


Nihon Kohden Cardiolife TEC-7521 / LC-S2912NK 2900mAh 34.8Wh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2900mAh 34.8Wh

Libra - 1261g / 44.48oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 103.77 x 78.63 x 56.15mm

Type - Rechargeable Batteries Pack

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - LC-S2912NK

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nihon Kohden

net: 245,53 PLN

Nihon Kohden AED-2100K / NKPB-28271K 2700mAh Li-MnO2 27.0V (Cameron Sino)
Nihon Kohden AED-2100K / NKPB-28271K 2700mAh Li-MnO2 27.0V (Cameron Sino)

Nihon Kohden AED-2100K / NKPB-28271K 2700mAh Li-MnO2 27.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-NKC210MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2700mAh

Libra - 607g / 21.41oz

Colour - Orange

Dimensions - 176.00 x 59.00 x 46.20mm

Type - Li-MnO2

Tension - 27.0V

Description - Primary Battery, Non-rechargeable Battery used in: Nihon Kohden: Cardiolife AED 2100 range AED-2100 AED2150 AED2151 AED2152 AED-2150 AED-2150P AED-2150K AED-2100K

Comparison code - NKPB-28271K, SB-214VK, X217A

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nihon Kohden

  • net: 1890,29 PLN


Nihon Kohden AED-2100K / NKPB-28271K 2700mAh Li-MnO2 27.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2700mAh

Libra - 607g / 21.41oz

Colour - Orange

Dimensions - 176.00 x 59.00 x 46.20mm

Type - Li-MnO2

Tension - 27.0V

Comparison code - NKPB-28271K, SB-214VK, X217A

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nihon Kohden

net: 1890,29 PLN

Nihon Kohden CardioAir ECG-2010 / SB-202D 2900mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
Nihon Kohden CardioAir ECG-2010 / SB-202D 2900mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Nihon Kohden CardioAir ECG-2010 / SB-202D 2900mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-NKD201MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2900mAh

Libra - 76g / 2.68oz

Colour - White

Dimensions - 64.40 x 44.70 x 13.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: Nihon Kohden: CardioAir ECG-2010

Comparison code - SB-202D

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nihon Kohden

  • net: 245,53 PLN


Nihon Kohden CardioAir ECG-2010 / SB-202D 2900mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2900mAh

Libra - 76g / 2.68oz

Colour - White

Dimensions - 64.40 x 44.70 x 13.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - SB-202D

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nihon Kohden

net: 245,53 PLN

Nihon Kohden WEE-1000 / X231 2600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)
Nihon Kohden WEE-1000 / X231 2600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Nihon Kohden WEE-1000 / X231 2600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-NKE100MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 128g / 4.52oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 70.30 x 38.00 x 20.10mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Description - Battery used in: Nihon Kohden: WEE-1000

Comparison code - X231, YZ-03080

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nihon Kohden

  • net: 105,62 PLN


Nihon Kohden WEE-1000 / X231 2600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 128g / 4.52oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 70.30 x 38.00 x 20.10mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Comparison code - X231, YZ-03080

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nihon Kohden

net: 105,62 PLN

Nihon Kohden WEE-1000 / X231 3400mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)
Nihon Kohden WEE-1000 / X231 3400mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Nihon Kohden WEE-1000 / X231 3400mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-NKE100MX

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3400mAh

Libra - 220g / 7.76oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 70.30 x 38.00 x 20.10mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Description - Battery used in: Nihon Kohden: WEE-1000

Comparison code - X231, YZ-03080

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nihon Kohden

  • net: 105,62 PLN


Nihon Kohden WEE-1000 / X231 3400mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3400mAh

Libra - 220g / 7.76oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 70.30 x 38.00 x 20.10mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Comparison code - X231, YZ-03080

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nihon Kohden

net: 105,62 PLN

Nihon Kohden 6851K ECG / 10GNY0.5-AA 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Nihon Kohden 6851K ECG / 10GNY0.5-AA 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Nihon Kohden 6851K ECG / 10GNY0.5-AA 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-NKE685MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 350.0g / 12.35oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 72.00 x 28.70 x 49.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Battery used in: Nihon Kohden: 6851 ECG 6851K ECG

Comparison code - 10GNY0.5-AA

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nihon Kohden

  • net: 185,02 PLN


Nihon Kohden 6851K ECG / 10GNY0.5-AA 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 350.0g / 12.35oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 72.00 x 28.70 x 49.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - 10GNY0.5-AA

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nihon Kohden

net: 185,02 PLN

Nihon Kohden CSM-1702 monitor / SB-970P 2500mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
Nihon Kohden CSM-1702 monitor / SB-970P 2500mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Nihon Kohden CSM-1702 monitor / SB-970P 2500mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-NKS170MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2500mAh

Libra - 263g / 9.28oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 70.20 x 52.00 x 38.90mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Battery used in: Nihon Kohden: CU-172 CSM-1701 monitor CSM-1702 monitor

Comparison code - SB-970P, X162B

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nihon Kohden

  • net: 585,82 PLN


Nihon Kohden CSM-1702 monitor / SB-970P 2500mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2500mAh

Libra - 263g / 9.28oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 70.20 x 52.00 x 38.90mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - SB-970P, X162B

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nihon Kohden

net: 585,82 PLN

Nipro NCU-12 / 10N-700AACL 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Nipro NCU-12 / 10N-700AACL 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Nipro NCU-12 / 10N-700AACL 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-NPN120MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 335g / 11.82oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 102.00 x 72.40 x 15.40mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Battery used in: Nipro: NCU-12

Comparison code - 10N-700AACL

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nipro

  • net: 143,44 PLN


Nipro NCU-12 / 10N-700AACL 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 335g / 11.82oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 102.00 x 72.40 x 15.40mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - 10N-700AACL

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nipro

net: 143,44 PLN

Nellcor N5600 Monitor / 110273 3800mAh Ni-MH 14.4V (Cameron Sino)
Nellcor N5600 Monitor / 110273 3800mAh Ni-MH 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Nellcor N5600 Monitor / 110273 3800mAh Ni-MH 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-NPT560MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3800mAh

Libra - 672.0g / 23.70oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 101.50 x 67.30 x 34.00mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 14.4V

Description - Battery used in: Nellcor: N5500 Monitor N5600 Monitor Puritan Bennett: N-5500 N-5600

Comparison code - 110273, 88888813

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nellcor

Zastosowanie (producent) - Puritan Bennett

  • net: 260,65 PLN


Nellcor N5600 Monitor / 110273 3800mAh Ni-MH 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3800mAh

Libra - 672.0g / 23.70oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 101.50 x 67.30 x 34.00mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 14.4V

Comparison code - 110273, 88888813

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nellcor

Zastosowanie (producent) - Puritan Bennett

net: 260,65 PLN

Northern Taurus / NT-L13S2P-PA 4800mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)
Northern Taurus / NT-L13S2P-PA 4800mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Northern Taurus / NT-L13S2P-PA 4800mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-NRT132MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 4800mAh

Libra - 476g / 16.79oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.20 x 60.00 x 23.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Description - Battery used in: Northern: Venus Taurus

Comparison code - NT-L13S2P-PA

Zastosowanie (producent) - Northern

  • net: 427,02 PLN


Northern Taurus / NT-L13S2P-PA 4800mAh Li-ion 11.1V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 4800mAh

Libra - 476g / 16.79oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.20 x 60.00 x 23.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 11.1V

Comparison code - NT-L13S2P-PA

Zastosowanie (producent) - Northern

net: 427,02 PLN

Northern Virgo / NT-L14S1P-PA 2600mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)
Northern Virgo / NT-L14S1P-PA 2600mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)

Northern Virgo / NT-L14S1P-PA 2600mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-NRT690MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 386g / 13.62oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.20 x 60.00 x 23.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.8V

Description - Battery used in: Northern: Virgo

Comparison code - NT-L14S1P-PA, NT-LI4S1P-PA, 022-000069-00, 022.01.000069-00

Zastosowanie (producent) - Northern

  • net: 306,02 PLN


Northern Virgo / NT-L14S1P-PA 2600mAh Li-ion 14.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 386g / 13.62oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.20 x 60.00 x 23.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.8V

Comparison code - NT-L14S1P-PA, NT-LI4S1P-PA, 022-000069-00, 022.01.000069-00

Zastosowanie (producent) - Northern

net: 306,02 PLN

NIKKISO Dialysis Monitor / HHR-21H20G1 2000mAh Ni-MH 24.0V (Cameron Sino)
NIKKISO Dialysis Monitor / HHR-21H20G1 2000mAh Ni-MH 24.0V (Cameron Sino)

NIKKISO Dialysis Monitor / HHR-21H20G1 2000mAh Ni-MH 24.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-NSK007MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 967.0g / 34.11oz

Colour - White

Dimensions - 167.20 x 51.40 x 33.70mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 24.0V

Description - Battery used in: NIKKISO: DBB-07 DBB-06S BK-33AH20G1 Dialysis Monitor

Comparison code - HHR-21H20G1, HHR-21H20G2, DBB07, DBB05

Zastosowanie (producent) - NIKKISO

  • net: 268,20 PLN


NIKKISO Dialysis Monitor / HHR-21H20G1 2000mAh Ni-MH 24.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 967.0g / 34.11oz

Colour - White

Dimensions - 167.20 x 51.40 x 33.70mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 24.0V

Comparison code - HHR-21H20G1, HHR-21H20G2, DBB07, DBB05

Zastosowanie (producent) - NIKKISO

net: 268,20 PLN

NIKKISO DBB-27 / HHR-06TH20A1 2000mAh Ni-MH 24.0V (Cameron Sino)
NIKKISO DBB-27 / HHR-06TH20A1 2000mAh Ni-MH 24.0V (Cameron Sino)

NIKKISO DBB-27 / HHR-06TH20A1 2000mAh Ni-MH 24.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-NSK270MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 408g / 14.39oz

Colour - White

Dimensions - 104.80 x 45.60 x 21.40mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 24.0V

Description - Battery used in: NIKKISO: DDB-27 DBB-27

Comparison code - HHR-06TH20A1

Zastosowanie (producent) - NIKKISO

  • net: 256,87 PLN


NIKKISO DBB-27 / HHR-06TH20A1 2000mAh Ni-MH 24.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 408g / 14.39oz

Colour - White

Dimensions - 104.80 x 45.60 x 21.40mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 24.0V

Comparison code - HHR-06TH20A1

Zastosowanie (producent) - NIKKISO

net: 256,87 PLN

Neusoft SCP-XIKANG-3001 / LIP855440 2S1P 1800mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)
Neusoft SCP-XIKANG-3001 / LIP855440 2S1P 1800mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Neusoft SCP-XIKANG-3001 / LIP855440 2S1P 1800mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-NSM300MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 126.2g / 4.45oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 89.00 x 50.10 x 9.30mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Description - Battery used in: Neusoft: SCP-XIKANG-3001

Comparison code - LIP855440 2S1P

Zastosowanie (producent) - Neusoft

  • net: 139,65 PLN


Neusoft SCP-XIKANG-3001 / LIP855440 2S1P 1800mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 126.2g / 4.45oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 89.00 x 50.10 x 9.30mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Comparison code - LIP855440 2S1P

Zastosowanie (producent) - Neusoft

net: 139,65 PLN

Natus 56328 / 400850-01 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)
Natus 56328 / 400850-01 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Natus 56328 / 400850-01 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-NTA563MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 421g / 14.85oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 128.50 x 44.70 x 24.20mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Description - Battery used in: Natus: Smart Scale 56323 Smart Scale 56350 Smart Scale 56320 Smart Scale 23 Smart Scale 25 Smart Scale 60 56360 Smart Scale 65 56365 Warm Scale 20 56320 Warm Scale 23 56323 Warm Scale 28 56328 Olympic: Smart Scale 20 Smart Scale 23 Smart Scale 25

Comparison code - 400850-01, B11040, 301678-01B, 56320, 56328, 400850-01

Zastosowanie (producent) - Natus

Zastosowanie (producent) - Olympic

  • net: 124,53 PLN


Natus 56328 / 400850-01 2000mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 421g / 14.85oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 128.50 x 44.70 x 24.20mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Comparison code - 400850-01, B11040, 301678-01B, 56320, 56328, 400850-01

Zastosowanie (producent) - Natus

Zastosowanie (producent) - Olympic

net: 124,53 PLN

Natus Fischer-Zoth Echo Screen Classic / 110549 2000mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)
Natus Fischer-Zoth Echo Screen Classic / 110549 2000mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Natus Fischer-Zoth Echo Screen Classic / 110549 2000mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-NTF549MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 251g / 8.85oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 89.30 x 47.20 x 23.70mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 6.0V

Description - Battery used in: Natus: Fischer-Zoth Echo Screen Classic

Comparison code - 110549

Zastosowanie (producent) - Natus

  • net: 116,96 PLN


Natus Fischer-Zoth Echo Screen Classic / 110549 2000mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 251g / 8.85oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 89.30 x 47.20 x 23.70mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 6.0V

Comparison code - 110549

Zastosowanie (producent) - Natus

net: 116,96 PLN

Olympus EndoCapsule VE-1 / MAJ-1473 3600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)
Olympus EndoCapsule VE-1 / MAJ-1473 3600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Olympus EndoCapsule VE-1 / MAJ-1473 3600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-OLM147MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3600mAh

Libra - 200g / 7.05oz

Colour - White

Dimensions - 71.70 x 60.00 x 24.80mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Description - Battery used in: Olympus: EndoCapsule RE-1 EndoCapsule VE-1

Comparison code - MAJ-1473, MAJ-1467, MAJ-1469

Zastosowanie (producent) - Olympus

  • net: 612,29 PLN


Olympus EndoCapsule VE-1 / MAJ-1473 3600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3600mAh

Libra - 200g / 7.05oz

Colour - White

Dimensions - 71.70 x 60.00 x 24.80mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Comparison code - MAJ-1473, MAJ-1467, MAJ-1469

Zastosowanie (producent) - Olympus

net: 612,29 PLN

Orascoptic Zeon Discovery / 510001-140 2600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)
Orascoptic Zeon Discovery / 510001-140 2600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Orascoptic Zeon Discovery / 510001-140 2600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-ORS510MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 120g / 4.23oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 66.35 x 36.80 x 19.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Description - Battery used in: Orascoptic: Zeon Discovery

Comparison code - 510001-140, 931549

Zastosowanie (producent) - Orascoptic

  • net: 79,15 PLN


Orascoptic Zeon Discovery / 510001-140 2600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 120g / 4.23oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 66.35 x 36.80 x 19.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Comparison code - 510001-140, 931549

Zastosowanie (producent) - Orascoptic

net: 79,15 PLN

Optomed Smartscope M5 Pro / 4/HR-4U AAA 700mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)
Optomed Smartscope M5 Pro / 4/HR-4U AAA 700mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Optomed Smartscope M5 Pro / 4/HR-4U AAA 700mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-OTM500MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 700mAh

Libra - 77g / 2.72oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 46.50 x 41.62 x 10.70mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 4.8V

Description - Battery used in: Optomed: Smartscope M5 Smartscope M5 Pro

Comparison code - 4/HR-4U AAA

Zastosowanie (producent) - Optomed

  • net: 75,38 PLN


Optomed Smartscope M5 Pro / 4/HR-4U AAA 700mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 700mAh

Libra - 77g / 2.72oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 46.50 x 41.62 x 10.70mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 4.8V

Comparison code - 4/HR-4U AAA

Zastosowanie (producent) - Optomed

net: 75,38 PLN

Sunrise A8500 / CSA05107 2300mAh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 24.0V (Cameron Sino)
Sunrise A8500 / CSA05107 2300mAh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 24.0V (Cameron Sino)

Sunrise A8500 / CSA05107 2300mAh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 24.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-OXF510MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2300mAh

Libra - 1554g / 54.82oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 182.60 x 121.00 x 24.40mm

Type - Rechargeable Batteries Pack

Tension - 24.0V

Description - Battery used in: Sunrise: Oxford Voyager Portable Hoist Voyager Lift A8500 BHM Medical: A8500 Voyager Portable Track Lift Oxford: Voyager Portable Hois

Comparison code - CSA05107, VOY A8500.04, CSA05107

Zastosowanie (producent) - Sunrise

Zastosowanie (producent) - BHM Medical

Zastosowanie (producent) - Oxford

  • net: 328,71 PLN


Sunrise A8500 / CSA05107 2300mAh Rechargeable Batteries Pack 24.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2300mAh

Libra - 1554g / 54.82oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 182.60 x 121.00 x 24.40mm

Type - Rechargeable Batteries Pack

Tension - 24.0V

Comparison code - CSA05107, VOY A8500.04, CSA05107

Zastosowanie (producent) - Sunrise

Zastosowanie (producent) - BHM Medical

Zastosowanie (producent) - Oxford

net: 328,71 PLN

IPB MXI-1 / 6471 4500mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)
IPB MXI-1 / 6471 4500mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

IPB MXI-1 / 6471 4500mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PBM990MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 4500mAh

Libra - 381g / 13.44oz

Colour - White

Dimensions - 67.90 x 50.70 x 34.00mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Description - Battery used in: IPB: HDM 99XP MXI-1

Comparison code - 6471

Zastosowanie (producent) - IPB

  • net: 245,53 PLN


IPB MXI-1 / 6471 4500mAh Ni-MH 7.2V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 4500mAh

Libra - 381g / 13.44oz

Colour - White

Dimensions - 67.90 x 50.70 x 34.00mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 7.2V

Comparison code - 6471

Zastosowanie (producent) - IPB

net: 245,53 PLN

Physio-Control Express Charge-Pak / 3200727-005 1600mAh Li-SOCl2 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Physio-Control Express Charge-Pak / 3200727-005 1600mAh Li-SOCl2 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Physio-Control Express Charge-Pak / 3200727-005 1600mAh Li-SOCl2 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PCL100MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1600mAh

Libra - 450g / 15.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 147.50 X 24.30 X 29.00mm

Type - Li-SOCl2

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Primary Battery, Non-rechargeable, The CS-PCL100MD battery can only be used with one specific device. If the battery is removed and installed in another device, it will not be usable. Battery used in: Physio-Control: LifePak CR Plus Express Charge-Pak

Comparison code - 3200727-005, 3200727-002, 3202176-007, B11553, 3202176-008, 3202176-005, 3202176-006, 3202176-003, 3202176, 3200731-009, 3202176-010, 11403-000001, 3200731-002, 11403-000002, 3200731-003, 3201616-003, OM11553, 3201616-001

Zastosowanie (producent) - Physio-Control

  • net: 211,49 PLN


Physio-Control Express Charge-Pak / 3200727-005 1600mAh Li-SOCl2 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1600mAh

Libra - 450g / 15.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 147.50 X 24.30 X 29.00mm

Type - Li-SOCl2

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - 3200727-005, 3200727-002, 3202176-007, B11553, 3202176-008, 3202176-005, 3202176-006, 3202176-003, 3202176, 3200731-009, 3202176-010, 11403-000001, 3200731-002, 11403-000002, 3200731-003, 3201616-003, OM11553, 3201616-001

Zastosowanie (producent) - Physio-Control

net: 211,49 PLN

Philips Efficia CM12 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
Philips Efficia CM12 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Philips Efficia CM12 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHC120MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 149.00 x 90.00 x 20.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Must match both battery part number and device model
Bateria stosowana w:
Efficia CM10
Efficia CM12

Comparison code - ME202C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 578,25 PLN


Philips Efficia CM12 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 149.00 x 90.00 x 20.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - ME202C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 578,25 PLN

Philips Efficia CM150 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
Philips Efficia CM150 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Philips Efficia CM150 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHC150MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 149.00 x 90.00 x 20.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Must match both battery part number and device model
Bateria stosowana w:
Effica CM100
Efficia CM120
Efficia CM150

Comparison code - ME202C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 578,25 PLN


Philips Efficia CM150 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 149.00 x 90.00 x 20.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - ME202C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 578,25 PLN

Philips HRC2 Detachable / HRC2 5500mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)
Philips HRC2 Detachable / HRC2 5500mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Philips HRC2 Detachable / HRC2 5500mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHC200MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 5500mAh

Libra - 477g / 16.83oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 90.45 x 69.40 x 43.40mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.4V

Description - Battery used in: Philips: Respironics HRC2 Internal HRC2 Detachable

Comparison code - HRC2, 1127881

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 1281,55 PLN


Philips HRC2 Detachable / HRC2 5500mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 5500mAh

Libra - 477g / 16.83oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 90.45 x 69.40 x 43.40mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.4V

Comparison code - HRC2, 1127881

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 1281,55 PLN

Philips Micron Transport CTG7 / ME202EK 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
Philips Micron Transport CTG7 / ME202EK 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Philips Micron Transport CTG7 / ME202EK 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHC700MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.50 x 89.00 x 19.46mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Must match both battery part number and device model
Bateria stosowana w:
Micron Transport CTG7

Comparison code - ME202EK

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 517,76 PLN


Philips Micron Transport CTG7 / ME202EK 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.50 x 89.00 x 19.46mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - ME202EK

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 517,76 PLN

Philips EME11-P506 / 989803193431 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
Philips EME11-P506 / 989803193431 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Philips EME11-P506 / 989803193431 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHE110MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 61.5g / 2.17oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 52.70 x 34.00 x 11.20mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: Philips: Mercury Free Blood Pressure EME11-P506

Comparison code - 989803193431

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 90,49 PLN


Philips EME11-P506 / 989803193431 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 61.5g / 2.17oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 52.70 x 34.00 x 11.20mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - 989803193431

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 90,49 PLN

Philips Respironics SimplyGo / 453561490851 6800mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)
Philips Respironics SimplyGo / 453561490851 6800mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Philips Respironics SimplyGo / 453561490851 6800mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHE900MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 6800mAh

Libra - 755g / 26.63oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 166.80 x 107.20 x 20.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.4V

Description - Battery used in: Philips: Sparq EverGo 900-12 Respironics SimplyGo

Comparison code - 453561490851, OE2, 453561731921C, 4ICR19/65-3, DYNA-WJ CM-2, 453561731922D, 53561731922C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 1281,55 PLN


Philips Respironics SimplyGo / 453561490851 6800mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 6800mAh

Libra - 755g / 26.63oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 166.80 x 107.20 x 20.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.4V

Comparison code - 453561490851, OE2, 453561731921C, 4ICR19/65-3, DYNA-WJ CM-2, 453561731922D, 53561731922C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 1281,55 PLN

Philips Goldway G30E / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
Philips Goldway G30E / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Philips Goldway G30E / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHG310MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.50 x 89.00 x 19.46mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Must match both battery part number and device model
Bateria stosowana w:
Goldway G30E

Comparison code - ME202C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 517,76 PLN


Philips Goldway G30E / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.50 x 89.00 x 19.46mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - ME202C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 517,76 PLN

Philips Goldway G80 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
Philips Goldway G80 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Philips Goldway G80 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHG700MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.50 x 89.00 x 19.46mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Must match both battery part number and device model
Bateria stosowana w:
Goldway G70
Goldway G80

Comparison code - ME202C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 517,76 PLN


Philips Goldway G80 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.50 x 89.00 x 19.46mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - ME202C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 517,76 PLN

Philips Goldway G80 / ME202EK 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
Philips Goldway G80 / ME202EK 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Philips Goldway G80 / ME202EK 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHG800MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.50 x 89.00 x 19.46mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Must match both battery part number and device model
Bateria stosowana w:
Goldway G70
Goldway G80

Comparison code - ME202EK

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 517,76 PLN


Philips Goldway G80 / ME202EK 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.50 x 89.00 x 19.46mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - ME202EK

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 517,76 PLN

Philips Goldway P80E / ME202EK 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
Philips Goldway P80E / ME202EK 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Philips Goldway P80E / ME202EK 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHH800MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.50 x 89.00 x 19.46mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Must match both battery part number and device model
Bateria stosowana w:
Goldway P80E

Comparison code - ME202EK

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 517,76 PLN


Philips Goldway P80E / ME202EK 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.50 x 89.00 x 19.46mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - ME202EK

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 517,76 PLN

Philips Lifeline Systems 6800XT Communicator / 1870107 1000mAh Ni-CD 3.6V (Cameron Sino)
Philips Lifeline Systems 6800XT Communicator / 1870107 1000mAh Ni-CD 3.6V (Cameron Sino)

Philips Lifeline Systems 6800XT Communicator / 1870107 1000mAh Ni-CD 3.6V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHL680MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1000mAh

Libra - 90.0g / 3.17oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 52.00 x 42.50 x 14.60mm

Type - Ni-CD

Tension - 3.6V

Description - Bateria stosowana w:
Lifeline Systems 6800XT Communicator

Comparison code - 1870107, AMED0151, MED0151, B11602

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 64,04 PLN


Philips Lifeline Systems 6800XT Communicator / 1870107 1000mAh Ni-CD 3.6V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1000mAh

Libra - 90.0g / 3.17oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 52.00 x 42.50 x 14.60mm

Type - Ni-CD

Tension - 3.6V

Comparison code - 1870107, AMED0151, MED0151, B11602

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 64,04 PLN

Philips M8100 / M4605A 7200mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
Philips M8100 / M4605A 7200mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Philips M8100 / M4605A 7200mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHM300MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 7200mAh

Libra - 609.0g / 21.48oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 149.00 x 89.00 x 19.70mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Samsung Cells, Supported WLAN Version A Firmware A.03.09, WLAN Version B Firmware A.01.09 only Battery used in: Philips: IntelliVue MP20 IntelliVue MP30 IntelliVue MP50 IntelliVue MP70 IntelliVue M8001A IntelliVue M8002A IntelliVue M8100 FM20 FM30 Intellivue MX450 Intellivue MX400 Intellivue MX500 Intellivue 30 M8001A M8002A Intellivue 60 System MP20 System MP30 System MP40 System MP5 System MP50 System MX400 System M4605A Intellivue MP5 Intellivue MP40 Intellivue MP60 Intellivue M8000 Intellivue TC30 Intellivue TC70 ELI 380 ECG 740 Select Vital Signs Monitor IntelliVue MX400 Patient Monitor MP20 MP30 MP40 MP50 MP60 MP70 MP80 MP90 M8100

Comparison code - M4605A, 989803135861, 865297, 866060, 866062, 866064, 866066, M2702A, M2703A, M8105AS, M8001A, M8002A, M8003A, M8004A, M8105A, M8105AT, MB4605A

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 733,29 PLN


Philips M8100 / M4605A 7200mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 7200mAh

Libra - 609.0g / 21.48oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 149.00 x 89.00 x 19.70mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - M4605A, 989803135861, 865297, 866060, 866062, 866064, 866066, M2702A, M2703A, M8105AS, M8001A, M8002A, M8003A, M8004A, M8105A, M8105AT, MB4605A

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 733,29 PLN

Philips ECG 4765A / B10298 1800mAh Ni-MH 3.6V (Cameron Sino)
Philips ECG 4765A / B10298 1800mAh Ni-MH 3.6V (Cameron Sino)

Philips ECG 4765A / B10298 1800mAh Ni-MH 3.6V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHM465MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 132.8g / 4.68oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 147.00 x 16.30 x 14.30mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 3.6V

Description - Battery used in: Philips: HP4745 ECG Cardiac Monitoring Cardiograph M4745A M4750A M4755A M4760A M4765A ECG 4745 ECG 4750 ECG 4755 ECG 4760 ECG 4765A

Comparison code - B10298, AS10298, OM10298

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 75,38 PLN


Philips ECG 4765A / B10298 1800mAh Ni-MH 3.6V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 132.8g / 4.68oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 147.00 x 16.30 x 14.30mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 3.6V

Comparison code - B10298, AS10298, OM10298

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 75,38 PLN

Philips Goldway G60E / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
Philips Goldway G60E / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Philips Goldway G60E / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHM560MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.50 x 89.00 x 19.46mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Must match both battery part number and device model
Bateria stosowana w:
Goldway G50
Goldway G60
Goldway G60E

Comparison code - ME202C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 517,76 PLN


Philips Goldway G60E / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.50 x 89.00 x 19.46mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - ME202C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 517,76 PLN

Philips Goldway G60E / ME202EK 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
Philips Goldway G60E / ME202EK 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Philips Goldway G60E / ME202EK 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHM580MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.50 x 89.00 x 19.46mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Must match both battery part number and device model
Bateria stosowana w:
Goldway G50
Goldway G60
Goldway G60E

Comparison code - ME202EK

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 517,76 PLN


Philips Goldway G60E / ME202EK 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.50 x 89.00 x 19.46mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - ME202EK

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 517,76 PLN

Philips Suresigns VS4 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
Philips Suresigns VS4 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Philips Suresigns VS4 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHM600MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 606g / 21.38oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.50 x 89.00 x 19.46mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Must match both battery part number and device model Battery used in: Philips: Suresign ( 863283) Suresigns V24E Suresigns VM3 Suresigns VM4 Suresigns VM6 Suresigns VM8 Suresigns VS2 Suresigns VS3 Suresigns VS4

Comparison code - ME202C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 517,76 PLN


Philips Suresigns VS4 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 606g / 21.38oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 148.50 x 89.00 x 19.46mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - ME202C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 517,76 PLN

Philips SRR measurements / 453564107861 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
Philips SRR measurements / 453564107861 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Philips SRR measurements / 453564107861 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHR100MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 68g / 2.40oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 51.90 x 37.95 x 12.04mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: Philips: TRNSBV1 Range SRR measurements

Comparison code - 453564107861

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 132,09 PLN


Philips SRR measurements / 453564107861 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 68g / 2.40oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 51.90 x 37.95 x 12.04mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - 453564107861

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 132,09 PLN

Philips Trilogy Evo / 1127889 5500mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)
Philips Trilogy Evo / 1127889 5500mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Philips Trilogy Evo / 1127889 5500mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHV300MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 5500mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 159.30 x 44.40 x 47.50mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.4V

Description - Battery used in: Philips: Trilogy EV300 HRC2 Detachable Trilogy Evo

Comparison code - 1127889

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 1281,55 PLN


Philips Trilogy Evo / 1127889 5500mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 5500mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 159.30 x 44.40 x 47.50mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.4V

Comparison code - 1127889

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 1281,55 PLN

Philips Respironics V60S / 88881344 17000mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)
Philips Respironics V60S / 88881344 17000mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Philips Respironics V60S / 88881344 17000mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHV600MX

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 17000mAh

Libra - 1220.0g / 43.03oz

Colour - White

Dimensions - 195.00 x 73.86 x 49.65mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.4V

Description - Panaconic Cells Battery used in: Philips: Respirateur V60 Respirateur V60S Respironics V60 Respironics V60S

Comparison code - 88881344, 107674, 1076374, M48385-B0, 1058272, 989805626941, 1056921

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 563,13 PLN


Philips Respironics V60S / 88881344 17000mAh Li-ion 14.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 17000mAh

Libra - 1220.0g / 43.03oz

Colour - White

Dimensions - 195.00 x 73.86 x 49.65mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 14.4V

Comparison code - 88881344, 107674, 1076374, M48385-B0, 1058272, 989805626941, 1056921

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 563,13 PLN

Philips TC20 Cardiograph / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
Philips TC20 Cardiograph / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Philips TC20 Cardiograph / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHW230MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 149.00 x 90.00 x 20.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Must match both battery part number and device model
Bateria stosowana w:
PageWriter TC20
PageWriter TC30
PageWriter TC30 Cardiograph
TC20 Cardiograph

Comparison code - ME202C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 763,53 PLN


Philips TC20 Cardiograph / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 149.00 x 90.00 x 20.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - ME202C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 763,53 PLN

Philips PageWriter TC50 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
Philips PageWriter TC50 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Philips PageWriter TC50 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHW500MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 149.00 x 90.00 x 20.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Must match both battery part number and device model
Bateria stosowana w:
PageWriter TC50

Comparison code - ME202C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 763,53 PLN


Philips PageWriter TC50 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 149.00 x 90.00 x 20.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - ME202C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 763,53 PLN

Philips Philips PageWriter TC70 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)
Philips Philips PageWriter TC70 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Philips Philips PageWriter TC70 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PHW700MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 149.00 x 90.00 x 20.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Description - Must match both battery part number and device model
Bateria stosowana w:
Philips PageWriter TC70

Comparison code - ME202C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

  • net: 763,53 PLN


Philips Philips PageWriter TC70 / ME202C 7800mAh Li-ion 10.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 7800mAh

Libra - 620g / 21.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 149.00 x 90.00 x 20.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 10.8V

Comparison code - ME202C

Zastosowanie (producent) - Philips

net: 763,53 PLN

Physio-Control LP7 / LP6200 3000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Physio-Control LP7 / LP6200 3000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Physio-Control LP7 / LP6200 3000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PLP600MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 3000mAh

Libra - 695.6g / 24.54oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 113.10 x 88.00 x 23.00mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Battery used in: Physio-Control: Lifepak 6 Lifepak 6S 7 Defibrillator NLP6 LP7

Comparison code - LP6200, 110062, EE120007

Zastosowanie (producent) - Physio-Control

  • net: 192,58 PLN


Physio-Control LP7 / LP6200 3000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 3000mAh

Libra - 695.6g / 24.54oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 113.10 x 88.00 x 23.00mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - LP6200, 110062, EE120007

Zastosowanie (producent) - Physio-Control

net: 192,58 PLN

Palco Laboratories 500 Pulse Oximeter / 5781 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Palco Laboratories 500 Pulse Oximeter / 5781 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Palco Laboratories 500 Pulse Oximeter / 5781 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PLS400MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 338g / 11.92oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 80.94 x 50.33 x 27.40mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Battery used in: Palco Laboratories: 400 500 Pulse Oximeter

Comparison code - 5781

Zastosowanie (producent) - Palco Laboratories

  • net: 139,65 PLN


Palco Laboratories 500 Pulse Oximeter / 5781 2000mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 338g / 11.92oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 80.94 x 50.33 x 27.40mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - 5781

Zastosowanie (producent) - Palco Laboratories

net: 139,65 PLN

PM Atemschutz PA-A867-NG / PA000680 4500mAh Ni-MH 9.6V (Cameron Sino)
PM Atemschutz PA-A867-NG / PA000680 4500mAh Ni-MH 9.6V (Cameron Sino)

PM Atemschutz PA-A867-NG / PA000680 4500mAh Ni-MH 9.6V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PMA867MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 4500mAh

Libra - 642.0g / 22.65oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 134.00 x 48.60 x 35.80mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 9.6V

Description - Battery used in: PM Atemschutz: PA-A867-NG

Comparison code - PA000680

Zastosowanie (producent) - PM Atemschutz

  • net: 192,58 PLN


PM Atemschutz PA-A867-NG / PA000680 4500mAh Ni-MH 9.6V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 4500mAh

Libra - 642.0g / 22.65oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 134.00 x 48.60 x 35.80mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 9.6V

Comparison code - PA000680

Zastosowanie (producent) - PM Atemschutz

net: 192,58 PLN

Pfrimmer Nutricia MicroMax Flocare 200i / 110137 1000mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)
Pfrimmer Nutricia MicroMax Flocare 200i / 110137 1000mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Pfrimmer Nutricia MicroMax Flocare 200i / 110137 1000mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PMF100MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 1000mAh

Libra - 175g / 6.17oz

Colour - White

Dimensions - 98.00 x 63.10 x 14.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 6.0V

Description - Bateria stosowana w:
Nutricia MicroMax Flocare 100
Nutricia MicroMax Flocare 100i
Nutricia MicroMax Flocare 200i

Comparison code - 110137

Zastosowanie (producent) - Pfrimmer

  • net: 86,71 PLN


Pfrimmer Nutricia MicroMax Flocare 200i / 110137 1000mAh Ni-MH 6.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 1000mAh

Libra - 175g / 6.17oz

Colour - White

Dimensions - 98.00 x 63.10 x 14.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 6.0V

Comparison code - 110137

Zastosowanie (producent) - Pfrimmer

net: 86,71 PLN

Paramedic Defibrillator CU-ER1 / MB253A 4500mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)
Paramedic Defibrillator CU-ER1 / MB253A 4500mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Paramedic Defibrillator CU-ER1 / MB253A 4500mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PMR100MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 4500mAh

Libra - 695g / 24.52oz

Dimensions - 91.80 x 69.50 x 37.60mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Description - Battery used in: Paramedic: Defibrillator CUER5 Defibrillator CU-ER1

Comparison code - MB253A, 110615-O1

Zastosowanie (producent) - Paramedic

  • net: 237,96 PLN


Paramedic Defibrillator CU-ER1 / MB253A 4500mAh Ni-MH 12.0V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 4500mAh

Libra - 695g / 24.52oz

Dimensions - 91.80 x 69.50 x 37.60mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 12.0V

Comparison code - MB253A, 110615-O1

Zastosowanie (producent) - Paramedic

net: 237,96 PLN

Primedic Type M250 / 97195 2800mAh Li-MnO2 15.5V (Cameron Sino)
Primedic Type M250 / 97195 2800mAh Li-MnO2 15.5V (Cameron Sino)

Primedic Type M250 / 97195 2800mAh Li-MnO2 15.5V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PRH600MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2800mAh

Libra - 701.0g / 24.73oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 242.00 x 64.20 x 41.50mm

Type - Li-MnO2

Tension - 15.5V

Description - Primary Battery, Non-rechargeable Not suitable for the Primedic HeartSave PAD! Battery used in: Primedic: Defimon XD3 Heartsave 6 Heartsave 6S XD1 XD3 XD10 XD30 XD100 XD110 XD300 XD330 M250 M290 AED-M HeartSave AED HS6 HS6S Type M250

Comparison code - 97195, 97196

Zastosowanie (producent) - Primedic

  • net: 1890,29 PLN


Primedic Type M250 / 97195 2800mAh Li-MnO2 15.5V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2800mAh

Libra - 701.0g / 24.73oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 242.00 x 64.20 x 41.50mm

Type - Li-MnO2

Tension - 15.5V

Comparison code - 97195, 97196

Zastosowanie (producent) - Primedic

net: 1890,29 PLN

Physiomed Vocasim Trainer / HR-AAA4U-1000-F3+F4 740mAh Ni-MH 8.4V (Cameron Sino)
Physiomed Vocasim Trainer / HR-AAA4U-1000-F3+F4 740mAh Ni-MH 8.4V (Cameron Sino)

Physiomed Vocasim Trainer / HR-AAA4U-1000-F3+F4 740mAh Ni-MH 8.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PVR003MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 740mAh

Libra - 159.5g / 5.63oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 46.58 x 41.75 x 20.40mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 8.4V

Description - Battery used in: Physiomed: VocaSTIM Vocastim Trainer

Comparison code - HR-AAA4U-1000-F3+F4, PA-A2743-R003

Zastosowanie (producent) - Physiomed

  • net: 101,84 PLN


Physiomed Vocasim Trainer / HR-AAA4U-1000-F3+F4 740mAh Ni-MH 8.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 740mAh

Libra - 159.5g / 5.63oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 46.58 x 41.75 x 20.40mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 8.4V

Comparison code - HR-AAA4U-1000-F3+F4, PA-A2743-R003

Zastosowanie (producent) - Physiomed

net: 101,84 PLN

ADE PWI30 / ISR18650 5200mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
ADE PWI30 / ISR18650 5200mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

ADE PWI30 / ISR18650 5200mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PWN300MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 5200mAh

Libra - 62g / 2.19oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 66.20 x 37.10 x 20.80mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: ADE: PWI30

Comparison code - ISR18650

Zastosowanie (producent) - ADE

  • net: 79,15 PLN


ADE PWI30 / ISR18650 5200mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 5200mAh

Libra - 62g / 2.19oz

Colour - Blue

Dimensions - 66.20 x 37.10 x 20.80mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - ISR18650

Zastosowanie (producent) - ADE

net: 79,15 PLN

ADE PWN5 / H2332-003 2000mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)
ADE PWN5 / H2332-003 2000mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

ADE PWN5 / H2332-003 2000mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-PWN500MD

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 134g / 4.73oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 56.50 x 50.50 x 14.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 4.8V

Description - Battery used in: ADE: PWN5

Comparison code - H2332-003

Zastosowanie (producent) - ADE

  • net: 75,38 PLN


ADE PWN5 / H2332-003 2000mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Currently not available

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 134g / 4.73oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 56.50 x 50.50 x 14.50mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 4.8V

Comparison code - H2332-003

Zastosowanie (producent) - ADE

net: 75,38 PLN

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