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EUR 4,1715 4,2557
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EUR 4,0265 4,3971
USD 3,852 4,2064
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29g / 1.02oz
30g / 1.06oz
30.0g / 1.06oz
33g / 1.16oz
36g / 1.27oz
36.0g / 1.27oz
39.0g / 1.38oz
39g / 1.38oz
40g / 1.41oz
41g / 1.45oz
43g / 1.52oz
44.0g / 1.55oz
44g / 1.55oz
45g / 1.59oz
46.1g / 1.63oz
46.0g / 1.62oz
46g / 1.62oz
47g / 1.66oz
47.0g / 1.66oz
47.5g / 1.68oz
48.9g / 1.72oz
48.0g / 1.69oz
49g / 1.73oz
50.8g / 1.79oz
50g / 1.76oz
50.7g / 1.79oz
50.0g / 1.76oz
51.5g / 1.82oz
51g / 1.80oz
51.4g / 1.81oz
52.2g / 1.84oz
52g / 1.83oz
53g / 1.87oz
53.0g / 1.87oz
54g / 1.90oz
54.0g / 1.90oz
55.4g / 1.95oz
55g / 1.94oz
56.0g / 1.98oz
56g / 1.98oz
57.0g / 2.01oz
57g / 2.01oz
59g / 2.08oz
60.0g / 2.12oz
60g / 2.12oz
61g / 2.15oz
62g / 2.19oz
63g / 2.22oz
64.5g / 2.28oz
64.0g / 2.26oz
64g / 2.26oz
65.5g / 2.31oz
65g / 2.29oz
67.0g / 2.36oz
68g / 2.40oz
69g / 2.43oz
70.0g / 2.47oz
70g / 2.47oz
71g / 2.50oz
71.5g / 2.52oz
71.2g / 2.51oz
72g / 2.54oz
72.7g / 2.56oz
73.4g / 2.59oz
73.8g / 2.60oz
73g / 2.57oz
74.5g / 2.63oz
74.0g / 2.61oz
75g / 2.65oz
76.0g / 2.68oz
78g / 2.75oz
80.0g / 2.82oz
80.6g / 2.84oz
80.4g / 2.84oz
81.8g / 2.89oz
83g / 2.93oz
85g / 3.00oz
86.0g / 3.03oz
86g / 3.03oz
87g / 3.07oz
87.0g / 3.07oz
88g / 3.10oz
89.2g / 3.15oz
89g / 3.14oz
90.0g / 3.17oz
90g / 3.17oz
91.2g / 3.22oz
92g / 3.25oz
92.6g / 3.27oz
95.0g / 3.35oz
96g / 3.39oz
97.3g / 3.43oz
97.0g / 3.42oz
97g / 3.42oz
99g / 3.49oz
100.0g / 3.53oz
100.3g / 3.54oz
100.5g / 3.55oz
102.4g / 3.61oz
102.0g / 3.60oz
102.5g / 3.62oz
102g / 3.60oz
103g / 3.63oz
104g / 3.67oz
105.2g / 3.71oz
105.0g / 3.70oz
105.4g / 3.72oz
105.1g / 3.71oz
105g / 3.70oz
106.6g / 3.76oz
106.3g / 3.75oz
107g / 3.77oz
108.0g / 3.81oz
111g / 3.92oz
111.5g / 3.93oz
111.7g / 3.94oz
112.8g / 3.98oz
113g / 3.99oz
115g / 4.06oz
115.0g / 4.06oz
115.2g / 4.06oz
116.5g / 4.11oz
116.8g / 4.12oz
117g / 4.13oz
117.8g / 4.16oz
117.1g / 4.13oz
117.5g / 4.14oz
117.0g / 4.13oz
118.0g / 4.16oz
118.5g / 4.18oz
118g / 4.16oz
118.9g / 4.19oz
118.4g / 4.18oz
119.0g / 4.20oz
119g / 4.20oz
119.2g / 4.20oz
120.0g / 4.23oz
121g / 4.27oz
121.4g / 4.28oz
121.0g / 4.27oz
121.9g / 4.30oz
122g / 4.30oz
122.0g / 4.30oz
123.6g / 4.36oz
124g / 4.37oz
124.0g / 4.37oz
125g / 4.41oz
125.0g / 4.41oz
126g / 4.44oz
127.4g / 4.49oz
128.4g / 4.53oz
128.2g / 4.52oz
128g / 4.52oz
128.0g / 4.52oz
129.2g / 4.56oz
129g / 4.55oz
130g / 4.59oz
130.0g / 4.59oz
131.6g / 4.64oz
131.0g / 4.62oz
132.5g / 4.67oz
132g / 4.66oz
133.0g / 4.69oz
133g / 4.69oz
133.2g / 4.70oz
134g / 4.73oz
134.4g / 4.74oz
135.2g / 4.77oz
135g / 4.76oz
136.0g / 4.80oz
136.2g / 4.80oz
136g / 4.80oz
137g / 4.83oz
137.0g / 4.83oz
138g / 4.87oz
138.2g / 4.87oz
139.0g / 4.90oz
140.0g / 4.94oz
140g / 4.94oz
141.8g / 5.00oz
141g / 4.97oz
142g / 5.01oz
142.4g / 5.02oz
143g / 5.04oz
144.3g / 5.09oz
144.7g / 5.10oz
145.2g / 5.12oz
145.4g / 5.13oz
145g / 5.11oz
147.5g / 5.20oz
148.9g / 5.25oz
148g / 5.22oz
148.5g / 5.24oz
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151.0g / 5.33oz
152.0g / 5.36oz
152g / 5.36oz
153g / 5.40oz
153.0g / 5.40oz
155.4g / 5.48oz
155g / 5.47oz
158.2g / 5.58oz
158g / 5.57oz
159g / 5.61oz
160.7g / 5.67oz
160g / 5.64oz
161.0g / 5.68oz
161g / 5.68oz
162.3g / 5.72oz
165.0g / 5.82oz
165g / 5.82oz
166g / 5.86oz
167.0g / 5.89oz
168.5g / 5.94oz
168g / 5.93oz
169g / 5.96oz
169.0g / 5.96oz
170.0g / 6.00oz
171g / 6.03oz
173.2g / 6.11oz
174g / 6.14oz
174.0g / 6.14oz
175.6g / 6.19oz
175g / 6.17oz
176g / 6.21oz
176.2g / 6.22oz
178.8g / 6.31oz
178g / 6.28oz
178.6g / 6.30oz
178.0g / 6.28oz
179.0g / 6.31oz
179.9g / 6.35oz
179.8g / 6.34oz
179g / 6.31oz
180.8g / 6.38oz
180.0g / 6.35oz
180g / 6.35oz
180.4g / 6.36oz
181.4g / 6.40oz
181g / 6.38oz
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182g / 6.42oz
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185g / 6.53oz
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186g / 6.56oz
187.4g / 6.61oz
188g / 6.63oz
189.0g / 6.67oz
189g / 6.67oz
190g / 6.70oz
193.2g / 6.81oz
195.4g / 6.89oz
196.2g / 6.92oz
196.1g / 6.92oz
198g / 6.98oz
199g / 7.02oz
200.3g / 7.07oz
201.5g / 7.11oz
202.4g / 7.14oz
204g / 7.20oz
205g / 7.23oz
207.8g / 7.33oz
214.0g / 7.55oz
216g / 7.62oz
218g / 7.69oz
219.5g / 7.74oz
221.0g / 7.80oz
223.8g / 7.89oz
226g / 7.97oz
234.2g / 8.26oz
235.2g / 8.30oz
237.2g / 8.37oz
247.6g / 8.73oz
267.0g / 9.42oz
273g / 9.63oz
275.8g / 9.73oz
280g / 9.88oz
283g / 9.98oz
285g / 10.05oz
299g / 10.55oz
300g / 10.58oz
300.0g / 10.58oz
312.5g / 11.02oz
314g / 11.08oz
322g / 11.36oz
350.0g / 12.35oz
363g / 12.80oz
754g / 26.60oz
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26.90 x 20.20 x 4.50mm
26.10 x 20.40 x 5.50mm
27.18 x 25.00 x 14.70mm
29.16 x 20.96 x 10.67mm
31.86 x 21.18 x 4.30mm
32.00 x 20.30 x 7.00mm
37.20 x 24.60 x 5.80mm
38.00 x 12.36 x 6.00mm
39.35 x 35.62 x 22.85mm
39.20 x 30.00 x 9.20mm
40.20 x 35.30 x 6.10mm
41.50 x 30.50 x 9.50mm
42.50 x 29.20 x 13.50mm
42.67 x 17.56 x 14.32mm
42.50 x 29.20 x 17.50mm
42.50 x 45.52 x 19.00mm
42.42 x 25.10 x 5.80mm
43.47 x 19.64 x 9.30mm
43.70 x 20.51 x 10.92mm
43.10 x 36.00 x 4.60mm
43.58 x 31.42 x 20.17mm
44.00 x 20.00 x 20.00mm
44.00 x 33.00 x 18.80mm
44.70 x 52.33 x 30.50mm
44.00 x 34.00 x 5.20mm
46.00 x 41.00 x 22.30mm
47.50 x 24.00 x 8.20mm
47.12 x 21.73 x 12.91mm
48.76 x 30.17 x 17.25mm
49.69 x 28.66 x 14.44mm
49.20 x 33.70 x 12.20mm
49.20 x 28.93 x 14.73mm
49.07 x 36.14 x 12.51mm
50.50 x 29.00 x 15.00mm
50.94 x 43.70 x 15.00mm
51.00 x 36.50 x 14.50mm
51.14 x 42.45 x 14.38mm
51.70 x 19.80 x 18.70 mm
52.00 x 14.60 x 14.60mm
52.30 x18.20 x 18.20mm
52.46 x 33.85 x 5.68mm
52.90 x 33.09 x 7.58mm
52.10 x 38.65 x 16.30mm
52.65 x 39.60 x 18.00mm
52.30 x 15.80 x 15.80mm
52.06 x 39.58 x 13.30mm
52.28 x 39.40 x 24.01mm
52.90 x 18.40 x 18.40mm
52.93 x 38.21 x 8.02mm
52.47 x 60.12 x 12.42mm
52.80 x 18.50 x 18.50 mm
52.90 x 34.00 x 6.52 mm
52.69 x 37.00 x 7.26mm
53.00 x 35.30 x 11.00mm
53.39 x 42.42 x 13.38mm
53.19 x 35.67 x 11.43mm
53.53 x 42.78 x 14.24mm
53.00 x 18.50 x 18.50mm
53.92 x 35.70 x 6.25mm
53.65 x 43.78 x 15.93mm
53.10 x 35.20 x 6.90mm
53.60 x 34.27 x 11.10mm
53.10 x 38.65 x 12.00mm
53.17 x 35.35 x 6.84mm
53.40 x 38.08 x 16.20mm
53.62 x 36.46 x 9.50mm
53.04 x 35.53 x 7.13mm
53.23 x 40.76 x 8.60mm
54.50 x 34.60 x 5.90mm
54.39 x 32.92 x 5.20mm
54.70 x 33.85 x 5.50mm
54.00 x 44.20 x 15.70mm
54.30 x 52.80 x 17.20 mm
54.00 x 34.50 x 16.55mm
54.00 x 47.00 x 21.00mm
54.00 x 34.60 x 16.55mm
55.76 x 34.20 x 28.30mm
55.70 x 37.40 x 16.80mm
55.60 x 35.80 x 18.38mm
55.40 x 35.80 x 13.80mm
55.50 x 20.00 x 20.30mm
55.92 x 51.20 x 17.50mm
55.26 x 18.50 x 18.50mm
55.00 x 35.00 x 11.00mm
56.66 x 41.80 x 10.45mm
56.54 x 42.00 x 10.60mm
56.76 x 36.50 x 18.30mm
56.85 x 45.50 x 35.10mm
56.05 x 53.70 x 19.90mm
56.45 x 44.44 x 24.64mm
57.12 x 37.60 x 8.90mm
57.40 x 36.67 x 24.15mm
57.23 x 37.00 x 12.68mm
57.64 x 42.97 x 14.70mm
57.00 x 37.00 x 23.00mm
57.60 x 37.53 x 14.70mm
57.80 x 34.26 x 17.25mm
58.14 x 37.60 x 28.70mm
58.20 x 50.00 x 14.70 mm
58.40 x 36.72 x 14.10mm
58.56 x 36.84 x 15.30mm
58.28 x 36.85 x 8.05mm
59.40 x 46.90 x 18.00 mm
59.80 x 46.10 x 7.20mm
59.50 x 19.00 x 17.20mm
59.70 x 45.30 x 24.50mm
60.00 x 46.20 x 15.00mm
60.46 x 36.79 x 20.42mm
60.05 x 36.78 x 13.57mm
60.20 x 52.40 x 22.00mm
60.49 x 36.71 x 24.70mm
61.90 x 42.07 x 28.21mm
61.52 x 36.78 x 13.48mm
61.30 x 37.80 x 14.40mm
61.30 x 37.80 x 21.00mm
62.06 x 53.38 x 19.20mm
63.05 x 54.90 x 20.10mm
64.47 x 46.68 x 14.80mm
64.38 x 48.96 x 10.42mm
64.94 x 36.70 x 6.60mm
64.10 x 40.20 x 11.50 mm
64.94 x 36.80 x 11.80mm
64.46 x 36.75 x 6.60mm
64.60 x 53.00 x 11.60mm
64.00 x 39.70 x 11.30mm
64.88 x 37.00 x 11.70mm
64.70 x 37.00 x 7.40mm
64.13 x 50.00 x 7.30mm
64.20 x 38.55 x 27.70mm
65.00 x 53.00 x 11.60mm
65.30 x 37.50 x 16.70mm
65.75 x 18.50 x 18.50mm
65.10 x 53.00 x 17.20mm
66.80 x 37.20 x 20.30mm
66.40 x 45.70 x 4.90 mm
66.50 x 54.50 x 19.50mm
66.00 x 21.40 x 18.60mm
66.50 x 54.50 x 19.70mm
67.00 x 43.80 x 5.50mm
67.20 x 44.50 x 13.24mm
67.00 x 44.50 x 8.80mm
67.80 x 56.60 x 16.20mm
68.79 x 43.76 x 4.77mm
68.70 x 18.40 x 18.40mm
68.20 x 18.80 x 18.80mm
68.20 x 18.50 x 18.50mm
68.90 x 23.56 x 22.00mm
68.00 X 54.20 X 27.60 mm
68.50 x 44.30 x 20.20mm
68.84 x 23.53 x 22.01mm
68.50 x 18.60 x 18.60mm
68.00 x 18.50 x 18.50mm
69.50 x 30.30 x 21.90mm
69.24 x 52.70 x 23.40mm
69.92 x 46.20 x 20.70mm
69.10 x 45.75 x 20.00mm
69.65 x 48.30 x 24.62mm
69.40 x 62.70 x 7.10mm
69.70 x 28.22 x 21.84mm
69.00 x 44.10 x 10.20mm
69.70 x 38.50 x 12.34mm
69.20 x 44.20 x 10.50mm
69.35 x 63.00 x 4.80mm
70.90 x 20.10 x 20.50mm
70.00 x 41.15 x 21.85mm
70.80 x 38.50 x 21.00mm
70.70 x 19.75 x 20.35mm
70.30 x 38.30 x 20.70mm
70.50 x 38.50 x 20.40mm
70.87 x 26.86 x 24.64mm
70.00 x 59.00 x 7.20mm
70.40 x 38.30 x 20.50mm
70.50 x 21.50 x 20.50mm
70.50 x 35.00 x 24.20mm
70.20 x 56.90 x 8.00mm
70.00 x 24.90 x 23.40mm
70.70 x 38.80 x 20.70mm
70.00 x 25.00 x 23.30mm
71.20 x 52.32 x 20.80mm
71.70 x 37.70 x 20.40mm
71.84 x 39.11 x 21.45mm
71.81 x 39.11 x 21.41mm
72.77 x 60.00 x 8.04mm
72.40 x 50.54 x 15.06mm
73.06 x 61.68 x 25.15mm
73.00 x 41.70 x 21.80mm
73.20 x 59.50 x 15.50mm
73.70 x 43.80 x 3.50mm
73.06 x 61.68 x 25.60mm
74.40 x 47.80 x 24.21mm
74.35 x 51.25 x 6.00mm
74.00 x 60.10 x 10.60mm
74.00 x 38.20 x 20.30mm
74.40 x 63.85 x 10.20mm
74.20 x 47.90 x 24.40mm
74.80 x 29.80 x 26.80mm
75.00 x 20.84 x 18.53mm
75.90 x 53.45 x 7.20mm
75.10 x 53.10 x 10.60mm
75.73 x 42.98 x 27.67mm
75.70 x 42.60 x 26.40 mm
76.00 x 57.50 x 11.00mm
76.00 x 43.30 x 40.20mm
76.40 x 39.83 x 12.43mm
76.50 x 58.20 x 8.00mm
76.40 x 22.10 x 23.50mm
76.58 x 60.87 x 16.64mm
76.55 x 61.56 x 6.97mm
76.50 x 39.70 x 12.50mm
76.14 x 53.00 x 12.60mm
76.40 x 39.40 x 22.00mm
76.10 x 57.40 x 6.50mm
76.40 x 54.35 x 23.56mm
76.05 x 54.53 x 13.60mm
76.60 x 51.00 x 6.40mm
76.15 x 61.48 x 13.93mm
76.89 x 60.64 x 16.82mm
76.58 x 39.70 x 21.85mm
77.95 x 54.20 x 20.35mm
77.45 x 22.40 x 24.10mm
77.72 x 47.70 x 19.90mm
77.80 x 43.54 x 20.80mm
77.50 x 71.90 x 14.10mm
77.40 x 55.90 x 17.40mm
78.18 x 51.64 x 22.75mm
78.20 x 58.25 x 8.20mm
78.70 x 33.90 x 23.29mm
78.10 x 43.00 x 24.00mm
78.60 x 69.60 x 17.90 mm
78.40 x 45.10 x 22.30 mm
78.40 x 45.10 x 22.30mm
78.70 x 43.10 x 24.20 mm
78.73 x 43.10 x 24.50mm
78.50 x 25.80 x 23.40mm
78.60 x 69.60 x 17.90mm
78.50 x 45.00 x 14.30 mm
79.00 x 51.85 x 20.50mm
79.30 x 54.50 x 7.10mm
79.00 x 41.16 x 24.55mm
79.64 x 41.60 x 23.10mm
79.20 x 54.50 x 7.10mm
79.28 x 47.78 x 23.80mm
80.90 x 66.46 x 15.40mm
80.50 x 53.60 x 5.70mm
80.10 x 48.60 x 25.80mm
80.50 x 45.00 x 10.50mm
80.10 x 45.72 x 22.80mm
80.35 x 45.30 x 17.80mm
80.78 x 66.30 x 8.70mm
80.00 x 45.30 x 17.60mm
82.50 x 50.50 x 18.00mm
82.35 x 25.00 x 22.20mm
82.60 x 50.20 x 17.90mm
82.40 x 22.50 x 24.70mm
83.36 x 55.72 x 5.82mm
83.60 x 42.80 x 9.40mm
84.40 x 64.52 x 23.60mm
84.91 x 42.50 x 28.70mm
85.20 x 50.00 x 14.70mm
86.60 x 65.40 x 10.54mm
86.57 x 49.85 x 3.80mm
86.46 x 34.17 x 17.39mm
86.24 x 66.75 x 23.74mm
87.30 x 21.00 x 21.00mm
87.15 x 71.10 x 8.50mm
87.00 x 58.00 x 7.20mm
87.00 x 60.90 x 7.60mm
87.30 x 56.00 x 4.70mm
88.32 x 22.80 x 22.70mm
88.70 x 73.50 x 11.70mm
88.24 x 59.65 x 24.00mm
88.86 x 35.20 x 22.50mm
88.90 x 50.00 x 11.00mm
89.00 x 53.80 x 7.30mm
89.30 x 55.40 x 30.90mm
89.43 x 55.18 x 31.50mm
90.74 x 60.58 x 11.42mm
90.84 x 41.46 x 24.77mm
90.95 x 60.09 x 17.55mm
90.86 x 41.70 x 24.75mm
90.66 x 43.53 x 22.84mm
90.80 x 41.90 x 24.30mm
90.20 x 27.50 x 28.50mm
91.25 x 41.80 x 24.30mm
91.10 x 82.20 x 18.20mm
91.40 x 26.30 x 47.50mm
91.25 x 41.70 x 24.30mm
91.35 x 41.65 x 24.60mm
92.00 x 58.60 x 16.85mm
92.80 x 26.40 x 46.60mm
92.80 x 26.40 x 33.15mm
93.80 x 55.10 x 5.50mm
94.70 x 22.20 x 27.10mm
94.60 x 72.30 x 9.60mm
94.00 x 55.74 x 11.70mm
94.60 x 69.24 x 15.50mm
95.70 x 72.65 x 14.70mm
95.60 x 24.30 x 27.10mm
96.20 x 75.46 x 10.10mm
96.20 x 29.50 x 25.00mm
96.30 x 70.80 x 8.30mm
96.50 x 65.00 x 5.30mm
97.70 x 21.70 x 27.15mm
97.20 x 35.20 x 53.50mm
98.50 x 22.10 x 43.70mm
98.40 x 36.75 x 29.00mm
99.30 x 70.70 x 14.50mm
99.60 x 70.70 x 10.00mm
99.40 x 20.80 x 21.40mm
99.30 x 70.82 x 10.30mm
99.60 x 21.00 x 22.00mm
99.35 x 20.84 x 21.42mm
101.21 x 47.96 x 14.75mm
101.95 x 35.00 x 17.42mm
101.00 x 50.50 x 18.50mm
102.40 x 62.80 x 6.94mm
102.18 x 54.88 x 10.60mm
103.76 x 30.80 x 26.40mm
103.00 x 62.80 x 10.30mm
103.62 x 63.00 x 7.00mm
105.90 x 21.60 x 25.30mm
106.00 x 66.20 x 12.50mm
106.00 x 66.20 x 10.00mm
107.76 x 61.83 x 17.36mm
107.70 x 61.80 x 17.90mm
108.20 x 50.50 x 26.60mm
112.80 x 70.00 x 8.60mm
112.20 x 28.40 x 27.60mm
113.13 x 43.88 x 27.22mm
114.90 x 47.48 x 21.90mm
115.60 x 47.58 x 28.80mm
119.00 x 61.80 x 22.50mm
129.89 x 11.69 x 11.69mm
148.70 x 16.90 x 16.90 mm
154.00 x 37.00 x 21.00mm
173.70 x 160.00 x 23.80mm
197.40 x 19.10 x 24.00mm
197.80 x 24.00 x 19.00mm
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Zastosowanie (producent)
David Clark
M3 Mobile
NCR Orderman
Oregon Scientific
Point Mobile
Socket Mobile
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AML 7100 / 180-7100 2200mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)
AML 7100 / 180-7100 2200mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

AML 7100 / 180-7100 2200mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-AML710BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 19) , 5 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 2200mAh

Libra - 168g / 5.93oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 70.80 x 38.50 x 21.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Description - Battery used in: AML: M7100 M7220 M7221 M71V2 M5900 M7225 M7500 5900 7100

Comparison code - 180-7100, 1810-0001, 1810-001, 1810-7100

Zastosowanie (producent) - AML

  • net: 110,51 PLN


AML 7100 / 180-7100 2200mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 19) , 5 dni

Capacity - 2200mAh

Libra - 168g / 5.93oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 70.80 x 38.50 x 21.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Comparison code - 180-7100, 1810-0001, 1810-001, 1810-7100

Zastosowanie (producent) - AML

net: 110,51 PLN

Allflex PW320 / 51FE0421 700mAh Ni-MH 9.6V (Cameron Sino)
Allflex PW320 / 51FE0421 700mAh Ni-MH 9.6V (Cameron Sino)

Allflex PW320 / 51FE0421 700mAh Ni-MH 9.6V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-ARS320BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 5 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 700mAh

Libra - 166g / 5.86oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 87.30 x 21.00 x 21.00mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 9.6V

Description - Battery used in: Allflex: RS320 PW320

Comparison code - 51FE0421

Zastosowanie (producent) - Allflex

  • net: 117,81 PLN


Allflex PW320 / 51FE0421 700mAh Ni-MH 9.6V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 5 dni

Capacity - 700mAh

Libra - 166g / 5.86oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 87.30 x 21.00 x 21.00mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 9.6V

Comparison code - 51FE0421

Zastosowanie (producent) - Allflex

net: 117,81 PLN

Denso BHT-2000 / 496466-0240 900mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)
Denso BHT-2000 / 496466-0240 900mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Denso BHT-2000 / 496466-0240 900mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-BHT065BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 10 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 900mAh

Libra - 99g / 3.49oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 49.07 x 36.14 x 12.51mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 4.8V

Description - Battery used in: Denso: BHT-2065 BHT-700 BHT-2000

Comparison code - 496466-0240

Zastosowanie (producent) - Denso

  • net: 85,07 PLN


Denso BHT-2000 / 496466-0240 900mAh Ni-MH 4.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 10 dni

Capacity - 900mAh

Libra - 99g / 3.49oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 49.07 x 36.14 x 12.51mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 4.8V

Comparison code - 496466-0240

Zastosowanie (producent) - Denso

net: 85,07 PLN

Denso DS26H2-D / SB10N 1500mAh Ni-MH 2.4V (Cameron Sino)
Denso DS26H2-D / SB10N 1500mAh Ni-MH 2.4V (Cameron Sino)

Denso DS26H2-D / SB10N 1500mAh Ni-MH 2.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-BHT10BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 5 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 1500mAh

Libra - 105.1g / 3.71oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 49.20 x 28.93 x 14.73mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 2.4V

Description - Battery used in: Denso: GT10B DS26H2-D Nippon: GT10B SB10N DS26H2-D

Comparison code - SB10N

Zastosowanie (producent) - Denso

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nippon

  • net: 99,56 PLN


Denso DS26H2-D / SB10N 1500mAh Ni-MH 2.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 5 dni

Capacity - 1500mAh

Libra - 105.1g / 3.71oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 49.20 x 28.93 x 14.73mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 2.4V

Comparison code - SB10N

Zastosowanie (producent) - Denso

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nippon

net: 99,56 PLN

Denso DS22L1-G / 496461-0450 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
Denso DS22L1-G / 496461-0450 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Denso DS22L1-G / 496461-0450 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-BHT20BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 5 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 65.5g / 2.31oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 55.00 x 35.00 x 11.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: Denso: BHT-400Q BHT-825QW BHT-1306B BHT-804QW BHT-800 BHT-1361QWB BHT-805B BHT-1306BWB BHT-1306Q BHT-1306QWB BHT-1361BWB BHT-300BW BHT-300BW-CN BHT-604QW BHT-604B BHT-604BW BHT-1306QB BHT-304QB BHT-600BW BHT-304QW BHT-805Q BHT-300QB BHT-300QW BHT-1361B-CE BHT-800B BHT-1306BB BHT-805BW BHT-200 BHT-300 BHT-400 BHT-200BW-CE BHT-300Q BTH-600 BHT-600 BT20L DS22L1-D DS22L1-G AUTO-ID: ASIA Nippon: DS22L1-D DS22L1-G BHT-200 BHT-300 BHT-400 BT-20L

Comparison code - 496461-0450, BT-20L, BT-20LB, 496466-1130, FBD2000

Zastosowanie (producent) - Denso

Zastosowanie (producent) - AUTO-ID

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nippon

  • net: 103,22 PLN


Denso DS22L1-G / 496461-0450 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 5 dni

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 65.5g / 2.31oz

Colour - Gray

Dimensions - 55.00 x 35.00 x 11.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - 496461-0450, BT-20L, BT-20LB, 496466-1130, FBD2000

Zastosowanie (producent) - Denso

Zastosowanie (producent) - AUTO-ID

Zastosowanie (producent) - Nippon

net: 103,22 PLN

Denso B-60N / DS-60M 700mAh Ni-MH 2.4V (Cameron Sino)
Denso B-60N / DS-60M 700mAh Ni-MH 2.4V (Cameron Sino)

Denso B-60N / DS-60M 700mAh Ni-MH 2.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-BHT60BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 10 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 700mAh

Libra - 53g / 1.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 47.12 x 21.73 x 12.91mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 2.4V

Description - Battery used in: Denso: BHT-6000 BHT 8000 B-60N

Comparison code - DS-60M

Zastosowanie (producent) - Denso

  • net: 61,47 PLN


Denso B-60N / DS-60M 700mAh Ni-MH 2.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 10 dni

Capacity - 700mAh

Libra - 53g / 1.87oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 47.12 x 21.73 x 12.91mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 2.4V

Comparison code - DS-60M

Zastosowanie (producent) - Denso

net: 61,47 PLN

Bluebird Pidion BIP-1300 / BAT-1300 1800mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)
Bluebird Pidion BIP-1300 / BAT-1300 1800mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Bluebird Pidion BIP-1300 / BAT-1300 1800mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-BUD130BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 5 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 121.0g / 4.27oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 76.14 x 53.00 x 12.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Description - Battery used in: Bluebird: Pidion BIP-1300

Comparison code - BAT-1300

Zastosowanie (producent) - Bluebird

  • net: 161,56 PLN


Bluebird Pidion BIP-1300 / BAT-1300 1800mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 5 dni

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 121.0g / 4.27oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 76.14 x 53.00 x 12.60mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Comparison code - BAT-1300

Zastosowanie (producent) - Bluebird

net: 161,56 PLN

Bluebird Pidion BM-170 Semi-Rugged / BAT-170L 3300mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
Bluebird Pidion BM-170 Semi-Rugged / BAT-170L 3300mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Bluebird Pidion BM-170 Semi-Rugged / BAT-170L 3300mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-BUD170BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 10 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 3300mAh

Libra - 116.8g / 4.12oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 52.10 x 38.65 x 16.30mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: Bluebird: Pidion BM-170 Pidion BM-170 Semi-Rugged

Comparison code - BAT-170L

Zastosowanie (producent) - Bluebird

  • net: 116,55 PLN


Bluebird Pidion BM-170 Semi-Rugged / BAT-170L 3300mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 10 dni

Capacity - 3300mAh

Libra - 116.8g / 4.12oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 52.10 x 38.65 x 16.30mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - BAT-170L

Zastosowanie (producent) - Bluebird

net: 116,55 PLN

Bluebird EF501R / BAT-EF500_S 3200mAh Li-ion 3.8V (Cameron Sino)
Bluebird EF501R / BAT-EF500_S 3200mAh Li-ion 3.8V (Cameron Sino)

Bluebird EF501R / BAT-EF500_S 3200mAh Li-ion 3.8V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-BUD500BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 10 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 3200mAh

Libra - 104g / 3.67oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 80.50 x 53.60 x 5.70mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.8V

Description - X-Longer Battery used in: Bluebird: EF500R EF500 EF501 EF501R

Comparison code - BAT-EF500_S, BAT-EF50S, BAT-EF50X, BAT-EF50X_E, 355040040

Zastosowanie (producent) - Bluebird

  • net: 92,95 PLN


Bluebird EF501R / BAT-EF500_S 3200mAh Li-ion 3.8V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 10 dni

Capacity - 3200mAh

Libra - 104g / 3.67oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 80.50 x 53.60 x 5.70mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.8V

Comparison code - BAT-EF500_S, BAT-EF50S, BAT-EF50X, BAT-EF50X_E, 355040040

Zastosowanie (producent) - Bluebird

net: 92,95 PLN

Bluebird EF400 / BAT-DF400 3000mAh Li-ion 3.85V (Cameron Sino)
Bluebird EF400 / BAT-DF400 3000mAh Li-ion 3.85V (Cameron Sino)

Bluebird EF400 / BAT-DF400 3000mAh Li-ion 3.85V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-BUF400BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 5 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 3000mAh

Libra - 74.0g / 2.61oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 74.35 x 51.25 x 6.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.85V

Description - Battery used in: Bluebird: EF400

Comparison code - BAT-DF400, BAT-EF400

Zastosowanie (producent) - Bluebird

  • net: 146,97 PLN


Bluebird EF400 / BAT-DF400 3000mAh Li-ion 3.85V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 5 dni

Capacity - 3000mAh

Libra - 74.0g / 2.61oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 74.35 x 51.25 x 6.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.85V

Comparison code - BAT-DF400, BAT-EF400

Zastosowanie (producent) - Bluebird

net: 146,97 PLN

Bluebird BM180 / BAT-BP30-45 2000mAh Li-Polymer 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
Bluebird BM180 / BAT-BP30-45 2000mAh Li-Polymer 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Bluebird BM180 / BAT-BP30-45 2000mAh Li-Polymer 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-BUP180BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 5 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 62g / 2.19oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 59.80 x 46.10 x 7.20mm

Type - Li-Polymer

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: Bluebird: BP30 BM180

Comparison code - BAT-BP30-45

Zastosowanie (producent) - Bluebird

  • net: 117,81 PLN


Bluebird BM180 / BAT-BP30-45 2000mAh Li-Polymer 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 5 dni

Capacity - 2000mAh

Libra - 62g / 2.19oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 59.80 x 46.10 x 7.20mm

Type - Li-Polymer

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - BAT-BP30-45

Zastosowanie (producent) - Bluebird

net: 117,81 PLN

Ingenico RoadRunners BRR-FS / B25000005 2400mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
Ingenico RoadRunners BRR-FS / B25000005 2400mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Ingenico RoadRunners BRR-FS / B25000005 2400mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-BYS105BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 13) , 10 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 2400mAh

Libra - 70.0g / 2.47oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 53.60 x 34.27 x 11.10mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: Ingenico: RoadRunners Evolution 1D BRR-L Evolution YYS1-1056730 BRR-L B40160100 RoadRunners Evolution BRR-L RoadRunners BRR-FS Baracoda: RoadRunners Evolution 1D BRR-L Evolution YYS1-1056730 BRR-L B40160100 RoadRunners Evolution BRR-L RoadRunners BRR-FS TagRunner RFID Reader

Comparison code - B25000005, BD1227, B25000001

Zastosowanie (producent) - Ingenico

Zastosowanie (producent) - Baracoda

  • net: 77,22 PLN


Ingenico RoadRunners BRR-FS / B25000005 2400mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 13) , 10 dni

Capacity - 2400mAh

Libra - 70.0g / 2.47oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 53.60 x 34.27 x 11.10mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - B25000005, BD1227, B25000001

Zastosowanie (producent) - Ingenico

Zastosowanie (producent) - Baracoda

net: 77,22 PLN

CipherLAB CL1266 / BA-000700 700mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
CipherLAB CL1266 / BA-000700 700mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

CipherLAB CL1266 / BA-000700 700mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-CLB116BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 10 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 700mAh

Libra - 51.5g / 1.82oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 59.50 x 19.00 x 17.20mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: CipherLAB: 1166 1266 CL1160 CL1266

Comparison code - BA-000700

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLAB

  • net: 96,87 PLN


CipherLAB CL1266 / BA-000700 700mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 10 dni

Capacity - 700mAh

Libra - 51.5g / 1.82oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 59.50 x 19.00 x 17.20mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - BA-000700

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLAB

net: 96,87 PLN

CipherLAB 1564 / BA-001800 700mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
CipherLAB 1564 / BA-001800 700mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

CipherLAB 1564 / BA-001800 700mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-CLB156BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 5 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 700mAh

Libra - 52.2g / 1.84oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 75.00 x 20.84 x 18.53mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: CipherLAB: 1560 1562 1564

Comparison code - BA-001800, KB1A371802963

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLAB

  • net: 117,81 PLN


CipherLAB 1564 / BA-001800 700mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 5 dni

Capacity - 700mAh

Libra - 52.2g / 1.84oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 75.00 x 20.84 x 18.53mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - BA-001800, KB1A371802963

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLAB

net: 117,81 PLN

CipherLAB A929CFNLNN1U1 / BA-0032A2 2200mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
CipherLAB A929CFNLNN1U1 / BA-0032A2 2200mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

CipherLAB A929CFNLNN1U1 / BA-0032A2 2200mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-CLB300BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 10 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 2200mAh

Libra - 76.0g / 2.68oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 69.70 x 38.50 x 12.34mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: CipherLAB: CP30 CP30-L 9200 A929CFNLNN1U1

Comparison code - BA-0032A2

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLAB

  • net: 148,02 PLN


CipherLAB A929CFNLNN1U1 / BA-0032A2 2200mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 10 dni

Capacity - 2200mAh

Libra - 76.0g / 2.68oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 69.70 x 38.50 x 12.34mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - BA-0032A2

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLAB

net: 148,02 PLN

CipherLab CP50 / BA-0053A3 3300mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
CipherLab CP50 / BA-0053A3 3300mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

CipherLab CP50 / BA-0053A3 3300mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-CLB550BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 10 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 3300mAh

Libra - 142.4g / 5.02oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 52.65 x 39.60 x 18.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: CipherLab: CP55 CP50

Comparison code - BA-0053A3

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLab

  • net: 159,84 PLN


CipherLab CP50 / BA-0053A3 3300mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 10 dni

Capacity - 3300mAh

Libra - 142.4g / 5.02oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 52.65 x 39.60 x 18.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - BA-0053A3

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLab

net: 159,84 PLN

CipherLAB CP60G / BA-0064A4 4400mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
CipherLAB CP60G / BA-0064A4 4400mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

CipherLAB CP60G / BA-0064A4 4400mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-CLB600BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 10 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 4400mAh

Libra - 168.5g / 5.94oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 58.14 x 37.60 x 28.70mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: CipherLAB: CP60 CP60G

Comparison code - BA-0064A4, BCP60ACC00002, BCP60ACC00106

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLAB

  • net: 163,76 PLN


CipherLAB CP60G / BA-0064A4 4400mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 10 dni

Capacity - 4400mAh

Libra - 168.5g / 5.94oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 58.14 x 37.60 x 28.70mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - BA-0064A4, BCP60ACC00002, BCP60ACC00106

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLAB

net: 163,76 PLN

CipherLAB 8300 / BA-83S1A8 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
CipherLAB 8300 / BA-83S1A8 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

CipherLAB 8300 / BA-83S1A8 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-CLB830BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 5 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 65g / 2.29oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 53.10 x 38.65 x 12.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: Honeywell: SP5600 SP5600 OPTIMUS R Metrologic: SP5600 SP5600 Datacollector CipherLAB: 8300 Datalogic: SP5600 SP5600 Datacollector

Comparison code - BA-83S1A8, KB1A371800L86, B8370BT000004, B83X0BT000001, B837GA00131

Zastosowanie (producent) - Honeywell

Zastosowanie (producent) - Metrologic

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLAB

Zastosowanie (producent) - Datalogic

  • net: 125,10 PLN


CipherLAB 8300 / BA-83S1A8 1800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 5 dni

Capacity - 1800mAh

Libra - 65g / 2.29oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 53.10 x 38.65 x 12.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - BA-83S1A8, KB1A371800L86, B8370BT000004, B83X0BT000001, B837GA00131

Zastosowanie (producent) - Honeywell

Zastosowanie (producent) - Metrologic

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLAB

Zastosowanie (producent) - Datalogic

net: 125,10 PLN

CipherLAB CPT 9600 / BA-0012A7 2900mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
CipherLAB CPT 9600 / BA-0012A7 2900mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

CipherLAB CPT 9600 / BA-0012A7 2900mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-CLB930BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 5 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 2900mAh

Libra - 115.2g / 4.06oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 65.30 x 37.50 x 16.70mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: CipherLAB: 9300 9400 9600 CPT 9300 CPT 9400 CPT 9600

Comparison code - BA-0012A7

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLAB

  • net: 172,51 PLN


CipherLAB CPT 9600 / BA-0012A7 2900mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 5 dni

Capacity - 2900mAh

Libra - 115.2g / 4.06oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 65.30 x 37.50 x 16.70mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - BA-0012A7

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLAB

net: 172,51 PLN

CipherLAB 9700 / KB97000X03504 3400mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
CipherLAB 9700 / KB97000X03504 3400mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

CipherLAB 9700 / KB97000X03504 3400mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-CLB970BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 5 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 3400mAh

Libra - 158.2g / 5.58oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 71.20 x 52.32 x 20.80mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: CipherLAB: 9700

Comparison code - KB97000X03504, BA-0083A6, BA-0085A4

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLAB

  • net: 198,04 PLN


CipherLAB 9700 / KB97000X03504 3400mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 5 dni

Capacity - 3400mAh

Libra - 158.2g / 5.58oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 71.20 x 52.32 x 20.80mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - KB97000X03504, BA-0083A6, BA-0085A4

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLAB

net: 198,04 PLN

Cipherlab 9700 / GB20H 20mAh Ni-MH 3.6V (Cameron Sino)
Cipherlab 9700 / GB20H 20mAh Ni-MH 3.6V (Cameron Sino)

Cipherlab 9700 / GB20H 20mAh Ni-MH 3.6V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-CLB970BU

Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 5 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 20mAh

Libra - 54g / 1.90oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 38.00 x 12.36 x 6.00mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 3.6V

Description - Battery used in: Cipherlab: 9700

Comparison code - GB20H

Zastosowanie (producent) - Cipherlab

  • net: 92,26 PLN


Cipherlab 9700 / GB20H 20mAh Ni-MH 3.6V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 5 dni

Capacity - 20mAh

Libra - 54g / 1.90oz

Colour - Green

Dimensions - 38.00 x 12.36 x 6.00mm

Type - Ni-MH

Tension - 3.6V

Comparison code - GB20H

Zastosowanie (producent) - Cipherlab

net: 92,26 PLN

Cognex DataMan 8050X / DMA-HHBATTERY-01 2600mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
Cognex DataMan 8050X / DMA-HHBATTERY-01 2600mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Cognex DataMan 8050X / DMA-HHBATTERY-01 2600mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-CNF680BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 8) , 5 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 118.9g / 4.19oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 70.70 x 19.75 x 20.35mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: Cognex: DataMan 8500 DataMan 8100 DataMan 9500 Dataman 8000 DataMan 8050 DataMan 8050X CINO: 680BT F680BT F780BT

Comparison code - DMA-HHBATTERY-01, 124-1004R, TEMP-NP100A, 124-10000R, BT2100

Zastosowanie (producent) - Cognex

Zastosowanie (producent) - CINO

  • net: 103,22 PLN


Cognex DataMan 8050X / DMA-HHBATTERY-01 2600mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 8) , 5 dni

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 118.9g / 4.19oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 70.70 x 19.75 x 20.35mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - DMA-HHBATTERY-01, 124-1004R, TEMP-NP100A, 124-10000R, BT2100

Zastosowanie (producent) - Cognex

Zastosowanie (producent) - CINO

net: 103,22 PLN

CipherLAB RS30 / BA-0092A5 2500mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
CipherLAB RS30 / BA-0092A5 2500mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

CipherLAB RS30 / BA-0092A5 2500mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-CRS300BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 5 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 2500mAh

Libra - 105.4g / 3.72oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 79.30 x 54.50 x 7.10mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Not For CipherLAB RS31 Battery used in: CipherLAB: RS30

Comparison code - BA-0092A5, KBRS300X01503, BT-160LA, BA-0093A0

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLAB

  • net: 165,22 PLN


CipherLAB RS30 / BA-0092A5 2500mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 5 dni

Capacity - 2500mAh

Libra - 105.4g / 3.72oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 79.30 x 54.50 x 7.10mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - BA-0092A5, KBRS300X01503, BT-160LA, BA-0093A0

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLAB

net: 165,22 PLN

CipherLAB RS31 / BA-0092A6 2500mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
CipherLAB RS31 / BA-0092A6 2500mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

CipherLAB RS31 / BA-0092A6 2500mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-CRS310BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 10 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 2500mAh

Libra - 107g / 3.77oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 79.20 x 54.50 x 7.10mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Not For CipherLAB RS30 Battery used in: CipherLAB: RS31

Comparison code - BA-0092A6, BA-0093A0

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLAB

  • net: 128,36 PLN


CipherLAB RS31 / BA-0092A6 2500mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 10 dni

Capacity - 2500mAh

Libra - 107g / 3.77oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 79.20 x 54.50 x 7.10mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - BA-0092A6, BA-0093A0

Zastosowanie (producent) - CipherLAB

net: 128,36 PLN

Casio IT-G400 / HA-R21LBAT 5800mAh Li-ion 3.85V (Cameron Sino)
Casio IT-G400 / HA-R21LBAT 5800mAh Li-ion 3.85V (Cameron Sino)

Casio IT-G400 / HA-R21LBAT 5800mAh Li-ion 3.85V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-CTG400BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 10) , 10 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 5800mAh

Libra - 150.0g / 5.29oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 76.00 x 57.50 x 11.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.85V

Description - Battery used in: Casio: IT-G400

Comparison code - HA-R21LBAT

Zastosowanie (producent) - Casio

  • net: 144,09 PLN


Casio IT-G400 / HA-R21LBAT 5800mAh Li-ion 3.85V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 10) , 10 dni

Capacity - 5800mAh

Libra - 150.0g / 5.29oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 76.00 x 57.50 x 11.00mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.85V

Comparison code - HA-R21LBAT

Zastosowanie (producent) - Casio

net: 144,09 PLN

C-One XGK-C-ONE-E-ID / E00913001 3450mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
C-One XGK-C-ONE-E-ID / E00913001 3450mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

C-One XGK-C-ONE-E-ID / E00913001 3450mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-CXD320BX

Availability: Available (quantity: 34) , 10 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 3450mAh

Libra - 116.5g / 4.11oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 54.00 x 34.50 x 16.55mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: C-One: e-ID XGK-C-ONE-E-ID

Comparison code - E00913001, PCT3200, BP13-001080

Zastosowanie (producent) - C-One

  • net: 89,02 PLN


C-One XGK-C-ONE-E-ID / E00913001 3450mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 34) , 10 dni

Capacity - 3450mAh

Libra - 116.5g / 4.11oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 54.00 x 34.50 x 16.55mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - E00913001, PCT3200, BP13-001080

Zastosowanie (producent) - C-One

net: 89,02 PLN

Datalogic ELF / BT-10 6800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
Datalogic ELF / BT-10 6800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Datalogic ELF / BT-10 6800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-DAE112BH

Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 5 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 6800mAh

Libra - 182.4g / 6.43oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 79.28 x 47.78 x 23.80mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: Datalogic: ELF

Comparison code - BT-10, 94ACC1376, 94ACC1377

Zastosowanie (producent) - Datalogic

  • net: 212,63 PLN


Datalogic ELF / BT-10 6800mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 5 dni

Capacity - 6800mAh

Libra - 182.4g / 6.43oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 79.28 x 47.78 x 23.80mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - BT-10, 94ACC1376, 94ACC1377

Zastosowanie (producent) - Datalogic

net: 212,63 PLN

Datalogic ELF / 94ACC0112 2750mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
Datalogic ELF / 94ACC0112 2750mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Datalogic ELF / 94ACC0112 2750mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-DAE112BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 10 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 2750mAh

Libra - 145.2g / 5.12oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 77.72 x 47.70 x 19.90mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: Datalogic: ELF

Comparison code - 94ACC0112, BT-34, BT-9

Zastosowanie (producent) - Datalogic

  • net: 151,96 PLN


Datalogic ELF / 94ACC0112 2750mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 10 dni

Capacity - 2750mAh

Libra - 145.2g / 5.12oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 77.72 x 47.70 x 19.90mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - 94ACC0112, BT-34, BT-9

Zastosowanie (producent) - Datalogic

net: 151,96 PLN

Datalogic ELF / BT-10 5200mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)
Datalogic ELF / BT-10 5200mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Datalogic ELF / BT-10 5200mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-DAE112BX

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 5 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 5200mAh

Libra - 180.4g / 6.36oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 79.28 x 47.78 x 23.80mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Description - Battery used in: Datalogic: ELF

Comparison code - BT-10, 94ACC1376, 94ACC1377

Zastosowanie (producent) - Datalogic

  • net: 187,10 PLN


Datalogic ELF / BT-10 5200mAh Li-ion 3.7V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 5 dni

Capacity - 5200mAh

Libra - 180.4g / 6.36oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 79.28 x 47.78 x 23.80mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 3.7V

Comparison code - BT-10, 94ACC1376, 94ACC1377

Zastosowanie (producent) - Datalogic

net: 187,10 PLN

Datalogic 944551020 / 94ACC1302 2600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)
Datalogic 944551020 / 94ACC1302 2600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Datalogic 944551020 / 94ACC1302 2600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Product code CS-DAK944BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 11) , 5 dni

Product features:

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 179g / 6.31oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 78.70 x 43.10 x 24.20 mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Description - Battery used in: Datalogic: Kyman 944501055 944501056 944501057 944501088 944551004 944551005 944551014 944551015 944551019 944551020

Comparison code - 94ACC1302, 700175303, 944501055, 944501056, 944501057, 944501088, 944551004, 944551005

Zastosowanie (producent) - Datalogic

  • net: 183,44 PLN


Datalogic 944551020 / 94ACC1302 2600mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)

Availability: Available (quantity: 11) , 5 dni

Capacity - 2600mAh

Libra - 179g / 6.31oz

Colour - Black

Dimensions - 78.70 x 43.10 x 24.20 mm

Type - Li-ion

Tension - 7.4V

Comparison code - 94ACC1302, 700175303, 944501055, 944501056, 944501057, 944501088, 944551004, 944551005

Zastosowanie (producent) - Datalogic

net: 183,44 PLN

Datalogic 944551020 / 94ACC1302 3400mAh Li-ion 7.4V (Cameron Sino)