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Exchange rate
Currency Rate
Purchase Sale
EUR 4,1547 4,2387
USD 3,8308 3,9082
*Tabela C NBP
EUR 4,0156 4,3852
USD 3,6922 4,032
*BNP Paribas


Clear filters
inner diameter
fi = 12.7mm
fi = 13mm
fi = 16.1mm
fi = 16mm
fi = 19mm
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h = 38.5mm
h = 39mm
h = 43.1mm
h = 50mm
h = 51.6mm
h = 56mm
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Connection type
AMP Junior Timer
AMP Super Seal
Dual Spade
Metri Pack
Metric Pack
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12 VDC
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Coil Tecnord 12VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Product code 60.0205.001

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=13mm

Height - h=39mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 18W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - AHC 12VDC 18W

Comparison code - 60.0205.001/E

  • net: 59,64 PLN


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

inner diameter - fi=13mm

Height - h=39mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 18W

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - 60.0205.001/E

net: 59,64 PLN

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Product code 60.0205.002

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - AHC 24VDC 18W

  • net: 62,98 PLN


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

net: 62,98 PLN

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.096

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=13mm

Height - h=50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - VDT 12VDC 24W VDI 12VDC 24W

  • net: 79,06 PLN


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

inner diameter - fi=13mm

Height - h=50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24W

Producent - Tecnord

net: 79,06 PLN

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.133

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - VHC 12VDC 24W

  • net: 70,72 PLN


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

net: 70,72 PLN

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.134

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - VHC 24VDC 24W

  • net: 68,42 PLN


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

net: 68,42 PLN

Tecnord coil 12VDC 26W fi16 h=50mm
Tecnord coil 12VDC 26W fi16 h=50mm

Tecnord coil 12VDC 26W fi16 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.187

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 26 W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - LHC 12VDC 24W

  • net: 104,92 PLN


Tecnord coil 12VDC 26W fi16 h=50mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 26 W

Producent - Tecnord

net: 104,92 PLN

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Product code 60.0205.200

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=13mm

Height - h=39mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 18W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - AJT 12VDC 18W

Comparison code - 60.0205.200/A

  • net: 57,80 PLN


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

inner diameter - fi=13mm

Height - h=39mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 18W

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - 60.0205.200/A

net: 57,80 PLN

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Product code 60.0205.305

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=19mm

Height - h=56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 27 W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ZDT 24VDC 27W

  • net: 112,22 PLN


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

inner diameter - fi=19mm

Height - h=56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 27 W

Producent - Tecnord

net: 112,22 PLN

Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm
Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Product code 60.0205.314

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=13mm

Height - h=38.5mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 26 VDC

Power - 21 W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - KJT 26VDC 21W

  • net: 68,84 PLN


Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

inner diameter - fi=13mm

Height - h=38.5mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 26 VDC

Power - 21 W

Producent - Tecnord

net: 68,84 PLN

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16 h=51.6mm

Product code 60.0205.324/A

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - LDT 12VDC 26W

  • net: 91,26 PLN


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16 h=51.6mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

net: 91,26 PLN

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Product code 60.0205.343/A

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PJH 24VDC 21W

  • net: 61,84 PLN


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

net: 61,84 PLN

Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm
Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Product code 60.0205.344/A

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 26 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PJH 26VDC 21W

  • net: 67,94 PLN


Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 26 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

net: 67,94 PLN

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Product code 60.0205.346/A

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=13mm

Height - h=38.5mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 21 W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PJD 24VDC 21W

Comparison code - 60.0205.346/B

  • net: 63,06 PLN


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

inner diameter - fi=13mm

Height - h=38.5mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 21 W

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - 60.0205.346/B

net: 63,06 PLN

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Product code 60.0205.349/A

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PJJ 24VDC 21W

  • net: 67,34 PLN


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

net: 67,34 PLN

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code 65.1801.001

Availability: Available (quantity: 16)

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=12.7mm

Height - h=51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 22W

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - DHC24VDC; DHC-24VDC; D-HC-24VDC

  • net: 148,86 PLN


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Available (quantity: 16)

inner diameter - fi=12.7mm

Height - h=51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 22W

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - DHC24VDC; DHC-24VDC; D-HC-24VDC

net: 148,86 PLN

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Product code 60.0205.005

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ADL 12VDC 18W

  • net: 50,93 PLN


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

net: 50,93 PLN

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Product code 60.0205.006

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ADL 24VDC 18W

  • net: 56,02 PLN


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

net: 56,02 PLN

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.149

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - VDT 24VDC 24W VDI 24VDC 24W

  • net: 92,46 PLN


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

net: 92,46 PLN

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.150

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - VJT 12VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Tecnord coil 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode
Tecnord coil 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode

Tecnord coil 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode

Product code 60.0205.154

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - VJT 12BD 24W model with LED


Tecnord coil 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode

Product code 60.0205.160

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - VJT 24BD 24W model with LED


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.163

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - VDL 12VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.164/B

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - VDL 24VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.170/C

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - FJT 12VDC 20W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.173/A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - FHC 12VDC 20W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Tecnord coil 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode
Tecnord coil 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode

Tecnord coil 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode

Product code 60.0205.176/A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord


Tecnord coil 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.178/A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - FHC 24VDC 20W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.184/C

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - FDI 12VDC 20W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Product code 60.0205.188/B

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PJA 12VDC 21W

  • net: 57,07 PLN


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

net: 57,07 PLN

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Product code 60.0205.189/B

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=13mm

Height - h=38.5mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 21 W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PJA 24VDC 21W

  • net: 57,07 PLN


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi=13mm

Height - h=38.5mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 21 W

Producent - Tecnord

net: 57,07 PLN

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.192

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - LHC 24VDC 26W

  • net: 90,88 PLN


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

net: 90,88 PLN

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Product code 60.0205.201

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - AJT 24VDC 18W

  • net: 65,84 PLN


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

net: 65,84 PLN

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.238

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DIL 12VDC 24W type I


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.239

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DIL 24VDC 24W type I


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.240

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DIA 12VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.241

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DIA 24VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.242

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DID 12VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.243

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DID 24VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Tecnord coil 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode
Tecnord coil 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode

Tecnord coil 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode

Product code 60.0205.244

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DID 12VDC 24W with LED


Tecnord coil 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode

Product code 60.0205.245

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DID 24VDC 24W with LED


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm with diode

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.246

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DIJ 12VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.247

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DIJ 24VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.248

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Metric Pack

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DIM 12VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Metric Pack

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.249

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DIM 24VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Product code 60.0205.302/A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ZDI 12VDC 27W

  • net: 115,40 PLN


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

net: 115,40 PLN

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16 h=51.6mm

Product code 60.0205.325/A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - LDT 24VDC 26W

  • net: 85,78 PLN


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

net: 85,78 PLN

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm

Product code 60.0205.331/A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - FDI 24VDC 20W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Product code 60.0205.342/A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PJH 12VDC 21W

  • net: 58,28 PLN


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

net: 58,28 PLN

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Product code 60.0205.345/A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PJD 12VDC 21W

  • net: 57,70 PLN


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

net: 57,70 PLN

Tecnord coil 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm
Tecnord coil 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Tecnord coil 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Product code 60.0205.345/B

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PJD 12 VDC 21W

  • net: 72,90 PLN


Tecnord coil 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

net: 72,90 PLN

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Product code 60.0205.348/A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=13mm

Height - h=38.5mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 21 W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PJJ 12VDC 21W

  • net: 55,32 PLN


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi=13mm

Height - h=38.5mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 21 W

Producent - Tecnord

net: 55,32 PLN

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Product code 60.0205.355/A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=13mm

Height - h=38.5mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 21 W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PJL 12VDC 21W

  • net: 57,95 PLN


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi=13mm

Height - h=38.5mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 21 W

Producent - Tecnord

net: 57,95 PLN

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Product code 60.0205.373/A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PJL 24VDC 21W

  • net: 57,95 PLN


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

net: 57,95 PLN

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Product code 60.0205.389/A

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ZHC 12VDC 27W

  • net: 126,62 PLN


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

net: 126,62 PLN

Tecnord coil 12VDC 26W fi19 h=56mm
Tecnord coil 12VDC 26W fi19 h=56mm

Tecnord coil 12VDC 26W fi19 h=56mm

Product code 60.0205.389/B

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=19mm

Height - h=56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 26 W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ZHC 12VDC 26W

  • net: 122,18 PLN


Tecnord coil 12VDC 26W fi19 h=56mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi=19mm

Height - h=56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 26 W

Producent - Tecnord

net: 122,18 PLN

Tecnord coil 220VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Tecnord coil 220VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Tecnord coil 220VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code 65.1803.002

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi=12.7mm

Height - h=51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 22 W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DHC22 magnate 7/8 220

Comparison code - DHC 220 VA, 39670036

  • net: 246,30 PLN


Tecnord coil 220VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi=12.7mm

Height - h=51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 22 W

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - DHC 220 VA, 39670036

net: 246,30 PLN

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 18W fi13 h=39mm
Coil Tecnord 220VAC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Product code ADL22

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ADL 220VAC 18W


Coil Tecnord 220VAC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 18W fi13 h=39mm
Coil Tecnord 220VAC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Product code AHC22

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - AHC 220VAC 18W


Coil Tecnord 220VAC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Product code AJT 24VDC 18W

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - AJT 24VDC 18W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 18W fi13 h=39mm
Coil Tecnord 220VAC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Product code AJT22

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 220 VAC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - AJT 220VAC 18W


Coil Tecnord 220VAC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 220 VAC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

AJT24 18 watts coil 24VDC Amp JT
AJT24 18 watts coil 24VDC Amp JT

AJT24 18 watts coil 24VDC Amp JT

Product code AJT24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 45,15 PLN

net: 45,15 PLN

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Product code AMP12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - AMP 12VDC 18W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 18W fi13 h=39mm
Coil Tecnord 220VAC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Product code AMP22

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - AMP 220VAC 18W


Coil Tecnord 220VAC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Product code AMP24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - AMP 24VDC 18W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 18W fi13 h=39mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 39mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 110VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 110VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 110VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DCL11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 110 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-CL11, D-CL-11


Coil Tecnord 110VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 110 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-CL11, D-CL-11

Coil Tecnord 125VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 125VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 125VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DCL13

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 125 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-CL13, D-CL-13


Coil Tecnord 125VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 125 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-CL13, D-CL-13

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 220VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DCL22

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 220 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-CL22, D-CL-22


Coil Tecnord 220VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 220 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-CL22, D-CL-22

Coil Tecnord 250VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 250VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 250VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DCL23

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 250 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-CL23, D-CL-23


Coil Tecnord 250VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 250 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-CL23, D-CL-23

Coil Tecnord 24VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 24VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 24VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DCL25

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-CL25, D-CL-25


Coil Tecnord 24VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-CL25, D-CL-25

Coil Tecnord 440VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 440VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 440VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DCL44

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 440 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-CL44, D-CL-44


Coil Tecnord 440VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 440 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-CL44, D-CL-44

Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DDL06

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 6 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DL06, D-DL-06


Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 6 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DL06, D-DL-06

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DDL12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DL12, D-DL-12


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DL12, D-DL-12

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DDL24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DL24, D-DL-24


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DL24, D-DL-24

Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DDL36

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 36 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DL36, D-DL-36


Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 36 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DL36, D-DL-36

Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DDL48

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 48 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DL48, D-DL-48


Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 48 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DL48, D-DL-48

Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DDS06

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Dual Spade

Tension - 6 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DS06, D-DS-06


Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Dual Spade

Tension - 6 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DS06, D-DS-06

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DDS12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Dual Spade

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DS12, D-DS-12


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Dual Spade

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DS12, D-DS-12

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DDS24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Dual Spade

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DS24, D-DS-24


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Dual Spade

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DS24, D-DS-24

Coil Tecnord 24VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 24VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 24VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DDS25

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Dual Spade

Tension - 24 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DS25, D-DS-25


Coil Tecnord 24VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Dual Spade

Tension - 24 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DS25, D-DS-25

Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DDS36

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Dual Spade

Tension - 36 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DS36, D-DS-36


Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Dual Spade

Tension - 36 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DS36, D-DS-36

Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DDS48

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Dual Spade

Tension - 48 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DS48, D-DS-48


Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Dual Spade

Tension - 48 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-DS48, D-DS-48

Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DHC06

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 6 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC06, D-HC-06


Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 6 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC06, D-HC-06

Coil Tecnord 110VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 110VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 110VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DHC11

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 110 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC11, D-HC-11


Coil Tecnord 110VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 110 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC11, D-HC-11

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DHC12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC12, D-HC-12


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC12, D-HC-12

Coil Tecnord 125VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 125VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 125VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DHC13

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 125 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC13, D-HC-13


Coil Tecnord 125VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 125 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC13, D-HC-13

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 220VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DHC22

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC22, D-HC-22


Coil Tecnord 220VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC22, D-HC-22

Coil Tecnord 250VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 250VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 250VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DHC23

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 250 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC23, D-HC-23


Coil Tecnord 250VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 250 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC23, D-HC-23

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DHC24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - 7149534, D-HC24, D-HC-24


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - 7149534, D-HC24, D-HC-24

Coil Tecnord 24VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 24VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 24VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DHC25

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC25, D-HC-25


Coil Tecnord 24VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC25, D-HC-25

Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DHC36

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 36 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC36, D-HC-36


Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 36 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC36, D-HC-36

Coil Tecnord 440VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 440VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 440VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DHC44

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 440 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC44, D-HC-44


Coil Tecnord 440VAC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 440 VAC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC44, D-HC-44

Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DHC48

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 48 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC48, D-HC-48


Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 48 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-HC48, D-HC-48

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code DIA12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DIA 12VDC 18W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 18 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code DIA24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DIA 24VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code DID12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DID 12VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code DID24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DID 24VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code DIJ12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DIJ 12VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code DIJ24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DIJ 24VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code DIM12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DIM 12VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code DIM24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DIM 24VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DSL06

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 6 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SL06, D-SL-06


Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 6 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SL06, D-SL-06

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DSL12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SL12, D-SL-12


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SL12, D-SL-12

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DSL24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SL24, D-SL-24


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SL24, D-SL-24

Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DSL36

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 36 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SL36, D-SL-36


Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 36 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SL36, D-SL-36

Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DSL48

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 48 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SL48, D-SL-48


Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 48 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SL48, D-SL-48

Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DSS06

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Spade

Tension - 6 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SS06, D-SS-06


Coil Tecnord 6VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Spade

Tension - 6 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SS06, D-SS-06

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DSS12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Spade

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SS12, D-SS-12


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Spade

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SS12, D-SS-12

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DSS24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Spade

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SS24, D-SS-24


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Spade

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SS24, D-SS-24

Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DSS36

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Spade

Tension - 36 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SS36, D-SS-36


Coil Tecnord 36VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Spade

Tension - 36 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SS36, D-SS-36

Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm
Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Product code DSS48

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Spade

Tension - 48 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SS48, D-SS-48


Coil Tecnord 48VDC 22W fi12.7 h=51.6mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 12.7mm

Height - h = 51.6mm

Connection type - Spade

Tension - 48 VDC

Power - 22 in

Producent - Tecnord

Comparison code - D-SS48, D-SS-48

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm

Product code FJT24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - FJT 24VDC 20W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi19 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm

Product code LDI12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - LDI 12VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24W

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm

Product code LDI24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - LDI 24VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm

Product code LDL12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - LDL 12VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm

Product code LDL24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - LDL 24VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24W

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Product code LIA12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - LIA 12VDC 26W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Product code LIA24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - LIA 24VDC 26W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Product code LID12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - LIA 12VDC 26W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Product code LID24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - LID 24VDC 26W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Product code LIJ12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - LIJ 12VDC 26W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Product code LIJ24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - LIJ 24VDC 26W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Product code LIM12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 26W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - LIM 12VDC 26W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 26W

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Product code LIM24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - LIM 24VDC 26W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 26W fi16.1 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 26 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm

Product code LJT12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - LJT 12VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm

Product code LJT24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - LJT 24VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Product code PIA12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 43.1mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PIA 12VDC 20W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 43.1mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Product code PIA24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 43.1mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PIA 24VDC 20W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 43.1mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20W

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Product code PID12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 43.1mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PID 12VDC 20W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 43.1mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Product code PID24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 43.1mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PID 24VDC 20W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 43.1mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Product code PIJ12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 43.1mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DRINK 12VDC 20W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 43.1mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Product code PIJ24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 43.1mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - DRINK 24VDC 20W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 43.1mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Product code PIM12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 43.1mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PIM 12VDC 20W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 43.1mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Product code PIM24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 43.1mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PIM 24VDC 20W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 20W fi13 h=43.1mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 43.1mm

Connection type - Metri Pack

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 20 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm
Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Product code PJA26

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 26 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PJA 26VDC 21W


Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - AMP Super Seal

Tension - 26 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm
Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Product code PJD26

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 26 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PJD 26VDC 21W


Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 26 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

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