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Currency Rate
Purchase Sale
EUR 4,1317 4,2151
USD 3,9918 4,0724
*Tabela C NBP
EUR 3,9816 4,348
USD 3,8181 4,1695
*BNP Paribas

Pressure transducers

Clear filters
select all
60 l/min
select all
max. pressure
100 bar
300 bar
400 bar
500 bar
600 bar
700 bar
750 bar
1000 bars
select all
Pressure regulation range
0-240 bar
0.1-1 bar
0-250 bar
0.3-1.5 bar
0.5-3 bar
0-400 bar
1-10 bar
2-40 bars
5-100 bar
10-50 bar
10-100 bar
10-20 bar
20 - 350 bars
20-250 bar
20-50 bar
20-200 bars
30-300 bars
40-400 bars
50-200 bar
select all
0,5...4,5V Ratiometryczne
9 ... 32VDC
24VDC 5A
select all
Electrical connection
AMP Superseal 1.5
M3 screw
Deutsch DT04-3P
AMP 6.3x0.8mm
select all
G 1/4" BSP
G 1/4 "
NPT 1/4
NPT 1/8
G 1/4"
G 1/8"
7/16-20 UNF
9/16-20 UNF
9/16-18 UNF
M10x1 con.
M10x1 cyl.
M12x1.5 internal
M12x1.5 cyl.
M12x1.5 wew.
select all
Sealing material
select all
Contact configuration
select all
Level of security
select all
select all
Max. pressure
200 bar
300 bars
400 bars
600 bar
select all
Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; G 1/4 "; 42V; 1-10 bar; NBR; NO (630703)
Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; G 1/4 "; 42V; 1-10 bar; NBR; NO (630703)

Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; G 1/4 "; 42V; 1-10 bar; NBR; NO (630703)

Product code 0163407031027

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

max. pressure - 600 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - YEAH

Level of security - IP65/IP00

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0163-407 03-1-027, 0163-407-03-1-027, 0163 407 03 1 027

  • net: 133,30 PLN


Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; G 1/4 "; 42V; 1-10 bar; NBR; NO (630703)

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

max. pressure - 600 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - YEAH

Level of security - IP65/IP00

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0163-407 03-1-027, 0163-407-03-1-027, 0163 407 03 1 027

net: 133,30 PLN

Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M12x1.5 cyl .; 42V; 0.1-1 bar; NBR; NC
Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M12x1.5 cyl .; 42V; 0.1-1 bar; NBR; NC

Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M12x1.5 cyl .; 42V; 0.1-1 bar; NBR; NC

Product code 0166404021014

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:

max. pressure - 300 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.1-1 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NC

Level of security - IP65

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0166-404 02-1-014, 0166-404-02-1-014

  • net: 122,54 PLN


Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M12x1.5 cyl .; 42V; 0.1-1 bar; NBR; NC

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

max. pressure - 300 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.1-1 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NC

Level of security - IP65

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0166-404 02-1-014, 0166-404-02-1-014

net: 122,54 PLN

Suco AMP 6.3x0.8 membrane pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl.; 42V; 1-10 bar; NBR; NO (Husco 660702, R901355130)
Suco AMP 6.3x0.8 membrane pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl.; 42V; 1-10 bar; NBR; NO (Husco 660702, R901355130)

Suco AMP 6.3x0.8 membrane pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl.; 42V; 1-10 bar; NBR; NO (Husco 660702, R901355130)

Product code 0166407021026

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Product features:

max. pressure - 300 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - YEAH

Level of security - IP65

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0166-407 02-1-026, 0166-407-02-1-026

  • net: 126,42 PLN


Suco AMP 6.3x0.8 membrane pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl.; 42V; 1-10 bar; NBR; NO (Husco 660702, R901355130)

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

max. pressure - 300 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - YEAH

Level of security - IP65

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0166-407 02-1-026, 0166-407-02-1-026

net: 126,42 PLN

Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M12x1.5 cyl .; 42V; 1-10 bar; FKM; NC
Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M12x1.5 cyl .; 42V; 1-10 bar; FKM; NC

Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M12x1.5 cyl .; 42V; 1-10 bar; FKM; NC

Product code 0166408023030

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

max. pressure - 300 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NC

Level of security - IP65

Producent - Suco

Comparison code - 0166-408 02-3-030, 0166-408-02-3-030

  • net: 192,40 PLN


Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M12x1.5 cyl .; 42V; 1-10 bar; FKM; NC

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

max. pressure - 300 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NC

Level of security - IP65

Producent - Suco

Comparison code - 0166-408 02-3-030, 0166-408-02-3-030

net: 192,40 PLN

Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; G 1/4 "; 42V; 20-50 bar; NBR; NO
Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; G 1/4 "; 42V; 20-50 bar; NBR; NO

Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; G 1/4 "; 42V; 20-50 bar; NBR; NO

Product code 0166415031059

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Product features:

max. pressure - 300 bar

Pressure regulation range - 20-50 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - YEAH

Level of security - IP65

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0166-415 03-1-059, 0166-415-03-1-059

  • net: 106,88 PLN


Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; G 1/4 "; 42V; 20-50 bar; NBR; NO

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

max. pressure - 300 bar

Pressure regulation range - 20-50 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - YEAH

Level of security - IP65

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0166-415 03-1-059, 0166-415-03-1-059

net: 106,88 PLN

Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M12x1.5 cyl .; 42V; 20-50 bar; NBR; NC
Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M12x1.5 cyl .; 42V; 20-50 bar; NBR; NC

Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M12x1.5 cyl .; 42V; 20-50 bar; NBR; NC

Product code 0166416021062

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

max. pressure - 300 bar

Pressure regulation range - 20-50 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NC

Level of security - IP65

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0166-416 02-1-062, 0166-416-02-1-062

  • net: 102,78 PLN


Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M12x1.5 cyl .; 42V; 20-50 bar; NBR; NC

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

max. pressure - 300 bar

Pressure regulation range - 20-50 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NC

Level of security - IP65

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0166-416 02-1-062, 0166-416-02-1-062

net: 102,78 PLN

Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M12x1.5 internal; 42V; 1-10 bar; EPDM; WELL
Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M12x1.5 internal; 42V; 1-10 bar; EPDM; WELL

Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M12x1.5 internal; 42V; 1-10 bar; EPDM; WELL

Product code 0168407162007

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

max. pressure - 300 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - M12x1.5 internal

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - YEAH

Level of security - IP65/IP00

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0168-407 16-1-007, 0168-407-16-1-007, 0168 407 16 1 007

  • net: 124,06 PLN


Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M12x1.5 internal; 42V; 1-10 bar; EPDM; WELL

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

max. pressure - 300 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - M12x1.5 internal

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - YEAH

Level of security - IP65/IP00

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0168-407 16-1-007, 0168-407-16-1-007, 0168 407 16 1 007

net: 124,06 PLN

Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M 12x1.5 cylinders; 42V; 1-10 bar; NBR; NO / NC
Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M 12x1.5 cylinders; 42V; 1-10 bar; NBR; NO / NC

Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M 12x1.5 cylinders; 42V; 1-10 bar; NBR; NO / NC

Product code 0170458021041

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP65/IP00

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0170-458 02-1-041, 0170-458-02-1-041, 0170 458 02 1 041

  • net: 268,38 PLN


Membrane pressure switch Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M 12x1.5 cylinders; 42V; 1-10 bar; NBR; NO / NC

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP65/IP00

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0170-458 02-1-041, 0170-458-02-1-041, 0170 458 02 1 041

net: 268,38 PLN

Presostat tłoczkowy Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M 10x1 con.; 42V; 50-200 bar; NBR; NO/NC
Presostat tłoczkowy Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M 10x1 con.; 42V; 50-200 bar; NBR; NO/NC

Presostat tłoczkowy Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M 10x1 con.; 42V; 50-200 bar; NBR; NO/NC

Product code 0171460011001

Availability: Available (quantity: 9)

Product features:

max. pressure - 700 bar

Pressure regulation range - 50-200 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0171-460 01-1-001, 0171-460-01-1-001, 0171 460 01 1 001

  • net: 291,56 PLN


Presostat tłoczkowy Suco AMP 6.3x0.8; M 10x1 con.; 42V; 50-200 bar; NBR; NO/NC

Availability: Available (quantity: 9)

max. pressure - 700 bar

Pressure regulation range - 50-200 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0171-460 01-1-001, 0171-460-01-1-001, 0171 460 01 1 001

net: 291,56 PLN

Suco AMP 6.3x0.8 membrane pressure switch; M 12x1.5 cyl.; 250V; 1-10 bar; NBR
Suco AMP 6.3x0.8 membrane pressure switch; M 12x1.5 cyl.; 250V; 1-10 bar; NBR

Suco AMP 6.3x0.8 membrane pressure switch; M 12x1.5 cyl.; 250V; 1-10 bar; NBR

Product code 0180458021041

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

max. pressure - 300 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 250V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - NBR

Level of security - IP65

Producent - Bitch

Description - Comparison code: 0180-458 02-10-041 0180-458-02-10-041

  • net: 298,16 PLN


Suco AMP 6.3x0.8 membrane pressure switch; M 12x1.5 cyl.; 250V; 1-10 bar; NBR

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

max. pressure - 300 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 250V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - NBR

Level of security - IP65

Producent - Bitch

net: 298,16 PLN

VIBOR pressure sensor PTO key 1/8"
VIBOR pressure sensor PTO key 1/8"

VIBOR pressure sensor PTO key 1/8"

Product code 01964001H

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Description - VIBOR pressure sensor PTO button Thread 1/8" Application: 14750150H

  • net: 120,00 PLN

net: 120,00 PLN

Pressure transmitter HDA4740-B-400-140 3B6 sensor 350 bar
Pressure transmitter HDA4740-B-400-140 3B6 sensor 350 bar

Pressure transmitter HDA4740-B-400-140 3B6 sensor 350 bar

Product code 1004455

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Cobo

Description - Pressure transducer HDA4740-B-400-140 3B6 sensor 350 bar 10...30VDC mechanical connection: G 1/4" A DIN 3852 (male) electrical connection: ISO DIN 72585 1: + UB 2: Signal 0.5 .. 5.5 V 3: 0 V The pressure transducer fits among others the Hyster REACH STACKER RS46-3 port truck

Comparison code - HDA 4740-B-400-140, HDA4740B400140, 32001010

  • net: 3852,90 PLN


Pressure transmitter HDA4740-B-400-140 3B6 sensor 350 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Producent - Cobo

Comparison code - HDA 4740-B-400-140, HDA4740B400140, 32001010

net: 3852,90 PLN

Pressure sensor DS-117-350/B, 20-350 bar
Pressure sensor DS-117-350/B, 20-350 bar

Pressure sensor DS-117-350/B, 20-350 bar

Product code 10210002

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Description - type: DS 117/B working pressure: 20 - 350bar maximum pressure: Pmax = 500bar control voltage: max. 24V DC 5A control voltage: max. 250V AC 5A

  • net: 523,80 PLN

net: 523,80 PLN

Pressure sensor 4..20mA 0-400bar G1 / 4-M12x1 CLG
Pressure sensor 4..20mA 0-400bar G1 / 4-M12x1 CLG

Pressure sensor 4..20mA 0-400bar G1 / 4-M12x1 CLG

Product code 13063049

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Description - WIKA (4 PINS) 13063049 0..400BAR 2923463 4A 1-POWER 3-SIGNAL

  • net: 571,50 PLN

net: 571,50 PLN

Pressure sensor MHC-1 CANopen 0 ... 400 bar G1 / 4 A M12 x 1
Pressure sensor MHC-1 CANopen 0 ... 400 bar G1 / 4 A M12 x 1

Pressure sensor MHC-1 CANopen 0 ... 400 bar G1 / 4 A M12 x 1

Product code 14034055

Availability: Available (quantity: 76)

Product features:

Description - Pressure sensor MHC-1 CANopen 0 ... 400 bar G1 / 4 A M12 x 1

  • net: 798,93 PLN

net: 798,93 PLN

Pressure sensor Fassi TR003 0-400 bar 4..20mA G1 / 4 2S 3+
Pressure sensor Fassi TR003 0-400 bar 4..20mA G1 / 4 2S 3+

Pressure sensor Fassi TR003 0-400 bar 4..20mA G1 / 4 2S 3+

Product code 14301259

Availability: Available (quantity: 14)

Product features:

Description - MH-3 pressure transducer; 0-400 bar 4..20mA G1/4 A acc. to DIN 3852-E Pressure range: 0 ... 400 bar Accuracy: 1.0% of range Process connection: G 1/4 A acc. to DIN 3852-E Seal: FPM/FKM Signal output: 4...20 mA, 2-W Electrical connection: AMP Superseal 1.5 connector, 3-pin Housing material: high-resistance glass fiber reinforced plastic (PTB)

  • net: 500,70 PLN

net: 500,70 PLN

Czujnik ciśnienia OEM MH-4 0-250bar 4,5-5,5Vdc 7.660.033 Galaxy Lift Lion Lift
Czujnik ciśnienia OEM MH-4 0-250bar 4,5-5,5Vdc 7.660.033 Galaxy Lift Lion Lift

Czujnik ciśnienia OEM MH-4 0-250bar 4,5-5,5Vdc 7.660.033 Galaxy Lift Lion Lift

Product code 14395654

Availability: Available (quantity: 99)

Product features:

Pressure regulation range - 0-250 bar

Tension - 0,5...4,5V Ratiometryczne

Electrical connection - M12x1

Thread - G 1/4"

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Wika

Description - OEM MH-4 0 Pressure Sensor Model MH-4 0

Comparison code - 31258015, OEM MH-4, MH-4

  • net: 623,58 PLN


Czujnik ciśnienia OEM MH-4 0-250bar 4,5-5,5Vdc 7.660.033 Galaxy Lift Lion Lift

Availability: Available (quantity: 99)

Pressure regulation range - 0-250 bar

Tension - 0,5...4,5V Ratiometryczne

Electrical connection - M12x1

Thread - G 1/4"

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Wika

Comparison code - 31258015, OEM MH-4, MH-4

net: 623,58 PLN

Suco AMP M12X1.5 membrane pressure switch, 42V, 20-50 bar; NBR; YEAH
Suco AMP M12X1.5 membrane pressure switch, 42V, 20-50 bar; NBR; YEAH

Suco AMP M12X1.5 membrane pressure switch, 42V, 20-50 bar; NBR; YEAH

Product code 168415161015

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

max. pressure - 300 bar

Pressure regulation range - 20-50 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - M12x1.5 wew.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO

Level of security - IP65/IP00

Producent - Suco

Comparison code - 168-415 16-1-015, 168-415-16-1-015, 168 415 16 1 015

  • net: 135,86 PLN


Suco AMP M12X1.5 membrane pressure switch, 42V, 20-50 bar; NBR; YEAH

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

max. pressure - 300 bar

Pressure regulation range - 20-50 bar

Tension - 42V

Electrical connection - AMP 6.3x0.8mm

Thread - M12x1.5 wew.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO

Level of security - IP65/IP00

Producent - Suco

Comparison code - 168-415 16-1-015, 168-415-16-1-015, 168 415 16 1 015

net: 135,86 PLN

ATLAS tie clasp
ATLAS tie clasp

ATLAS tie clasp

Product code 2330901

Availability: Available (quantity: 22)

Product features:

Description - Item 22 in the attached diagram

  • net: 5,56 PLN

net: 5,56 PLN

Hiab pressure sensor 0-400bar 1/4"
Hiab pressure sensor 0-400bar 1/4"

Hiab pressure sensor 0-400bar 1/4"

Product code 3957888X

Availability: Available (quantity: 111)

Product features:

Description - New type Hiab pressure sensor. Max. working pressure - 400bar Voltage 12-32 VDC

Producent - Hiab

  • net: 1296,80 PLN

net: 1296,80 PLN

Hiab pressure sensor 0-400bar 3/8"
Hiab pressure sensor 0-400bar 3/8"

Hiab pressure sensor 0-400bar 3/8"

Product code 3958124X

Availability: Available (quantity: 43)

Product features:

Description - Hiab pressure sensor 0-400bar 3/8" Max. pressure range value: 400 bar Electrical connection: AMP Mechanical connection: G3/8" Output signal: 4...20mA Voltage: 8..30 VDC

Comparison code - 930446

  • net: 1128,07 PLN

net: 1128,07 PLN

Adjustable pressure switch PSD-4, G1/4, M12x1, PNP/NPN
Adjustable pressure switch PSD-4, G1/4, M12x1, PNP/NPN

Adjustable pressure switch PSD-4, G1/4, M12x1, PNP/NPN

Product code 45841560

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - WIKA PSD-4 Pressure Range: 0 ... 400 BAR RELATIVE TWO SWITCHING OUTPUTS: PNP / NPN POWER SUPPLY: 15-35 VDC PROCESS CONNECTION: G1 / 4 "B RANGE ACCURACY: 0.5% RATIO: 5: 1 M12 circular connector x 1 (4-pin): U + = 1 U- = 3 S + = 2 SP1 / C = 4 SP2 = 2

  • net: 952,59 PLN

net: 952,59 PLN

Hiab pressure sensor adapter
Hiab pressure sensor adapter

Hiab pressure sensor adapter

Product code 464-9310X

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

  • net: 250,00 PLN

net: 250,00 PLN

Hiab pressure sensor 0-400bar 3/8" + adapter (ex. 3602800)
Hiab pressure sensor 0-400bar 3/8" + adapter (ex. 3602800)

Hiab pressure sensor 0-400bar 3/8" + adapter (ex. 3602800)

Product code 489-0584

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - Hiab pressure sensor + adapter cable (new type) 400 bar 12..32 VDC 313A111738 max. 50Nm 920946 by HYDAC Replaces the sensor withdrawn from production - 3602800

Producent - Hiab

Comparison code - 4890584

  • net: 1757,46 PLN

net: 1757,46 PLN

Hawe DG 365 pressure transmitter; 015822
Hawe DG 365 pressure transmitter; 015822

Hawe DG 365 pressure transmitter; 015822

Product code DG365

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - HAWE DG 365 pressure sensor; 015822 Pressure range: 12-170 Bar Max. pressure: 700 bar Ambient temperature: approx. -40...+80°C

Comparison code - 3320342

  • net: 825,71 PLN

net: 825,71 PLN

pressure transmitter DPS400, 0-400bar/max.1000bar; 4-20mA + SP1 SP2
pressure transmitter DPS400, 0-400bar/max.1000bar; 4-20mA + SP1 SP2

pressure transmitter DPS400, 0-400bar/max.1000bar; 4-20mA + SP1 SP2

Product code DPS8381.84.2517

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Product features:

max. pressure - 1000 bars

Pressure regulation range - 0-400 bar

Tension - 15...30VDC

Electrical connection - M12x1

Thread - 1/4"

Sealing material - FPM

Level of security - IP65

Producent - accident

Description - Outputs: 2xPNP + 4-20mA Product code: 8381.84.2517.35.0000.0000.PA.P2.44.61.ZS 8381.84.3517.35.0000.0000.PA.P2.44.61.ZS

Comparison code - DPS400.0PAP2, DPS400.0A

  • net: 971,43 PLN


pressure transmitter DPS400, 0-400bar/max.1000bar; 4-20mA + SP1 SP2

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

max. pressure - 1000 bars

Pressure regulation range - 0-400 bar

Tension - 15...30VDC

Electrical connection - M12x1

Thread - 1/4"

Sealing material - FPM

Level of security - IP65

Producent - accident

Comparison code - DPS400.0PAP2, DPS400.0A

net: 971,43 PLN

Palfinger pressure sensor 0-600bar (14246694)
Palfinger pressure sensor 0-600bar (14246694)

Palfinger pressure sensor 0-600bar (14246694)

Product code EEA4165X

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - Pressure sensor Palfinger 0-600bar G 1/4 acc. to DIN 3852-E 4....20mA, 2 wires Circular connector 4 pin M12x1 NBR seal

  • net: 687,75 PLN

net: 687,75 PLN

Pressure transmitter 450 bar 10-30VDC DEMAG
Pressure transmitter 450 bar 10-30VDC DEMAG

Pressure transmitter 450 bar 10-30VDC DEMAG

Product code HDA4745-B-600-140

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Description - Hydac pressure transmitter HDA 4700 series mechanical connection: 4 = G 1/4" A DIN 3852 (male) electrical connection: 3 + PE, DIN 43650 (male) B = 0 ... 10 V Pressure range: 600 bar

Comparison code - 1004462

  • net: 1920,28 PLN

net: 1920,28 PLN

MAP-320 pressure switch
MAP-320 pressure switch

MAP-320 pressure switch

Product code MAP-320

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:


  • net: 951,49 PLN

net: 951,49 PLN

Trafag M12x1 pressure sensor; G 1/4 "; 32V; 0-250bar; 4-20mA; FPM
Trafag M12x1 pressure sensor; G 1/4 "; 32V; 0-250bar; 4-20mA; FPM

Trafag M12x1 pressure sensor; G 1/4 "; 32V; 0-250bar; 4-20mA; FPM

Product code NAT250.0A

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 750 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0-250 bar

Tension - 9 ... 32VDC

Electrical connection - M12x1

Thread - G 1/4 "

Sealing material - FPM

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Trafag

Description - Trafag pressure sensor with angled plug 8252 4-pin (43-00096) Signal: 4...20 mA

Comparison code - 8252.74.2515.32.0000.0000.19.61, 8252.74.2517.32.0000.0000.19.44.61 8252.74.2517.32.0000.0000.

  • net: 520,00 PLN


Trafag M12x1 pressure sensor; G 1/4 "; 32V; 0-250bar; 4-20mA; FPM

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 750 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0-250 bar

Tension - 9 ... 32VDC

Electrical connection - M12x1

Thread - G 1/4 "

Sealing material - FPM

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Trafag

Comparison code - 8252.74.2515.32.0000.0000.19.61, 8252.74.2517.32.0000.0000.19.44.61 8252.74.2517.32.0000.0000.

net: 520,00 PLN

Multitel ATM / GR 100 bar pressure sensor (101024)
Multitel ATM / GR 100 bar pressure sensor (101024)

Multitel ATM / GR 100 bar pressure sensor (101024)

Product code 003714

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Description - ATM / GR pressure transmitters. Measuring range: 100 mbar ... 1000 bar Accuracy: ≤ ± 0.50 / 0.25 / 0.10% FS Operating temperature: -25 ... 85 ° C Medium temperature: -40 ... 150 ° C Output signal: 0 ... 20 mA / 4 ... 20 mA Relay outputs: 48 V, 2A Material: stainless steel. Relative and absolute pressure measurement

  • net: 3142,86 PLN

net: 3142,86 PLN

Pressure sensor ponsse 0.5..4.5V 0-250ar
Pressure sensor ponsse 0.5..4.5V 0-250ar

Pressure sensor ponsse 0.5..4.5V 0-250ar

Product code 0067225

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Description - Pressure sensor ponsse 0.5..4.5V 0-250ar

  • net: 1243,75 PLN

net: 1243,75 PLN

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132457011001

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 01-1-001, 0132-457-01-1-001, 0132 457 01 1 001


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 01-1-001, 0132-457-01-1-001, 0132 457 01 1 001

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132457012001

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 01-2-001, 0132-457-01-2-001, 0132 457 01 2 001


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 01-2-001, 0132-457-01-2-001, 0132 457 01 2 001

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132457013001

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 01-3-001, 0132-457-01-3-001, 0132 457 01 3 001


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 01-3-001, 0132-457-01-3-001, 0132 457 01 3 001

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132457016001

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 01-6-001, 0132-457-01-6-001, 0132 457 01 6 001


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 01-6-001, 0132-457-01-6-001, 0132 457 01 6 001

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132457021002

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 02-1-002, 0132-457-02-1-002, 0132 457 02 1 002


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 02-1-002, 0132-457-02-1-002, 0132 457 02 1 002

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132457022002

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 02-2-002, 0132-457-02-2-002, 0132 457 02 2 002


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 02-2-002, 0132-457-02-2-002, 0132 457 02 2 002

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132457023002

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 02-3-002, 0132-457-02-3-002, 0132 457 02 3 002


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 02-3-002, 0132-457-02-3-002, 0132 457 02 3 002

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132457026002

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 02-6-002, 0132-457-02-6-002, 0132 457 02 6 002


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 02-6-002, 0132-457-02-6-002, 0132 457 02 6 002

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132457031003

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 03-1-001, 0132-457-03-1-001, 0132 457 03 1 001


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 03-1-001, 0132-457-03-1-001, 0132 457 03 1 001

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132457032003

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 03-2-001, 0132-457-03-2-001, 0132 457 03 2 001


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 03-2-001, 0132-457-03-2-001, 0132 457 03 2 001

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132457033003

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 03-3-001, 0132-457-03-3-001, 0132 457 03 3 001


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 03-3-001, 0132-457-03-3-001, 0132 457 03 3 001

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132457036003

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 03-6-001, 0132-457-03-6-001, 0132 457 03 6 001


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 03-6-001, 0132-457-03-6-001, 0132 457 03 6 001

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132457041318

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 04-1-318, 0132-457-04-1-318, 0132 457 04 1 318


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 04-1-318, 0132-457-04-1-318, 0132 457 04 1 318

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132457042318

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 04-2-318, 0132-457-04-2-318, 0132 457 04 2 318


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 04-2-318, 0132-457-04-2-318, 0132 457 04 2 318

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132457043318

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 04-3-318, 0132-457-04-3-318, 0132 457 04 3 318


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 04-3-318, 0132-457-04-3-318, 0132 457 04 3 318

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132457046318

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 04-6-318, 0132-457-04-6-318, 0132 457 04 6 318


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 04-6-318, 0132-457-04-6-318, 0132 457 04 6 318

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132457091314

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 09-1-314, 0132-457-09-1-314, 0132 457 09 1 314


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 09-1-314, 0132-457-09-1-314, 0132 457 09 1 314

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132457092314

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 09-2-314, 0132-457-09-2-314, 0132 457 09 2 314


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 09-2-314, 0132-457-09-2-314, 0132 457 09 2 314

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132457093314

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 09-3-314, 0132-457-09-3-314, 0132 457 09 3 314


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 09-3-314, 0132-457-09-3-314, 0132 457 09 3 314

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132457096314

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 09-6-314, 0132-457-09-6-314, 0132 457 09 6 314


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 09-6-314, 0132-457-09-6-314, 0132 457 09 6 314

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132457201301

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 20-1-301, 0132-457-20-1-301, 0132 457 20 1 301


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 20-1-301, 0132-457-20-1-301, 0132 457 20 1 301

Przełącznik ciśnienia Suco AMP Superseal 1.5; 7/16-20 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Przełącznik ciśnienia Suco AMP Superseal 1.5; 7/16-20 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Przełącznik ciśnienia Suco AMP Superseal 1.5; 7/16-20 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132457202301

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 20-2-301, 0132-457-20-2-301, 0132 457 20 2 301


Przełącznik ciśnienia Suco AMP Superseal 1.5; 7/16-20 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 20-2-301, 0132-457-20-2-301, 0132 457 20 2 301

Przełącznik ciśnienia Suco AMP Superseal 1.5; 7/16-20 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM
Przełącznik ciśnienia Suco AMP Superseal 1.5; 7/16-20 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Przełącznik ciśnienia Suco AMP Superseal 1.5; 7/16-20 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132457203301

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 20-3-301, 0132-457-20-3-301, 0132 457 20 3 301


Przełącznik ciśnienia Suco AMP Superseal 1.5; 7/16-20 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 20-3-301, 0132-457-20-3-301, 0132 457 20 3 301

Przełącznik ciśnienia Suco AMP Superseal 1.5; 7/16-20 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Przełącznik ciśnienia Suco AMP Superseal 1.5; 7/16-20 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Przełącznik ciśnienia Suco AMP Superseal 1.5; 7/16-20 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132457206301

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 20-6-301, 0132-457-20-6-301, 0132 457 20 6 301


Przełącznik ciśnienia Suco AMP Superseal 1.5; 7/16-20 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 20-6-301, 0132-457-20-6-301, 0132 457 20 6 301

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132457211302

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 21-1-302, 0132-457-21-1-302, 0132 457 21 1 302


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 21-1-302, 0132-457-21-1-302, 0132 457 21 1 302

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132457212302

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 21-2-302, 0132-457-21-2-302, 0132 457 21 2 302


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 21-2-302, 0132-457-21-2-302, 0132 457 21 2 302

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132457213302

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 21-3-302, 0132-457-21-3-302, 0132 457 21 3 302


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 21-3-302, 0132-457-21-3-302, 0132 457 21 3 302

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132457216302

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-457 21-6-302, 0132-457-21-6-302, 0132 457 21 6 302


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 0.3-1.5 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 100 bar

Pressure regulation range - 0.3-1.5 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-457 21-6-302, 0132-457-21-6-302, 0132 457 21 6 302

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132458011040

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 01-1-040, 0132-458-01-1-040, 0132 458 01 1 040


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 01-1-040, 0132-458-01-1-040, 0132 458 01 1 040

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132458012040

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 01-2-040, 0132-458-01-2-040, 0132 458 01 2 040


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 01-2-040, 0132-458-01-2-040, 0132 458 01 2 040

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132458013040

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 01-3-040, 0132-458-01-3-040, 0132 458 01 3 040


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 01-3-040, 0132-458-01-3-040, 0132 458 01 3 040

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132458016040

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 01-6-040, 0132-458-01-6-040, 0132 458 01 6 040


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 01-6-040, 0132-458-01-6-040, 0132 458 01 6 040

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Product code 0132458019040

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 01-9-040, 0132-458-01-9-040, 0132 458 01 9 040


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 01-9-040, 0132-458-01-9-040, 0132 458 01 9 040

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132458021041

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 02-1-041, 0132-458-02-1-041, 0132 458 02 1 041


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 02-1-041, 0132-458-02-1-041, 0132 458 02 1 041

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132458022041

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 02-2-041, 0132-458-02-2-041, 0132 458 02 2 041


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 02-2-041, 0132-458-02-2-041, 0132 458 02 2 041

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132458023041

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 02-3-041, 0132-458-02-3-041, 0132 458 02 3 041


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 02-3-041, 0132-458-02-3-041, 0132 458 02 3 041

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132458026041

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 02-6-041, 0132-458-02-6-041, 0132 458 02 6 041


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 02-6-041, 0132-458-02-6-041, 0132 458 02 6 041

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Product code 0132458029041

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 02-9-041, 0132-458-02-9-041, 0132 458 02 9 041


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 02-9-041, 0132-458-02-9-041, 0132 458 02 9 041

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132458031042

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 03-1-042, 0132-458-03-1-042, 0132 458 03 1 042


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 03-1-042, 0132-458-03-1-042, 0132 458 03 1 042

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132458032042

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 03-2-042, 0132-458-03-2-042, 0132 458 03 2 042


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 03-2-042, 0132-458-03-2-042, 0132 458 03 2 042

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132458033042

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 03-3-042, 0132-458-03-3-042, 0132 458 03 3 042


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 03-3-042, 0132-458-03-3-042, 0132 458 03 3 042

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132458036042

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 03-6-042, 0132-458-03-6-042, 0132 458 03 6 042


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 03-6-042, 0132-458-03-6-042, 0132 458 03 6 042

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Product code 0132458039042

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 03-9-042, 0132-458-03-9-042, 0132 458 03 9 042


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 03-9-042, 0132-458-03-9-042, 0132 458 03 9 042

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132458041343

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 04-1-343, 0132-458-04-1-343, 0132 458 04 1 343


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 04-1-343, 0132-458-04-1-343, 0132 458 04 1 343

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132458042343

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 04-2-343, 0132-458-04-2-343, 0132 458 04 2 343


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 04-2-343, 0132-458-04-2-343, 0132 458 04 2 343

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132458043343

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 04-3-343, 0132-458-04-3-343, 0132 458 04 3 343


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 04-3-343, 0132-458-04-3-343, 0132 458 04 3 343

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132458046343

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 04-6-343, 0132-458-04-6-343, 0132 458 04 6 343


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 04-6-343, 0132-458-04-6-343, 0132 458 04 6 343

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Product code 0132458049343

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 04-9-343, 0132-458-04-9-343, 0132 458 04 9 343


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 04-9-343, 0132-458-04-9-343, 0132 458 04 9 343

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132458091340

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 04-9-343, 0132-458-04-9-343, 0132 458 04 9 343


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 04-9-343, 0132-458-04-9-343, 0132 458 04 9 343

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132458092340

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 09-2-340, 0132-458-09-2-340, 0132 458 09 2 340


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 09-2-340, 0132-458-09-2-340, 0132 458 09 2 340

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132458093340

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 09-3-340, 0132-458-09-3-340, 0132 458 09 3 340


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 09-3-340, 0132-458-09-3-340, 0132 458 09 3 340

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132458096340

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 09-6-340, 0132-458-09-6-340, 0132 458 09 6 340


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 09-6-340, 0132-458-09-6-340, 0132 458 09 6 340

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Product code 0132458099340

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 09-9-340, 0132-458-09-9-340, 0132 458 09 9 340


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 09-9-340, 0132-458-09-9-340, 0132 458 09 9 340

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132458201341

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 20-1-341, 0132-458-20-1-341, 0132 458 20 1 341


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 20-1-341, 0132-458-20-1-341, 0132 458 20 1 341

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132458202341

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 20-2-341, 0132-458-20-2-341, 0132 458 20 2 341


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 20-2-341, 0132-458-20-2-341, 0132 458 20 2 341

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132458203341

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 20-3-341, 0132-458-20-3-341, 0132 458 20 3 341


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 20-3-341, 0132-458-20-3-341, 0132 458 20 3 341

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132458206341

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 20-6-341, 0132-458-20-6-341, 0132 458 20 6 341


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 20-6-341, 0132-458-20-6-341, 0132 458 20 6 341

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Product code 0132458209341

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 20-9-341, 0132-458-20-9-341, 0132 458 20 9 341


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 20-9-341, 0132-458-20-9-341, 0132 458 20 9 341

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132458211342

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 21-1-342, 0132-458-21-1-342, 0132 458 21 1 342


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 21-1-342, 0132-458-21-1-342, 0132 458 21 1 342

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132458212342

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 21-2-342, 0132-458-21-2-342, 0132 458 21 2 342


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 21-2-342, 0132-458-21-2-342, 0132 458 21 2 342

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132458213342

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 21-3-342, 0132-458-21-3-342, 0132 458 21 3 342


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 21-3-342, 0132-458-21-3-342, 0132 458 21 3 342

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132458216342

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 21-6-342, 0132-458-21-6-342, 0132 458 21 6 342


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 21-6-342, 0132-458-21-6-342, 0132 458 21 6 342

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Product code 0132458219342

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-458 21-9-342, 0132-458-21-9-342, 0132 458 21 9 342


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 1-10 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 1-10 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-458 21-9-342, 0132-458-21-9-342, 0132 458 21 9 342

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132459011007

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 01-1-007, 0132-459-01-1-007, 0132 459 01 1 007


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 01-1-007, 0132-459-01-1-007, 0132 459 01 1 007

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132459012007

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 01-2-007, 0132-459-01-2-007, 0132 459 01 2 007


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 01-2-007, 0132-459-01-2-007, 0132 459 01 2 007

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132459013007

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 01-3-007, 0132-459-01-3-007, 0132 459 01 3 007


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 01-3-007, 0132-459-01-3-007, 0132 459 01 3 007

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132459016007

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 01-6-007, 0132-459-01-6-007, 0132 459 01 6 007


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 01-6-007, 0132-459-01-6-007, 0132 459 01 6 007

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Product code 0132459019007

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 01-9-007, 0132-459-01-9-007, 0132 459 01 9 007


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M10x1 con .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M10x1 con.

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 01-9-007, 0132-459-01-9-007, 0132 459 01 9 007

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132459021008

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 02-1-008, 0132-459-02-1-008, 0132 459 02 1 008


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 02-1-008, 0132-459-02-1-008, 0132 459 02 1 008

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132459022008

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 02-2-008, 0132-459-02-2-008, 0132 459 02 2 008


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 02-2-008, 0132-459-02-2-008, 0132 459 02 2 008

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132459023008

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 02-3-008, 0132-459-02-3-008, 0132 459 02 3 008


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 02-3-008, 0132-459-02-3-008, 0132 459 02 3 008

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132459026008

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 02-6-008, 0132-459-02-6-008, 0132 459 02 6 008


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 02-6-008, 0132-459-02-6-008, 0132 459 02 6 008

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Product code 0132459029008

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 02-9-008, 0132-459-02-9-008, 0132 459 02 9 008


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - M12x1.5 cyl.

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 02-9-008, 0132-459-02-9-008, 0132 459 02 9 008

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132459031009

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 03-1-009, 0132-459-03-1-009, 0132 459 03 1 009


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 03-1-009, 0132-459-03-1-009, 0132 459 03 1 009

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132459032009

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 03-2-009, 0132-459-03-2-009, 0132 459 03 2 009


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 03-2-009, 0132-459-03-2-009, 0132 459 03 2 009

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132459033009

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 03-3-009, 0132-459-03-3-009, 0132 459 03 3 009


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 03-3-009, 0132-459-03-3-009, 0132 459 03 3 009

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132459036009

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 03-6-009, 0132-459-03-6-009, 0132 459 03 6 009


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 03-6-009, 0132-459-03-6-009, 0132 459 03 6 009

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Product code 0132459039009

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 03-9-009, 0132-459-03-9-009, 0132 459 03 9 009


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; G 1/4 "; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - G 1/4"

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 03-9-009, 0132-459-03-9-009, 0132 459 03 9 009

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132459041320

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 04-1-320, 0132-459-04-1-320, 0132 459 04 1 320


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 04-1-320, 0132-459-04-1-320, 0132 459 04 1 320

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132459042320

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 04-2-320, 0132 459-04-2-320, 0132 459 04 2 320


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 04-2-320, 0132 459-04-2-320, 0132 459 04 2 320

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132459043320

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 04-3-320, 0132-459-04-3-320, 0132 459 04 3 320


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 04-3-320, 0132-459-04-3-320, 0132 459 04 3 320

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132459046320

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 04-6-320, 0132-459-04-6-320, 0132 459 04 6 320


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 04-6-320, 0132-459-04-6-320, 0132 459 04 6 320

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Product code 0132459049320

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 04-9-320, 0132-459-04-9-320, 0132 459 04 9 320


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/8; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/8

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 04-9-320, 0132-459-04-9-320, 0132 459 04 9 320

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132459091316

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 09-1-316, 0132-459-09-1-316, 0132 459 09 1 316


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 09-1-316, 0132-459-09-1-316, 0132 459 09 1 316

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132459092316

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 09-2-316, 0132-459-09-2-316, 0132 459 09 2 316


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 09-2-316, 0132-459-09-2-316, 0132 459 09 2 316

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132459093316

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 09-3-316, 0132-459-09-3-316, 0132 459 09 3 316


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 09-3-316, 0132-459-09-3-316, 0132 459 09 3 316

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132459096316

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 09-6-316, 0132-459-09-6-316, 0132 459 09 6 316


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 09-6-316, 0132-459-09-6-316, 0132 459 09 6 316

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Product code 0132459099316

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 09-9-316, 0132-459-09-9-316, 0132 459 09 9 316


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; NPT 1/4; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - NPT 1/4

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 09-9-316, 0132-459-09-9-316, 0132 459 09 9 316

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132459201305

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 20-1-305, 0132-459-20-1-305, 0132 459 20 1 305


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 20-1-305, 0132-459-20-1-305, 0132 459 20 1 305

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132459202305

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 20-2-305, 0132-459-20-2-305, 0132 459 20 2 305


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 20-2-305, 0132-459-20-2-305, 0132 459 20 2 305

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132459203305

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 20-3-305, 0132-459-20-3-305, 0132 459 20 3 305


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 20-3-305, 0132-459-20-3-305, 0132 459 20 3 305

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132459206305

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 20-6-305, 0132-459-20-6-305, 0132 459 20 6 305


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 20-6-305, 0132-459-20-6-305, 0132 459 20 6 305

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Product code 0132459209305

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 20-9-305, 0132-459-20-9-305, 0132 459 20 9 305


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 7 / 16-20 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 7/16-20 UNF

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 20-9-305, 0132-459-20-9-305, 0132 459 20 9 305

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Product code 0132459211306

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 21-1-306, 0132-459-21-1-306, 0132 459 21 1 306


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; NBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - NBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 21-1-306, 0132-459-21-1-306, 0132 459 21 1 306

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Product code 0132459212306

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 21-2-306, 0132-459-21-2-306, 0132 459 21 2 306


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; EPDM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - EPDM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 21-2-306, 0132-459-21-2-306, 0132 459 21 2 306

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Product code 0132459213306

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 21-3-306, 0132-459-21-3-306, 0132 459 21 3 306


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - FKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 21-3-306, 0132-459-21-3-306, 0132 459 21 3 306

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Product code 0132459216306

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 21-6-306, 0132-459-21-6-306, 0132 459 21 6 306


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; FFKM

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - FFKM

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 21-6-306, 0132-459-21-6-306, 0132 459 21 6 306

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR
Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Product code 0132459219306

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Description - Detailed technical data can be found in the pdf attachment.

Comparison code - 0132-459 21-9-306, 0132-459-21-9-306, 0132 459 21 9 306


Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; 9 / 16-18 UNF; 48V; 10-50 bar; hex 27; HNBR

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 400 bar

Pressure regulation range - 10-50 bar

Tension - 48V

Electrical connection - AMP Superseal 1.5

Thread - 9/16-18 UNF

Sealing material - HNBR

Contact configuration - NO/NC

Level of security - IP67

Producent - Bitch

Comparison code - 0132-459 21-9-306, 0132-459-21-9-306, 0132 459 21 9 306

Suco AMP Superseal 1.5 pressure switch; M12x1.5 cyl .; 48V; 10-100 bar; hex 27; NBR