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Exchange rate
Currency Rate
Purchase Sale
EUR 4,1075 4,1905
USD 3,9457 4,0255
*Tabela C NBP
EUR 3,9847 4,3513
USD 3,8294 4,1818
*BNP Paribas


Clear filters
inner diameter
fi = 12.7mm
fi = 13mm
fi = 16.1mm
fi = 16mm
fi = 19mm
select all
h = 38.5mm
h = 39mm
h = 43.1mm
h = 50mm
h = 51.6mm
h = 56mm
select all
Connection type
AMP Junior Timer
AMP Super Seal
Dual Spade
Metri Pack
Metric Pack
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12 VDC
24 VAC
24 VDC
26 VDC
36 VDC
48 VDC
110 VAC
125 VAC
220 VAC
250 VAC
440 VAC
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18 W.
20 watts
21 W
21 in
22 W
22 in
24 watts
26 W.
26 W
27 W
27 W.
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Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm
Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Product code PJL26

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 26 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

Description - PJL 26VDC 21W


Coil Tecnord 26VDC 21W fi13 h=38.5mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 38.5mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 26 VDC

Power - 21 in

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code VDI22

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - VDI 220VAC 24W


Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code VDL22

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - VDL 220VAC 24W


Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code VHC22

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - VHC 220VAC 24W


Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code VJT22

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 220 VAC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - VJT 220VAC 24W


Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 220 VAC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Product code VJT24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - VJT 24VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi13 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 13mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Product code WDI12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - WDI 12VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Product code WDI22

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - WDI 220VAC 24W


Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Product code WDI24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - WDI 24VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Product code WDL12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 24W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - WDL 12VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 24W

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Product code WDL22

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - WDL 220VAC 24W


Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Product code WDL24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - WDL 24VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Product code WHC12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 24W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - WHC 12VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12VDC

Power - 24W

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Product code WHC22

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220 VAC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - WHC 220VAC 24W


Coil Tecnord 220VAC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220 VAC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Product code WHC24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Description - WHC 24VDC 24W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 24W fi16.1 h=50mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 16.1mm

Height - h = 50mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 24 watts

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Product code ZDI12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ZDI 12VDC 27W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 27W fi19 h=56mm
Coil Tecnord 220VAC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Product code ZDI22

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ZDI 220VAC 27W


Coil Tecnord 220VAC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Product code ZDI24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ZDI 24VDC 27W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Deutsch

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Product code ZDL12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ZDL 12VDC 27W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 27W fi19 h=56mm
Coil Tecnord 220VAC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Product code ZDL22

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ZDL 220VAC 27W


Coil Tecnord 220VAC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Product code ZDL24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 27 W

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ZDL 24VDC 27W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - Wires

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 27 W

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Product code ZHC12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ZHC 12VDC 27W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 27W fi19 h=56mm
Coil Tecnord 220VAC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Product code ZHC22

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ZHC 220VAC 27W


Coil Tecnord 220VAC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 220VAC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Product code ZHC24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ZHC 24VDC 27W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - DIN

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm
Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Product code ZJT12

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ZJT 12VDC 27W


Coil Tecnord 12VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 12 VDC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 27W fi19 h=56mm
Coil Tecnord 220VAC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Coil Tecnord 220VAC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Product code ZJT22

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 220 VAC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ZJT 220VAC 27W


Coil Tecnord 220VAC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 220 VAC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm
Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Product code ZJT24

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

Description - ZJT 24VDC 27W


Coil Tecnord 24VDC 27W fi19 h=56mm

Availability: Currently not available

inner diameter - fi = 19mm

Height - h = 56mm

Connection type - AMP Junior Timer

Tension - 24 VDC

Power - 27 W.

Producent - Tecnord

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