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EUR 4,1636 4,2478
USD 3,9945 4,0751
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EUR 4,0224 4,3926
USD 3,8717 4,2279
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Control levers

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Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever (old type)
Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever (old type)

Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever (old type)

Product code 11046724

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - PVG32 distributor lever with black handle (old lever type)

  • net: 200,00 PLN

net: 200,00 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever
Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever

Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever

Product code 11064640

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - PVG32 manifold lever with red grip

  • net: 200,00 PLN

net: 200,00 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever
Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever

Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever

Product code 11107587

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Description - Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever Adjustable length: 175-195 mm

Comparison code - 155L3154, 11046724, 210080FC

  • net: 192,22 PLN

net: 192,22 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 lever console with 22.5 ° leverage
Danfoss PVG32 lever console with 22.5 ° leverage

Danfoss PVG32 lever console with 22.5 ° leverage

Product code 157B3171

Availability: Available (quantity: 13)

Product features:

Description - WITH BASE AND LEVER, ANGLE 22.5 °

  • net: 293,38 PLN

net: 293,38 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 lever console without lever
Danfoss PVG32 lever console without lever

Danfoss PVG32 lever console without lever

Product code 157B3173

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - Danfoss PVG32 lever console without base and lever Old code: 155L3463

Comparison code - 155L3463

  • net: 261,44 PLN

net: 261,44 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever
Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever

Danfoss PVG32 distributor lever

Product code 11064641

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Description - PVG32 distributor lever base

  • net: 120,00 PLN

net: 120,00 PLN

Danfoss PVM16 lever console without lever
Danfoss PVM16 lever console without lever

Danfoss PVM16 lever console without lever

Product code 11107507

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 198,00 PLN

net: 198,00 PLN

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