Wał korbowy 3132002K91 MF3
Product code 3134001K
Availability: Available (quantity: 64) , 3 dni
Product features:
Currency | Rate | |
Purchase | Sale | |
EUR | 4,1221 | 4,2053 |
USD | 3,9322 | 4,0116 |
*Tabela C NBP | ||
EUR | 3,9793 | 4,3455 |
USD | 3,7956 | 4,1448 |
*BNP Paribas |
Availability: Available (quantity: 64) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 899,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 197,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 162,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 34) , 3 dni
Product features:
Producent - URSUS
Tłok silnika UR030601 3134005K MF3 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 34) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 162,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 101,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 45) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 137,38 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 12) , 3 dni
Product features:
Producent - URSUS
Tuleja silnika honowana MF3 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 12) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 137,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 13) , 2 dni
Product features:
Description - Engine piston 3134026K MF4 ORIGINAL URSUS....
Producent - URSUS
Tłok silnika 3134026K MF4 ORYGINAŁ URSUS....
Availability: Available (quantity: 13) , 2 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 174,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 11,08 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 87,45 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 59) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 7,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 52,46 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 103) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 7,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 12) , 3 dni
Product features:
Zawór wydechowy MF3 ORYGINAŁ URSUS ( sprzedawane po 3 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 12) , 3 dni
net: 52,46 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
Zawór wydechowy MF4 ORYGINAŁ URSUS ( sprzedawane po 4 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
net: 97,45 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 2 dni
Product features:
Description - Compressor eyelet connector MF3 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Łącznik oczkowy sprężarki MF3 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 2 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 26,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 15,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 19) , 2 dni
Product features:
Description - New Holland 320792350 POLMO cylinder
Producent - POLMO
Jump - 230mm
Length Max - 560mm
Force - 500 Nm
Siłownik New Holland 320792350 POLMO
Availability: Available (quantity: 19) , 2 dni
Producent - POLMO
Jump - 230mm
Length Max - 560mm
Force - 500 Nm
net: 50,61 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 11) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 9,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 38) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 5,11 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 192) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 2,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 76) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 2,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 13,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 14) , 2 dni
Product features:
Description - Rear window actuator Case 3221531R1 POLMO
Producent - POLMO
Jump - 212mm
Length Max - 500mm
Force - 180 Nm
Siłownik tylnej szyby Case 3221531R1 POLMO
Availability: Available (quantity: 14) , 2 dni
Producent - POLMO
Jump - 212mm
Length Max - 500mm
Force - 180 Nm
net: 50,61 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - The cooling system is one of the MOST IMPORTANT systems in the engine. POLMO THERMOSTATS are manufactured from the highest quality components, while maintaining the highest production parameters, which ensures long-term FAILURE-FREE operation (of the engine) of the tractor and classifies them among the best thermostats available on the market.
Producent - POLMO
net: 42,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 182) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 5,61 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 306) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 5,61 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 11) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 12,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Balancing mechanism shaft 743115M1 MF4 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Number of teeth - 10/17 pcs
Wał mechanizmu wyważającego 743115M1 MF4 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
Number of teeth - 10/17 pcs
net: 57,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 41) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Product features:
Wkręt odpowietrzania filtra C-330/360 ( sprzedawane po 10 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
net: 13,63 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 124,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 14) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Door actuator Case 3301488M9 POLMO
Producent - POLMO
Jump - 197mm
Length Max - 499mm
Force - 330 Nm
Siłownik drzwi Case 3301488M9 POLMO
Availability: Available (quantity: 14) , 3 dni
Producent - POLMO
Jump - 197mm
Length Max - 499mm
Force - 330 Nm
net: 50,61 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 17) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 1,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 74) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 1,36 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 107) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 1,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 13,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 56) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 9,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 246) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 5,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 34) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 31,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 22) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 7,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 291) , 3 dni
Product features:
Przewód gumowy pompy wody zbrojony płótnem MF3 C-360 3P ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 291) , 3 dni
net: 10,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 29,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 14) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 34,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 104) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 7,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Injection pipe 3-cyl. MF3 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód wtryskowy 3-cyl. MF3 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 29,36 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 105) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 8,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
Product features:
Producent - URSUS
Komplet przewodów wtryskowych 3 szt. (polska sekcyjna) MF3 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 79,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 15) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Set of injection lines 3 pcs. MF3 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Komplet przewodów wtryskowych 3 szt. MF3 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 15) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 87,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Injection pipe 1-cyl. MF3 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód wtryskowy 1-cyl. MF3 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 30,61 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 78) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 8,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 17) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Injection pipe 2-cyl. MF3 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód wtryskowy 2-cyl. MF3 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 17) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 30,61 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 28) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 0,78 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 55) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 1,45 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 24) , 3 dni
Product features:
Nakrętka niska mocowania łańcucha ograniczającego dźwigni MF3
Availability: Available (quantity: 24) , 3 dni
net: 2,11 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Set of 4 injection lines MF4 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Komplet przewodów wtryskowych 4-szt. MF4 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 92,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Injection pipe 1-cyl. MF4 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód wtryskowy 1-cyl. MF4 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 26,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Injection pipe 2-cyl. MF4 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód wtryskowy 2-cyl. MF4 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 28,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Injection pipe 3-cyl. MF4 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód wtryskowy 3-cyl. MF4 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 26,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Injection pipe 4-cyl. MF4 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód wtryskowy 4-cyl. MF4 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 28,11 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 30) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 0,78 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 27) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Screw 353518X1 5/16 MF3
net: 0,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 12) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Oil pipe MF3 block ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód olejowy bloku MF3 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 12) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 20,61 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 30) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 2,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,36 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 23) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 3,23 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 26) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 1,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 29) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,11 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 26) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 4,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 71) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 4,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 81,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 32) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 2,11 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 25) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 2,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 4,35 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Block oil pipe with eyelet MF3 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód olejowy bloku z oczkiem MF3 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 33,11 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - MF3 keyboard lubrication cable ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód smarowania klawiatury MF3 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 58,11 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 2 dni
Product features:
Description - Injector overflow pipe MF4 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód przelewowy wtryskiwaczy MF4 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 2 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 69,36 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Injector overflow pipe MF3 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Przewód przelewowy wtryskiwaczy MF3 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 64,36 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 48) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 16,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 499) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 17,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 195) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 22,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 49) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 8,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 22) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 14,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 39,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 48) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 1,45 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 43) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 1,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 32) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 0,78 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
Pompa zasilająca 4222094M91 4222094R91 Massey Ferguson/Perkins/Landini
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
net: 58,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 731) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 1,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 89) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 1,11 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 17) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 11,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 19) , 3 dni
Product features:
Producent - URSUS
Uszczelka pokrywy zaworów korek/guma C-360 3P, MF3 ( sprzedawane po 5 ) ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 19) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 90,56 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 41,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
Uszczelka głowicy MF3 silikon czarna ( sprzedawana po 5 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
net: 131,19 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 32) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 88,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 14) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 13,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
Producent - URSUS
Uszczelka pokrywy rozrządu krążelit 0.8mm MF3 C-360/3P ( sprzedawane po 5 ) ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 187,44 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 42) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 29,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 3 dni
Product features:
Producent - URSUS
Komplet ( zestaw ) uszczelek sprężarki 8973126404. 8973126504, 36847145KU MF3 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 13,11 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
Product features:
Uszczelka pompki zasilającej MF3 C-360/3P ( sprzedawane po 10 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
net: 8,38 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
Product features:
Producent - URSUS
Uszczelka pompki zasilającej krążelit MF3 C-360/3P ( sprzedawane po 10 ) ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 6) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 13,63 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 11) , 3 dni
Product features:
Uszczelka kolektora wydechowego MF3 C-360/3P ( sprzedawane po 10 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 11) , 3 dni
net: 6,00 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
Producent - URSUS
Uszczelka kolektora wydechowego MF3 C-360/3P ( sprzedawane po 10 ) ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 13,63 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 24) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Ignition switch Massey Ferguson 3699692M91 Expom Kwidzyn eu
Comparison code - 3699692M91,3699692M92.
Destiny - Massey Ferguson:, 342; 352; 362; 372N; 375.382N; 390; 390T; 396; 398,399; 4215; 4220; 4225; 4235,4240; 4245; 4255; 4260; 4265.4270; 4315; 320; 4325; 4335.4345; 4355; 4360; 4365; 4370.5335; 5340; 5355; 5360; 5365.
Producent - EXPOM
Tension - 12 V
Number of pins - 4 pcs
Stacyjka Massey Ferguson 3699692M91 Expom Kwidzyn eu
Availability: Available (quantity: 24) , 3 dni
Comparison code - 3699692M91,3699692M92.
Destiny - Massey Ferguson:, 342; 352; 362; 372N; 375.382N; 390; 390T; 396; 398,399; 4215; 4220; 4225; 4235,4240; 4245; 4255; 4260; 4265.4270; 4315; 320; 4325; 4335.4345; 4355; 4360; 4365; 4370.5335; 5340; 5355; 5360; 5365.
Producent - EXPOM
Tension - 12 V
Number of pins - 4 pcs
net: 62,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 224,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 17) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 74,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 11) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 82,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 61,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Clutch shaft fine milling cutter Z-26 5714 MF4 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Length - 350mm
Number of teeth - 26 pcs
Wałek sprzęgła drobny frez Z-26 5714 MF4 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
Length - 350mm
Number of teeth - 26 pcs
net: 257,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 13) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - In order to improve mechanical properties, ORIGINAL URSUS pins have been subjected to the hardening process (induction) HARDENING guarantees - longer service life - increased resistance to mechanical damage The pins can be used for all other machines and devices with the matching dimension. URSUS pins guarantee a safe and durable connection.
Producent - URSUS
Sworzeń wieszaka MF3 MF4 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 13) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 14,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 16) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 2,11 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
Product features:
Tulejka gumowa przewodu paliwa mała 4,6x8x5,5 MF3. ( sprzedawane po 100 )
Availability: Available (quantity: 7) , 3 dni
net: 48,75 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 25) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 1,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 24) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 2,86 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 15) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 3,36 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 9,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Compressor tee MF4 ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Trójnik sprężarki MF4 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 44,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 37) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 1,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 19) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 2,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 25) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 16) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 0,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 87,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 3) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - The cooling system is one of the MOST IMPORTANT systems in the engine. POLMO THERMOSTATS are manufactured from the highest quality components, while maintaining the highest production parameters, which ensures long-term FAILURE-FREE operation (of the engine) of the tractor and classifies them among the best thermostats available on the market.
Producent - POLMO
net: 56,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 89,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 14) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Ignition switch New Holland 385200331 Expom Kwidzyn eu
Comparison code - 83922029,83940565,S.66902,SBA385200100,72102510,SBA385200110,SBA385200101,SBA385200120,SBA385200331,SBAS385200120,SBAS385200110,SBA3852,00330,3280565M92,385201161T,385200331.
Destiny - Ford,New Holland Tractor: 1620;1700;1710;1715;1900,1910;1920;1000;1100;1110,1200;1210;1300;1320;1320,1500;1510;1520;1600.Ford Loader,New Holland Loader :CL25;CL35;CL45;CL55;CL65,Massey Ferguson:,205;210;220;220-4;1010;1020;1030;1035,104;,1045,Caterpillar:Cat Diesel Dixie XCD3666 (2010)p;XCD3666 (2012); XCD3674 (2010); XCD3674 (2012); XCD66 (2011); XCD74 (2011).
Producent - EXPOM
Tension - 12 V
Number of pins - 5 pcs
Stacyjka New Holland 385200331 Expom Kwidzyn eu
Availability: Available (quantity: 14) , 3 dni
Comparison code - 83922029,83940565,S.66902,SBA385200100,72102510,SBA385200110,SBA385200101,SBA385200120,SBA385200331,SBAS385200120,SBAS385200110,SBA3852,00330,3280565M92,385201161T,385200331.
Destiny - Ford,New Holland Tractor: 1620;1700;1710;1715;1900,1910;1920;1000;1100;1110,1200;1210;1300;1320;1320,1500;1510;1520;1600.Ford Loader,New Holland Loader :CL25;CL35;CL45;CL55;CL65,Massey Ferguson:,205;210;220;220-4;1010;1020;1030;1035,104;,1045,Caterpillar:Cat Diesel Dixie XCD3666 (2010)p;XCD3666 (2012); XCD3674 (2010); XCD3674 (2012); XCD66 (2011); XCD74 (2011).
Producent - EXPOM
Tension - 12 V
Number of pins - 5 pcs
net: 124,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 44) , 3 dni
Product features:
Description - Steering wheel knob black cover arm mount ORIGINAL URSUS
Producent - URSUS
Gałka kierownicy czarna pokrywa mocowanie na ramię ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 44) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 25,50 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 38) , 3 dni
Product features:
Producent - URSUS
Gałka kierownicy czerwona pokrywa z wkładkami gumowymi ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 38) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 25,50 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 50) , 3 dni
Product features:
Producent - URSUS
Gałka kierownicy czerwona pokrywa mocowanie na ramię ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 50) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 25,50 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 31) , 3 dni
Product features:
Producent - URSUS
Gałka kierownicy czarna pokrywa z wkładkami gumowymi ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 31) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 25,50 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
Product features:
Nakrętka zwrotnicy osi przedniej 5211/6211 Zetor Czeska
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni
net: 29,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 38) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 12,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 3,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 12) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 96,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 28) , 3 dni
Product features:
Silniczek wycieraczek z przełącznikiem (dł.110mm) C-330/360 SIMENA
Availability: Available (quantity: 28) , 3 dni
net: 237,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 15) , 3 dni
Product features:
Silniczek wycieraczek z przełącznikiem (dł.80mm) C-330/360 SIMENA
Availability: Available (quantity: 15) , 3 dni
net: 247,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 167) , 3 dni
Product features:
Silniczek wycieraczek z przełącznikiem (dł.80mm) C-330/360
Availability: Available (quantity: 167) , 3 dni
net: 67,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 21) , 3 dni
Product features:
Producent - URSUS
Komplet ( zestaw ) uszczelek sprężarki 41001030. 41001050. 41001090. 80010003 C-385 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 21) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 14,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 58,74 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Product features:
Producent - URSUS
Koło rozrządu 4111A013 MF4 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni
Producent - URSUS
net: 191,24 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 72,49 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni
Product features:
net: 1374,99 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 5) , 2 dni
Product features:
net: 22,33 PLN
Availability: Available (quantity: 53) , 3 dni
Product features:
Komplet pierścieni tłokowych silnika 41158065U, K11297000, 41158057 1-tłok MF3 ORYGINAŁ URSUS
Availability: Available (quantity: 53) , 3 dni
net: 44,36 PLN