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Purchase Sale
EUR 4,1575 4,2415
USD 4,0123 4,0933
*Tabela C NBP
EUR 4,0076 4,3764
USD 3,8613 4,2167
*BNP Paribas


Clear filters
PVEA Active
PVEA Passive
PVEA-DI Active
PVEA-DI Passive
PVEA-NP Passive
PVEA-anodized Passive
PVED-CC Active
PVEH Active
PVEH Passive
PVEH anodized Active
PVEH anodized Passive
PVEH-DI Active
PVEH-DI Passive
PVEH-F Active
PVEH-F Passive
PVEH-FLA Passive
PVEH-FLB Passive
PVEH-U Active
PVEH-U Passive
PVEH-anodized Passive
PVEK Passive
PVEM Passive
PVEM-FLB Passive
PVEM-Q Passive
PVEM-R ramp Passive
PVEM-float B
PVEO-R ramp
PVEP Active
PVES Active
PVES Passive
PVES-SP Passive
PVES-U Active
PVES-U Passive
PVEU Active
PVEU Passive
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11-30 VDC
11-24 VDC
11-32 VDC
12 VDC
24 VDC
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Connection type
1x6 AMP
1x10 AMP
1x6 Deutsch
1x4 Metri-pack
1x4 Deutsch
1x4 AMP
1x4 DIN
2x2 AMP
2x4 Deutsch
2x4 AMP
select all
select all
select all
32 bar
50 bar
63 bar
80 bar
100 bar
125 bar
140 bar
150 bar
160 bar
175 bar
190 bar
210 bar
230 bar
240 bar
250 bar
265 bar
280 bar
300 bar
320 bar
350 bar
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5 l/min
10 l/min
25 l/min
40 l/min
65 l/min
90 l/min
100 l/min
120l / min
130 l/min
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Number of sections
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max. pressure
200 bar
350 bar
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Manifold type
PVG 32
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Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever (old type)
Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever (old type)

Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever (old type)

Product code 11046724

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - PVG32 distributor lever with black handle (old lever type)

  • net: 200,00 PLN

net: 200,00 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever
Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever

Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever

Product code 11064640

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - PVG32 manifold lever with red grip

  • net: 200,00 PLN

net: 200,00 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG16 PVEA Passive 11-31VDC Deutsch
Solenoid valve PVG16 PVEA Passive 11-31VDC Deutsch

Solenoid valve PVG16 PVEA Passive 11-31VDC Deutsch

Product code 11103692

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - PVEA Passive

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 Deutsch

Destiny - PVG16

Producent - Danfoss

  • net: 1538,36 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG16 PVEA Passive 11-31VDC Deutsch

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - PVEA Passive

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 Deutsch

Destiny - PVG16

Producent - Danfoss

net: 1538,36 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever
Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever

Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever

Product code 11107587

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Description - Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever Adjustable length: 175-195 mm

Comparison code - 155L3154, 11046724, 210080FC

  • net: 192,22 PLN

net: 192,22 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO 24VDC DIN (157B4228, 157B4268)
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO 24VDC DIN (157B4228, 157B4268)

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO 24VDC DIN (157B4228, 157B4268)

Product code 11166743

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Type - PVEO

Tension - 24 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 DIN

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss


Comparison code - 157B4228, 157B4268

  • net: 978,14 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO 24VDC DIN (157B4228, 157B4268)

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Type - PVEO

Tension - 24 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 DIN

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4228, 157B4268

net: 978,14 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH Active 11-32 VDC DIN (157B4032, 157B4028, 157B4025, 157B4716)
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH Active 11-32 VDC DIN (157B4032, 157B4028, 157B4025, 157B4716)

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH Active 11-32 VDC DIN (157B4032, 157B4028, 157B4025, 157B4716)

Product code 11166817

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Product features:

Type - PVEH Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 DIN

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss


Comparison code - 157B4032, 157B4032, 157B4028, 157B4025, 157B4716, 157B4728

  • net: 2041,07 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH Active 11-32 VDC DIN (157B4032, 157B4028, 157B4025, 157B4716)

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Type - PVEH Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 DIN

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4032, 157B4032, 157B4028, 157B4025, 157B4716, 157B4728

net: 2041,07 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH Active 11-32 VDC AMP (157B4034, 157B4074) (EV5416)
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH Active 11-32 VDC AMP (157B4034, 157B4074) (EV5416)

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH Active 11-32 VDC AMP (157B4034, 157B4074) (EV5416)

Product code 11166818

Availability: Available (quantity: 9)

Product features:

Type - PVEH Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss


Comparison code - 157B4921, 157B4922, 157B4074, 157B4034, EV5S416

  • net: 2322,86 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH Active 11-32 VDC AMP (157B4034, 157B4074) (EV5416)

Availability: Available (quantity: 9)

Type - PVEH Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4921, 157B4922, 157B4074, 157B4034, EV5S416

net: 2322,86 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH-DI Active 11-32 VDC AMP (157B4036) (EV8278)
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH-DI Active 11-32 VDC AMP (157B4036) (EV8278)

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH-DI Active 11-32 VDC AMP (157B4036) (EV8278)

Product code 11166819

Availability: Available (quantity: 9)

Product features:

Type - PVEH-DI Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 2x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Solenoid valve for the Sauer Danfoss PVG32 manifold, new type, equivalent for: 157B4036, 157B4928, 155L4022 Palfinger code: EV8278, ex. EV5417

Comparison code - 157B4036, 157B4928, 155L4022, EV5417, EV8278

  • net: 2308,46 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH-DI Active 11-32 VDC AMP (157B4036) (EV8278)

Availability: Available (quantity: 9)

Type - PVEH-DI Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 2x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4036, 157B4928, 155L4022, EV5417, EV8278

net: 2308,46 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH Passive 11-32 VDC DIN (157B4033, 157B4073)
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH Passive 11-32 VDC DIN (157B4033, 157B4073)

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH Passive 11-32 VDC DIN (157B4033, 157B4073)

Product code 11166824

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - PVEH Passive

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 DIN

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Description - New type Sauer Danfoss solenoid valve for the PVG32 manifold Equivalent to withdrawn models: 157B4033, 157B4073, 157B4082, 157B4083, 157B4085, 157B4086, 157B4088, 157B4512, 157B4524, 157B4 033

Comparison code - 157B4033, 157B4073, 157B4082, 157B4083, 157B4085, 157B4086, 157B4088, 157B4512, 157B4524, 157B4033

  • net: 1967,61 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH Passive 11-32 VDC DIN (157B4033, 157B4073)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - PVEH Passive

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 DIN

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4033, 157B4073, 157B4082, 157B4083, 157B4085, 157B4086, 157B4088, 157B4512, 157B4524, 157B4033

net: 1967,61 PLN

PVG32 PVEH Passive 11-32 VDC AMP solenoid valve (157B4035, 157B4075)
PVG32 PVEH Passive 11-32 VDC AMP solenoid valve (157B4035, 157B4075)

PVG32 PVEH Passive 11-32 VDC AMP solenoid valve (157B4035, 157B4075)

Product code 11166825

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Type - PVEH Passive

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss


Comparison code - 157B4035, 157B4075

  • net: 2871,43 PLN


PVG32 PVEH Passive 11-32 VDC AMP solenoid valve (157B4035, 157B4075)

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Type - PVEH Passive

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4035, 157B4075

net: 2871,43 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEM Passive 11-32VDC DIN (157B4128, 157B4116)
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEM Passive 11-32VDC DIN (157B4128, 157B4116)

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEM Passive 11-32VDC DIN (157B4128, 157B4116)

Product code 11166829

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:

Type - PVEM Passive

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 DIN

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss


Comparison code - 157B4128, 157B4116, 157B4716

  • net: 1420,94 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEM Passive 11-32VDC DIN (157B4128, 157B4116)

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Type - PVEM Passive

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 DIN

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4128, 157B4116, 157B4716

net: 1420,94 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO 12VDC DIN (157B4216, 157B4266)
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO 12VDC DIN (157B4216, 157B4266)

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO 12VDC DIN (157B4216, 157B4266)

Product code 11166836

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:

Type - PVEO

Tension - 12 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 DIN

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss


Comparison code - 157B4213, 157B4216, 157B4266, 157B4212

  • net: 846,97 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO 12VDC DIN (157B4216, 157B4266)

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Type - PVEO

Tension - 12 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 DIN

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4213, 157B4216, 157B4266, 157B4212

net: 846,97 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO 24VDC AMP (157B4902, 157B4272)
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO 24VDC AMP (157B4902, 157B4272)

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO 24VDC AMP (157B4902, 157B4272)

Product code 11166837

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - PVEO

Tension - 24 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss


Comparison code - 157B4902, 157B4272, 155L4122, EV8280-24V, EV8280

  • net: 1116,46 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO 24VDC AMP (157B4902, 157B4272)

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Type - PVEO

Tension - 24 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4902, 157B4272, 155L4122, EV8280-24V, EV8280

net: 1116,46 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH-FLB Active 11-32 VDC DIN (157B4332) Float B-port
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH-FLB Active 11-32 VDC DIN (157B4332) Float B-port

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH-FLB Active 11-32 VDC DIN (157B4332) Float B-port

Product code 11166839

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 28 dni

Product features:

Type - PVEH-FLB Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 DIN

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss


Comparison code - 157B4332, 157B4476

  • net: 4219,57 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH-FLB Active 11-32 VDC DIN (157B4332) Float B-port

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 28 dni

Type - PVEH-FLB Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 DIN

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4332, 157B4476

net: 4219,57 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEM-Q Passive 11-32VDC DIN (157B4616, 157B4628)
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEM-Q Passive 11-32VDC DIN (157B4616, 157B4628)

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEM-Q Passive 11-32VDC DIN (157B4616, 157B4628)

Product code 11166853

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - PVEM-Q Passive

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 DIN

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss


Comparison code - 157B4616, 157B4628

  • net: 1984,66 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEM-Q Passive 11-32VDC DIN (157B4616, 157B4628)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - PVEM-Q Passive

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 DIN

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4616, 157B4628

net: 1984,66 PLN

PVG32 PVES Passive 11-32VDC AMP solenoid valve
PVG32 PVES Passive 11-32VDC AMP solenoid valve

PVG32 PVES Passive 11-32VDC AMP solenoid valve

Product code 11166859

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - PVES Passive

Tension - 11-32VDC

Connection type - 1x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Description - New type Sauer Danfoss PVG32 manifold solenoid valve, equivalent to 157B4835; 157B4865

Comparison code - 157B4835, 157B4865

  • net: 3793,47 PLN


PVG32 PVES Passive 11-32VDC AMP solenoid valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Type - PVES Passive

Tension - 11-32VDC

Connection type - 1x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4835, 157B4865

net: 3793,47 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO 12VDC AMP (157B4901)
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO 12VDC AMP (157B4901)

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO 12VDC AMP (157B4901)

Product code 11166866

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - PVEO

Tension - 12 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss


Comparison code - 157B4901

  • net: 1212,97 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO 12VDC AMP (157B4901)

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Type - PVEO

Tension - 12 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4901

net: 1212,97 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO-DI 24VDC AMP (157B4906)
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO-DI 24VDC AMP (157B4906)

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO-DI 24VDC AMP (157B4906)

Product code 11166869

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - PVEO-DI

Tension - 24 VDC

Connection type - 2x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss


Comparison code - 157B4906

  • net: 2085,76 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEO-DI 24VDC AMP (157B4906)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - PVEO-DI

Tension - 24 VDC

Connection type - 2x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4906

net: 2085,76 PLN

PVG60 PVEH-F Active solenoid valve 11-32 VDC DIN
PVG60 PVEH-F Active solenoid valve 11-32 VDC DIN

PVG60 PVEH-F Active solenoid valve 11-32 VDC DIN

Product code 11166910

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

Type - PVEH-F Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 DIN

Destiny - PVG60

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Solenoid valve for PVG60 manifold by Sauer Danfoss Replaces: 155G4054 (withdrawn from production)

Comparison code - 155G4054

  • net: 5768,52 PLN


PVG60 PVEH-F Active solenoid valve 11-32 VDC DIN

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Type - PVEH-F Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 DIN

Destiny - PVG60

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 155G4054

net: 5768,52 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH-FLA Passive 11-32 VDC AMP Float A-port
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH-FLA Passive 11-32 VDC AMP Float A-port

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH-FLA Passive 11-32 VDC AMP Float A-port

Product code 11168738

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - PVEH-FLA Passive

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x6 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Solenoid valve for the PVG32 manifold by Sauer Danfoss, new type Float A-port

Comparison code - PVEH32-ACTUATOR-F-S7-1x6AMP-H-PAS-A5.5PV

  • net: 4104,24 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEH-FLA Passive 11-32 VDC AMP Float A-port

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - PVEH-FLA Passive

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x6 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - PVEH32-ACTUATOR-F-S7-1x6AMP-H-PAS-A5.5PV

net: 4104,24 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA Active 11-32VDC Deutsch (157B4792)
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA Active 11-32VDC Deutsch (157B4792)

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA Active 11-32VDC Deutsch (157B4792)

Product code 11177347

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni

Product features:

Type - PVEA Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 Deutsch

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Solenoid valve for Sauer Danfoss PVG32 manifold, new type, equivalent to 157B4792.

Comparison code - 157B4792

  • net: 1911,84 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA Active 11-32VDC Deutsch (157B4792)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni

Type - PVEA Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 Deutsch

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4792

net: 1911,84 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA Active 11-32VDC AMP (157B4734)
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA Active 11-32VDC AMP (157B4734)

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA Active 11-32VDC AMP (157B4734)

Product code 11177348

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - PVEA Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Solenoid valve for the Sauer Danfoss PVG32 manifold, new type, equivalent to 157B4734.

Comparison code - 157B4734

  • net: 1915,21 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA Active 11-32VDC AMP (157B4734)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - PVEA Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4734

net: 1915,21 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA Passive 11-32VDC AMP (157B4735, 157B4775)
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA Passive 11-32VDC AMP (157B4735, 157B4775)

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA Passive 11-32VDC AMP (157B4735, 157B4775)

Product code 11177353

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Type - PVEA Passive

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Solenoid valve for Sauer Danfoss PVG32 manifold, new type, equivalent to 157B4735, 157B4775, 157b4915.

Comparison code - 157B4735, 157B4775, 157b4915

  • net: 1937,87 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA Passive 11-32VDC AMP (157B4735, 157B4775)

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Type - PVEA Passive

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 1x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4735, 157B4775, 157b4915

net: 1937,87 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA-DI Active 11-32VDC AMP (157B4736)
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA-DI Active 11-32VDC AMP (157B4736)

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA-DI Active 11-32VDC AMP (157B4736)

Product code 11177355

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:

Type - PVEA-DI Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 2x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Solenoid valve for Sauer Danfoss PVG32 manifold, new type, equivalent to 157B4736.

Comparison code - 157B4736

  • net: 2290,00 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA-DI Active 11-32VDC AMP (157B4736)

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Type - PVEA-DI Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 2x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4736

net: 2290,00 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA-DI Passive 11-32VDC AMP (157B4914, 157B4737)
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA-DI Passive 11-32VDC AMP (157B4914, 157B4737)

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA-DI Passive 11-32VDC AMP (157B4914, 157B4737)

Product code 11177356

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - PVEA-DI Passive

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 2x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Solenoid valve for Sauer Danfoss PVG32 manifold, new type, equivalent to 157B4737.

Comparison code - 157B4737

  • net: 2159,93 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVEA-DI Passive 11-32VDC AMP (157B4914, 157B4737)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - PVEA-DI Passive

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 2x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B4737

net: 2159,93 PLN

Danfoss PVED32-CAN-OPEN HMF 62366 solenoid valve
Danfoss PVED32-CAN-OPEN HMF 62366 solenoid valve

Danfoss PVED32-CAN-OPEN HMF 62366 solenoid valve

Product code 11233299

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 7 dni

Product features:

Type - PVED-CC

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 2x4 Deutsch

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVED32-CAN-OPEN HMF 62366 solenoid valve

Comparison code - 62366

  • net: 5000,00 PLN


Danfoss PVED32-CAN-OPEN HMF 62366 solenoid valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 7 dni

Type - PVED-CC

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 2x4 Deutsch

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 62366

net: 5000,00 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVED-CC4-S7 11-32VDC 2 x 4 AMP-S-ISOBUS (11079034) 157B4943
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVED-CC4-S7 11-32VDC 2 x 4 AMP-S-ISOBUS (11079034) 157B4943

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVED-CC4-S7 11-32VDC 2 x 4 AMP-S-ISOBUS (11079034) 157B4943

Product code 11235797

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - PVED-CC Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 2x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Replaces 11079034, PVG32 11235797 PVED Can Bus CC-S4 2 x 4 AMP

Comparison code - 11079034, 11093367

  • net: 3406,96 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVED-CC4-S7 11-32VDC 2 x 4 AMP-S-ISOBUS (11079034) 157B4943

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - PVED-CC Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 2x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 11079034, 11093367

net: 3406,96 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVED-CC-S4-2x4AMP CAN (11026813)
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVED-CC-S4-2x4AMP CAN (11026813)

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVED-CC-S4-2x4AMP CAN (11026813)

Product code 11251271

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - PVED-CC Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 2x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Description - The Danfoss PVG32 CAN coil is mainly used in Fassi Can cranes bus proportional high, Programmable Multi-voltage 11-32 V, hysteresis: 4% rated Recommended use: PVBZ-HS or PVBZ-HD hitch valves PVED32-ACTUATOR-CC-S4-2x4AMP- H-2.43

Comparison code - 11026813, 11026781, ZDI0265, ZDI0063

  • net: 3665,19 PLN


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVED-CC-S4-2x4AMP CAN (11026813)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - PVED-CC Active

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 2x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 11026813, 11026781, ZDI0265, ZDI0063

net: 3665,19 PLN

Priority valve Danfoss OLS120 Epsilon YE62016
Priority valve Danfoss OLS120 Epsilon YE62016

Priority valve Danfoss OLS120 Epsilon YE62016

Product code 152B2236

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - OLS 120 priority valve

  • net: 1258,79 PLN

net: 1258,79 PLN

Danfoss OLS40 priority valve
Danfoss OLS40 priority valve

Danfoss OLS40 priority valve

Product code 152B8248

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 50 dni

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss OLS40 priority valve Port P, EF - M22x1.5 Port LS - M12x1.5 Port CF - M18x1.5 Q max. (l/min) - 40 l/min

  • net: 824,45 PLN

net: 824,45 PLN

Danfoss OLS80 priority valve
Danfoss OLS80 priority valve

Danfoss OLS80 priority valve

Product code 152B8289

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 30 dni

Product features:

  • net: 854,36 PLN

net: 854,36 PLN

PVP module conversion kit
PVP module conversion kit

PVP module conversion kit

Product code 155L5152

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVP module manifold conversion kit. Used to convert a variable flow pump into a fixed flow pump and vice versa.

  • net: 88,43 PLN

net: 88,43 PLN

PVG32 main valve adjustable
PVG32 main valve adjustable

PVG32 main valve adjustable

Product code 155L6153

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVP safety valve.Comparative code: PVG329155L6153 Palfinger - EV5515

  • net: 267,79 PLN

net: 267,79 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 section valve cap
Danfoss PVG32 section valve cap

Danfoss PVG32 section valve cap

Product code 155L6377

Availability: Available (quantity: 14)

Product features:

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 section valve cap/cover

  • net: 7,39 PLN

net: 7,39 PLN

PVMD cover for Danfoss PVG32 manifold - aluminum
PVMD cover for Danfoss PVG32 manifold - aluminum

PVMD cover for Danfoss PVG32 manifold - aluminum

Product code 157B0001

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVMD lid for the PVG32 manifold

  • net: 119,27 PLN

net: 119,27 PLN

PVMD cover for Danfoss PVG32 Mobitec manifold
PVMD cover for Danfoss PVG32 Mobitec manifold

PVMD cover for Danfoss PVG32 Mobitec manifold

Product code 157B0001X

Availability: Available (quantity: 15)

Product features:

Description - PVMD cover for MobiTec CO I0016 manifold PVG32

  • net: 111,94 PLN

net: 111,94 PLN

PVMR cover for Danfoss PVG32 manifold - aluminum
PVMR cover for Danfoss PVG32 manifold - aluminum

PVMR cover for Danfoss PVG32 manifold - aluminum

Product code 157B0004

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVMR cover for Danfoss PVG32 manifold - aluminum

  • net: 199,60 PLN

net: 199,60 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 PVH hydraulic controller
Danfoss PVG32 PVH hydraulic controller

Danfoss PVG32 PVH hydraulic controller

Product code 157B0008

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 330,54 PLN

net: 330,54 PLN

PVDI spool position sensor for PVG32
PVDI spool position sensor for PVG32

PVDI spool position sensor for PVG32

Product code 157B0101

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVDI spool position sensor for PVG32 B=NC A=NC Mounting kit 155U4924 included

  • net: 756,36 PLN

net: 756,36 PLN

PVDI spool position sensor for PVG32 (NC)
PVDI spool position sensor for PVG32 (NC)

PVDI spool position sensor for PVG32 (NC)

Product code 157B0103

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVDI spool position sensor for PVG32 B=NC A=NC Mounting kit 155U4924 included

  • net: 838,99 PLN

net: 838,99 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 outlet cover type PVS
Danfoss PVG32 outlet cover type PVS

Danfoss PVG32 outlet cover type PVS

Product code 157B2000

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 output cover, type PVS

  • net: 219,03 PLN

net: 219,03 PLN

Plug to replace Danfoss PVG32 PVLA overflow valve
Plug to replace Danfoss PVG32 PVLA overflow valve

Plug to replace Danfoss PVG32 PVLA overflow valve

Product code 157B2001

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Plug replacing the Danfoss PVG32 PVLA overflow valve

  • net: 43,10 PLN

net: 43,10 PLN

Plug for unused Danfoss PVLA connection
Plug for unused Danfoss PVLA connection

Plug for unused Danfoss PVLA connection

Product code 157B2002

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Plug for unused Danfoss connection PVG16, PVG32 PVLA 63

  • net: 54,83 PLN

net: 54,83 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 outlet cover type PVS with LX connection, max 250bar
Danfoss PVG32 outlet cover type PVS with LX connection, max 250bar

Danfoss PVG32 outlet cover type PVS with LX connection, max 250bar

Product code 157B2011

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Closing cover with LX connection, G 1/8" In 2011 the LS line circulation switch goes to LX, after being plugged, over time oil will collect there and pressure will build up in the closed space - the last section circulation switch may not close. The 2000 cover is not interchangeable with the 2011.

  • net: 248,26 PLN

net: 248,26 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 outlet cover type PVSI with LX connection, max 350bar
Danfoss PVG32 outlet cover type PVSI with LX connection, max 350bar

Danfoss PVG32 outlet cover type PVSI with LX connection, max 350bar

Product code 157B2015

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 outlet cover type PVSI with LX connection, max 350 bar

  • net: 415,37 PLN

net: 415,37 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 50 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 50 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 50 bar

Product code 157B2050

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 50 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 144,04 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 50 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 50 bar

net: 144,04 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 80 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 80 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 80 bar

Product code 157B2080

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 80 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 95,13 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 80 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 80 bar

net: 95,13 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 100 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 100 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 100 bar

Product code 157B2100

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 100 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 147,24 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 100 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 100 bar

net: 147,24 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 140 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 140 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 140 bar

Product code 157B2140

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 140 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 144,04 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 140 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 140 bar

net: 144,04 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 150 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 150 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 150 bar

Product code 157B2150

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 150 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 147,24 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 150 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 150 bar

net: 147,24 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 160 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 160 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 160 bar

Product code 157B2160

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 160 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 144,04 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 160 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 160 bar

net: 144,04 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 190 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 190 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 190 bar

Product code 157B2190

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 190 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 147,24 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 190 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 190 bar

net: 147,24 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 210 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 210 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 210 bar

Product code 157B2210

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 210 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 144,04 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 210 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 210 bar

net: 144,04 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 230 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 230 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 230 bar

Product code 157B2230

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 230 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 144,04 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 230 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 230 bar

net: 144,04 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 240 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 240 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 240 bar

Product code 157B2240

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 240 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 144,04 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 240 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 240 bar

net: 144,04 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 280 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 280 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 280 bar

Product code 157B2280

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 280 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 144,04 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 280 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 280 bar

net: 144,04 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 300 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 300 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 300 bar

Product code 157B2300

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 300 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 144,04 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 300 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 300 bar

net: 144,04 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 320 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 320 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 320 bar

Product code 157B2320

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 320 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 94,58 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 320 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 320 bar

net: 94,58 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 350 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 350 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 350 bar

Product code 157B2350

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 350 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 145,41 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 350 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 350 bar

net: 145,41 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 lever console with 22.5 ° leverage
Danfoss PVG32 lever console with 22.5 ° leverage

Danfoss PVG32 lever console with 22.5 ° leverage

Product code 157B3171

Availability: Available (quantity: 13)

Product features:

Description - WITH BASE AND LEVER, ANGLE 22.5 °

  • net: 293,38 PLN

net: 293,38 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 lever console without lever
Danfoss PVG32 lever console without lever

Danfoss PVG32 lever console without lever

Product code 157B3173

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - Danfoss PVG32 lever console without base and lever Old code: 155L3463

Comparison code - 155L3463

  • net: 261,44 PLN

net: 261,44 PLN

Danfoss AMP Gray Std solenoid plug
Danfoss AMP Gray Std solenoid plug

Danfoss AMP Gray Std solenoid plug

Product code 157B4992

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Product features:

Description - Danfoss AMP Grey Std solenoid valve plug - plug x1 - pins x4 - core seals x4

  • net: 36,04 PLN

net: 36,04 PLN

Danfoss AMP Gray Std solenoid plug
Danfoss AMP Gray Std solenoid plug

Danfoss AMP Gray Std solenoid plug

Product code 157B4992X

Availability: Available (quantity: 37)

Product features:

Description - Danfoss AMP Grey Std solenoid valve plug - strain relief x1 - plug x1 - pins x4 - core seals x4

  • net: 35,56 PLN

net: 35,56 PLN

Danfoss PVP Inlet Cover
Danfoss PVP Inlet Cover

Danfoss PVP Inlet Cover

Product code 157B5012

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVP inlet cover P = G 1/2 "T = G 3/4"

  • net: 2888,47 PLN

net: 2888,47 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP OC without PVPX
Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP OC without PVPX

Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP OC without PVPX

Product code 157B5110

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP Open center without PVPX Inlet connection (P): 3/4 "BSP Outlet connection (T): 3/4" BSP

  • net: 1395,84 PLN

net: 1395,84 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP CC without PVPX
Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP CC without PVPX

Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP CC without PVPX

Product code 157B5111

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP Closed center without PVPX Inlet connection (P): G 3/4 "BSP Outlet connection (T): G 3/4" BSP

  • net: 1317,46 PLN

net: 1317,46 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP OC under PVPX
Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP OC under PVPX

Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP OC under PVPX

Product code 157B5112

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP OC under PVPX Inlet connection (P) 3/4 "BSP Outlet connection (T) 3/4" BSP with pilot oil for PVE with PVPX connection

  • net: 1559,83 PLN

net: 1559,83 PLN

Danfoss PVG 32 manifold section
Danfoss PVG 32 manifold section

Danfoss PVG 32 manifold section

Product code 157B6030

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - 157B6030 - replaced with 157B6020

  • net: 782,91 PLN

net: 782,91 PLN

Danfoss PVG 32 manifold section
Danfoss PVG 32 manifold section

Danfoss PVG 32 manifold section

Product code 157B6200

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Description - Section with compensator, more than 5 sections in the manifold required for pressure equalization.

  • net: 1002,63 PLN

net: 1002,63 PLN

Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 + LSa + LSb
Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 + LSa + LSb

Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 + LSa + LSb

Product code 157B6203

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 (ex.157B6202)

  • net: 1475,73 PLN

net: 1475,73 PLN

Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 + PVLP
Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 + PVLP

Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 + PVLP

Product code 157B6230

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Description - Danfoss PVG 32 manifold section Ports: 1/2 "BSP

  • net: 1032,79 PLN

net: 1032,79 PLN

Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 + PVLP + LSa + LSb
Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 + PVLP + LSa + LSb

Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 + PVLP + LSa + LSb

Product code 157B6233

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - Danfoss PVG 32 + PVLP + LSa + LSb distributor section

  • net: 1639,46 PLN

net: 1639,46 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 25l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 25l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 25l / min

Product code 157B7001

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Flow - 25 l/min

Size - B

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 slider 25l/min 4/3, closed neutral position

Comparison code - 157B 7001

  • net: 164,40 PLN


Danfoss PVG32 slider 25l / min

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Flow - 25 l/min

Size - B

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 7001

net: 164,40 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 40l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 40l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 40l / min

Product code 157B7002

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Size - C

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 slider 40l/min 4/3, closed neutral position

Comparison code - 157B 7002

  • net: 163,47 PLN


Danfoss PVG32 slider 40l / min

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Flow - 40 l/min

Size - C

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 7002

net: 163,47 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l/min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l/min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l/min

Product code 157B7003

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Flow - 65 l/min

Size - D

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 slider 65 l/min 4/3, closed neutral position

Comparison code - 157B 7003

  • net: 158,04 PLN


Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l/min

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Flow - 65 l/min

Size - D

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 7003

net: 158,04 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l / min

Product code 157B7004

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 100 l/min

Size - E

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 4/3 spool, closed neutral position

Comparison code - 157B 7004

  • net: 161,91 PLN


Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l / min

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Flow - 100 l/min

Size - E

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 7004

net: 161,91 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 40l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 40l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 40l / min

Product code 157B7022

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Size - C

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 slider with LS, type PVBS 4/3, closed neutral position

Comparison code - 157B 7022

  • net: 213,80 PLN


Danfoss PVG32 slider 40l / min

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Flow - 40 l/min

Size - C

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 7022

net: 213,80 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min

Product code 157B7023

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Flow - 65 l/min

Size - D

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 slider with LS, type PVBS 4/3, closed neutral position

Comparison code - 157B 7023

  • net: 199,57 PLN


Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Flow - 65 l/min

Size - D

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 7023

net: 199,57 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min

Product code 157B7103

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 65 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l/min

  • net: 155,16 PLN

net: 155,16 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 25 l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 25 l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 25 l / min

Product code 157B7121

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

  • net: 213,80 PLN

net: 213,80 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min

Product code 157B7123

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Flow - 65 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Description - LS Slide Valve, Type PVBS Max. Flow Rate (l/min): 65 Size: D

  • net: 199,24 PLN

net: 199,24 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l/min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l/min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l/min

Product code 157B7124

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Flow - 100 l/min

Size - E

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l/min 4/3, open neutral position

Comparison code - 157B 7124

  • net: 205,60 PLN


Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l/min

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Flow - 100 l/min

Size - E

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 7124

net: 205,60 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 10l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 10l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 10l / min

Product code 157B7130

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 10 l/min

Size - AND

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 slider with LS 4/3, open neutral position PC → A and B

Comparison code - 157B 7130

  • net: 252,60 PLN


Danfoss PVG32 slider 10l / min

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Flow - 10 l/min

Size - AND

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 7130

net: 252,60 PLN

PVAS 2xPVB mounting kit
PVAS 2xPVB mounting kit

PVAS 2xPVB mounting kit

Product code 157B8002

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVAS 2xPVB mounting kit Including seals between sections. Length L= 189mm

  • net: 117,47 PLN

net: 117,47 PLN

Mounting kit PVAS 3xPVB
Mounting kit PVAS 3xPVB

Mounting kit PVAS 3xPVB

Product code 157B8003

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVAS 3xPVB assembly kit Including seals between sections Length L= 238mm Range: 198-216mm

  • net: 150,60 PLN

net: 150,60 PLN

Mounting kit PVAS 4xPVB
Mounting kit PVAS 4xPVB

Mounting kit PVAS 4xPVB

Product code 157B8004

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVAS 4xPVB assembly kit Including seals between sections Length L= 287mm Range: 246-264mm

  • net: 184,99 PLN

net: 184,99 PLN

Mounting kit PVAS 5xPVB
Mounting kit PVAS 5xPVB

Mounting kit PVAS 5xPVB

Product code 157B8005

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVAS 5xPVB mounting kit Including seals between sections Length L= 336mm Range: 294-312mm

  • net: 211,47 PLN

net: 211,47 PLN

Mounting kit PVAS 6xPVB
Mounting kit PVAS 6xPVB

Mounting kit PVAS 6xPVB

Product code 157B8006

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Installation kit PVAS 6xPVB Complete with seals between sections. Length L= 385mm

  • net: 226,34 PLN

net: 226,34 PLN

Mounting kit PVAS 7xPVB
Mounting kit PVAS 7xPVB

Mounting kit PVAS 7xPVB

Product code 157B8007

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVAS 7xPVB mounting kit Including seals between sections Length L= 434mm Range: 390-408mm

  • net: 262,31 PLN

net: 262,31 PLN

Mounting kit PVAS 8xPVB
Mounting kit PVAS 8xPVB

Mounting kit PVAS 8xPVB

Product code 157B8008

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Installation kit PVAS 8xPVB Complete with seals between sections Length L= 483mm Range: 438-456mm

  • net: 274,70 PLN

net: 274,70 PLN

PVAS 9xPVB mounting kit
PVAS 9xPVB mounting kit

PVAS 9xPVB mounting kit

Product code 157B8009

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Installation kit PVAS 9xPVB Complete with seals between sections. Length L= 527mm

  • net: 309,97 PLN

net: 309,97 PLN

Mounting kit PVAS 10xPVB
Mounting kit PVAS 10xPVB

Mounting kit PVAS 10xPVB

Product code 157B8010

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Installation kit PVAS 10xPVB Complete with seals between sections Length L= 576mm Range: 534-552mm

  • net: 348,13 PLN

net: 348,13 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 10l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 10l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 10l / min

Product code 157B9120

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 10 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

  • net: 199,24 PLN

net: 199,24 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 PVBS32 slider
Danfoss PVG32 PVBS32 slider

Danfoss PVG32 PVBS32 slider

Product code 157B9528

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 PVBS32 slider A -> T 65 l/min P -> A 40 l/min P -> B 65 l/min B -> T 65 l/min

Comparison code - PVBS32-SPOOL-C65/P40/F65/C65-C

  • net: 410,76 PLN


Danfoss PVG32 PVBS32 slider

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - PVBS32-SPOOL-C65/P40/F65/C65-C

net: 410,76 PLN

Danfoss PVSK32-OC-40L-HPCO-PVML EV5054 slider
Danfoss PVSK32-OC-40L-HPCO-PVML EV5054 slider

Danfoss PVSK32-OC-40L-HPCO-PVML EV5054 slider

Product code 157B9560

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 PVSK HPCO slider type OC pos. 10 in the diagram

Comparison code - 157B 9560, EV5054

  • net: 365,02 PLN


Danfoss PVSK32-OC-40L-HPCO-PVML EV5054 slider

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Flow - 40 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 9560, EV5054

net: 365,02 PLN

Danfoss PVSK32-CC-40L-HPCO-PVML EV5055 slider
Danfoss PVSK32-CC-40L-HPCO-PVML EV5055 slider

Danfoss PVSK32-CC-40L-HPCO-PVML EV5055 slider

Product code 157B9561

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 PVSK HPCO slider type CC pos. 10 in the diagram

Comparison code - 157B 9561, EV5055, PVSK32-CC-40L-HPCO-PVML

  • net: 365,02 PLN


Danfoss PVSK32-CC-40L-HPCO-PVML EV5055 slider

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Flow - 40 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 9561, EV5055, PVSK32-CC-40L-HPCO-PVML

net: 365,02 PLN

Slider Danfoss PVSK32CC25LHPCOPVML EV5351
Slider Danfoss PVSK32CC25LHPCOPVML EV5351

Slider Danfoss PVSK32CC25LHPCOPVML EV5351

Product code 157B9645

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Flow - 25 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 PVSK HPCO slider type CC pos. 10 in the diagram PVSK32-SPOOL-CC-25L-HPCO-PVML_OEM

Comparison code - 157B 9645, EV5351, PVSK32CC25LHPCOPVML

  • net: 287,86 PLN


Slider Danfoss PVSK32CC25LHPCOPVML EV5351

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Flow - 25 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 9645, EV5351, PVSK32CC25LHPCOPVML

net: 287,86 PLN

Danfoss PVSK slider 40l/min (OC)
Danfoss PVSK slider 40l/min (OC)

Danfoss PVSK slider 40l/min (OC)

Product code 157B9657

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 PVSK HPCO 4/3 slider, open neutral position P → T

Comparison code - 157B 9657

  • net: 299,54 PLN


Danfoss PVSK slider 40l/min (OC)

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Flow - 40 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 9657

net: 299,54 PLN

Danfoss PVSK slider 40l/min (CC)
Danfoss PVSK slider 40l/min (CC)

Danfoss PVSK slider 40l/min (CC)

Product code 157B9658

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 PVSK HPCO 4/3 slider, closed neutral position P → T

Comparison code - 157B 9658

  • net: 280,38 PLN


Danfoss PVSK slider 40l/min (CC)

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Flow - 40 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 9658

net: 280,38 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 hydraulic distributor, dismantled (sale requires additional arrangements)
Danfoss PVG32 hydraulic distributor, dismantled (sale requires additional arrangements)

Danfoss PVG32 hydraulic distributor, dismantled (sale requires additional arrangements)

Product code 157HSL0028

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Number of sections - 8

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Distributor from disassembly from the PENZ 9100SH crane

  • net: 20000,00 PLN

net: 20000,00 PLN

Danfoss OLS120 152B2236 priority valve spring
Danfoss OLS120 152B2236 priority valve spring

Danfoss OLS120 152B2236 priority valve spring

Product code 663X6154

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 30 dni

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

  • net: 50,29 PLN

net: 50,29 PLN

Programming kit for PVED-CC solenoid valves with AMP
Programming kit for PVED-CC solenoid valves with AMP

Programming kit for PVED-CC solenoid valves with AMP

Product code 0301901

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Programming kit for PVED-CC solenoid valves with AMP

Comparison code - 769-0301901

  • net: 1127,95 PLN

net: 1127,95 PLN

Danfoss PVG32/120 PVBS slider
Danfoss PVG32/120 PVBS slider

Danfoss PVG32/120 PVBS slider

Product code 11004811

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

  • net: 212,97 PLN

net: 212,97 PLN

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVED-CC 11-32VDC AMP
Solenoid valve PVG32 PVED-CC 11-32VDC AMP

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVED-CC 11-32VDC AMP

Product code 11026781

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Type - PVED-CC

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 2x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVED-CC Can bus proportional high, Programmable Multi-voltage 11-32 V, hysteresis: 4% rated Recommended use: PVBZ-HS or PVBZ-HD hitch valves


Solenoid valve PVG32 PVED-CC 11-32VDC AMP

Availability: Currently not available

Type - PVED-CC

Tension - 11-32 VDC

Connection type - 2x4 AMP

Destiny - PVG32

Producent - Danfoss

Solenoid valve PVG32 PVED-CL 11-32VDC AMP (157B4952)