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Exchange rate
Currency Rate
Purchase Sale
EUR 4,1221 4,2053
USD 3,9322 4,0116
*Tabela C NBP
EUR 3,9793 4,3455
USD 3,7956 4,1448
*BNP Paribas

Hydraulic distributors

Clear filters
Argo Hytos
Bondioli & Pavesi Dinoil
Bondioli & Pavesi Dinoil
Dana Brevini
Eaton / Vickers
Eeaton / Vickers
Finn Rotor
Mobitec & Youli
Mobitec & Youli
select all
12 VDC
24 VDC
P70CF V80
HLS 200
PVEA Active
PVEA Passive
PVEA-DI Active
PVEA-DI Passive
PVEA-NP Passive
PVEA-anodized Passive
PVED-CC Active
PVEH Active
PVEH Passive
PVEH anodized Active
PVEH anodized Passive
PVEH-DI Active
PVEH-DI Passive
PVEH-F Active
PVEH-F Passive
PVEH-FLA Passive
PVEH-FLB Passive
PVEH-U Active
PVEH-U Passive
PVEH-anodized Passive
PVEK Passive
PVEM Passive
PVEM-FLB Passive
PVEM-Q Passive
PVEM-R ramp Passive
PVEM-float B
PVEO-R ramp
PVEP Active
PVES Active
PVES Passive
PVES-SP Passive
PVES-U Active
PVES-U Passive
PVEU Active
PVEU Passive
RV 713
select all
Max. pressure
160 bar
300 bar
310 bar
315 bar
320 bar
350 bar
select all
Number of sections
select all
select all
5 l/min
10 l/min
12 l / min
20 l/min
25 l/min
25 l / min
30 l / min
30 l/min
32 l / min
35 l / min
35 l/min
40 l / min
40 l/min
45 l/min
45 l / min
50 l / min
50 l/min
55 l/min
55 l / min
60 l/min
60 l / min
65 l / min
65 l/min
70 l/min
70 l / min
75 l / min
80 l/min
80 l / min
90 l / min
90 l/min
95 l / min
95 l/min
100 l / min
100 l/min
110 l / min
120l / min
120 l/min
120 l / min
130 l/min
130 l / min
140 l / min
140 l/min
150 l / min
150 l/min
160 l / min
160 l/min
170 l / min
175 l / min
220 l / min
250 l/min
1100 l/min
select all
max. pressure
100 bar
120 bar
170 bar
180 bar
190 bars
200 bar
207 bar
210 bar
210 bars
240 bars
240 bar
250 bar
250 bars
280 bar
300 bar
300 bars
310 bar
315 bar
320 bar
320 bars
350 bar
350 bars
select all
Manifold type
PVG 32
RS 210
RS 213
RSQ 240
RS 280
RV 713
select all
HPPV-4, PV-4, PV-140
RS 210
RS 210 / RS 270
RS 220
RM 230
RSQ 240
RM 250
RM 250 / RM 260
RM 270
RS 270 / RM 310
RS 270
RS 280
RS 280 / RM 310
RM 310 / RS 260 / RS 270
RM 310 / RS 270 / RS 280
RM 310
M400LS / M402LS
select all
select all
select all
2x200 bar
2x190 bar
25 bar
32 bar
40 bar
50 bar
60 bar
63 bar
65 bars
65 bar
70 bar
80 bar
100 bar
110 bar
115 bar
120 bar
125 bar
130 bar
140 bar
150 bar
160 bar
165 bar
170 bar
175 bar
180 bar
190 bar
200 bar
210 bar
215 bar
220 bar
225 bar
230 bar
240 bar
245 bar
250 bar
250 bars
260 bar
265 bar
270 bar
270/120 bar
275 bar
280 bar
290 bar
300 bar
310 bar
320 bar
330 bar
350 bar
380 bar
400 bar
420 bar
500 bar
700 bar
select all
11-30 VDC
11-24 VDC
11-32 VDC
12 VDC
24 VDC
205 VDC
select all
Connection type
1x6 AMP
1x10 AMP
1x6 Deutsch
1x4 Metri-pack
1x4 Deutsch
1x4 AMP
1x4 DIN
2x2 AMP
2x4 Deutsch
2x4 AMP
T: 3/4" P,A and B: 1/2"
select all
max. flow
45 l/min
80 l/min
select all
ISO 4401-05
ISO 4401-03
select all
Pin diameter
7 mm
8 mm
10 mm
select all
The diameter of the slider
16 mm
20 mm
25 mm
select all
Bolt spacing
44 mm
50 mm
57 mm
select all
0.15 A.
select all
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 160 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 160 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 160 bar

Product code 157B2160

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 160 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 144,04 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 160 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 160 bar

net: 144,04 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 190 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 190 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 190 bar

Product code 157B2190

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 190 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 147,24 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 190 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 190 bar

net: 147,24 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 210 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 210 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 210 bar

Product code 157B2210

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 210 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 144,04 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 210 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 210 bar

net: 144,04 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 230 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 230 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 230 bar

Product code 157B2230

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 230 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 144,04 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 230 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 230 bar

net: 144,04 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 240 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 240 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 240 bar

Product code 157B2240

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 240 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 144,04 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 240 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 240 bar

net: 144,04 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 280 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 280 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 280 bar

Product code 157B2280

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 280 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 144,04 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 280 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 280 bar

net: 144,04 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 300 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 300 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 300 bar

Product code 157B2300

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 300 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 144,04 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 300 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 300 bar

net: 144,04 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 320 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 320 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 320 bar

Product code 157B2320

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 320 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 94,58 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 320 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 320 bar

net: 94,58 PLN

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 350 bar
Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 350 bar

Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 350 bar

Product code 157B2350

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 350 bar

Description - PVLP shock valve

  • net: 145,41 PLN


Anti-cavitation valve PVLP 350 bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Producent - Danfoss

Destiny - PVG32

Pressure - 350 bar

net: 145,41 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 lever console with 22.5 ° leverage
Danfoss PVG32 lever console with 22.5 ° leverage

Danfoss PVG32 lever console with 22.5 ° leverage

Product code 157B3171

Availability: Available (quantity: 23)

Product features:

Description - WITH BASE AND LEVER, ANGLE 22.5 °

  • net: 293,38 PLN

net: 293,38 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 lever console without lever
Danfoss PVG32 lever console without lever

Danfoss PVG32 lever console without lever

Product code 157B3173

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - Danfoss PVG32 lever console without base and lever Old code: 155L3463

Comparison code - 155L3463

  • net: 261,44 PLN

net: 261,44 PLN

Danfoss AMP Gray Std solenoid plug
Danfoss AMP Gray Std solenoid plug

Danfoss AMP Gray Std solenoid plug

Product code 157B4992

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Product features:

Description - Danfoss AMP Grey Std solenoid valve plug - plug x1 - pins x4 - core seals x4

  • net: 36,04 PLN

net: 36,04 PLN

Danfoss AMP Gray Std solenoid plug
Danfoss AMP Gray Std solenoid plug

Danfoss AMP Gray Std solenoid plug

Product code 157B4992X

Availability: Available (quantity: 19)

Product features:

Description - Danfoss AMP Grey Std solenoid valve plug - strain relief x1 - plug x1 - pins x4 - core seals x4

  • net: 35,56 PLN

net: 35,56 PLN

Danfoss PVP Inlet Cover
Danfoss PVP Inlet Cover

Danfoss PVP Inlet Cover

Product code 157B5012

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVP inlet cover P = G 1/2 "T = G 3/4"

  • net: 2888,47 PLN

net: 2888,47 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP OC without PVPX
Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP OC without PVPX

Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP OC without PVPX

Product code 157B5110

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP Open center without PVPX Inlet connection (P): 3/4 "BSP Outlet connection (T): 3/4" BSP

  • net: 1395,84 PLN

net: 1395,84 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP CC without PVPX
Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP CC without PVPX

Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP CC without PVPX

Product code 157B5111

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP Closed center without PVPX Inlet connection (P): G 3/4 "BSP Outlet connection (T): G 3/4" BSP

  • net: 1317,46 PLN

net: 1317,46 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP OC under PVPX
Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP OC under PVPX

Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP OC under PVPX

Product code 157B5112

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 inlet cover type PVP OC under PVPX Inlet connection (P) 3/4 "BSP Outlet connection (T) 3/4" BSP with pilot oil for PVE with PVPX connection

  • net: 1559,83 PLN

net: 1559,83 PLN

Danfoss PVG 32 manifold section
Danfoss PVG 32 manifold section

Danfoss PVG 32 manifold section

Product code 157B6030

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - 157B6030 - replaced with 157B6020

  • net: 782,91 PLN

net: 782,91 PLN

Danfoss PVG 32 manifold section
Danfoss PVG 32 manifold section

Danfoss PVG 32 manifold section

Product code 157B6200

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Description - Section with compensator, more than 5 sections in the manifold required for pressure equalization.

  • net: 1002,63 PLN

net: 1002,63 PLN

Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 + LSa + LSb
Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 + LSa + LSb

Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 + LSa + LSb

Product code 157B6203

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 (ex.157B6202)

  • net: 1475,73 PLN

net: 1475,73 PLN

Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 + PVLP
Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 + PVLP

Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 + PVLP

Product code 157B6230

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Description - Danfoss PVG 32 manifold section Ports: 1/2 "BSP

  • net: 1032,79 PLN

net: 1032,79 PLN

Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 + PVLP + LSa + LSb
Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 + PVLP + LSa + LSb

Manifold section Danfoss PVG 32 + PVLP + LSa + LSb

Product code 157B6233

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - Danfoss PVG 32 + PVLP + LSa + LSb distributor section

  • net: 1639,46 PLN

net: 1639,46 PLN

Distributor module PVG32 PVSK 157B6935
Distributor module PVG32 PVSK 157B6935

Distributor module PVG32 PVSK 157B6935

Product code 157B6961

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - Standard version 157B6961 HPCO PALFINGER version 157B6935 (COUNTERSUNK SCREWS) Open and closed center inlet with pilot supply for electrical actuation Max. pump pressure 350 bar [5076 psi] Max. pump flow 120 l / min [31.7 US gal / min] P = ¾ ”; HPCO = ¾ "MANUFACTURER: DANFOSS

  • net: 1192,69 PLN

net: 1192,69 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 25l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 25l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 25l / min

Product code 157B7001

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Flow - 25 l/min

Size - B

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 slider 25l/min 4/3, closed neutral position

Comparison code - 157B 7001

  • net: 164,40 PLN


Danfoss PVG32 slider 25l / min

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Flow - 25 l/min

Size - B

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 7001

net: 164,40 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 40l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 40l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 40l / min

Product code 157B7002

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Size - C

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 slider 40l/min 4/3, closed neutral position

Comparison code - 157B 7002

  • net: 163,47 PLN


Danfoss PVG32 slider 40l / min

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Flow - 40 l/min

Size - C

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 7002

net: 163,47 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l/min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l/min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l/min

Product code 157B7003

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Flow - 65 l/min

Size - D

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 slider 65 l/min 4/3, closed neutral position

Comparison code - 157B 7003

  • net: 158,04 PLN


Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l/min

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Flow - 65 l/min

Size - D

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 7003

net: 158,04 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l / min

Product code 157B7004

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 100 l/min

Size - E

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 4/3 spool, closed neutral position

Comparison code - 157B 7004

  • net: 161,91 PLN


Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l / min

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Flow - 100 l/min

Size - E

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 7004

net: 161,91 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 40l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 40l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 40l / min

Product code 157B7022

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Size - C

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 slider with LS, type PVBS 4/3, closed neutral position

Comparison code - 157B 7022

  • net: 213,80 PLN


Danfoss PVG32 slider 40l / min

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Flow - 40 l/min

Size - C

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 7022

net: 213,80 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min

Product code 157B7023

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Flow - 65 l/min

Size - D

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 slider with LS, type PVBS 4/3, closed neutral position

Comparison code - 157B 7023

  • net: 199,57 PLN


Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Flow - 65 l/min

Size - D

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 7023

net: 199,57 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min

Product code 157B7103

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 65 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l/min

  • net: 155,16 PLN

net: 155,16 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 25 l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 25 l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 25 l / min

Product code 157B7121

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

  • net: 213,80 PLN

net: 213,80 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 65l / min

Product code 157B7123

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Flow - 65 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Description - LS Slide Valve, Type PVBS Max. Flow Rate (l/min): 65 Size: D

  • net: 199,24 PLN

net: 199,24 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l/min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l/min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l/min

Product code 157B7124

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Flow - 100 l/min

Size - E

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l/min 4/3, open neutral position

Comparison code - 157B 7124

  • net: 205,60 PLN


Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l/min

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Flow - 100 l/min

Size - E

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 7124

net: 205,60 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 10l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 10l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 10l / min

Product code 157B7130

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 10 l/min

Size - AND

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 slider with LS 4/3, open neutral position PC → A and B

Comparison code - 157B 7130

  • net: 252,60 PLN


Danfoss PVG32 slider 10l / min

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Flow - 10 l/min

Size - AND

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 7130

net: 252,60 PLN

PVAS 2xPVB mounting kit
PVAS 2xPVB mounting kit

PVAS 2xPVB mounting kit

Product code 157B8002

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVAS 2xPVB mounting kit Including seals between sections. Length L= 189mm

  • net: 117,47 PLN

net: 117,47 PLN

Mounting kit PVAS 3xPVB
Mounting kit PVAS 3xPVB

Mounting kit PVAS 3xPVB

Product code 157B8003

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVAS 3xPVB assembly kit Including seals between sections Length L= 238mm Range: 198-216mm

  • net: 150,60 PLN

net: 150,60 PLN

Mounting kit PVAS 4xPVB
Mounting kit PVAS 4xPVB

Mounting kit PVAS 4xPVB

Product code 157B8004

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVAS 4xPVB assembly kit Including seals between sections Length L= 287mm Range: 246-264mm

  • net: 184,99 PLN

net: 184,99 PLN

Mounting kit PVAS 5xPVB
Mounting kit PVAS 5xPVB

Mounting kit PVAS 5xPVB

Product code 157B8005

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVAS 5xPVB mounting kit Including seals between sections Length L= 336mm Range: 294-312mm

  • net: 211,47 PLN

net: 211,47 PLN

Mounting kit PVAS 6xPVB
Mounting kit PVAS 6xPVB

Mounting kit PVAS 6xPVB

Product code 157B8006

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Installation kit PVAS 6xPVB Complete with seals between sections. Length L= 385mm

  • net: 226,34 PLN

net: 226,34 PLN

Mounting kit PVAS 7xPVB
Mounting kit PVAS 7xPVB

Mounting kit PVAS 7xPVB

Product code 157B8007

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - PVAS 7xPVB mounting kit Including seals between sections Length L= 434mm Range: 390-408mm

  • net: 262,31 PLN

net: 262,31 PLN

Mounting kit PVAS 8xPVB
Mounting kit PVAS 8xPVB

Mounting kit PVAS 8xPVB

Product code 157B8008

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Installation kit PVAS 8xPVB Complete with seals between sections Length L= 483mm Range: 438-456mm

  • net: 274,70 PLN

net: 274,70 PLN

PVAS 9xPVB mounting kit
PVAS 9xPVB mounting kit

PVAS 9xPVB mounting kit

Product code 157B8009

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Installation kit PVAS 9xPVB Complete with seals between sections. Length L= 527mm

  • net: 309,97 PLN

net: 309,97 PLN

Mounting kit PVAS 10xPVB
Mounting kit PVAS 10xPVB

Mounting kit PVAS 10xPVB

Product code 157B8010

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Installation kit PVAS 10xPVB Complete with seals between sections Length L= 576mm Range: 534-552mm

  • net: 348,13 PLN

net: 348,13 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 10l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 10l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 10l / min

Product code 157B9120

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 10 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

  • net: 199,24 PLN

net: 199,24 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 PVBS32 slider
Danfoss PVG32 PVBS32 slider

Danfoss PVG32 PVBS32 slider

Product code 157B9528

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 PVBS32 slider A -> T 65 l/min P -> A 40 l/min P -> B 65 l/min B -> T 65 l/min

Comparison code - PVBS32-SPOOL-C65/P40/F65/C65-C

  • net: 410,76 PLN


Danfoss PVG32 PVBS32 slider

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - PVBS32-SPOOL-C65/P40/F65/C65-C

net: 410,76 PLN

Danfoss PVSK32-CC-40L-HPCO-PVML EV5055 slider
Danfoss PVSK32-CC-40L-HPCO-PVML EV5055 slider

Danfoss PVSK32-CC-40L-HPCO-PVML EV5055 slider

Product code 157B9561

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 PVSK HPCO slider type CC pos. 10 in the diagram

Comparison code - 157B 9561, EV5055, PVSK32-CC-40L-HPCO-PVML

  • net: 365,02 PLN


Danfoss PVSK32-CC-40L-HPCO-PVML EV5055 slider

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Flow - 40 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 9561, EV5055, PVSK32-CC-40L-HPCO-PVML

net: 365,02 PLN

Slider Danfoss PVSK32CC25LHPCOPVML EV5351
Slider Danfoss PVSK32CC25LHPCOPVML EV5351

Slider Danfoss PVSK32CC25LHPCOPVML EV5351

Product code 157B9645

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Flow - 25 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 PVSK HPCO slider type CC pos. 10 in the diagram PVSK32-SPOOL-CC-25L-HPCO-PVML_OEM

Comparison code - 157B 9645, EV5351, PVSK32CC25LHPCOPVML

  • net: 287,86 PLN


Slider Danfoss PVSK32CC25LHPCOPVML EV5351

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Flow - 25 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 9645, EV5351, PVSK32CC25LHPCOPVML

net: 287,86 PLN

Danfoss PVSK slider 40l/min (OC)
Danfoss PVSK slider 40l/min (OC)

Danfoss PVSK slider 40l/min (OC)

Product code 157B9657

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 PVSK HPCO 4/3 slider, open neutral position P → T

Comparison code - 157B 9657

  • net: 299,54 PLN


Danfoss PVSK slider 40l/min (OC)

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Flow - 40 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 9657

net: 299,54 PLN

Danfoss PVSK slider 40l/min (CC)
Danfoss PVSK slider 40l/min (CC)

Danfoss PVSK slider 40l/min (CC)

Product code 157B9658

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 PVSK HPCO 4/3 slider, closed neutral position P → T

Comparison code - 157B 9658

  • net: 280,38 PLN


Danfoss PVSK slider 40l/min (CC)

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Flow - 40 l/min

Producent - Danfoss

Comparison code - 157B 9658

net: 280,38 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l / min
Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l / min

Danfoss PVG32 slider 100l / min

Product code 157B9764

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 100 l/min

Size - E

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Danfoss PVG32 4/3 slide, open neutral position

  • net: 155,47 PLN

net: 155,47 PLN

Danfoss PVG32 hydraulic distributor, dismantled (sale requires additional arrangements)
Danfoss PVG32 hydraulic distributor, dismantled (sale requires additional arrangements)

Danfoss PVG32 hydraulic distributor, dismantled (sale requires additional arrangements)

Product code 157HSL0028

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Number of sections - 8

Producent - Danfoss

Description - Distributor from disassembly from the PENZ 9100SH crane

  • net: 20000,00 PLN

net: 20000,00 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-043Z11 slide valve
Argo Hytos RPE3-043Z11 slide valve

Argo Hytos RPE3-043Z11 slide valve

Product code 15859600

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - Z11

max. pressure - 320 bar

Flow - 30 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 02

Description - Argo Hytos RPE3-043Z11 slide valve

Comparison code - RPE3-043Z11

  • net: 314,93 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-043Z11 slide valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - Z11

max. pressure - 320 bar

Flow - 30 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 02

Comparison code - RPE3-043Z11

net: 314,93 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-043C11 size NG4 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-043C11 size NG4 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-043C11 size NG4 slide distributor

Product code 15860300

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - C11

Size - CETOP 02

max. pressure - 320 bars

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

  • net: 372,49 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-043C11 size NG4 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - C11

Size - CETOP 02

max. pressure - 320 bars

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 372,49 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-043H11 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-043H11 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-043H11 slide distributor

Product code 15860800

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - H11

Size - CETOP 02

max. pressure - 320 bar

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Description - RPE3-04 3 H11

  • net: 320,29 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-043H11 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - H11

Size - CETOP 02

max. pressure - 320 bar

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 320,29 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-043Y11 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-043Y11 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-043Y11 slide distributor

Product code 15861200

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - Y11

max. pressure - 320 bars

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

  • net: 314,93 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-043Y11 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - Y11

max. pressure - 320 bars

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 314,93 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-043Z11/02400E1K1 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-043Z11/02400E1K1 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-043Z11/02400E1K1 slide distributor

Product code 15865300

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - Z11

max. pressure - 320 bar

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 02

Description - Manifold RPE3-043Z11 / 02400E1K1 Body code: 15859600 2 x coil 27316700 24 VDC

  • net: 390,93 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-043Z11/02400E1K1 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - Z11

max. pressure - 320 bar

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 02

net: 390,93 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE4-103H11 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE4-103H11 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE4-103H11 slide distributor

Product code 15889000

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - H11

Size - CETOP 05

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 140 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

  • net: 517,83 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE4-103H11 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - H11

Size - CETOP 05

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 140 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 517,83 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE4-102J15 NG10 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE4-102J15 NG10 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE4-102J15 NG10 slide distributor

Product code 15889400

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - J15

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 140 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 05

  • net: 633,27 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE4-102J15 NG10 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Type - J15

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 140 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 05

net: 633,27 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE4-102X11 NG10 slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE4-102X11 NG10 slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE4-102X11 NG10 slide distributor

Product code 15895500

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - X11

Size - CETOP 05

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 140 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Description - 2 X 16 196 100 24 VDC 1.73A coils

  • net: 543,34 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE4-102X11 NG10 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - X11

Size - CETOP 05

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 140 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 543,34 PLN

Zawór dławiący Argo-hytos VSO1-04/R3-G
Zawór dławiący Argo-hytos VSO1-04/R3-G

Zawór dławiący Argo-hytos VSO1-04/R3-G

Product code 15956200

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

Product features:

max. pressure - 100 bar

Flow - 20 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Description - Throttle valve VSO1-04/R3-G G 1/4"

Comparison code - VSO1-04/R3-G

  • net: 193,48 PLN


Zawór dławiący Argo-hytos VSO1-04/R3-G

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 21 dni

max. pressure - 100 bar

Flow - 20 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Comparison code - VSO1-04/R3-G

net: 193,48 PLN

Argo Hytos VRN2-06/S-21T-A Indirect-Action Reducing Valve
Argo Hytos VRN2-06/S-21T-A Indirect-Action Reducing Valve

Argo Hytos VRN2-06/S-21T-A Indirect-Action Reducing Valve

Product code 15997500

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni

Product features:

Producent - Argo Hytos

Description - Argo Hytos VRN2-06/S-16RS-A M22 x 1.5 Indirect-acting pressure reducing valve Cavity: QF3 Max. pressure: 320 bar Max. flow: 40 l/min Adjustable pressure range: 10 ... 210 bar

  • net: 427,12 PLN

net: 427,12 PLN

Nordhydraulic RM271 hydraulic distributor 250 BAR
Nordhydraulic RM271 hydraulic distributor 250 BAR

Nordhydraulic RM271 hydraulic distributor 250 BAR

Product code 1601-02082

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 250 bars

Manifold type - RM270

Number of sections - 1

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - 1-way manifold RM271 Spool reference 107AA1 Main valve 250 bar SLIDER 112AA1

  • net: 2745,96 PLN


Nordhydraulic RM271 hydraulic distributor 250 BAR

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 250 bars

Manifold type - RM270

Number of sections - 1

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 2745,96 PLN

Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM272, 2-section, pneumatically controlled
Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM272, 2-section, pneumatically controlled

Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM272, 2-section, pneumatically controlled

Product code 1602-007220

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Manifold type - RM270

Number of sections - 2

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - 2-section distributor, pneumatically controlled Section 1: spool 107AA1 140/140 Section 2: spool 207AA1 250/X Main valve 250bar

  • net: 5363,42 PLN

net: 5363,42 PLN

Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM272 280 BAR
Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM272 280 BAR

Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM272 280 BAR

Product code 1602-01012

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Manifold type - RM270

Number of sections - 2

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 3552,10 PLN


Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM272 280 BAR

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Manifold type - RM270

Number of sections - 2

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 3552,10 PLN

Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM274 1P-1P-1P-2P / 250bar
Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM274 1P-1P-1P-2P / 250bar

Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM274 1P-1P-1P-2P / 250bar

Product code 1604-007222

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Manifold type - RM270

Number of sections - 4

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Nordhydraulic RM274 1P-1P-1P-2P/250bar hydraulic distributor, pneumatically controlled 1st section: Slider 107AA1 140/140 2nd section: Slider 107AA1 180/180 3rd section: Slider 107AA1 180/180 4th section: Slider 207AA1 250/x Main valve: 250 bar

  • net: 7500,00 PLN


Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM274 1P-1P-1P-2P / 250bar

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Manifold type - RM270

Number of sections - 4

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 7500,00 PLN

Nordhydraulic RM274 hydraulic distributor 250 bar without valves
Nordhydraulic RM274 hydraulic distributor 250 bar without valves

Nordhydraulic RM274 hydraulic distributor 250 bar without valves

Product code 1604-015045

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Number of sections - 4

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Nordhydraulic RM274 hydraulic distributor 250 bar without valves

  • net: 5438,66 PLN

net: 5438,66 PLN

Argo Hytos core for RPE3-06
Argo Hytos core for RPE3-06

Argo Hytos core for RPE3-06

Product code 16200900

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Producent - Argo Hytos

Description - Argo Hytos Core for RPE3-06

  • net: 89,26 PLN

net: 89,26 PLN

Nut for manual override of the Argo Hytos RPE3-06/N7 valve
Nut for manual override of the Argo Hytos RPE3-06/N7 valve

Nut for manual override of the Argo Hytos RPE3-06/N7 valve

Product code 16204300

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

Description - Nut for manual override of the RPE3-06 / N7 valve

  • net: 182,14 PLN

net: 182,14 PLN

Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM313 3-sections (1933 - 01040)
Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM313 3-sections (1933 - 01040)

Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM313 3-sections (1933 - 01040)

Product code 1663-01191

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Manifold type - RM310

Number of sections - 3

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - 3-section distributor RM313 (1933 - 01040) Most often used in LOGLIFT cranes

  • net: 3934,34 PLN

net: 3934,34 PLN

Input cover HV07 160-210bar
Input cover HV07 160-210bar

Input cover HV07 160-210bar

Product code 1669338

Availability: Available (quantity: 13)

Product features:

  • net: 2064,40 PLN

net: 2064,40 PLN

Nordhydraulic inlet cover type E I01E 250 bar
Nordhydraulic inlet cover type E I01E 250 bar

Nordhydraulic inlet cover type E I01E 250 bar

Product code 1710-003546

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - Nordhydraulic RS210 type E inlet cover

Type - I01E

Destiny - RS 210

Pressure - 250 bars

  • net: 1599,64 PLN

net: 1599,64 PLN

Nordhydraulic RS210 outlet cover type U01B
Nordhydraulic RS210 outlet cover type U01B

Nordhydraulic RS210 outlet cover type U01B

Product code 1710-01083

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - Nordhydraulic RS210 outlet cover without valve type B

Type - U01B

Destiny - RS 210

  • net: 600,00 PLN

net: 600,00 PLN

Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1K9 low distributor section
Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1K9 low distributor section

Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1K9 low distributor section

Product code 1710-01088

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Destiny - RS210

Type - 1K9

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1K9 low distributor section

  • net: 1121,12 PLN

net: 1121,12 PLN

Nordhydraulic inlet cover type I06B
Nordhydraulic inlet cover type I06B

Nordhydraulic inlet cover type I06B

Product code 1710-01143

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Destiny - RS 210

Type - I06B

Description - Inlet cover Nordhydraulic RS210 type B Main valve setting on request.

  • net: 763,46 PLN

net: 763,46 PLN

Distributor section Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1K9, High, 1K spool, without valves with plugs
Distributor section Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1K9, High, 1K spool, without valves with plugs

Distributor section Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1K9, High, 1K spool, without valves with plugs

Product code 1710-01348

Availability: Available (quantity: 9)

Product features:

Destiny - RS 210

Type - 1K9

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Distributor section Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1K9, High, 1K spool, without valves with plugs

  • net: 992,62 PLN

net: 992,62 PLN

Nordhydraulic RS210 Q-inlet outlet cover type I02Q
Nordhydraulic RS210 Q-inlet outlet cover type I02Q

Nordhydraulic RS210 Q-inlet outlet cover type I02Q

Product code 1710-019392

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Destiny - RS 210

Description - Nordhydraulic RS210 Q-inlet outlet cover

  • net: 1612,94 PLN

net: 1612,94 PLN

Belarus Nordhydraulic RS213 tractor distributor
Belarus Nordhydraulic RS213 tractor distributor

Belarus Nordhydraulic RS213 tractor distributor

Product code 1713-01015

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Number of sections - 3

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Manifold type - RS 213

Description - Belarus tractor distributor Main valve 190 bar 3K slider

  • net: 3869,97 PLN


Belarus Nordhydraulic RS213 tractor distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Number of sections - 3

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Manifold type - RS 213

net: 3869,97 PLN

Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RS217 type Palfinger I01E
Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RS217 type Palfinger I01E

Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RS217 type Palfinger I01E

Product code 1717-020249

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Number of sections - 7

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Manifold type - RS 210

  • net: 7788,32 PLN


Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RS217 type Palfinger I01E

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Number of sections - 7

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Manifold type - RS 210

net: 7788,32 PLN

Nordhydraulic RS217 hydraulic distributor, Atlas type + bypass 24VDC
Nordhydraulic RS217 hydraulic distributor, Atlas type + bypass 24VDC

Nordhydraulic RS217 hydraulic distributor, Atlas type + bypass 24VDC

Product code 1717-02242

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 70 l / min

Number of sections - 7

Manifold type - RS 210

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Nordhydraulic RS217 hydraulic distributor type Atlas + bypass 24VDC Hydraulic diagram included in the pdf attachment. 1WKZ6 slides - open in neutral position

Comparison code - EV1014

  • net: 6697,35 PLN


Nordhydraulic RS217 hydraulic distributor, Atlas type + bypass 24VDC

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Flow - 70 l / min

Number of sections - 7

Manifold type - RS 210

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Comparison code - EV1014

net: 6697,35 PLN

RSQ240, 134BB, 200bar, EV4948 working section
RSQ240, 134BB, 200bar, EV4948 working section

RSQ240, 134BB, 200bar, EV4948 working section

Product code 1740-019562

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Destiny - RSQ 240

Pressure - 2x200 bar

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Manifold working section RSQ240 Coil HYDAC 2x 3565734 - PDMC04S30D-83-CN-25-24PU-21.2 Valves 2x TBD 160-200 bar

Comparison code - EV4948

  • net: 4033,42 PLN


RSQ240, 134BB, 200bar, EV4948 working section

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Destiny - RSQ 240

Pressure - 2x200 bar

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Comparison code - EV4948

net: 4033,42 PLN

RSQ240, 134BC, 200bar, EV6069 working section
RSQ240, 134BC, 200bar, EV6069 working section

RSQ240, 134BC, 200bar, EV6069 working section

Product code 1740-019563

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Destiny - RSQ 240

Pressure - 2x200 bar

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Manifold working section RSQ240 Coil HYDAC 2x 3565734 - PDMC04S30D-83-CN-25-24PU-21.2 Valves 2x TBD 160-200 bar

Comparison code - EV6069

  • net: 3888,64 PLN


RSQ240, 134BC, 200bar, EV6069 working section

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Destiny - RSQ 240

Pressure - 2x200 bar

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Comparison code - EV6069

net: 3888,64 PLN

Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RSQ246 manual
Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RSQ246 manual

Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RSQ246 manual

Product code 1746-013164

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Number of sections - 6

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Manifold type - RSQ 240

  • net: 10668,75 PLN


Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RSQ246 manual

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Number of sections - 6

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Manifold type - RSQ 240

net: 10668,75 PLN

Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RSQ246 ER64 24VDC EV5087
Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RSQ246 ER64 24VDC EV5087

Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RSQ246 ER64 24VDC EV5087

Product code 1746-020283

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Number of sections - 6

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Electrically controlled hydraulic distributor 24VDC Hydac coils 3565734 - PDMC04S30D-83-CN-25-24PU-21.2

  • net: 14622,52 PLN

net: 14622,52 PLN

Nordhydraulic RS287 hydraulic distributor, Loglift type, 2-pump system
Nordhydraulic RS287 hydraulic distributor, Loglift type, 2-pump system

Nordhydraulic RS287 hydraulic distributor, Loglift type, 2-pump system

Product code 1777-019034

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 160 l / min

Number of sections - 7

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Manifold type - RS 280

  • net: 11489,51 PLN


Nordhydraulic RS287 hydraulic distributor, Loglift type, 2-pump system

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Flow - 160 l / min

Number of sections - 7

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Manifold type - RS 280

net: 11489,51 PLN

Distributor section Nordhydraulic RS270 type 1K9
Distributor section Nordhydraulic RS270 type 1K9

Distributor section Nordhydraulic RS270 type 1K9

Product code 1850-01034

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Destiny - RS 270

Type - 1K9

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Distributor section Nordhydraulic RS270 type 1K9

  • net: 3074,08 PLN

net: 3074,08 PLN

Intermediate plate for RS270 distributor
Intermediate plate for RS270 distributor

Intermediate plate for RS270 distributor

Product code 1850-01043

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Destiny - RS 270

Pressure - 200 bar

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Intermediate plate of RS270 manifold with TBS-400 200 bar valve

  • net: 1931,80 PLN


Intermediate plate for RS270 distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Destiny - RS 270

Pressure - 200 bar

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 1931,80 PLN

Argo Hytos RPE3-062R11-A/M slide distributor
Argo Hytos RPE3-062R11-A/M slide distributor

Argo Hytos RPE3-062R11-A/M slide distributor

Product code 18968100

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - R11

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

Description - Surface treatment standard galvanized (ZnCr-3), ISO 9227 (240 h)

  • net: 379,84 PLN


Argo Hytos RPE3-062R11-A/M slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Type - R11

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

net: 379,84 PLN

Nordhydraulic RM316 circuit hydraulic distributor 1
Nordhydraulic RM316 circuit hydraulic distributor 1

Nordhydraulic RM316 circuit hydraulic distributor 1

Product code 1933-01040

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Manifold type - RM310

Number of sections - 6

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - RM313 + RM313

  • net: 10936,24 PLN


Nordhydraulic RM316 circuit hydraulic distributor 1

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Manifold type - RM310

Number of sections - 6

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 10936,24 PLN

Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM316 circuit 2
Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM316 circuit 2

Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM316 circuit 2

Product code 1933-100099

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Manifold type - RM310

Number of sections - 6

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - RM313 + RM313

  • net: 8333,27 PLN


Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM316 circuit 2

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Manifold type - RM310

Number of sections - 6

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 8333,27 PLN

1-section hydraulic distributor
1-section hydraulic distributor

1-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 1P40A1GKZ1-11

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

Comparison code - 1000005

  • net: 280,00 PLN


1-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P40

Comparison code - 1000005

net: 280,00 PLN

Pressure sleeve connecting Akon AMV70/KVM15 manifolds
Pressure sleeve connecting Akon AMV70/KVM15 manifolds

Pressure sleeve connecting Akon AMV70/KVM15 manifolds

Product code 2000439000

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - Pressure sleeve connecting Akon AMV70/KVM15 manifolds

Comparison code - BUSHINGAAMV70

  • net: 73,98 PLN

net: 73,98 PLN

SPV 120 lever console without lever
SPV 120 lever console without lever

SPV 120 lever console without lever

Product code 20010094000

Availability: Available (quantity: 23) , 3 dni

Product features:

Producent - Akon

Description - Aluminum lever console 120SM8050 for SPV 120 distributors without lever

Comparison code - 120SM8050

  • net: 331,25 PLN

net: 331,25 PLN

Output cover for SPV120 distributors
Output cover for SPV120 distributors

Output cover for SPV120 distributors

Product code 20010119000

Availability: Available (quantity: 4) , 3 dni

Product features:

Producent - Akon

Description - Output cover for SPV120 distributors

  • net: 286,25 PLN

net: 286,25 PLN

LS port plug for SP distributors
LS port plug for SP distributors

LS port plug for SP distributors

Product code 20010131000

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:

Producent - Akon

Description - LS port plug for SP splitters

Comparison code - 120LRV-P6002

  • net: 21,43 PLN

net: 21,43 PLN

SPV120 distributor slide 65 l/min
SPV120 distributor slide 65 l/min

SPV120 distributor slide 65 l/min

Product code 20010149000

Availability: Available (quantity: 18) , 3 dni

Product features:

Producent - Akon

Description - SPV120 distributor slide - 65 l/min.

Comparison code - 120EF6565L

  • net: 224,99 PLN

net: 224,99 PLN

SPV120 distributor section
SPV120 distributor section

SPV120 distributor section

Product code 20010176000

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Producent - Akon

Description - SPV120 distributor section

  • net: 694,29 PLN

net: 694,29 PLN

SPV120 G3/4" manifold input cover (for variable displacement pumps), unloader valve
SPV120 G3/4" manifold input cover (for variable displacement pumps), unloader valve

SPV120 G3/4" manifold input cover (for variable displacement pumps), unloader valve

Product code 20010188000

Availability: Available (quantity: 9) , 3 dni

Product features:

Producent - Akon

Description - SPV120 G3/4" manifold input cover (for variable displacement pumps), unloader valve

Comparison code - 120PCHN1700

  • net: 1124,99 PLN

net: 1124,99 PLN

Locking cylinder P70CF, 2-sided complete
Locking cylinder P70CF, 2-sided complete

Locking cylinder P70CF, 2-sided complete

Product code 20073885

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 1928,57 PLN

net: 1928,57 PLN

Intermediate plate type C3 F130CF-MF-PL20-027
Intermediate plate type C3 F130CF-MF-PL20-027

Intermediate plate type C3 F130CF-MF-PL20-027

Product code 20077164

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

  • net: 2896,56 PLN

net: 2896,56 PLN

Parker F130CF 3-section manifold
Parker F130CF 3-section manifold

Parker F130CF 3-section manifold

Product code 20077165

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 110 l / min

Number of sections - 3

Producent - Parker

Description - It is possible to set appropriate pressure settings on sections.

Comparison code - F130CF-03-PL20-025

  • net: 8810,56 PLN


Parker F130CF 3-section manifold

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 110 l / min

Number of sections - 3

Producent - Parker

Comparison code - F130CF-03-PL20-025

net: 8810,56 PLN

Parker F130CF 3-section manifold
Parker F130CF 3-section manifold

Parker F130CF 3-section manifold

Product code 20077166

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 110 l / min

Number of sections - 3

Producent - Parker

Description - It is possible to set appropriate pressure settings on sections.

Comparison code - F130CF-03-PL20-026

  • net: 8826,54 PLN


Parker F130CF 3-section manifold

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 110 l / min

Number of sections - 3

Producent - Parker

Comparison code - F130CF-03-PL20-026

net: 8826,54 PLN

Section F130CF-MS-PL20-047 280/280 bar
Section F130CF-MS-PL20-047 280/280 bar

Section F130CF-MS-PL20-047 280/280 bar

Product code 20080085

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

  • net: 2785,34 PLN

net: 2785,34 PLN

Section F130CF-MS-PL20-046 190/190 bar
Section F130CF-MS-PL20-046 190/190 bar

Section F130CF-MS-PL20-046 190/190 bar

Product code 20080086

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

  • net: 3153,16 PLN

net: 3153,16 PLN

Section F130CF-MS-PL20-045 270/100 bar
Section F130CF-MS-PL20-045 270/100 bar

Section F130CF-MS-PL20-045 270/100 bar

Product code 20080087

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

  • net: 3153,16 PLN

net: 3153,16 PLN

Entrance cover F130CF-IS-PL20-050
Entrance cover F130CF-IS-PL20-050

Entrance cover F130CF-IS-PL20-050

Product code 20080302

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Description - PARKER INPUT COVER FOR F130CF DISTRIBUTOR without main valve

  • net: 2091,66 PLN

net: 2091,66 PLN

Parker F130CF-US-PL20-052 Exit Cover
Parker F130CF-US-PL20-052 Exit Cover

Parker F130CF-US-PL20-052 Exit Cover

Product code 20080303

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Description - PARKER F130CF

  • net: 756,98 PLN

net: 756,98 PLN

Section P70CF-MS-PL22-037 125/280 bar
Section P70CF-MS-PL22-037 125/280 bar

Section P70CF-MS-PL22-037 125/280 bar

Product code 20091153

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 2166,90 PLN

net: 2166,90 PLN

Parker P70 gen.2 double working section
Parker P70 gen.2 double working section

Parker P70 gen.2 double working section

Product code 20091153X2

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker P70 gen.2 double working section

  • net: 4976,00 PLN

net: 4976,00 PLN

Argo Hytos RPH3-063C11/22 pneumatically controlled distributor
Argo Hytos RPH3-063C11/22 pneumatically controlled distributor

Argo Hytos RPH3-063C11/22 pneumatically controlled distributor

Product code 20979300

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - C11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

  • net: 876,06 PLN


Argo Hytos RPH3-063C11/22 pneumatically controlled distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Type - C11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 80 l / min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 876,06 PLN

Nordhydraulic RS210 slider type 1WSQ3 Atlas
Nordhydraulic RS210 slider type 1WSQ3 Atlas

Nordhydraulic RS210 slider type 1WSQ3 Atlas

Product code 2100-262093

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 865,33 PLN


Nordhydraulic RS210 slider type 1WSQ3 Atlas

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 865,33 PLN

Nordhydraulic RS210 slider type 1WKZ6 Atlas
Nordhydraulic RS210 slider type 1WKZ6 Atlas

Nordhydraulic RS210 slider type 1WKZ6 Atlas

Product code 2100-262094

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - OPEN NEUTRAL

  • net: 500,00 PLN


Nordhydraulic RS210 slider type 1WKZ6 Atlas

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 500,00 PLN

Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1K slide
Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1K slide

Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1K slide

Product code 2100-262981

Availability: Available (quantity: 13)

Product features:

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 50 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 418,88 PLN


Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1K slide

Availability: Available (quantity: 13)

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 50 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 418,88 PLN

Nordhydraulic RS210 type 2K slide
Nordhydraulic RS210 type 2K slide

Nordhydraulic RS210 type 2K slide

Product code 2100-262984

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 50 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 299,62 PLN


Nordhydraulic RS210 type 2K slide

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 50 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 299,62 PLN

Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1M slide
Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1M slide

Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1M slide

Product code 2100-262991

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 50 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 418,88 PLN


Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1M slide

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 50 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 418,88 PLN

Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1D slide
Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1D slide

Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1D slide

Product code 2100-262994

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Double acting spool. Flow range 10-30 l / min

  • net: 418,88 PLN


Nordhydraulic RS210 type 1D slide

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 30 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 418,88 PLN

Nordhydraulic RS210 slider type 4K motor spool
Nordhydraulic RS210 slider type 4K motor spool

Nordhydraulic RS210 slider type 4K motor spool

Product code 2100-262997

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 50 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 418,88 PLN


Nordhydraulic RS210 slider type 4K motor spool

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 50 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 418,88 PLN

Nordhydraulic RS210 type 4KA slide
Nordhydraulic RS210 type 4KA slide

Nordhydraulic RS210 type 4KA slide

Product code 2100-263001

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 50 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 418,88 PLN


Nordhydraulic RS210 type 4KA slide

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 50 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 418,88 PLN

Nordhydraulic RS210 slide type 4KB
Nordhydraulic RS210 slide type 4KB

Nordhydraulic RS210 slide type 4KB

Product code 2100-263004

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 50 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 418,88 PLN


Nordhydraulic RS210 slide type 4KB

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 50 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 418,88 PLN

Nordhydraulic RSQ240 slide type 135AC
Nordhydraulic RSQ240 slide type 135AC

Nordhydraulic RSQ240 slide type 135AC

Product code 2100-265234

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Destiny - RSQ 240

Flow - 50 l/min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Nordhydraulic RSQ240 slider type 135AC

  • net: 573,14 PLN


Nordhydraulic RSQ240 slide type 135AC

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Destiny - RSQ 240

Flow - 50 l/min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 573,14 PLN

Nordhydraulic RSQ240 spool type 133SB
Nordhydraulic RSQ240 spool type 133SB

Nordhydraulic RSQ240 spool type 133SB

Product code 2100-265237

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Destiny - RSQ 240

Flow - 35 l/min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Nordhydraulic RSQ240 slider type 133SB

  • net: 548,50 PLN


Nordhydraulic RSQ240 spool type 133SB

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Destiny - RSQ 240

Flow - 35 l/min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 548,50 PLN

Nordhydraulic RS210 slider type 3K, 3KP Belarus
Nordhydraulic RS210 slider type 3K, 3KP Belarus

Nordhydraulic RS210 slider type 3K, 3KP Belarus

Product code 2100-267507

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 50 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Nordhydraulic RS210 type 3K slide

  • net: 418,88 PLN


Nordhydraulic RS210 slider type 3K, 3KP Belarus

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Destiny - RS 210

Flow - 50 l / min

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 418,88 PLN

Nordhydraulic RS210 spool type 1KTS1
Nordhydraulic RS210 spool type 1KTS1

Nordhydraulic RS210 spool type 1KTS1

Product code 2100-267855

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Destiny - RS 210

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 418,88 PLN

net: 418,88 PLN

Pneumatic control 8PDG Walvoil SDS150, SDS180
Pneumatic control 8PDG Walvoil SDS150, SDS180

Pneumatic control 8PDG Walvoil SDS150, SDS180

Product code 21000790

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - Pneumatic control 8PDG Walvoil SDS150, SDS180

  • net: 451,73 PLN

net: 451,73 PLN

Walvoil SD11, SDS150, SDS80 lever console; M10
Walvoil SD11, SDS150, SDS80 lever console; M10

Walvoil SD11, SDS150, SDS80 lever console; M10

Product code 21000859

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - Walvoil SD11, SDS150, SDS80 lever console Square screw spacing: 32x32mm Body length: 67mm Height: 100mm Mounting screw: M6 Lever: M10 Rubber cover: 21002617

Comparison code - 7ALL120420

  • net: 176,60 PLN

net: 176,60 PLN

Rubber cover for the Walvoil SDM080 console cuff
Rubber cover for the Walvoil SDM080 console cuff

Rubber cover for the Walvoil SDM080 console cuff

Product code 21001055

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - Rubber cover for Walvoil SDM080 console cuff Installation diameter: internal: 23.5 mm, external: 29.5 mm Diameter for lever: 11.5 mm Height: 25 mm Lever code: 198650

  • net: 23,34 PLN

net: 23,34 PLN

Walvoil SD8 distributor lever console; M10
Walvoil SD8 distributor lever console; M10

Walvoil SD8 distributor lever console; M10

Product code 21003071

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - Walvoil SD8 distributor lever console; M10 Screw spacing (square): 30x30mm Body length: 65mm Height: 92.5mm Mounting screw: M5 Lever: M10 Rubber cover: 21004503

Comparison code - 5LEV108000

  • net: 123,88 PLN

net: 123,88 PLN

Rubber cover on the Walvoil SD8 joystick
Rubber cover on the Walvoil SD8 joystick

Rubber cover on the Walvoil SD8 joystick

Product code 21003072

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - Rubber cover for Walvoil SD8 joystick cuff Diameter 37 mm Height 87 mm Internal width 60 mm Internal length 67mm

  • net: 69,30 PLN

net: 69,30 PLN

Rubber cover for Walvoil LCB/S5 cross control cuff
Rubber cover for Walvoil LCB/S5 cross control cuff

Rubber cover for Walvoil LCB/S5 cross control cuff

Product code 21003436

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - Rubber cover for Walvoil LCB/S5 cross control cuff

  • net: 60,48 PLN

net: 60,48 PLN

By-pass solenoid valve Walvoil SDS150 with coil (24vdc) YCAR410320
By-pass solenoid valve Walvoil SDS150 with coil (24vdc) YCAR410320

By-pass solenoid valve Walvoil SDS150 with coil (24vdc) YCAR410320

Product code 21003670

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - ELT/SDS150, 24 VDC ELTW SD8 PM... VALVE FI21.5MM COIL FI13/40MM 24VDC 21003670 ... VALVE ELT/SDS15

Comparison code - YCAR410320, 0EFW0062000

  • net: 606,24 PLN

net: 606,24 PLN

Anti-calving valve U (G3)
Anti-calving valve U (G3)

Anti-calving valve U (G3)

Product code 21003671

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - Walvoil SD8 U(G3) anti-cavitation valve 100-250 bar

Comparison code - XCAR308115

  • net: 203,50 PLN

net: 203,50 PLN

Rubber cover for Walvoil SD8 console type L8
Rubber cover for Walvoil SD8 console type L8

Rubber cover for Walvoil SD8 console type L8

Product code 21004503

Availability: Available (quantity: 12)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - Rubber cover for Walvoil SD8 console cuff, type L8, inner diameter: 24 mm, outer diameter: 28 mm, lever diameter: 13.5 mm, height: 35 mm, lever code: 21003071

  • net: 24,88 PLN

net: 24,88 PLN

Walvoil line steering console; 6TEL005100 ML type
Walvoil line steering console; 6TEL005100 ML type

Walvoil line steering console; 6TEL005100 ML type

Product code 21005254

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - Complete lever console walvoil 6TEL005100 ML type for lever M10 with spring return.

Comparison code - PH1900750, 6TEL005100

  • net: 216,00 PLN

net: 216,00 PLN

1-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-1-C
1-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-1-C

1-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-1-C

Product code 21005507

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

max. pressure - 207 bar

Number of sections - 1

Description - Blok zaworowy 1-sekcyjny z zaworem przelewowym pod rozdzielacze NG6/Cetop 3

P,T: G 1/2" BSP
A,B: G 3/8 BSP

Comparison code - HSAZVB1P6BC

  • net: 202,86 PLN


1-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-1-C

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

max. pressure - 207 bar

Number of sections - 1

Comparison code - HSAZVB1P6BC

net: 202,86 PLN

3-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-3-C
3-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-3-C

3-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-3-C

Product code 21005509

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 207 bar

Size - NG6

Description - Blok zaworowy 3-sekcyjny z zaworem przelewowym pod rozdzielacze NG6/Cetop 3

P,T: G 1/2" BSP
A,B: G 3/8 BSP

Comparison code - HSAZVB6P3BC

  • net: 360,00 PLN

net: 360,00 PLN

4-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-4-C
4-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-4-C

4-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-4-C

Product code 21005510

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 207 bar

Number of sections - 4

Size - NG6

Description - Blok zaworowy 4-sekcyjny z zaworem przelewowym pod rozdzielacze NG6/Cetop 3

P,T: G 1/2" BSP
A,B: G 3/8 BSP

Comparison code - HSAZVB6P4BC

  • net: 420,00 PLN


4-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-4-C

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 207 bar

Number of sections - 4

Size - NG6

Comparison code - HSAZVB6P4BC

net: 420,00 PLN

5-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-5-C
5-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-5-C

5-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-5-C

Product code 21005511

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 207 bar

Number of sections - 5

Size - NG6

Description - Blok zaworowy 5-sekcyjny z zaworem przelewowym pod rozdzielacze NG6/Cetop 3

P,T: G 1/2" BSP
A,B: G 3/8 BSP

Comparison code - HSAZVB6P5BC

  • net: 517,14 PLN


5-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-5-C

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 207 bar

Number of sections - 5

Size - NG6

Comparison code - HSAZVB6P5BC

net: 517,14 PLN

6-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-6-C
6-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-6-C

6-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-6-C

Product code 21005512

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 207 bar

Number of sections - 6

Size - NG6

Description - Blok zaworowy 6-sekcyjny z zaworem przelewowym pod rozdzielacze NG6/Cetop 3

P,T: G 1/2" BSP
A,B: G 3/8 BSP

Comparison code - HSAZVB6P6BC

  • net: 614,29 PLN


6-section valve block with an overflow valve; NG6 / Cetop 3; AL-BL-6-A-6-C

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 207 bar

Number of sections - 6

Size - NG6

Comparison code - HSAZVB6P6BC

net: 614,29 PLN

Control 2 side Walvoil SD5/SD6
Control 2 side Walvoil SD5/SD6

Control 2 side Walvoil SD5/SD6

Product code 21007165

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - Control 2 side Walvoil SD5/SD6 type 8D2 With return spring in neutral position and pin with M8 external thread for double control

Comparison code - 5V08105220

  • net: 78,24 PLN

net: 78,24 PLN

Walvoil SD5/4-P hydraulic distributor
Walvoil SD5/4-P hydraulic distributor

Walvoil SD5/4-P hydraulic distributor

Product code 21008210

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 315 bar

Flow - 45 l / min

Number of sections - 4

Producent - Walvoil

  • net: 1643,35 PLN


Walvoil SD5/4-P hydraulic distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 315 bar

Flow - 45 l / min

Number of sections - 4

Producent - Walvoil

net: 1643,35 PLN

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