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Exchange rate
Currency Rate
Purchase Sale
EUR 4,1061 4,1891
USD 3,9406 4,0202
*Tabela C NBP
EUR 3,982 4,3484
USD 3,833 4,1858
*BNP Paribas


Clear filters
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50 Nl / min
55 Nl / min
60 Nl / min
700 Nl / min
1300 Nl / min
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3/2 NC
5/3 CC
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G 1/4 "
G 1/8 "
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working pressure
-0.9 ÷ 10 bar
1.5 ÷ 10 bar
2.5 ÷ 10 bar
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Into the air
into the air
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Working temperature
0 ÷ 60°C
0 ÷ 60 ° C
-10 ÷ 60°C
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Camozzi U70 SERIES plug
Camozzi U70 SERIES plug

Camozzi U70 SERIES plug

Product code 122-800

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Camozzi

Description - Camozzi U70 series plug

Comparison code - 122800

  • net: 13,14 PLN


Camozzi U70 SERIES plug

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Producent - Camozzi

Comparison code - 122800

net: 13,14 PLN

Camozzi Series 3 valve lever
Camozzi Series 3 valve lever

Camozzi Series 3 valve lever

Product code 308-900

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

  • net: 8,56 PLN

net: 8,56 PLN

Camozzi 3/2 NC pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; monostable; manual operation; red
Camozzi 3/2 NC pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; monostable; manual operation; red

Camozzi 3/2 NC pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; monostable; manual operation; red

Product code 338-977

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Camozzi

Comparison code - 338977

Function - 3/2 NC

  • net: 128,10 PLN

net: 128,10 PLN

Camozzi 5/2 pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; monostable; manual operation; red
Camozzi 5/2 pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; monostable; manual operation; red

Camozzi 5/2 pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; monostable; manual operation; red

Product code 358-977

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Producent - Camozzi

Comparison code - 358977

  • net: 144,80 PLN

net: 144,80 PLN

Camozzi 5/3 CC pneumatic valve; G 1/4 "; bistable; manual control
Camozzi 5/3 CC pneumatic valve; G 1/4 "; bistable; manual control

Camozzi 5/3 CC pneumatic valve; G 1/4 "; bistable; manual control

Product code 464-900

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Camozzi

Description - Camozzi 464-900 pneumatic valve

Destiny - into the air

Flow - 1250Nl/min

Function - 5/3 CC

connection - 1/4"

Working temperature - -10 ÷ 60°C

working pressure - -0.9 ÷ 10 bar

  • net: 309,73 PLN


Camozzi 5/3 CC pneumatic valve; G 1/4 "; bistable; manual control

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Producent - Camozzi

Destiny - into the air

Flow - 1250Nl/min

Function - 5/3 CC

connection - 1/4"

Working temperature - -10 ÷ 60°C

working pressure - -0.9 ÷ 10 bar

net: 309,73 PLN

Camozzi 5/2 monostable electropneumatic valve; G 1/4 "
Camozzi 5/2 monostable electropneumatic valve; G 1/4 "

Camozzi 5/2 monostable electropneumatic valve; G 1/4 "

Product code 130-354-015-02

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Camozzi

Description - Camozzi valve 354-015-02

Destiny - Into the air

Comparison code - 354-015-02, 35401502, 354 015 02

Flow - 1300 Nl / min

Function - 5/2

connection - G 1/4 "

Working temperature - 0 ÷ 60 ° C

working pressure - 2.5 ÷ 10 bar

  • net: 218,81 PLN


Camozzi 5/2 monostable electropneumatic valve; G 1/4 "

Availability: Currently not available

Producent - Camozzi

Destiny - Into the air

Comparison code - 354-015-02, 35401502, 354 015 02

Flow - 1300 Nl / min

Function - 5/2

connection - G 1/4 "

Working temperature - 0 ÷ 60 ° C

working pressure - 2.5 ÷ 10 bar

net: 218,81 PLN

Christmas tree connector N9 G1 / 4
Christmas tree connector N9 G1 / 4

Christmas tree connector N9 G1 / 4

Product code 162-2601-9-14

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Camozzi

  • net: 5,42 PLN

net: 5,42 PLN

Camozzi 3/2 NC pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; bistable; manual operation
Camozzi 3/2 NC pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; bistable; manual operation

Camozzi 3/2 NC pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; bistable; manual operation

Product code 338-900

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Camozzi

Comparison code - 338900

Function - 3/2 NC

connection - G 1/8 "

  • net: 111,64 PLN


Camozzi 3/2 NC pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; bistable; manual operation

Availability: Currently not available

Producent - Camozzi

Comparison code - 338900

Function - 3/2 NC

connection - G 1/8 "

net: 111,64 PLN

Camozzi 3/2 NC pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; mechanical control
Camozzi 3/2 NC pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; mechanical control

Camozzi 3/2 NC pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; mechanical control

Product code 338-945

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Camozzi

Description - Camozzi 338-945 valve - spring return - mechanically controlled pusher - force needed to override 32 N

Destiny - Into the air

Comparison code - 338945

Flow - 700 Nl / min

Function - 3/2 NC

connection - G 1/8 "

Working temperature - 0 ÷ 60 ° C

working pressure - -0.9 ÷ 10 bar

  • net: 65,13 PLN


Camozzi 3/2 NC pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; mechanical control

Availability: Currently not available

Producent - Camozzi

Destiny - Into the air

Comparison code - 338945

Flow - 700 Nl / min

Function - 3/2 NC

connection - G 1/8 "

Working temperature - 0 ÷ 60 ° C

working pressure - -0.9 ÷ 10 bar

net: 65,13 PLN

Camozzi 3/2 NC pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; mechanical control
Camozzi 3/2 NC pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; mechanical control

Camozzi 3/2 NC pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; mechanical control

Product code 338-955

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Camozzi

Description - Camozzi 338-955 valve, mechanically controlled, lever / roller - return spring - force required for actuation 15 N

Destiny - Into the air

Comparison code - 338955

Flow - 700 Nl / min

Function - 3/2 NC

connection - G 1/8 "

Working temperature - 0 ÷ 60 ° C

working pressure - -0.9 ÷ 10 bar

  • net: 94,67 PLN


Camozzi 3/2 NC pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; mechanical control

Availability: Currently not available

Producent - Camozzi

Destiny - Into the air

Comparison code - 338955

Flow - 700 Nl / min

Function - 3/2 NC

connection - G 1/8 "

Working temperature - 0 ÷ 60 ° C

working pressure - -0.9 ÷ 10 bar

net: 94,67 PLN

Camozzi 3/2 NC pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; bistable; manual operation
Camozzi 3/2 NC pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; bistable; manual operation

Camozzi 3/2 NC pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; bistable; manual operation

Product code 338-990

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Camozzi

Comparison code - 338990

Function - 3/2 NC

  • net: 109,44 PLN

net: 109,44 PLN

Pneumatic solenoid valve 5/2, G1/8, EV23
Pneumatic solenoid valve 5/2, G1/8, EV23

Pneumatic solenoid valve 5/2, G1/8, EV23

Product code 358-011-02

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Function - 5/2

connection - 1/8"

working pressure - 1.5 ÷ 10 bar

Flow - 700Nl/min

Working temperature - 0 ÷ 60°C

Producent - Camozzi

  • net: 275,63 PLN


Pneumatic solenoid valve 5/2, G1/8, EV23

Availability: Currently not available

Function - 5/2

connection - 1/8"

working pressure - 1.5 ÷ 10 bar

Flow - 700Nl/min

Working temperature - 0 ÷ 60°C

Producent - Camozzi

net: 275,63 PLN

Camozzi 5/3 CO pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; monostable; manual operation
Camozzi 5/3 CO pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; monostable; manual operation

Camozzi 5/3 CO pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; monostable; manual operation

Product code 378-905

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Camozzi

Comparison code - 378905

Flow - 700Nl/min

Function - 3/2NC

connection - 1/8"

working pressure - -0.9 ÷ 10 bar

  • net: 182,01 PLN


Camozzi 5/3 CO pneumatic valve; G 1/8 "; monostable; manual operation

Availability: Currently not available

Producent - Camozzi

Comparison code - 378905

Flow - 700Nl/min

Function - 3/2NC

connection - 1/8"

working pressure - -0.9 ÷ 10 bar

net: 182,01 PLN

Pneu.G1 / 8 divider b.coil
Pneu.G1 / 8 divider b.coil

Pneu.G1 / 8 divider b.coil

Product code 4300000270

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 239,92 PLN

net: 239,92 PLN

Solenoid valve Camozzi 3/2 NC monostable M5
Solenoid valve Camozzi 3/2 NC monostable M5

Solenoid valve Camozzi 3/2 NC monostable M5

Product code A331-0C2

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Camozzi

Description - Symbol: EV03 Connection: 3x M5

Comparison code - A331 0C2, A3310C2

Flow - 50 Nl / min

Function - 3/2 NC

connection - M5

Working temperature - 0 ÷ 60 ° C

  • net: 77,79 PLN


Solenoid valve Camozzi 3/2 NC monostable M5

Availability: Currently not available

Producent - Camozzi

Comparison code - A331 0C2, A3310C2

Flow - 50 Nl / min

Function - 3/2 NC

connection - M5

Working temperature - 0 ÷ 60 ° C

net: 77,79 PLN

Camozzi 3/2 NC monostable solenoid valve G1 / 8 "- M5
Camozzi 3/2 NC monostable solenoid valve G1 / 8 "- M5

Camozzi 3/2 NC monostable solenoid valve G1 / 8 "- M5

Product code A331-1C2

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Camozzi

Description - Symbol: EV03 Connection: 2x G 1/8 ", M5

Comparison code - A331 1C2, A3311C2

Flow - 60 Nl / min

Function - 3/2 NC

connection - G 1/8 "

Working temperature - 0 ÷ 60 ° C

  • net: 70,44 PLN


Camozzi 3/2 NC monostable solenoid valve G1 / 8 "- M5

Availability: Currently not available

Producent - Camozzi

Comparison code - A331 1C2, A3311C2

Flow - 60 Nl / min

Function - 3/2 NC

connection - G 1/8 "

Working temperature - 0 ÷ 60 ° C

net: 70,44 PLN

Solenoid valve Camozzi 3/2 NC monostable M5 - G1 / 8
Solenoid valve Camozzi 3/2 NC monostable M5 - G1 / 8

Solenoid valve Camozzi 3/2 NC monostable M5 - G1 / 8

Product code A331-3C2

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Function - 3/2 NC

connection - M5

Flow - 55 Nl / min

Working temperature - 0 ÷ 60 ° C

Producent - Camozzi

Description - Symbol: EV03 Connection: IN- M5 OUT- G 1/8 "

Comparison code - A331 3C2, A3313C2

  • net: 121,60 PLN


Solenoid valve Camozzi 3/2 NC monostable M5 - G1 / 8

Availability: Currently not available

Function - 3/2 NC

connection - M5

Flow - 55 Nl / min

Working temperature - 0 ÷ 60 ° C

Producent - Camozzi

Comparison code - A331 3C2, A3313C2

net: 121,60 PLN

Camozzi Namur 5/2 monostable electropneumatic valve; G 1/4 "
Camozzi Namur 5/2 monostable electropneumatic valve; G 1/4 "

Camozzi Namur 5/2 monostable electropneumatic valve; G 1/4 "

Product code NA54N1502

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Camozzi

Comparison code - NA54N-15-02, NA54N 15 02, NA54N 15-02

  • net: 225,16 PLN


Camozzi Namur 5/2 monostable electropneumatic valve; G 1/4 "

Availability: Currently not available

Producent - Camozzi

Comparison code - NA54N-15-02, NA54N 15 02, NA54N 15-02

net: 225,16 PLN



Product code QP2A063A025

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 629,69 PLN

net: 629,69 PLN

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