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Exchange rate
Currency Rate
Purchase Sale
EUR 4,1075 4,1905
USD 3,9457 4,0255
*Tabela C NBP
EUR 3,9847 4,3513
USD 3,8294 4,1818
*BNP Paribas

Hydraulic distributors

Clear filters
Argo Hytos
Bondioli & Pavesi Dinoil
Bondioli & Pavesi Dinoil
Dana Brevini
Eaton / Vickers
Eeaton / Vickers
Finn Rotor
Mobitec & Youli
Mobitec & Youli
select all
12 VDC
24 VDC
P70CF V80
HLS 200
PVEA Active
PVEA Passive
PVEA-DI Active
PVEA-DI Passive
PVEA-NP Passive
PVEA-anodized Passive
PVED-CC Active
PVEH Active
PVEH Passive
PVEH anodized Active
PVEH anodized Passive
PVEH-DI Active
PVEH-DI Passive
PVEH-F Active
PVEH-F Passive
PVEH-FLA Passive
PVEH-FLB Passive
PVEH-U Active
PVEH-U Passive
PVEH-anodized Passive
PVEK Passive
PVEM Passive
PVEM-FLB Passive
PVEM-Q Passive
PVEM-R ramp Passive
PVEM-float B
PVEO-R ramp
PVEP Active
PVES Active
PVES Passive
PVES-SP Passive
PVES-U Active
PVES-U Passive
PVEU Active
PVEU Passive
RV 713
select all
Max. pressure
160 bar
300 bar
310 bar
315 bar
320 bar
350 bar
select all
Number of sections
select all
select all
5 l/min
10 l/min
12 l / min
20 l/min
25 l/min
25 l / min
30 l / min
30 l/min
32 l / min
35 l / min
35 l/min
40 l / min
40 l/min
45 l/min
45 l / min
50 l / min
50 l/min
55 l/min
55 l / min
60 l/min
60 l / min
65 l / min
65 l/min
70 l/min
70 l / min
75 l / min
80 l/min
80 l / min
90 l / min
90 l/min
95 l / min
95 l/min
100 l / min
100 l/min
110 l / min
120l / min
120 l/min
120 l / min
130 l/min
130 l / min
140 l / min
140 l/min
150 l / min
150 l/min
160 l / min
160 l/min
170 l / min
175 l / min
220 l / min
250 l/min
1100 l/min
select all
max. pressure
100 bar
120 bar
170 bar
180 bar
190 bars
200 bar
207 bar
210 bar
210 bars
240 bars
240 bar
250 bar
250 bars
280 bar
300 bar
300 bars
310 bar
315 bar
320 bar
320 bars
350 bar
350 bars
select all
Manifold type
PVG 32
RS 210
RS 213
RSQ 240
RS 280
RV 713
select all
HPPV-4, PV-4, PV-140
RS 210
RS 210 / RS 270
RS 220
RM 230
RSQ 240
RM 250
RM 250 / RM 260
RM 270
RS 270 / RM 310
RS 270
RS 280
RS 280 / RM 310
RM 310 / RS 260 / RS 270
RM 310 / RS 270 / RS 280
RM 310
M400LS / M402LS
select all
select all
select all
2x200 bar
2x190 bar
25 bar
32 bar
40 bar
50 bar
60 bar
63 bar
65 bars
65 bar
70 bar
80 bar
100 bar
110 bar
115 bar
120 bar
125 bar
130 bar
140 bar
150 bar
160 bar
165 bar
170 bar
175 bar
180 bar
190 bar
200 bar
210 bar
215 bar
220 bar
225 bar
230 bar
240 bar
245 bar
250 bar
250 bars
260 bar
265 bar
270 bar
270/120 bar
275 bar
280 bar
290 bar
300 bar
310 bar
320 bar
330 bar
350 bar
380 bar
400 bar
420 bar
500 bar
700 bar
select all
11-30 VDC
11-24 VDC
11-32 VDC
12 VDC
24 VDC
205 VDC
select all
Connection type
1x6 AMP
1x10 AMP
1x6 Deutsch
1x4 Metri-pack
1x4 Deutsch
1x4 AMP
1x4 DIN
2x2 AMP
2x4 Deutsch
2x4 AMP
T: 3/4" P,A and B: 1/2"
select all
max. flow
45 l/min
80 l/min
select all
ISO 4401-05
ISO 4401-03
select all
Pin diameter
7 mm
8 mm
10 mm
select all
The diameter of the slider
16 mm
20 mm
25 mm
select all
Bolt spacing
44 mm
50 mm
57 mm
select all
0.15 A.
select all
Sleeve C2P40 G1 / 2 "
Sleeve C2P40 G1 / 2 "

Sleeve C2P40 G1 / 2 "

Product code C2P40 G1/2

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

  • net: 44,42 PLN

net: 44,42 PLN

Sleeve C2P80 G3 / 4 "
Sleeve C2P80 G3 / 4 "

Sleeve C2P80 G3 / 4 "

Product code C2P80 G3/4

Availability: Available (quantity: 37)

Product features:

  • net: 55,00 PLN

net: 55,00 PLN

Zawór zwrotny PARKER
Zawór zwrotny PARKER

Zawór zwrotny PARKER

Product code CPOM2DDHTV

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 10 dni

Product features:

  • net: 566,63 PLN

net: 566,63 PLN

Lever console Galtech Q25 Q45 Q30 Q50 type A1 / D4
Lever console Galtech Q25 Q45 Q30 Q50 type A1 / D4

Lever console Galtech Q25 Q45 Q30 Q50 type A1 / D4

Product code D018-030-A1D4

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - The console comes in two versions (old type and new type)

  • net: 121,43 PLN

net: 121,43 PLN

Distributor MD2-GZ (160) AE1x2 12V
Distributor MD2-GZ (160) AE1x2 12V

Distributor MD2-GZ (160) AE1x2 12V

Product code D06DC2AAAAZ180142

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni

Product features:

  • net: 1572,57 PLN

net: 1572,57 PLN

MDT / 2 manifold
MDT / 2 manifold

MDT / 2 manifold

Product code D06DC2ACAA0000001

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 250 bar

Flow - 35 l / min

Number of sections - 2

  • net: 371,43 PLN


MDT / 2 manifold

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 250 bar

Flow - 35 l / min

Number of sections - 2

net: 371,43 PLN

Parker spool valve - D1VW series
Parker spool valve - D1VW series

Parker spool valve - D1VW series

Product code D1VW001CNJW

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni

Product features:

  • net: 1483,39 PLN

net: 1483,39 PLN



Product code D3W020BNJW

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 7 dni

Product features:

  • net: 1946,03 PLN

net: 1946,03 PLN

Duplomatic DL3-S2 12VDC slide distributor
Duplomatic DL3-S2 12VDC slide distributor

Duplomatic DL3-S2 12VDC slide distributor

Product code DL3-S2/10N-D12K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 280 bar

Flow - 50 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic DL3-S2 slide distributor Coil: 2x 1902740 12 VDC

Comparison code - 3412110031

Type - S2

Size - ISO 4401-03

  • net: 336,53 PLN


Duplomatic DL3-S2 12VDC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 280 bar

Flow - 50 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Comparison code - 3412110031

Type - S2

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 336,53 PLN

Duplomatic DL3-S2 24VDC slide distributor
Duplomatic DL3-S2 24VDC slide distributor

Duplomatic DL3-S2 24VDC slide distributor

Product code DL3-S2/10N-D24K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 280 bar

Flow - 50 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic electrically operated slide distributor

Comparison code - 3412110001

Type - S2

Size - ISO 4401-03

  • net: 240,18 PLN


Duplomatic DL3-S2 24VDC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 280 bar

Flow - 50 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Comparison code - 3412110001

Type - S2

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 240,18 PLN

Duplomatic DL3-S4 24VDC slide distributor
Duplomatic DL3-S4 24VDC slide distributor

Duplomatic DL3-S4 24VDC slide distributor

Product code DL3-S4/10N-D24K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

max. pressure - 280 bar

Flow - 50 l / min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic slide distributor, electrically controlled, 2x DIN coil; 24VDC - 1902741

Type - S4

Size - ISO 4401-03

  • net: 385,71 PLN


Duplomatic DL3-S4 24VDC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

max. pressure - 280 bar

Flow - 50 l / min

Producent - Duplomatic

Type - S4

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 385,71 PLN

Duplomatic DL3-SA2 12VDC slide distributor
Duplomatic DL3-SA2 12VDC slide distributor

Duplomatic DL3-SA2 12VDC slide distributor

Product code DL3-SA2/10N-D12K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 280 bar

Flow - 50 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic DL3-SA2 slide distributor Coil: 1x 1902740 12 VDC DIN 43650

Comparison code - 3412110156

Type - SA2

Size - ISO 4401-03

  • net: 145,38 PLN


Duplomatic DL3-SA2 12VDC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 280 bar

Flow - 50 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Comparison code - 3412110156

Type - SA2

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 145,38 PLN

Dinoil No. 5 slider set for ML
Dinoil No. 5 slider set for ML

Dinoil No. 5 slider set for ML

Product code DO2921EE01000R05

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - Slider + Dinoil repair kit for ML Spool code: DO2921EE01000 Repair kit code: DO580550A20

  • net: 160,00 PLN

net: 160,00 PLN

Dinoil slider repair kit
Dinoil slider repair kit

Dinoil slider repair kit

Product code DO580550A20

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

  • net: 100,00 PLN

net: 100,00 PLN

Dinoil DN electro-pneumatic attachment
Dinoil DN electro-pneumatic attachment

Dinoil DN electro-pneumatic attachment

Product code DO5XG55404003R

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 821,43 PLN

net: 821,43 PLN

DNC100 PWM 12VDC splitter, 8 sections
DNC100 PWM 12VDC splitter, 8 sections

DNC100 PWM 12VDC splitter, 8 sections

Product code DO6D108NGSH220002

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 70 dni

Product features:

  • net: 15973,75 PLN

net: 15973,75 PLN

8-section distributor DNC100 / 8 12V
8-section distributor DNC100 / 8 12V

8-section distributor DNC100 / 8 12V

Product code DO6D108NGVV200001

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Dinoil

Description - 8-section manifold DNC100 / 8 12V manifold WP6D108NGVH240001 Handle 3533 - 2 pcs. 4 plugs Set code: WP6D108NGVH240001

Flow - 120 l / min

Number of sections - 8

  • net: 6766,96 PLN


8-section distributor DNC100 / 8 12V

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Producent - Dinoil

Flow - 120 l / min

Number of sections - 8

net: 6766,96 PLN

Splitter MDE/4-GZ(180)-AE1x4 24V
Splitter MDE/4-GZ(180)-AE1x4 24V

Splitter MDE/4-GZ(180)-AE1x4 24V

Product code DO6DC4AAAAZ180152

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 507,36 PLN

net: 507,36 PLN

Dinoil MD5 MZ 160 manifold
Dinoil MD5 MZ 160 manifold

Dinoil MD5 MZ 160 manifold

Product code DO6DC5ACAAZ160005

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

max. pressure - 250 bar

Number of sections - 5

Producent - Bondioli & Pavesi Dinoil

Type - MD

max. flow - 45 l/min

  • net: 785,71 PLN


Dinoil MD5 MZ 160 manifold

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

max. pressure - 250 bar

Number of sections - 5

Producent - Bondioli & Pavesi Dinoil

Type - MD

max. flow - 45 l/min

net: 785,71 PLN

ML / 2-CZ (160) -ALL P7L manifold
ML / 2-CZ (160) -ALL P7L manifold

ML / 2-CZ (160) -ALL P7L manifold

Product code DO6DE2BCCDZ16007

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 714,29 PLN

net: 714,29 PLN

Hydraulic distributor DN90FC2
Hydraulic distributor DN90FC2

Hydraulic distributor DN90FC2

Product code DO6DZG2CBAAZ18002

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 871,43 PLN

net: 871,43 PLN

Parker HV07 lock cylinder body
Parker HV07 lock cylinder body

Parker HV07 lock cylinder body

Product code DPOL

Availability: Available (quantity: 15)

Product features:

  • net: 1131,58 PLN

net: 1131,58 PLN

Duplomatic DS3-S1 230VAC slide distributor
Duplomatic DS3-S1 230VAC slide distributor

Duplomatic DS3-S1 230VAC slide distributor

Product code DS3-S1/11N-A230K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic DS3-S1 slide distributor Coil: 2x 1902833 230 VAC C20.6S3-A230K1/10

Type - S1

Size - ISO 4401-03

  • net: 321,33 PLN


Duplomatic DS3-S1 230VAC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Type - S1

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 321,33 PLN

Duplomatic DS3-S3 230VAC slide distributor
Duplomatic DS3-S3 230VAC slide distributor

Duplomatic DS3-S3 230VAC slide distributor

Product code DS3-S3/11N-A230K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic DS3-S3 slide distributor Coil: 2x 1902833 230 VAC

Type - S3

Size - ISO 4401-03

  • net: 321,33 PLN


Duplomatic DS3-S3 230VAC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Type - S3

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 321,33 PLN

Duplomatic DS3-SA2 230VAC slide distributor
Duplomatic DS3-SA2 230VAC slide distributor

Duplomatic DS3-SA2 230VAC slide distributor

Product code DS3-SA2/11N-A230K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic DS3-SA2 slide distributor Coil: 1x 1902833 230 VAC

Type - SA2

Size - ISO 4401-03

  • net: 328,56 PLN


Duplomatic DS3-SA2 230VAC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Type - SA2

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 328,56 PLN

Duplomatic DS3-SA2 24VDC slide distributor
Duplomatic DS3-SA2 24VDC slide distributor

Duplomatic DS3-SA2 24VDC slide distributor

Product code DS3-SA2/11N-D24K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic DS3-SA2 slide distributor Coil: 2x 1903081 24 VDC

Comparison code - 3411500038

Type - SA2

Size - ISO 4401-03

  • net: 298,50 PLN


Duplomatic DS3-SA2 24VDC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Comparison code - 3411500038

Type - SA2

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 298,50 PLN

Duplomatic DS3-SA3 12VDC slide distributor
Duplomatic DS3-SA3 12VDC slide distributor

Duplomatic DS3-SA3 12VDC slide distributor

Product code DS3-SA3/11N-D12K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic DS3-SA3 slide distributor Coil: 2x 1903080 12 VDC

Type - SA3

Size - ISO 4401-03

  • net: 342,00 PLN


Duplomatic DS3-SA3 12VDC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Type - SA3

Size - ISO 4401-03

net: 342,00 PLN

Duplomatic DS5-S2 12VDC slide distributor
Duplomatic DS5-S2 12VDC slide distributor

Duplomatic DS5-S2 12VDC slide distributor

Product code DS5-S2/12N-D12K1

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 320 bar

Flow - 150 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Description - Duplomatic DS5-S2 slide distributor Coil: 2x 1902870 12 VDC 100% ED 3.81A C31-D12K1/20 X DS5

Comparison code - 3413100028

Type - S2

Size - ISO 4401-05

  • net: 343,27 PLN


Duplomatic DS5-S2 12VDC slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 320 bar

Flow - 150 l/min

Producent - Duplomatic

Comparison code - 3413100028

Type - S2

Size - ISO 4401-05

net: 343,27 PLN

Hawe EM11S-G24 solenoid valve
Hawe EM11S-G24 solenoid valve

Hawe EM11S-G24 solenoid valve

Product code EM11S-G24

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Tension - 24 VDC

Description - Hawe EM11S-G24 solenoid valve with pilot 27 OHM 0.89A Max. pressure: 400 bar

  • net: 744,30 PLN

net: 744,30 PLN

VPOFV / P controller
VPOFV / P controller

VPOFV / P controller

Product code ESR3897PR004

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 357,14 PLN

net: 357,14 PLN



Product code FX 00 KIT A

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 11530,51 PLN

net: 11530,51 PLN

Hydraulic joystick Hydrocontrol HC-RCM/1 REF. 42979 HC-RCM/1 - 01 B04 MD M WE95 RA U02
Hydraulic joystick Hydrocontrol HC-RCM/1 REF. 42979 HC-RCM/1 - 01 B04 MD M WE95 RA U02

Hydraulic joystick Hydrocontrol HC-RCM/1 REF. 42979 HC-RCM/1 - 01 B04 MD M WE95 RA U02

Product code H.42979

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - HC-RCM / 1 CONTROLLER REF. 42979 HC-RCM / 1 - 01 B04 MD M WE95 RA U02

  • net: 1061,06 PLN

net: 1061,06 PLN

HC-D3M control manifold electro-hydraulic (set) 12VDC
HC-D3M control manifold electro-hydraulic (set) 12VDC

HC-D3M control manifold electro-hydraulic (set) 12VDC

Product code HC-D3M/8EH

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Number of sections - 8

Flow - 55 l/min

max. pressure - 350 bars

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - The set consists of: Manifold HC-D3M/8EH 2 x Joystick Cables Check valve

Comparison code - 79245

  • net: 13254,79 PLN


HC-D3M control manifold electro-hydraulic (set) 12VDC

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Number of sections - 8

Flow - 55 l/min

max. pressure - 350 bars

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Comparison code - 79245

net: 13254,79 PLN

HC-DVS14/8 manifold steer. electro-hydraulic (set) 12VDC
HC-DVS14/8 manifold steer. electro-hydraulic (set) 12VDC

HC-DVS14/8 manifold steer. electro-hydraulic (set) 12VDC

Product code HC-DVS14/8

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Number of sections - 8

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - The set consists of: Splitter HC-DVS14/8EH 2 x Joystick Cables

Comparison code - 1HC14080005

  • net: 18387,77 PLN


HC-DVS14/8 manifold steer. electro-hydraulic (set) 12VDC

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Number of sections - 8

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Comparison code - 1HC14080005

net: 18387,77 PLN

4WE10-D electrically operated diverter
4WE10-D electrically operated diverter

4WE10-D electrically operated diverter

Product code HP-4WE10-D/D24-SR-Z5L

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - HP-4WE-10

Flow - 120 l/min

Size - NG10

Description - Electrically controlled 4-way plate distributor. Maximum flow (L/min) - according to from spool: up to 120 l/min Slide type: D Voltage: 24 VDC coil MFZ10-90YC DC24V 36W DIN Electrical connection plug-in DIN43650 with LED Mounting screws: M5x45 - class 10.9

  • net: 750,00 PLN

net: 750,00 PLN

Electric spool position sensor for HPMV3, HPMV4, NC
Electric spool position sensor for HPMV3, HPMV4, NC

Electric spool position sensor for HPMV3, HPMV4, NC

Product code HPYLMB448031

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Mobitec & Youli

Description - Electric ram position sensor for HPMV3, HPMV4, type: 8MG3 NC

Comparison code - I0016

  • net: 235,28 PLN

net: 235,28 PLN

Parker HV07 hydraulic distributor
Parker HV07 hydraulic distributor

Parker HV07 hydraulic distributor

Product code HV07-6A

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

  • net: 5000,00 PLN

net: 5000,00 PLN

Parker HV07 hydraulic distributor
Parker HV07 hydraulic distributor

Parker HV07 hydraulic distributor

Product code HV07-6B

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 5000,00 PLN

net: 5000,00 PLN

Universal mobile controller
Universal mobile controller

Universal mobile controller

Product code HY-TTC32-CD-00-000

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

  • net: 3348,88 PLN

net: 3348,88 PLN

P40 / P80 cable control connection
P40 / P80 cable control connection

P40 / P80 cable control connection

Product code KIT V1P80

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - Connection for control of the distributor cable P40/P80 Connection price without cable Cable cable available separately

  • net: 78,57 PLN

net: 78,57 PLN

Distributor NG6 control A12A hydraulic ram
Distributor NG6 control A12A hydraulic ram

Distributor NG6 control A12A hydraulic ram

Product code LC1PB13C

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 285,71 PLN

net: 285,71 PLN

M8x142 lever for SPV distributors
M8x142 lever for SPV distributors

M8x142 lever for SPV distributors

Product code LEVER-M8X142

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Akon

Description - SPV distributor lever Dimensions: M8x142

  • net: 11,43 PLN

net: 11,43 PLN

System ogranicznika LMI1001
System ogranicznika LMI1001

System ogranicznika LMI1001

Product code LMI1001

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

  • net: 14106,23 PLN

net: 14106,23 PLN

CAN 4-20mA control module
CAN 4-20mA control module

CAN 4-20mA control module

Product code MDC420U12

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

  • net: 2099,98 PLN

net: 2099,98 PLN

Outlet section SX14
Outlet section SX14

Outlet section SX14

Product code OUTLET SX14

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 1401,49 PLN

net: 1401,49 PLN

1-section hydraulic distributor
1-section hydraulic distributor

1-section hydraulic distributor

Product code P80A1GKZ1-11

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

  • net: 219,27 PLN


1-section hydraulic distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - P80

net: 219,27 PLN

Load limiter CLG-SL version 0027 10-30V Faber-com
Load limiter CLG-SL version 0027 10-30V Faber-com

Load limiter CLG-SL version 0027 10-30V Faber-com

Product code PASMLM0027

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Producent - Faber


  • net: 3162,80 PLN

net: 3162,80 PLN

L = 2M cable to CCU-X
L = 2M cable to CCU-X

L = 2M cable to CCU-X

Product code PCABCAN02

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 315,18 PLN

net: 315,18 PLN

Load limiter CLG-D version S2 10-30V Faber-com
Load limiter CLG-D version S2 10-30V Faber-com

Load limiter CLG-D version S2 10-30V Faber-com

Product code PCLDS2

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Description - CLG-D load limiter version S2 10-30V Faber-com

  • net: 3461,68 PLN

net: 3461,68 PLN

CCU-X touch screen panel
CCU-X touch screen panel

CCU-X touch screen panel

Product code POPRTFP3011

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 3432,05 PLN

net: 3432,05 PLN

TRS.TQE spirit level
TRS.TQE spirit level

TRS.TQE spirit level

Product code Poziomica TRS.TQE

Availability: Available (quantity: 39)

Product features:

Comparison code - TRS.QEU.1.1.S01

  • net: 1152,28 PLN

net: 1152,28 PLN

Calibration programmer CLG Faber-com - master
Calibration programmer CLG Faber-com - master

Calibration programmer CLG Faber-com - master

Product code PPRG2MC

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Producent - Faber

Description - Master programmer

  • net: 466,12 PLN

net: 466,12 PLN

Parker KA18 section valve - 100bar
Parker KA18 section valve - 100bar

Parker KA18 section valve - 100bar

Product code R6001-100-000

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Manufacturer - Parker

Type - KA18

  • net: 163,88 PLN

net: 163,88 PLN

Parker KA18 section valve - 100bar
Parker KA18 section valve - 100bar

Parker KA18 section valve - 100bar

Product code R6001-160-000

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Manufacturer - Parker

Type - KA18

Parker KA18 section valve - 190bar
Parker KA18 section valve - 190bar

Parker KA18 section valve - 190bar

Product code R6001-190-000

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Type - KA18

  • net: 157,66 PLN

net: 157,66 PLN

Parker KA18 main valve 100-275 BAR SET 200 BAR
Parker KA18 main valve 100-275 BAR SET 200 BAR

Parker KA18 main valve 100-275 BAR SET 200 BAR

Product code R6003-200-000

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Type - KA18

  • net: 282,98 PLN

net: 282,98 PLN

Rexroth 4WE 6 H6X/EG24N9K4 slide distributor
Rexroth 4WE 6 H6X/EG24N9K4 slide distributor

Rexroth 4WE 6 H6X/EG24N9K4 slide distributor

Product code R900561286

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - 4-WE-6

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Rexroth

Comparison code - 4 WE 6 H62/EG24N9K4

  • net: 1277,66 PLN


Rexroth 4WE 6 H6X/EG24N9K4 slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Type - 4-WE-6

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Producent - Rexroth

Comparison code - 4 WE 6 H62/EG24N9K4

net: 1277,66 PLN

Rexroth 4WE 10 H50/EG24N8K4/M slide distributor
Rexroth 4WE 10 H50/EG24N8K4/M slide distributor

Rexroth 4WE 10 H50/EG24N8K4/M slide distributor

Product code R901349809

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - 4-WE-10

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 160 l/min

Producent - Rexroth

Comparison code - 4WE 10 H50/EG24N8K4/M

  • net: 1115,13 PLN


Rexroth 4WE 10 H50/EG24N8K4/M slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - 4-WE-10

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 160 l/min

Producent - Rexroth

Comparison code - 4WE 10 H50/EG24N8K4/M

net: 1115,13 PLN

Rubber cover for the Rexroth SX14 zipper
Rubber cover for the Rexroth SX14 zipper

Rubber cover for the Rexroth SX14 zipper

Product code R907261078

Availability: Available (quantity: 11)

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Description - Rubber cover of the Rexroth SX14 slider cuff. Spacing of the assembly screws: 57mm

  • net: 264,82 PLN

net: 264,82 PLN

SX14 distributor slider repair kit
SX14 distributor slider repair kit

SX14 distributor slider repair kit

Product code R908200928

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Description - SX14 distributor slider repair kit

  • net: 591,54 PLN

net: 591,54 PLN

Rexroth SX14 spool seal
Rexroth SX14 spool seal

Rexroth SX14 spool seal

Product code R908250865

Availability: Available (quantity: 11)

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Description - Rexroth SX14 slider seal

  • net: 428,61 PLN

net: 428,61 PLN

Hydraulic distributor SX14 Loglift 211357
Hydraulic distributor SX14 Loglift 211357

Hydraulic distributor SX14 Loglift 211357

Product code R908403065

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Description - SX14 hydraulic distributor. Distributor configured for Loglift cranes, power supply system with a variable displacement pump.

Comparison code - 211357

  • net: 17718,90 PLN

net: 17718,90 PLN

3796941M6 Massey SB23-M Splitter Section
3796941M6 Massey SB23-M Splitter Section

3796941M6 Massey SB23-M Splitter Section

Product code R917010116

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 14 dni

Product features:

Number of sections - 1

Manifold type - SB23


Description - Massey Ferguson, Fendt, Deutz hydraulic section controlled by cable. Fits the following tractors: Challenger: MT445B, MT455B, MT455D, MT465D, MT475B, MT475D, MT485D, MT495D, MT515D, MT525B, MT525D, MT535B, MT535D, MT545B, MT545D, MT555B, MT555D, MT565B, MT565D, MT575B, MT575D, MT585B, MT585D, MT595B, MT595D Massey Ferguson: 5445, 5455, 5460, 5465, 5470, 6445, 6455, 6460, 6465, 6470, 6475, 6480, 6485, 6490, 6495, 6497, 6499, 7485, 7490, 7495, LT95A

Comparison code - 3796941M6,3796941H6, R917009111

  • net: 4295,13 PLN


3796941M6 Massey SB23-M Splitter Section

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 14 dni

Number of sections - 1

Manifold type - SB23


Comparison code - 3796941M6,3796941H6, R917009111

net: 4295,13 PLN

Pneumatically operated slide valve LC L51P1A201000000
Pneumatically operated slide valve LC L51P1A201000000

Pneumatically operated slide valve LC L51P1A201000000

Product code R933005001

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 310 bar

Producent - LC/Rexroth

Description - Pneumatically controlled slide valve

Comparison code - V.LC1-OP-A201-STD-N, L51P1A201000000

  • net: 974,17 PLN


Pneumatically operated slide valve LC L51P1A201000000

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 310 bar

Producent - LC/Rexroth

Comparison code - V.LC1-OP-A201-STD-N, L51P1A201000000

net: 974,17 PLN

Double-sided brake valve OP2201032920
Double-sided brake valve OP2201032920

Double-sided brake valve OP2201032920

Product code R934002710

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Description - Max. pressure 250bar Max. flow 40l/min

  • net: 714,29 PLN

net: 714,29 PLN

8-section distributor GSV50 / 8E-F7S (R) H-
8-section distributor GSV50 / 8E-F7S (R) H-

8-section distributor GSV50 / 8E-F7S (R) H-

Product code RDGA4040000630

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni

Product features:

Producent - Galtech

Description - GSV50 distributor Comparison code: 051080103030001

Flow - 50 l / min

Number of sections - 8

  • net: 3262,86 PLN

net: 3262,86 PLN

Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM276 Radio Drive
Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM276 Radio Drive

Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM276 Radio Drive

Product code RM276RD

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 120 l / min

Number of sections - 6

Manifold type - RM270

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - The distributor is equipped with proportional modules for radio control. Most often used in HIAB and JONSERED cranes, but they can be successfully used in other crane brands. 8010-9518525 electric control coil 24VDC

Comparison code - RM276-25249-9, FIHP 3921891, 1606-3921891

  • net: 15000,00 PLN


Hydraulic distributor Nordhydraulic RM276 Radio Drive

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 120 l / min

Number of sections - 6

Manifold type - RM270

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Comparison code - RM276-25249-9, FIHP 3921891, 1606-3921891

net: 15000,00 PLN

Zestaw (kit) do rozdzielacza hydraulicznego (ładowacz) 90l/min - mocowanie linki
Zestaw (kit) do rozdzielacza hydraulicznego (ładowacz) 90l/min - mocowanie linki

Zestaw (kit) do rozdzielacza hydraulicznego (ładowacz) 90l/min - mocowanie linki

Product code ROZ-KIT90L LAD

Availability: Available (quantity: 61) , 3 dni

Product features:

Description - Kit for hydraulic distributor (loader) 90l/min - cable attachment

  • net: 99,99 PLN

net: 99,99 PLN

Akon hydraulic distributor (50 l / m) 2 sec. stere. manual electric 12 VDC
Akon hydraulic distributor (50 l / m) 2 sec. stere. manual electric 12 VDC

Akon hydraulic distributor (50 l / m) 2 sec. stere. manual electric 12 VDC

Product code ROZ50-2-RE12

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni

Product features:

Tension - 12 VDC

Flow - 50 l / min

Number of sections - 2

Producent - Akon

Description - Hydraulic distributor, 2-section, 50 l/min., manual-electric control VALF AMV502B-R/SC142ST26 Coil : C39DEM12VDC 60W 100% ED

Comparison code - A0120990

  • net: 1499,99 PLN


Akon hydraulic distributor (50 l / m) 2 sec. stere. manual electric 12 VDC

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni

Tension - 12 VDC

Flow - 50 l / min

Number of sections - 2

Producent - Akon

Comparison code - A0120990

net: 1499,99 PLN

Akon hydraulic distributor (80 l / m) 3 sec. stere. manual electric 12 VDC
Akon hydraulic distributor (80 l / m) 3 sec. stere. manual electric 12 VDC

Akon hydraulic distributor (80 l / m) 3 sec. stere. manual electric 12 VDC

Product code ROZ80-3-RE12

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Tension - 12 VDC

Flow - 80 l / min

Number of sections - 3

Producent - Akon

Description - Hydraulic distributor Akon (80 l/m) 3-section manually-electrically controlled 12 VDC VALF AMV703B-R(180)/SC422 (Z)ST1/2XSC422(Z)ST1 Coil: DEM44-12-12 DIN 4PIN IP67 ED100% 12VDC 80W

Comparison code - A0066717

  • net: 2455,71 PLN


Akon hydraulic distributor (80 l / m) 3 sec. stere. manual electric 12 VDC

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Tension - 12 VDC

Flow - 80 l / min

Number of sections - 3

Producent - Akon

Comparison code - A0066717

net: 2455,71 PLN

Akon hydraulic distributor (80 l / m) 4 sec. stere. manual electric 12 VDC
Akon hydraulic distributor (80 l / m) 4 sec. stere. manual electric 12 VDC

Akon hydraulic distributor (80 l / m) 4 sec. stere. manual electric 12 VDC

Product code ROZ80-4-RE12

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 2 dni

Product features:

Tension - 12 VDC

Flow - 80 l / min

Number of sections - 4

Producent - Akon

Description - Hydraulic distributor, 4-section, 80 l/min., manually-electrically controlled. Coil: DEM44-12-12 DIN 4PIN IP67 ED100% 12VDC 80W

  • net: 3287,49 PLN

net: 3287,49 PLN

Akon hydraulic distributor (80 l / m) 4 sec. stere. manual electric 24 VDC
Akon hydraulic distributor (80 l / m) 4 sec. stere. manual electric 24 VDC

Akon hydraulic distributor (80 l / m) 4 sec. stere. manual electric 24 VDC

Product code ROZ80-4-RE24

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 3 dni

Product features:

Tension - 24 VDC

Flow - 80 l / min

Number of sections - 4

Producent - Akon

Description - Hydraulic distributor, 4-section, 80 l/min., manually-electrically controlled. Coil: DEM44-24-24 DIN 4PIN IP67 ED100% 24VDC 80W

  • net: 3287,49 PLN

net: 3287,49 PLN

Walvoil SD11 4-section hydraulic distributor
Walvoil SD11 4-section hydraulic distributor

Walvoil SD11 4-section hydraulic distributor

Product code SD11-4

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Number of sections - 4

Producent - Walvoil

Type - SD11

  • net: 4000,00 PLN

net: 4000,00 PLN

Lever console Walvoil SD4 / 5/6 type M8
Lever console Walvoil SD4 / 5/6 type M8

Lever console Walvoil SD4 / 5/6 type M8

Product code SD95BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - Walvoil SD4/5/6 lever console Bolt spacing: 35 mm Body length: 44 mm Mounting screw: M5 Lever: M8 Rubber cover: SD95BS

Comparison code - 7ALL120410, 5LEV105000, 21000754

  • net: 135,30 PLN


Lever console Walvoil SD4 / 5/6 type M8

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Producent - Walvoil

Comparison code - 7ALL120410, 5LEV105000, 21000754

net: 135,30 PLN

Lever console Walvoil SD4 / 5/6 type M10
Lever console Walvoil SD4 / 5/6 type M10

Lever console Walvoil SD4 / 5/6 type M10

Product code SD95BL1

Availability: Available (quantity: 9)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - Walvoil SD4/5/6 lever console Bolt spacing: 35 mm Body length: 44 mm Mounting screw: M5 Lever: M10 Rubber cover: SD95BS

Comparison code - 7ALL120410

  • net: 124,78 PLN

net: 124,78 PLN

Rubber cover for Walvoil SD5 / SD6 console
Rubber cover for Walvoil SD5 / SD6 console

Rubber cover for Walvoil SD5 / SD6 console

Product code SD95BS

Availability: Available (quantity: 24)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - Rubber cover for Walvoil SD5/SD6 console cuff Installation diameter: inside 25 mm outside: 30 mm Diameter for levers 11 mm Height 25 mm

Comparison code - 21002214

  • net: 22,26 PLN

net: 22,26 PLN

Walvoil AL01-M8x120 distributor lever for SD95BL
Walvoil AL01-M8x120 distributor lever for SD95BL

Walvoil AL01-M8x120 distributor lever for SD95BL

Product code SD95L01

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - Walvoil SD95BL distributor lever Thread: M8 Length: 120mm

Comparison code - 21000752, 170011012, 86500700

  • net: 12,41 PLN


Walvoil AL01-M8x120 distributor lever for SD95BL

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Producent - Walvoil

Comparison code - 21000752, 170011012, 86500700

net: 12,41 PLN

Working section SX14
Working section SX14

Working section SX14

Product code SECTION SX14

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

  • net: 2788,09 PLN

net: 2788,09 PLN

Hydraulic distributor Akon (120 l/m) 4 sec. Prop. LS. bypass + manual 12VDC
Hydraulic distributor Akon (120 l/m) 4 sec. Prop. LS. bypass + manual 12VDC

Hydraulic distributor Akon (120 l/m) 4 sec. Prop. LS. bypass + manual 12VDC

Product code SPV124S-12DC

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Tension - 12 VDC

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 120 l/min

Number of sections - 4

Producent - Akon

Description - Akon hydraulic distributor (120 l/m) 4 sections Prop. LS. 12VDC lever control option


Hydraulic distributor Akon (120 l/m) 4 sec. Prop. LS. bypass + manual 12VDC

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Tension - 12 VDC

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 120 l/min

Number of sections - 4

Producent - Akon

Akon hydraulic distributor (120 l / m) 6 sec. Prop. LS. 24VDC lever control option
Akon hydraulic distributor (120 l / m) 6 sec. Prop. LS. 24VDC lever control option

Akon hydraulic distributor (120 l / m) 6 sec. Prop. LS. 24VDC lever control option

Product code SPV126S/B-F-350/200

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni

Product features:

Tension - 24 VDC

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 120 l / min

Number of sections - 6

Producent - Akon

Description - Akon 6 section hydraulic distributor (120 l/m) 6 sections Prop. LS. option of lever control, dump valve, 24VDC Slider flow on sections: FT 40/40. 80/80. 65/65. 80/80. 65/65. 65/65.

  • net: 11249,99 PLN


Akon hydraulic distributor (120 l / m) 6 sec. Prop. LS. 24VDC lever control option

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni

Tension - 24 VDC

max. pressure - 350 bars

Flow - 120 l / min

Number of sections - 6

Producent - Akon

net: 11249,99 PLN

Rozdzielacz hydrauliczny Akon (120 l/m) 8 sekc. Prop. LS. bypass + manual 12VDC
Rozdzielacz hydrauliczny Akon (120 l/m) 8 sekc. Prop. LS. bypass + manual 12VDC

Rozdzielacz hydrauliczny Akon (120 l/m) 8 sekc. Prop. LS. bypass + manual 12VDC

Product code SPV128S-B-8-SEK2

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni

Product features:

Tension - 12 VDC

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 120 l/min

Number of sections - 8

Producent - Akon

Description - Rozdzielacz hydrauliczny Akon (120 l/m) 8 sekcji Prop. LS. opcja sterowania dźwigniami 12VDC

Przepływ suwakowy na sekcjach: FT 80/80. 80/80. 80/80. 40/40. 40/40. 40/40. 65/65. 65/65.

  • net: 16874,99 PLN


Rozdzielacz hydrauliczny Akon (120 l/m) 8 sekc. Prop. LS. bypass + manual 12VDC

Availability: Available (quantity: 2) , 3 dni

Tension - 12 VDC

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 120 l/min

Number of sections - 8

Producent - Akon

net: 16874,99 PLN

Olsbergs Pv90 slider type 02A
Olsbergs Pv90 slider type 02A

Olsbergs Pv90 slider type 02A

Product code V0602A

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - Olsbergs Pv90 slider type 02A 25-25-25-25

  • net: 1488,58 PLN

net: 1488,58 PLN

Olsbergs Pv90 slider type 04A
Olsbergs Pv90 slider type 04A

Olsbergs Pv90 slider type 04A

Product code V0604A

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - Olsbergs Pv90 slider type 04A 50-50-50-50

  • net: 1488,58 PLN

net: 1488,58 PLN

Olsbergs Pv90 type 98B slide
Olsbergs Pv90 type 98B slide

Olsbergs Pv90 type 98B slide

Product code V0698B

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - Olsbergs Pv90 slider type 98B 100-75S14-50-100

  • net: 1228,93 PLN

net: 1228,93 PLN

Olsbergs Pv90 Pv91 slider type 006A
Olsbergs Pv90 Pv91 slider type 006A

Olsbergs Pv90 Pv91 slider type 006A

Product code V32006A

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - Olsbergs Pv90 Pv91 slider type 006A 150-100-100-150 (32)

  • net: 1158,20 PLN

net: 1158,20 PLN

Slider Olsbergs Pv90 type 046B
Slider Olsbergs Pv90 type 046B

Slider Olsbergs Pv90 type 046B

Product code V32046B

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

  • net: 1219,90 PLN

net: 1219,90 PLN

TV1 coil seal kit Olsbergs PV90 Loglift
TV1 coil seal kit Olsbergs PV90 Loglift

TV1 coil seal kit Olsbergs PV90 Loglift

Product code V9001

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 93,92 PLN

net: 93,92 PLN

TV2 coil seal kit Olsbergs PV90 Loglift
TV2 coil seal kit Olsbergs PV90 Loglift

TV2 coil seal kit Olsbergs PV90 Loglift

Product code V9004

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 167,68 PLN

net: 167,68 PLN

Sprężyna sekcji rozdzielacza Olsbergs PV90
Sprężyna sekcji rozdzielacza Olsbergs PV90

Sprężyna sekcji rozdzielacza Olsbergs PV90

Product code V9005

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Producent - Olsbergs

Description - Sprężyna sekcji rozdzielacza Olsbergs PV90

  • net: 33,18 PLN

net: 33,18 PLN

Olsbergs coil seal kit (10 sets)
Olsbergs coil seal kit (10 sets)

Olsbergs coil seal kit (10 sets)

Product code V9042

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

  • net: 196,68 PLN

net: 196,68 PLN

Sprężyna sekcji rozdzielacza Olsbergs PV90
Sprężyna sekcji rozdzielacza Olsbergs PV90

Sprężyna sekcji rozdzielacza Olsbergs PV90

Product code V9046

Availability: Available (quantity: 11)

Product features:

Producent - Olsbergs

Description - Sprężyna sekcji rozdzielacza Olsbergs PV90

  • net: 64,89 PLN

net: 64,89 PLN

5-section distributor. 120 l/min.. proportional. LS pressure compensation. with lever control option, with dump valve. 24V DC
5-section distributor. 120 l/min.. proportional. LS pressure compensation. with lever control option, with dump valve. 24V DC

5-section distributor. 120 l/min.. proportional. LS pressure compensation. with lever control option, with dump valve. 24V DC

Product code VALF-SPV125/24V

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 2 dni

Product features:

Number of sections - 5

Description - 5-section distributor, 120 l/min, proportional, LS pressure compensation, with lever control option, dump valve, 24V DC

  • net: 9975,00 PLN

net: 9975,00 PLN

Tipping end valve 110l / min 190bar 3/4 "
Tipping end valve 110l / min 190bar 3/4 "

Tipping end valve 110l / min 190bar 3/4 "

Product code VS36001520

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 190 bars

Flow - 110 l / min

Description - Tipping limit valve 3/4" Equivalent: Hyva 14720211 (120l/min 350bar 3/4")

  • net: 633,33 PLN

net: 633,33 PLN

Dinoil lever console DN, DN85, DNC40, DNC65
Dinoil lever console DN, DN85, DNC40, DNC65

Dinoil lever console DN, DN85, DNC40, DNC65

Product code WP57010223R

Availability: Available (quantity: 10)

Product features:

Description - Dinoil lever console DN, DN85, DNC40, DNC65 Spacing of the fixing screws: 37mm Body length: 45mm Height: 80mm Lever available separately: 535118002 - M10 x180mm 13310017- M10 x 210mm

  • net: 105,46 PLN

net: 105,46 PLN

Manifold DNCE50 / 5 (180) E1 A1X4
Manifold DNCE50 / 5 (180) E1 A1X4

Manifold DNCE50 / 5 (180) E1 A1X4

Product code WP6D5E5FMLZ180001

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 3630,77 PLN

net: 3630,77 PLN

Dinoil DNC75 / 8 12V forest divider
Dinoil DNC75 / 8 12V forest divider

Dinoil DNC75 / 8 12V forest divider

Product code WP6D758NGNV240001

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Number of sections - 8

Flow - 70 l / min

Producent - Dinoil

Description - Dinoil DNC75/8 12V forest distributor DO6D758NGNV240001 Set includes: Handle 3533 - 2 pcs Lever - 2 pcs 4 plugs

  • net: 5622,86 PLN


Dinoil DNC75 / 8 12V forest divider

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Number of sections - 8

Flow - 70 l / min

Producent - Dinoil

net: 5622,86 PLN

Nut for manual override with latch (DHI / WPD-H)
Nut for manual override with latch (DHI / WPD-H)

Nut for manual override with latch (DHI / WPD-H)

Product code WPD/H

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Description - Nut for manual override with latch (DHI / WPD-H)

  • net: 192,87 PLN

net: 192,87 PLN

Nordhydraulic RSM290 lever console, Epsilon MO8 version
Nordhydraulic RSM290 lever console, Epsilon MO8 version

Nordhydraulic RSM290 lever console, Epsilon MO8 version

Product code YE61292

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - M08

Pin diameter - 8 mm

The diameter of the slider - 20 mm

Bolt spacing - 44 mm

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Nordhydraulic lever console RSM290 Epsilon MO8 version Spacing of mounting bolts: 44mm / 56mm

  • net: 402,91 PLN


Nordhydraulic RSM290 lever console, Epsilon MO8 version

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Type - M08

Pin diameter - 8 mm

The diameter of the slider - 20 mm

Bolt spacing - 44 mm

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 402,91 PLN

1-section hydraulic manifold new version P40
1-section hydraulic manifold new version P40

1-section hydraulic manifold new version P40

Product code Z50A1-GKZ1

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - Z50

  • net: 280,00 PLN


1-section hydraulic manifold new version P40

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Flow - 40 l/min

Number of sections - 1

max. pressure - 250 bars

Producent - Badestness

Type - Z50

net: 280,00 PLN

Cable with 3m plug for HY-TTC 30/32
Cable with 3m plug for HY-TTC 30/32

Cable with 3m plug for HY-TTC 30/32

Product code ZBS AK-048-3.0-1S

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

  • net: 777,15 PLN

net: 777,15 PLN

Lever latch P40 P80
Lever latch P40 P80

Lever latch P40 P80

Product code ZP40P80

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

  • net: 57,23 PLN

net: 57,23 PLN

M26x1.5 plug with thread 3/4
M26x1.5 plug with thread 3/4

M26x1.5 plug with thread 3/4

Product code 0010818

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 0,26 PLN

net: 0,26 PLN

M22x1.5 plug with 1/2 thread
M22x1.5 plug with 1/2 thread

M22x1.5 plug with 1/2 thread

Product code 0010921

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 0,30 PLN

net: 0,30 PLN

Hydrocontrol hydraulic joystick
Hydrocontrol hydraulic joystick

Hydrocontrol hydraulic joystick

Product code 00410006

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Description - Control lever with one axis Max pressure: 60bar Oil flow: 12l/min G 1/4" HC-RCM/1-01-B01-MA-M-WE095 RA G02

Comparison code - 004-10006

  • net: 728,51 PLN

net: 728,51 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D10/2 distributor, pneumatically controlled, ref.27938
Hydrocontrol HC-D10/2 distributor, pneumatically controlled, ref.27938

Hydrocontrol HC-D10/2 distributor, pneumatically controlled, ref.27938

Product code 00410016

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 55 l/min

Number of sections - 2

Manifold type - HC-D10

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - Hydrocontrol HC-D10/2 distributor, pneumatically controlled

Comparison code - 27938

  • net: 1262,47 PLN


Hydrocontrol HC-D10/2 distributor, pneumatically controlled, ref.27938

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 55 l/min

Number of sections - 2

Manifold type - HC-D10

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Comparison code - 27938

net: 1262,47 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D6 distributor section (without valves)
Hydrocontrol HC-D6 distributor section (without valves)

Hydrocontrol HC-D6 distributor section (without valves)

Product code 00410272

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - HC-D6 plugs instead of valves, slider W001 standard

Comparison code - 0410272

  • net: 753,13 PLN

net: 753,13 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D6/4 distributor, pneumatically controlled
Hydrocontrol HC-D6/4 distributor, pneumatically controlled

Hydrocontrol HC-D6/4 distributor, pneumatically controlled

Product code 00410324

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Number of sections - 4

Manifold type - HC-D6

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - Hydrocontrol HC-D6/4 distributor, pneumatically controlled

  • net: 5112,01 PLN


Hydrocontrol HC-D6/4 distributor, pneumatically controlled

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Number of sections - 4

Manifold type - HC-D6

Producent - Hydrocontrol

net: 5112,01 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D6 entry cover with main valve
Hydrocontrol HC-D6 entry cover with main valve

Hydrocontrol HC-D6 entry cover with main valve

Product code 00410472

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - Hydrocontrol HC-D6 entry cover with main valve

  • net: 491,96 PLN

net: 491,96 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D6/3 distributor, pneumatically controlled
Hydrocontrol HC-D6/3 distributor, pneumatically controlled

Hydrocontrol HC-D6/3 distributor, pneumatically controlled

Product code 00410728

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Number of sections - 3

Manifold type - HC-D6

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - Hydrocontrol HC-D6/3 distributor, pneumatically controlled

  • net: 4330,16 PLN


Hydrocontrol HC-D6/3 distributor, pneumatically controlled

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 100 l/min

Number of sections - 3

Manifold type - HC-D6

Producent - Hydrocontrol

net: 4330,16 PLN

HC-D3M / 8 separator
HC-D3M / 8 separator

HC-D3M / 8 separator

Product code 00411308

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Number of sections - 8

Flow - 55 l / min

Max. pressure - 350 bar

Manufacturer - Hydrocontrol

Description - Distributor coding: IL 009 170 A G04 W001DY H120 F001B RP G04 01 PA 180-A 01 PB 180-A W001B H012 F001B RP G04 01 PA 200-A 01 PB 120 W001B H002 F001B RP G04 W001E H028 RPE G04 01 PA 80 05 PB W001E H028 RPE G04 W001B H002 F001B RP G04 W001DY H120 F001B RP G04 W001B H012 F001B RP G04 01 PA 70 01 PB 190-A TK A G04 Comparative number: Product code 96764 Serial number 002946980 004-11308 Application: PALMS forestry cranes

  • net: 5731,90 PLN


HC-D3M / 8 separator

Availability: Currently not available

Number of sections - 8

Flow - 55 l / min

Max. pressure - 350 bar

Manufacturer - Hydrocontrol

net: 5731,90 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D4/5 distributor
Hydrocontrol HC-D4/5 distributor

Hydrocontrol HC-D4/5 distributor

Product code 00411844

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 5

Manifold type - HC-D4

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - Hydrocontrol HC-D4/5 distributor Configuration: W001B sliders H001 lever consoles RP G04 sections Section valves: I-section 01 PA (100 bar), II, III-section 01 PA (350 bar), IV-section 01 PA (80 bar) ), V-section 01 PA (200 bar) Main valve 320 bar Outlet cover TJ A G04 (top outlet G 1/4")

  • net: 7087,49 PLN


Hydrocontrol HC-D4/5 distributor

Availability: Currently not available

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 80 l/min

Number of sections - 5

Manifold type - HC-D4

Producent - Hydrocontrol

net: 7087,49 PLN

Rubber cover for Hydrocontrol HC-D4 console. HC-D6
Rubber cover for Hydrocontrol HC-D4 console. HC-D6

Rubber cover for Hydrocontrol HC-D4 console. HC-D6

Product code 01210005

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - Fits: HC-D, HC-D6 Dimensions: Lower hole fi = 30 mm Upper hole fi = 15 mm

Comparison code - 42340300700

  • net: 16,52 PLN

net: 16,52 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D3M shock valve; 160 bar, 101-220 bar
Hydrocontrol HC-D3M shock valve; 160 bar, 101-220 bar

Hydrocontrol HC-D3M shock valve; 160 bar, 101-220 bar

Product code 01210009

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - Hydrocontrol HC-D3M shock valve; 160 bar, 101-220 bar

  • net: 246,34 PLN

net: 246,34 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D4 overflow valve
Hydrocontrol HC-D4 overflow valve

Hydrocontrol HC-D4 overflow valve

Product code 01210030

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - Overflow valve for the HC-D4 manifold

Comparison code - 060659003, 21VN2463, 915065903

  • net: 222,06 PLN


Hydrocontrol HC-D4 overflow valve

Availability: Currently not available

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Comparison code - 060659003, 21VN2463, 915065903

net: 222,06 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D3 section valve; 180 bar, 101-220 bar
Hydrocontrol HC-D3 section valve; 180 bar, 101-220 bar

Hydrocontrol HC-D3 section valve; 180 bar, 101-220 bar

Product code 01210037

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - Hydrocontrol HC-D3 section valve; 180 bar, 101-220 bar Setting: 180 bar Adjustable pressure: 101-200 bar

  • net: 169,81 PLN

net: 169,81 PLN

Rubber cover for Hydrocontrol HC-D3M, D2, D3, D10, M45, M50 console
Rubber cover for Hydrocontrol HC-D3M, D2, D3, D10, M45, M50 console

Rubber cover for Hydrocontrol HC-D3M, D2, D3, D10, M45, M50 console

Product code 01210040

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - Suitable for: HC-D3, HC-D3M, HC-M10, HC-D10 Dimensions: Bottom hole fi = 21mm Top hole fi = 12mm New code: 01210857

Comparison code - 01210857, 012-10857, 423403071-C, DI116

  • net: 15,38 PLN


Rubber cover for Hydrocontrol HC-D3M, D2, D3, D10, M45, M50 console

Availability: Currently not available

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Comparison code - 01210857, 012-10857, 423403071-C, DI116

net: 15,38 PLN

Hydrocontrol main valve HC-D3M HC-D4; 201-250 bar
Hydrocontrol main valve HC-D3M HC-D4; 201-250 bar

Hydrocontrol main valve HC-D3M HC-D4; 201-250 bar

Product code 01210043

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - Hydrocontrol HC-D3M and HC-D4 main distributor valve Adjustable pressure: 201-250 BAR Old code: 01210625

Comparison code - 915020403, 01210625

  • net: 378,76 PLN


Hydrocontrol main valve HC-D3M HC-D4; 201-250 bar

Availability: Currently not available

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Comparison code - 915020403, 01210625

net: 378,76 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D6, D12, D16 overflow valve; 251/400 bar
Hydrocontrol HC-D6, D12, D16 overflow valve; 251/400 bar

Hydrocontrol HC-D6, D12, D16 overflow valve; 251/400 bar

Product code 01210060

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - Hydrocontrol HC-D6, D12, D16 overflow valve; 251/400 bar

Comparison code - 915014504

  • net: 259,03 PLN

net: 259,03 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D4 slider repair kit
Hydrocontrol HC-D4 slider repair kit

Hydrocontrol HC-D4 slider repair kit

Product code 01210084

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - Hydrocontrol HC-D4 slider repair kit, type F001A

Comparison code - 320704004

  • net: 133,78 PLN


Hydrocontrol HC-D4 slider repair kit

Availability: Currently not available

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Comparison code - 320704004

net: 133,78 PLN

HPCO Hydrocontrol G1/4" plug HC-D4, D3, D3M, D6
HPCO Hydrocontrol G1/4" plug HC-D4, D3, D3M, D6

HPCO Hydrocontrol G1/4" plug HC-D4, D3, D3M, D6

Product code 01210111

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - HPCO Hydrocontrol G1/4" plug HC-D4, D3, D6 H=13mm

Comparison code - 413010203

  • net: 8,78 PLN

net: 8,78 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D2 lever console; H001-H002
Hydrocontrol HC-D2 lever console; H001-H002

Hydrocontrol HC-D2 lever console; H001-H002

Product code 01210139

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

  • net: 258,49 PLN

net: 258,49 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D10 slider repair kit
Hydrocontrol HC-D10 slider repair kit

Hydrocontrol HC-D10 slider repair kit

Product code 01210148

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

  • net: 77,55 PLN

net: 77,55 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-M50 pneumatic controller type F020A = F021A
Hydrocontrol HC-M50 pneumatic controller type F020A = F021A

Hydrocontrol HC-M50 pneumatic controller type F020A = F021A

Product code 01210238

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - HC-M50 pneumatic controller type F020A = F021A

  • net: 673,40 PLN

net: 673,40 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D3M TJ-AG04 outlet cover
Hydrocontrol HC-D3M TJ-AG04 outlet cover

Hydrocontrol HC-D3M TJ-AG04 outlet cover

Product code 01210304

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - Hydrocontrol HC-D3M TJ-AG04 output cover

  • net: 169,60 PLN

net: 169,60 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-M45 spool seal
Hydrocontrol HC-M45 spool seal

Hydrocontrol HC-M45 spool seal

Product code 01210329

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - Hydrocontrol HC-M45 slider seal

  • net: 8,44 PLN

net: 8,44 PLN

Hydrocontrol main valve HC-D3M HC-D4; 251-350 bar
Hydrocontrol main valve HC-D3M HC-D4; 251-350 bar

Hydrocontrol main valve HC-D3M HC-D4; 251-350 bar

Product code 01210349

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - Hydrocontrol HC-D3M and HC-D4 main distributor valve Adjustable pressure: 251-350 bar

  • net: 186,32 PLN

net: 186,32 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D3M distributor section (X/150bar)
Hydrocontrol HC-D3M distributor section (X/150bar)

Hydrocontrol HC-D3M distributor section (X/150bar)

Product code 01210359

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - HC-D3M distributor section (X/150bar)

  • net: 541,66 PLN

net: 541,66 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D3M distributor section (without valves)
Hydrocontrol HC-D3M distributor section (without valves)

Hydrocontrol HC-D3M distributor section (without valves)

Product code 01210360

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - HC-D3M manifold section (without valves)

  • net: 393,06 PLN

net: 393,06 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D4 distributor section (200/200bar)
Hydrocontrol HC-D4 distributor section (200/200bar)

Hydrocontrol HC-D4 distributor section (200/200bar)

Product code 01210459

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - HC-D4 distributor section (200/200bar)

Comparison code - W001A H001 F001A RP G04 01 PA (200) 01 PB (200)

  • net: 666,97 PLN


Hydrocontrol HC-D4 distributor section (200/200bar)

Availability: Currently not available

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Comparison code - W001A H001 F001A RP G04 01 PA (200) 01 PB (200)

net: 666,97 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D3M distributor section (200/200bar)
Hydrocontrol HC-D3M distributor section (200/200bar)

Hydrocontrol HC-D3M distributor section (200/200bar)

Product code 01210460

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - HC-D3M distributor section (200/200bar)

  • net: 890,14 PLN

net: 890,14 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D4 distributor section (100/280bar)
Hydrocontrol HC-D4 distributor section (100/280bar)

Hydrocontrol HC-D4 distributor section (100/280bar)

Product code 01210461

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - HC-D4 distributor section (100/280bar)

Comparison code - W001A H001 F001A RP G04 01 PA (100) 01 PB (280)

  • net: 666,97 PLN


Hydrocontrol HC-D4 distributor section (100/280bar)

Availability: Currently not available

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Comparison code - W001A H001 F001A RP G04 01 PA (100) 01 PB (280)

net: 666,97 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D3M distributor section (100/280bar)
Hydrocontrol HC-D3M distributor section (100/280bar)

Hydrocontrol HC-D3M distributor section (100/280bar)

Product code 01210462

Availability: Currently not available

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

Description - HC-D3M distributor section (100/280bar)

  • net: 615,64 PLN

net: 615,64 PLN

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