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EUR 4,1575 4,2415
USD 4,0123 4,0933
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EUR 4,0076 4,3764
USD 3,8613 4,2167
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Sauer Danfoss

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Working volume
8 cm3 / rev
10.8 cm3 / rev
44 cm3 / rev
48.3 cm3/rev
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Sauer Danfoss
Sauer Danfoss Turolla
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Sauer Danfoss
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Max. working pressure (continuous)
230 bar
250 bars
250 bar
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SKP2 / 25S SC06.F 11 SPLINE
SKP2 / 25S SC06.F 11 SPLINE

SKP2 / 25S SC06.F 11 SPLINE

Product code

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Sauer Danfoss

Pump type - toothed

Description - 16989 BENFORD SKP2 25S SC06 .... F

  • net: 835,74 PLN

net: 835,74 PLN

Hydraulic pump Sauer Danfoss SNP3NN/048LN07SAP1CACANNNN/NNNNN
Hydraulic pump Sauer Danfoss SNP3NN/048LN07SAP1CACANNNN/NNNNN

Hydraulic pump Sauer Danfoss SNP3NN/048LN07SAP1CACANNNN/NNNNN

Product code

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Working volume - 48.3 cm3/rev

Turning direction - Left

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 230 bar

Producent - Sauer Danfoss Turolla

Pump type - Toothed

Description - Gear pump Gr.3 SAE B-Pilot flange Ø101.6+2 screws Splined shaft (13 teeth) Centering Ø 101 mm

  • net: 1678,11 PLN

Hydraulic pump Sauer Danfoss SNP3NN/048LN07SAP1CACANNNN/NNNNN

Availability: Currently not available

Working volume - 48.3 cm3/rev

Turning direction - Left

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 230 bar

Producent - Sauer Danfoss Turolla

Pump type - Toothed

net: 1678,11 PLN

Hydraulic pump Sauer Danfoss SNP3NN / 044RN01BAP1CACANNNN / NNNNN
Hydraulic pump Sauer Danfoss SNP3NN / 044RN01BAP1CACANNNN / NNNNN

Hydraulic pump Sauer Danfoss SNP3NN / 044RN01BAP1CACANNNN / NNNNN

Product code

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Working volume - 44 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Right

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 250 bar

Producent - Sauer Danfoss

Pump type - toothed

Description - Gear pump Gr. 3 European flange, mounted with 4 bolts Cone shaft 1: 8 Side ports: 27x51xM10

  • net: 1631,67 PLN

Hydraulic pump Sauer Danfoss SNP3NN / 044RN01BAP1CACANNNN / NNNNN

Availability: Currently not available

Working volume - 44 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Right

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 250 bar

Producent - Sauer Danfoss

Pump type - toothed

net: 1631,67 PLN

Hydraulic pump Sauer Danfoss SNP3NN/033LN06AAP1BBBANNNN/NNNNN
Hydraulic pump Sauer Danfoss SNP3NN/033LN06AAP1BBBANNNN/NNNNN

Hydraulic pump Sauer Danfoss SNP3NN/033LN06AAP1BBBANNNN/NNNNN

Product code

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Working volume - 33.1cc/rev

Turning direction - Left

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 250 bars


Pump type - toothed

Description - Gear pump Gr.3 German flange, fixed with 4 screws Cone type shaft 1:5 Centering Ø 105 mm Ports: 27x55xM8, 18x55xM8

  • net: 1775,10 PLN

Hydraulic pump Sauer Danfoss SNP3NN/033LN06AAP1BBBANNNN/NNNNN

Availability: Currently not available

Working volume - 33.1cc/rev

Turning direction - Left

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 250 bars


Pump type - toothed

net: 1775,10 PLN

Danfoss SNM / 11LTXSB gear pump
Danfoss SNM / 11LTXSB gear pump

Danfoss SNM / 11LTXSB gear pump

Product code

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Working volume - 10.8 cm3 / rev

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 250 bar

Producent - Sauer Danfoss

Pump type - toothed

Description - Hydraulic pump, grade II SNM2NN / 011BN01BAM1C3C3NNNN / NNNNN Flange mounted with 4 bolts Cone-type shaft

  • net: 1004,73 PLN

Danfoss SNM / 11LTXSB gear pump

Availability: Currently not available

Working volume - 10.8 cm3 / rev

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 250 bar

Producent - Sauer Danfoss

Pump type - toothed

net: 1004,73 PLN

Casappa CPL 9S / B12 gear pump
Casappa CPL 9S / B12 gear pump

Casappa CPL 9S / B12 gear pump

Product code 2008076

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Working volume - 8 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Left

Description - Casappa CPL 9S / B12 Pump Equivalent 1: 8 Cone Shaft 2-Bolt Flange

  • net: 700,00 PLN


Casappa CPL 9S / B12 gear pump

Availability: Currently not available

Working volume - 8 cm3 / rev

Turning direction - Left

net: 700,00 PLN

Pompa zębata LM42 T3 230 bar
Pompa zębata LM42 T3 230 bar

Pompa zębata LM42 T3 230 bar

Product code 2012708

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 600,00 PLN

net: 600,00 PLN

Pump Sauer Dynamatic C17.0 / 14.3L 38299 TANDEM
Pump Sauer Dynamatic C17.0 / 14.3L 38299 TANDEM

Pump Sauer Dynamatic C17.0 / 14.3L 38299 TANDEM

Product code 550138299

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Turning direction - Left

Producent - Sauer Danfoss

Pump type - toothed

Description - Pump Sauer Dynamatic C17.0 / 14.3L 38299 TANDEM Splines (9 teeth) Two bolt mounting. Mounting bolt spacing 105 mm Comparative code: 550/1/38299 550-1-38299 550 1 38299 550 138 299 5S2 / 44405MUS C17.0 / 14.3L 38299 C17.0 / 14.3L 38299 C17.0-14.3L 38299 C17.0 14.3 L 38299 C17.014.3 L 38299

  • net: 1972,14 PLN


Pump Sauer Dynamatic C17.0 / 14.3L 38299 TANDEM

Availability: Currently not available

Turning direction - Left

Producent - Sauer Danfoss

Pump type - toothed

net: 1972,14 PLN

Gear hydraulic pump Danfoss SNP3NN-/-090-RN-02-BA-P1-CD-CA-NN-DN-/-NNN-NN
Gear hydraulic pump Danfoss SNP3NN-/-090-RN-02-BA-P1-CD-CA-NN-DN-/-NNN-NN

Gear hydraulic pump Danfoss SNP3NN-/-090-RN-02-BA-P1-CD-CA-NN-DN-/-NNN-NN

Product code 83012423

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Working volume - 88.2cc/rev

Turning direction - Right

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 250 bars


Pump type - toothed

  • net: 2086,63 PLN


Gear hydraulic pump Danfoss SNP3NN-/-090-RN-02-BA-P1-CD-CA-NN-DN-/-NNN-NN

Availability: Currently not available

Working volume - 88.2cc/rev

Turning direction - Right

Max. working pressure (continuous) - 250 bars


Pump type - toothed

net: 2086,63 PLN

Dynamatic Limited hydraulic pump
Dynamatic Limited hydraulic pump

Dynamatic Limited hydraulic pump

Product code C8L 26776

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Turning direction - Right

Producer - Sauer Danfoss

Description - Dynamatic Limited hydraulic pump 17.5mm cylindrical shaft.

  • net: 1116,43 PLN

C8L 26776

Dynamatic Limited hydraulic pump

Availability: Currently not available

Turning direction - Right

Producer - Sauer Danfoss

net: 1116,43 PLN

Pompa zębata Sauer gr.3 38cm3/obr
Pompa zębata Sauer gr.3 38cm3/obr

Pompa zębata Sauer gr.3 38cm3/obr

Product code SNP3/C38LSSSB

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 1495,79 PLN

net: 1495,79 PLN

Gear pump gr. 3
Gear pump gr. 3

Gear pump gr. 3

Product code SNP3NN/033RN07SAP1A4A3NNNN/N

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 1930,09 PLN

net: 1930,09 PLN

Gear pump gr. 3
Gear pump gr. 3

Gear pump gr. 3

Product code SNP3NN/044RN07SAP1A4A3NNNN/NNNN

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 1635,50 PLN

net: 1635,50 PLN

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