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Exchange rate
Currency Rate
Purchase Sale
EUR 4,1075 4,1905
USD 3,9457 4,0255
*Tabela C NBP
EUR 3,9847 4,3513
USD 3,8294 4,1818
*BNP Paribas

Hydraulic distributors

Clear filters
Argo Hytos
Bondioli & Pavesi Dinoil
Bondioli & Pavesi Dinoil
Dana Brevini
Eaton / Vickers
Eeaton / Vickers
Finn Rotor
Mobitec & Youli
Mobitec & Youli
select all
12 VDC
24 VDC
P70CF V80
HLS 200
PVEA Active
PVEA Passive
PVEA-DI Active
PVEA-DI Passive
PVEA-NP Passive
PVEA-anodized Passive
PVED-CC Active
PVEH Active
PVEH Passive
PVEH anodized Active
PVEH anodized Passive
PVEH-DI Active
PVEH-DI Passive
PVEH-F Active
PVEH-F Passive
PVEH-FLA Passive
PVEH-FLB Passive
PVEH-U Active
PVEH-U Passive
PVEH-anodized Passive
PVEK Passive
PVEM Passive
PVEM-FLB Passive
PVEM-Q Passive
PVEM-R ramp Passive
PVEM-float B
PVEO-R ramp
PVEP Active
PVES Active
PVES Passive
PVES-SP Passive
PVES-U Active
PVES-U Passive
PVEU Active
PVEU Passive
RV 713
select all
Max. pressure
160 bar
300 bar
310 bar
315 bar
320 bar
350 bar
select all
Number of sections
select all
select all
5 l/min
10 l/min
12 l / min
20 l/min
25 l/min
25 l / min
30 l / min
30 l/min
32 l / min
35 l / min
35 l/min
40 l / min
40 l/min
45 l/min
45 l / min
50 l / min
50 l/min
55 l/min
55 l / min
60 l/min
60 l / min
65 l / min
65 l/min
70 l/min
70 l / min
75 l / min
80 l/min
80 l / min
90 l / min
90 l/min
95 l / min
95 l/min
100 l / min
100 l/min
110 l / min
120l / min
120 l/min
120 l / min
130 l/min
130 l / min
140 l / min
140 l/min
150 l / min
150 l/min
160 l / min
160 l/min
170 l / min
175 l / min
220 l / min
250 l/min
1100 l/min
select all
max. pressure
100 bar
120 bar
170 bar
180 bar
190 bars
200 bar
207 bar
210 bar
210 bars
240 bars
240 bar
250 bar
250 bars
280 bar
300 bar
300 bars
310 bar
315 bar
320 bar
320 bars
350 bar
350 bars
select all
Manifold type
PVG 32
RS 210
RS 213
RSQ 240
RS 280
RV 713
select all
HPPV-4, PV-4, PV-140
RS 210
RS 210 / RS 270
RS 220
RM 230
RSQ 240
RM 250
RM 250 / RM 260
RM 270
RS 270 / RM 310
RS 270
RS 280
RS 280 / RM 310
RM 310 / RS 260 / RS 270
RM 310 / RS 270 / RS 280
RM 310
M400LS / M402LS
select all
select all
select all
2x200 bar
2x190 bar
25 bar
32 bar
40 bar
50 bar
60 bar
63 bar
65 bars
65 bar
70 bar
80 bar
100 bar
110 bar
115 bar
120 bar
125 bar
130 bar
140 bar
150 bar
160 bar
165 bar
170 bar
175 bar
180 bar
190 bar
200 bar
210 bar
215 bar
220 bar
225 bar
230 bar
240 bar
245 bar
250 bar
250 bars
260 bar
265 bar
270 bar
270/120 bar
275 bar
280 bar
290 bar
300 bar
310 bar
320 bar
330 bar
350 bar
380 bar
400 bar
420 bar
500 bar
700 bar
select all
11-30 VDC
11-24 VDC
11-32 VDC
12 VDC
24 VDC
205 VDC
select all
Connection type
1x6 AMP
1x10 AMP
1x6 Deutsch
1x4 Metri-pack
1x4 Deutsch
1x4 AMP
1x4 DIN
2x2 AMP
2x4 Deutsch
2x4 AMP
T: 3/4" P,A and B: 1/2"
select all
max. flow
45 l/min
80 l/min
select all
ISO 4401-05
ISO 4401-03
select all
Pin diameter
7 mm
8 mm
10 mm
select all
The diameter of the slider
16 mm
20 mm
25 mm
select all
Bolt spacing
44 mm
50 mm
57 mm
select all
0.15 A.
select all
TBSD 204-280 bar (RM270) - overflow valve
TBSD 204-280 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

TBSD 204-280 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Product code 2275-500280

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:

Pressure - 280 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - anti-cavitation section valve for Nordhydraulic RM270 manifold

  • net: 338,78 PLN


TBSD 204-280 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Pressure - 280 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 338,78 PLN

TBSD 204-290 bar (RM270) - overflow valve
TBSD 204-290 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

TBSD 204-290 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Product code 2275-500290

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Pressure - 290 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - anti-cavitation section valve for Nordhydraulic RM270 manifold

  • net: 338,78 PLN


TBSD 204-290 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Pressure - 290 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 338,78 PLN

TBSD 204-300 bar (RM270) - overflow valve
TBSD 204-300 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

TBSD 204-300 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Product code 2275-500300

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Pressure - 300 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - anti-cavitation section valve for Nordhydraulic RM270 manifold

  • net: 338,78 PLN


TBSD 204-300 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Pressure - 300 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 338,78 PLN

TBSD 204-350 bar (RM270) - overflow valve
TBSD 204-350 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

TBSD 204-350 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Product code 2275-500350

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Pressure - 350 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - anti-cavitation section valve for Nordhydraulic RM270 manifold

  • net: 338,78 PLN


TBSD 204-350 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Pressure - 350 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 338,78 PLN

TBD205-160bar (RM 270) - overflow valve (ex.TBD204)
TBD205-160bar (RM 270) - overflow valve (ex.TBD204)

TBD205-160bar (RM 270) - overflow valve (ex.TBD204)

Product code 2275-510160

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Pressure - 160 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 254,10 PLN


TBD205-160bar (RM 270) - overflow valve (ex.TBD204)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Pressure - 160 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 254,10 PLN

TBD204-210bar (RM 270) - overflow valve
TBD204-210bar (RM 270) - overflow valve

TBD204-210bar (RM 270) - overflow valve

Product code 2275-510210

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Pressure - 210 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic


  • net: 254,10 PLN


TBD204-210bar (RM 270) - overflow valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Pressure - 210 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 254,10 PLN

TBD204-270bar (RM 270) - overflow valve
TBD204-270bar (RM 270) - overflow valve

TBD204-270bar (RM 270) - overflow valve

Product code 2275-510270

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Pressure - 270 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic


  • net: 254,10 PLN


TBD204-270bar (RM 270) - overflow valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Pressure - 270 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 254,10 PLN

TBD204-290bar (RM 270) - overflow valve
TBD204-290bar (RM 270) - overflow valve

TBD204-290bar (RM 270) - overflow valve

Product code 2275-510290

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Pressure - 290 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - VALVE WITHOUT ANTI-AVITATION OPTION 2275-510290 = YE61550

  • net: 254,10 PLN


TBD204-290bar (RM 270) - overflow valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Pressure - 290 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 254,10 PLN

TBD 203-210 bar (RM 270) - main valve
TBD 203-210 bar (RM 270) - main valve

TBD 203-210 bar (RM 270) - main valve

Product code 2275-600210

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Pressure - 210 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Main valve for Nordhydraulic RM270 manifold

  • net: 320,00 PLN


TBD 203-210 bar (RM 270) - main valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Pressure - 210 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 320,00 PLN

TBD 203-245 bar (RM 270) - main valve
TBD 203-245 bar (RM 270) - main valve

TBD 203-245 bar (RM 270) - main valve

Product code 2275-600245

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:

Pressure - 245 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Main valve for Nordhydraulic RM270 manifold

  • net: 320,00 PLN


TBD 203-245 bar (RM 270) - main valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Pressure - 245 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 320,00 PLN

TBD 203-250 bar (RM 270) - main valve
TBD 203-250 bar (RM 270) - main valve

TBD 203-250 bar (RM 270) - main valve

Product code 2275-600250

Availability: Available (quantity: 15)

Product features:

Pressure - 250 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Main valve for Nordhydraulic RM270 manifold

  • net: 320,00 PLN


TBD 203-250 bar (RM 270) - main valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 15)

Pressure - 250 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 320,00 PLN

TBD 203-280 bar (RM 270) - main valve
TBD 203-280 bar (RM 270) - main valve

TBD 203-280 bar (RM 270) - main valve

Product code 2275-600280

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

Product features:

Pressure - 280 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Main valve for Nordhydraulic RM270 manifold

  • net: 320,00 PLN


TBD 203-280 bar (RM 270) - main valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

Pressure - 280 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 320,00 PLN

TBD 203-290 bar (RM 270) - main valve
TBD 203-290 bar (RM 270) - main valve

TBD 203-290 bar (RM 270) - main valve

Product code 2275-600290

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Pressure - 290 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Main valve for Nordhydraulic RM270 manifold

  • net: 320,00 PLN


TBD 203-290 bar (RM 270) - main valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Pressure - 290 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 320,00 PLN

TBD 203-300 bar (RM 270) - main valve
TBD 203-300 bar (RM 270) - main valve

TBD 203-300 bar (RM 270) - main valve

Product code 2275-600300

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Pressure - 300 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Main valve for Nordhydraulic RM270 manifold

  • net: 320,00 PLN


TBD 203-300 bar (RM 270) - main valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Pressure - 300 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 320,00 PLN

TBD 203-350 bar (RM 270) - main valve
TBD 203-350 bar (RM 270) - main valve

TBD 203-350 bar (RM 270) - main valve

Product code 2275-600350

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Pressure - 350 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Main valve for Nordhydraulic RM270 manifold

  • net: 320,00 PLN


TBD 203-350 bar (RM 270) - main valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Pressure - 350 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 320,00 PLN

TBL 204-150 bar (RM 270) - pressure valve
TBL 204-150 bar (RM 270) - pressure valve

TBL 204-150 bar (RM 270) - pressure valve

Product code 2275-6902146

Availability: Available (quantity: 18)

Product features:

Pressure - 150 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBL

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - RM270 section valve for the section with a lock

  • net: 360,04 PLN


TBL 204-150 bar (RM 270) - pressure valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 18)

Pressure - 150 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBL

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 360,04 PLN

TBL 204-290 bar (RM 270) - pressure valve
TBL 204-290 bar (RM 270) - pressure valve

TBL 204-290 bar (RM 270) - pressure valve

Product code 2275-6909493

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Pressure - 290 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBL

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - RM270 section valve for the section with a lock

  • net: 360,04 PLN


TBL 204-290 bar (RM 270) - pressure valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Pressure - 290 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBL

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 360,04 PLN

TBL 204-125 bar (RM 270) - pressure valve
TBL 204-125 bar (RM 270) - pressure valve

TBL 204-125 bar (RM 270) - pressure valve

Product code 2275-6913113

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Pressure - 125 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBL

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - RM270 section valve for the section with a lock

  • net: 360,04 PLN


TBL 204-125 bar (RM 270) - pressure valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Pressure - 125 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBL

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 360,04 PLN

TBSD 205-100 bar (RM270) - overflow valve
TBSD 205-100 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

TBSD 205-100 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Product code 2275-701100

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:

Pressure - 100 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 429,86 PLN


TBSD 205-100 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Pressure - 100 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 429,86 PLN

TBSD 205-120 bar (RM270) - overflow valve
TBSD 205-120 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

TBSD 205-120 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Product code 2275-701120

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Pressure - 120 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 333,36 PLN


TBSD 205-120 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Pressure - 120 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 333,36 PLN

TBSD 205-160 bar (RM270) - overflow valve
TBSD 205-160 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

TBSD 205-160 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Product code 2275-701160

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:

Pressure - 160 bar

Destiny - RM270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Anti-cavitation section valve for Nordhydraulic RM270 distributor

Comparison code - 2275-500160

  • net: 429,86 PLN


TBSD 205-160 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Pressure - 160 bar

Destiny - RM270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Comparison code - 2275-500160

net: 429,86 PLN

TBSD 205-190 bar (RM270) - overflow valve
TBSD 205-190 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

TBSD 205-190 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Product code 2275-701190

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Pressure - 190 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 414,73 PLN


TBSD 205-190 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Pressure - 190 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 414,73 PLN

TBSD 205-210 bar (RM270) - overflow valve
TBSD 205-210 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

TBSD 205-210 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Product code 2275-701210

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:

Pressure - 210 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 421,72 PLN


TBSD 205-210 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Pressure - 210 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 421,72 PLN

TBSD 205-250 bar (RM270) - overflow valve
TBSD 205-250 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

TBSD 205-250 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Product code 2275-701250

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Pressure - 250 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 414,73 PLN


TBSD 205-250 bar (RM270) - overflow valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Pressure - 250 bar

Destiny - RM 270

Type - TBSD

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 414,73 PLN

Zestaw uszczelnień SP-SK-QF3-N
Zestaw uszczelnień SP-SK-QF3-N

Zestaw uszczelnień SP-SK-QF3-N

Product code 22752700

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 45,96 PLN

net: 45,96 PLN

The plug for the main valve RM270 RM310
The plug for the main valve RM270 RM310

The plug for the main valve RM270 RM310

Product code 2310-210153

Availability: Available (quantity: 15)

Product features:

  • net: 64,29 PLN

net: 64,29 PLN

P400 plug for RS210, RS270
P400 plug for RS210, RS270

P400 plug for RS210, RS270

Product code 2310-210313

Availability: Available (quantity: 17)

Product features:

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - P400 plug for RS210, RS270

  • net: 87,20 PLN

net: 87,20 PLN

Short plug PK400 (for RS 210)
Short plug PK400 (for RS 210)

Short plug PK400 (for RS 210)

Product code 2310-210315

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

  • net: 102,74 PLN

net: 102,74 PLN

PE20 plug for RS210, RSQ240
PE20 plug for RS210, RSQ240

PE20 plug for RS210, RSQ240

Product code 2310-263631

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

Product features:

Description - plug for by-pass valve RS210, RSQ240

Comparison code - 2330-263631

  • net: 69,40 PLN

net: 69,40 PLN

PM4 3/4 "RS280 plug
PM4 3/4 "RS280 plug

PM4 3/4 "RS280 plug

Product code 2310-450141

Availability: Available (quantity: 5)

Product features:

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Plug PM4 3/4" for RS280

  • net: 147,36 PLN

net: 147,36 PLN

Repair kit SLK9 RM310 / RS270 / RS280
Repair kit SLK9 RM310 / RS270 / RS280

Repair kit SLK9 RM310 / RS270 / RS280

Product code 2330-261856

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

  • net: 273,26 PLN

net: 273,26 PLN

High pressure bushing RS210 RM200 RM230 RFM210 RMF200
High pressure bushing RS210 RM200 RM230 RFM210 RMF200

High pressure bushing RS210 RM200 RM230 RFM210 RMF200

Product code 2330-266987

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - High pressure bushing for cover U01A GZ 3/4 "BSP x IG 1/2" BSP

  • net: 254,00 PLN

net: 254,00 PLN

Lever console Nordhydraulic RS210 RM230 version Palfinger EV321 type M19
Lever console Nordhydraulic RS210 RM230 version Palfinger EV321 type M19

Lever console Nordhydraulic RS210 RM230 version Palfinger EV321 type M19

Product code 2330-266992

Availability: Available (quantity: 14)

Product features:

Type - M19

Pin diameter - 8 mm

The diameter of the slider - 16 mm

Bolt spacing - 44 mm

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Nordhydraulic lever console RS210 RM230 Suitable for RM200/230/RS210 manifolds manifold code: 3942287 3910890 ratio 9:1 Old code: 2190-266992 Palfinger code: EV321

Comparison code - EV321, 2190-266992

  • net: 110,90 PLN


Lever console Nordhydraulic RS210 RM230 version Palfinger EV321 type M19

Availability: Available (quantity: 14)

Type - M19

Pin diameter - 8 mm

The diameter of the slider - 16 mm

Bolt spacing - 44 mm

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Comparison code - EV321, 2190-266992

net: 110,90 PLN

K3 RM310 kit
K3 RM310 kit

K3 RM310 kit

Product code 2330-268175

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 160,00 PLN

net: 160,00 PLN

Section plug RM310
Section plug RM310

Section plug RM310

Product code 2330-268328

Availability: Available (quantity: 26)

Product features:

Destiny - RM 310

Producent - Nordhydraulic

  • net: 60,00 PLN


Section plug RM310

Availability: Available (quantity: 26)

Destiny - RM 310

Producent - Nordhydraulic

net: 60,00 PLN

Hydraulic steering for RM310, RS280 HPDA-1A
Hydraulic steering for RM310, RS280 HPDA-1A

Hydraulic steering for RM310, RS280 HPDA-1A

Product code 2330-269214

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - A side A B side 2170-269228

  • net: 238,53 PLN

net: 238,53 PLN

Hydraulic steering for RM310 HPDA-1B
Hydraulic steering for RM310 HPDA-1B

Hydraulic steering for RM310 HPDA-1B

Product code 2330-269228

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - Sterowanie hydrauliczne do rozdzielacza RM310 HPDA-1B

  • net: 228,57 PLN

net: 228,57 PLN

Nordhydraulic solenoid valve RM270/RS220/RSQ240 ER54 24V TM62101
Nordhydraulic solenoid valve RM270/RS220/RSQ240 ER54 24V TM62101

Nordhydraulic solenoid valve RM270/RS220/RSQ240 ER54 24V TM62101

Product code 2330-282516

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

Description - Nordhydraulic solenoid valve RM270/RS220/RSQ240 ER54 24V TM62101 25BAR FURTHER CYLINDRICAL PART DIAMETERS: 13 MM, 15 MM, 16.45 MM HYDRAUTO CODE: 9518525

Comparison code - TM68501, TM 68501, 2230-282516, 9518525

  • net: 939,04 PLN

net: 939,04 PLN

TS RS210 plug
TS RS210 plug

TS RS210 plug

Product code 2330-450073

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

Product features:

  • net: 67,10 PLN

net: 67,10 PLN

SB23 manifold section valve
SB23 manifold section valve

SB23 manifold section valve

Product code 2658166

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Producent - Rexroth

Description - Bosch SB23 manifold section valve

Comparison code - 1 527 010 339

  • net: 200,00 PLN


SB23 manifold section valve

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Producent - Rexroth

Comparison code - 1 527 010 339

net: 200,00 PLN

Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/20-AL
Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/20-AL

Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/20-AL

Product code 27562700

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

max. pressure - 320 bar

Number of sections - 2

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

Description - Płyta przyłączeniowa 2-sekcyjna DR2-06/20-AL

Comparison code - DR2-06/20-AL

  • net: 315,54 PLN


Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/20-AL

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

max. pressure - 320 bar

Number of sections - 2

Producent - Argo Hytos

Size - CETOP 03

Comparison code - DR2-06/20-AL

net: 315,54 PLN

Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/21-AL
Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/21-AL

Płyta przyłaczeniowa DR2-06/21-AL

Product code 27563600

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 5 dni

Product features:

  • net: 389,47 PLN

net: 389,47 PLN

Argo Hytos PRM2-063H11/35-12E3A slide distributor
Argo Hytos PRM2-063H11/35-12E3A slide distributor

Argo Hytos PRM2-063H11/35-12E3A slide distributor

Product code 28254700

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - H11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 30 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

Description - Proportional distributor PRM2-063H11/35-12E3A Coil 12 VDC Code: 24157900 Body code: 28254700

  • net: 2057,59 PLN


Argo Hytos PRM2-063H11/35-12E3A slide distributor

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Type - H11

Size - CETOP 03

max. pressure - 350 bar

Flow - 30 l/min

Producent - Argo Hytos

net: 2057,59 PLN

Hydrocontrol HC-D6/4 mounting pin (piece) 318mm
Hydrocontrol HC-D6/4 mounting pin (piece) 318mm

Hydrocontrol HC-D6/4 mounting pin (piece) 318mm

Product code 300105004

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Producent - Hydrocontrol

  • net: 76,21 PLN

net: 76,21 PLN

C3 Parker conversion kit
C3 Parker conversion kit

C3 Parker conversion kit

Product code 301000K804

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 840,60 PLN

net: 840,60 PLN

Conversion kit C5, (251-280) bar
Conversion kit C5, (251-280) bar

Conversion kit C5, (251-280) bar

Product code 301000K811

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 1549,08 PLN

net: 1549,08 PLN

F130CF slider type BJH - I arm (EA)
F130CF slider type BJH - I arm (EA)

F130CF slider type BJH - I arm (EA)

Product code 301000S144

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Function - EA

Flow - 70 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

  • net: 1164,86 PLN


F130CF slider type BJH - I arm (EA)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Function - EA

Flow - 70 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

net: 1164,86 PLN

Spool F130CF type TEH (EA)
Spool F130CF type TEH (EA)

Spool F130CF type TEH (EA)

Product code 301000S152

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Function - EA

Flow - 90 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

  • net: 1164,86 PLN


Spool F130CF type TEH (EA)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Function - EA

Flow - 90 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

net: 1164,86 PLN

Slider F130CF type THH - general (EB)
Slider F130CF type THH - general (EB)

Slider F130CF type THH - general (EB)

Product code 301000S153

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Function - EB

Flow - 90 l/min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

  • net: 1577,38 PLN


Slider F130CF type THH - general (EB)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Function - EB

Flow - 90 l/min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

net: 1577,38 PLN

Slider F130CF type HRH (D)
Slider F130CF type HRH (D)

Slider F130CF type HRH (D)

Product code 301000S166

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Function - D

Flow - 90 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

Description - Slider with M8 thread

  • net: 1164,86 PLN


Slider F130CF type HRH (D)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Function - D

Flow - 90 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

net: 1164,86 PLN

Spool F130CF type FMH (CA) M8
Spool F130CF type FMH (CA) M8

Spool F130CF type FMH (CA) M8

Product code 301000S217

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Function - CA

Flow - 90 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

Description - Slider with M8 thread Replaces YYH

  • net: 1474,24 PLN


Spool F130CF type FMH (CA) M8

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Function - CA

Flow - 90 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

net: 1474,24 PLN

Slider F130CF type TBH (D)
Slider F130CF type TBH (D)

Slider F130CF type TBH (D)

Product code 301000S232

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Function - D

Flow - 90 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

  • net: 1466,70 PLN


Slider F130CF type TBH (D)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Function - D

Flow - 90 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

net: 1466,70 PLN

Slider F130CF type YCH - I arm (D)
Slider F130CF type YCH - I arm (D)

Slider F130CF type YCH - I arm (D)

Product code 301000S235

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Function - D

Flow - 90 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

Description - Does notclose Pump to Tank (Free flow) gallery with operation Pump to Service port B.

  • net: 1164,86 PLN


Slider F130CF type YCH - I arm (D)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Function - D

Flow - 90 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

net: 1164,86 PLN

Spool F130CF type GAH (D)
Spool F130CF type GAH (D)

Spool F130CF type GAH (D)

Product code 301000S270

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Function - D

Flow - 110 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

  • net: 1465,40 PLN


Spool F130CF type GAH (D)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Function - D

Flow - 110 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

net: 1465,40 PLN

Spool F130CF type GBH (D)
Spool F130CF type GBH (D)

Spool F130CF type GBH (D)

Product code 301000S271

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Function - D

Flow - 110 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

  • net: 1465,42 PLN


Spool F130CF type GBH (D)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Function - D

Flow - 110 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

net: 1465,42 PLN

Spool F130CF type GCH (D)
Spool F130CF type GCH (D)

Spool F130CF type GCH (D)

Product code 301000S272

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Function - D

Flow - 110 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

  • net: 1477,88 PLN


Spool F130CF type GCH (D)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Function - D

Flow - 110 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

net: 1477,88 PLN

Spool F130CF type GDH (D)
Spool F130CF type GDH (D)

Spool F130CF type GDH (D)

Product code 301000S273

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Function - D

Flow - 110 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

  • net: 1465,40 PLN


Spool F130CF type GDH (D)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Function - D

Flow - 110 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

net: 1465,40 PLN

Spool F130CF type GEH (D)
Spool F130CF type GEH (D)

Spool F130CF type GEH (D)

Product code 301000S274

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Function - D

Flow - 110 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

  • net: 1465,42 PLN


Spool F130CF type GEH (D)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Function - D

Flow - 110 l / min

Destiny - F130CF

Producent - Parker

net: 1465,42 PLN

Detail of RS218 Joystick M2KL34
Detail of RS218 Joystick M2KL34

Detail of RS218 Joystick M2KL34

Product code 3015-281559

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Producent - Nordhydraulic

Description - control spare part M2KL34

  • net: 65,96 PLN

net: 65,96 PLN

Ball joint RS218 3654024 M2KL34
Ball joint RS218 3654024 M2KL34

Ball joint RS218 3654024 M2KL34

Product code 3015-281631

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 53,02 PLN

net: 53,02 PLN

Hiab RM270 lock cylinder (push)
Hiab RM270 lock cylinder (push)

Hiab RM270 lock cylinder (push)

Product code 3053717

Availability: Available (quantity: 28)

Product features:


  • net: 528,58 PLN

net: 528,58 PLN

Hiab RM270 locking cylinder (pull)
Hiab RM270 locking cylinder (pull)

Hiab RM270 locking cylinder (pull)

Product code 3056619

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:


  • net: 531,29 PLN

net: 531,29 PLN

Nordhydraulic RM270 ram bolt
Nordhydraulic RM270 ram bolt

Nordhydraulic RM270 ram bolt

Product code 3070-260227

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

  • net: 110,86 PLN

net: 110,86 PLN

Parker KA18 TYPE Y-120 high pressure outlet cover
Parker KA18 TYPE Y-120 high pressure outlet cover

Parker KA18 TYPE Y-120 high pressure outlet cover

Product code 3459106101

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Manufacturer - Parker

Type - KA18

  • net: 345,38 PLN

net: 345,38 PLN

Parker KA18 TYPE AS-220 entrance cover
Parker KA18 TYPE AS-220 entrance cover

Parker KA18 TYPE AS-220 entrance cover

Product code 3460307545

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Manufacturer - Parker

Type - KA18

  • net: 393,16 PLN

net: 393,16 PLN

Parker KA18 R / V PLUG manifold cap
Parker KA18 R / V PLUG manifold cap

Parker KA18 R / V PLUG manifold cap

Product code 3469000001

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:

Manufacturer - Parker

Type - KA18

  • net: 16,86 PLN

net: 16,86 PLN

Parker KA18 TYPE PLUS L lever
Parker KA18 TYPE PLUS L lever

Parker KA18 TYPE PLUS L lever

Product code 3469100001

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Manufacturer - Parker

Type - KA18

  • net: 711,64 PLN

net: 711,64 PLN

Parker KA18 lever straight 210mm
Parker KA18 lever straight 210mm

Parker KA18 lever straight 210mm

Product code 3469100007

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Manufacturer - Parker

Type - KA18

  • net: 69,24 PLN

net: 69,24 PLN

Parker KA18 TYPE PLUS R lever
Parker KA18 TYPE PLUS R lever

Parker KA18 TYPE PLUS R lever

Product code 3469100129

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Manufacturer - Parker

Type - KA18

  • net: 694,98 PLN

net: 694,98 PLN

Parker KA18 manifold section (no additional valves)
Parker KA18 manifold section (no additional valves)

Parker KA18 manifold section (no additional valves)

Product code 3469102125

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Type - KA18

Description - Parker KA18 distributor section (section without the possibility of screwing in section valves) complete with Type HA-100 section seals

  • net: 802,72 PLN

net: 802,72 PLN

Parker KA18 TYPE B-000 Exit Cover
Parker KA18 TYPE B-000 Exit Cover

Parker KA18 TYPE B-000 Exit Cover

Product code 3469106002

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Manufacturer - Parker

Type - KA18

  • net: 136,72 PLN

net: 136,72 PLN

Parker KA18 slide seal
Parker KA18 slide seal

Parker KA18 slide seal

Product code 3469149103

Availability: Available (quantity: 20)

Product features:

  • net: 29,96 PLN

net: 29,96 PLN

Parker KA18 inner section seal
Parker KA18 inner section seal

Parker KA18 inner section seal

Product code 3469149201

Availability: Available (quantity: 15)

Product features:

  • net: 38,60 PLN

net: 38,60 PLN

Atlas / Hawe Effer Lock Actuator Solenoid 24V 7709040
Atlas / Hawe Effer Lock Actuator Solenoid 24V 7709040

Atlas / Hawe Effer Lock Actuator Solenoid 24V 7709040

Product code 3654482

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Hawe

Description - Atlas/Hawe lock actuator valve 7708040B 7709 040 B 24VDC R20=34.8Ohm S/W Pos. 7 in the diagram

Comparison code - 4704 8608-00, 47048608-00, 4704860800, 4704 8608 00

  • net: 1011,71 PLN


Atlas / Hawe Effer Lock Actuator Solenoid 24V 7709040

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Producent - Hawe

Comparison code - 4704 8608-00, 47048608-00, 4704860800, 4704 8608 00

net: 1011,71 PLN

Spool H170CF type AR (D) OC 20 228
Spool H170CF type AR (D) OC 20 228

Spool H170CF type AR (D) OC 20 228

Product code 3763501

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Function - D

Destiny - H170CF

Producent - Parker

Description - TYP AR OC 20 228

  • net: 1352,06 PLN

net: 1352,06 PLN

Atlas F130CF Slider Position Sensor
Atlas F130CF Slider Position Sensor

Atlas F130CF Slider Position Sensor

Product code 3769579

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Description - Atlas F130CF Slider Position Sensor

Comparison code - spoolsensor, 6760822, 398000K204, 6140266

  • net: 1700,91 PLN


Atlas F130CF Slider Position Sensor

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Producent - Parker

Comparison code - spoolsensor, 6760822, 398000K204, 6140266

net: 1700,91 PLN

Parker L90LS mounting kit (CFC / LS + US), 7S 411mm
Parker L90LS mounting kit (CFC / LS + US), 7S 411mm

Parker L90LS mounting kit (CFC / LS + US), 7S 411mm

Product code 393000K007

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker L90LS manifold assembly kit 7-section 411mm (CFC / LS + US) Included items: 2(6x), 8(3x), 9(6x)

  • net: 613,66 PLN

net: 613,66 PLN

Parker P70 L90 - 240bar overflow valve type PLC053
Parker P70 L90 - 240bar overflow valve type PLC053

Parker P70 L90 - 240bar overflow valve type PLC053

Product code 393000K134

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - PLC053

Pressure - 240 bar

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker P70 L90 overflow valve

  • net: 850,00 PLN

net: 850,00 PLN

Cover L90LS BSP kit YE61062 (ex.E61062)
Cover L90LS BSP kit YE61062 (ex.E61062)

Cover L90LS BSP kit YE61062 (ex.E61062)

Product code 393000K151

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker L90LS manifold cover (BSP) pos. 2, 3, 4 (2x), 5, 6 (2x), 7 (2x), 10, 12, 18 (4x) on the L90LS diagram

  • net: 1373,22 PLN

net: 1373,22 PLN

Parker P70 L90 - 50bar overflow valve type PLC053
Parker P70 L90 - 50bar overflow valve type PLC053

Parker P70 L90 - 50bar overflow valve type PLC053

Product code 393000K176

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Type - PLC053

Pressure - 50 bar

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker P70 L90 overflow valve

  • net: 862,62 PLN

net: 862,62 PLN

Parker P70 L90 - 80bar overflow valve type PLC053
Parker P70 L90 - 80bar overflow valve type PLC053

Parker P70 L90 - 80bar overflow valve type PLC053

Product code 393000K178

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - PLC053

Pressure - 80 bar

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker P70 L90 overflow valve

  • net: 1036,38 PLN

net: 1036,38 PLN

Parker P70 L90 - 100bar overflow valve type PLC053
Parker P70 L90 - 100bar overflow valve type PLC053

Parker P70 L90 - 100bar overflow valve type PLC053

Product code 393000K179

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

Product features:

Type - PLC053

Pressure - 100 bar

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker P70 L90 overflow valve

  • net: 850,00 PLN

net: 850,00 PLN

Parker P70 L90 - 140bar overflow valve type PLC053
Parker P70 L90 - 140bar overflow valve type PLC053

Parker P70 L90 - 140bar overflow valve type PLC053

Product code 393000K181

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - PLC053

Pressure - 140 bar

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker P70 L90 overflow valve

Parker P70 L90 - 160bar overflow valve type PLC053
Parker P70 L90 - 160bar overflow valve type PLC053

Parker P70 L90 - 160bar overflow valve type PLC053

Product code 393000K182

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Type - PLC053

Pressure - 160 bar

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker P70 L90 overflow valve

  • net: 850,60 PLN

net: 850,60 PLN

Parker P70 L90 - 190bar overflow valve type PLC053
Parker P70 L90 - 190bar overflow valve type PLC053

Parker P70 L90 - 190bar overflow valve type PLC053

Product code 393000K184

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - PLC053

Pressure - 190 bar

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker P70 L90 Atlas Relief Valve 6044882

  • net: 834,28 PLN

net: 834,28 PLN

Parker P70 L90 - 210bar overflow valve type PLC053
Parker P70 L90 - 210bar overflow valve type PLC053

Parker P70 L90 - 210bar overflow valve type PLC053

Product code 393000K185

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:

Type - PLC053

Pressure - 210 bar

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker P70 L90 overflow valve

  • net: 837,84 PLN

net: 837,84 PLN

Parker P70 L90 - 230bar overflow valve type PLC053
Parker P70 L90 - 230bar overflow valve type PLC053

Parker P70 L90 - 230bar overflow valve type PLC053

Product code 393000K186

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - PLC053

Pressure - 230 bar

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker P70 L90 overflow valve

  • net: 837,84 PLN

net: 837,84 PLN

Parker P70 L90 - 260bar overflow valve type PLC053
Parker P70 L90 - 260bar overflow valve type PLC053

Parker P70 L90 - 260bar overflow valve type PLC053

Product code 393000K188

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - PLC053

Pressure - 260 bar

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker P70 L90 overflow valve

  • net: 888,66 PLN

net: 888,66 PLN

Parker P70 L90 - 280bar overflow valve type PLC053
Parker P70 L90 - 280bar overflow valve type PLC053

Parker P70 L90 - 280bar overflow valve type PLC053

Product code 393000K189

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Type - PLC053

Pressure - 280 bar

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker P70 L90 overflow valve

  • net: 1130,74 PLN

net: 1130,74 PLN

Parker P70 L90 - 300bar overflow valve type PLC053
Parker P70 L90 - 300bar overflow valve type PLC053

Parker P70 L90 - 300bar overflow valve type PLC053

Product code 393000K190

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Type - PLC053

Pressure - 300 bar

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker P70 L90 overflow valve

  • net: 862,26 PLN

net: 862,26 PLN

Parker P70 L90 - 350bar overflow valve type PLC053
Parker P70 L90 - 350bar overflow valve type PLC053

Parker P70 L90 - 350bar overflow valve type PLC053

Product code 393000K192

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Type - PLC053

Pressure - 350 bar

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker P70 L90 overflow valve

  • net: 850,00 PLN

net: 850,00 PLN

Parker P70 Sectional Cap, X2
Parker P70 Sectional Cap, X2

Parker P70 Sectional Cap, X2

Product code 393000K193

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

  • net: 290,58 PLN

net: 290,58 PLN

HV07 L90LS spool repair kit
HV07 L90LS spool repair kit

HV07 L90LS spool repair kit

Product code 393000K235

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Description - SLIDER REPAIR KIT FOR HV07 L90LS VERSION C Pos. on the L90LS diagram: 4(2x), 13, 54(2x), 55, 56, 58, 59, 60

  • net: 262,30 PLN

net: 262,30 PLN

Parker L90LS seal kit; BSP B-SIDE
Parker L90LS seal kit; BSP B-SIDE

Parker L90LS seal kit; BSP B-SIDE

Product code 393000K846

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker L90LS seal kit; BSP B-SIDE Pos. 3,4(x2),10,12

  • net: 77,90 PLN

net: 77,90 PLN

Parker P70 L90 - 25bar overflow valve type PLC053
Parker P70 L90 - 25bar overflow valve type PLC053

Parker P70 L90 - 25bar overflow valve type PLC053

Product code 393000U052

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Type - PLC053

Pressure - 25 bar

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker P70 L90 overflow valve

Parker P70CF-06 6-section hydraulic distributor
Parker P70CF-06 6-section hydraulic distributor

Parker P70CF-06 6-section hydraulic distributor

Product code 3960307X

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 20000,00 PLN

net: 20000,00 PLN

Parker P70CF lever console type ECH gen2
Parker P70CF lever console type ECH gen2

Parker P70CF lever console type ECH gen2

Product code 398000ECH2

Availability: Available (quantity: 13)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker Lever console P70CF type ECH gen2 Hiab 3953718 395-3718

  • net: 689,12 PLN

net: 689,12 PLN

Parker P70 GEN2 solenoid valve connector, type ACT. ECSA/B, ECHB
Parker P70 GEN2 solenoid valve connector, type ACT. ECSA/B, ECHB

Parker P70 GEN2 solenoid valve connector, type ACT. ECSA/B, ECHB

Product code 398000ECS2

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker P70 GEN2 hydraulic distributor solenoid valve connector, type ACT. ECSA/B, ECHB

  • net: 333,82 PLN

net: 333,82 PLN

Parker P70CF Lever Console Seal Kit ECH gen2
Parker P70CF Lever Console Seal Kit ECH gen2

Parker P70CF Lever Console Seal Kit ECH gen2

Product code 398000ECSK

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker P70CF Lever Console Seal Kit, type ECH gen2 pos. 5 (4x), 6 (2x)

  • net: 59,74 PLN

net: 59,74 PLN

Parker P70 CAP KIT slider repair kit
Parker P70 CAP KIT slider repair kit

Parker P70 CAP KIT slider repair kit

Product code 398000K008

Availability: Available (quantity: 6)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

  • net: 176,24 PLN

net: 176,24 PLN

P70 GEN1 spool repair kit
P70 GEN1 spool repair kit

P70 GEN1 spool repair kit

Product code 398000K161

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker P70 GEN1 distributor spring cover old code 398000K272

  • net: 143,39 PLN

net: 143,39 PLN

Parker P70 shaft spoolcontrol CI / ECH P70 New style
Parker P70 shaft spoolcontrol CI / ECH P70 New style

Parker P70 shaft spoolcontrol CI / ECH P70 New style

Product code 398000K173

Availability: Available (quantity: 13)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Description - PART FOR PARKER P70 GEN 1 DISTRIBUTOR POS. 5/5* Old type - 6760336 with fitted seal (up to serial number 0420xxxxxxx) New type - 398000K173 without fitted seal (from serial number 0421xxxxxxx)

  • net: 226,94 PLN

net: 226,94 PLN

Parker P70CF / CP joystick rubber cover
Parker P70CF / CP joystick rubber cover

Parker P70CF / CP joystick rubber cover

Product code 398000K238

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 317,40 PLN

net: 317,40 PLN

Atlas Parker P70 slider position sensor - manual version
Atlas Parker P70 slider position sensor - manual version

Atlas Parker P70 slider position sensor - manual version

Product code 398000K404

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Description - Czujnik położenia suwaka Parker P70

Poz. 24 + 4 (2x) + 8 + 9

Comparison code - 6117580

  • net: 2297,17 PLN

net: 2297,17 PLN

Cap C3 / C6 P70
Cap C3 / C6 P70

Cap C3 / C6 P70

Product code 398000K405

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 75,74 PLN

net: 75,74 PLN

P70CF TPOL-HOUSING locking actuator
P70CF TPOL-HOUSING locking actuator

P70CF TPOL-HOUSING locking actuator

Product code 398000K420

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 765,73 PLN

net: 765,73 PLN

Parker PS25 Orif 0.6mm Orifice Cup; Mark 6
Parker PS25 Orif 0.6mm Orifice Cup; Mark 6

Parker PS25 Orif 0.6mm Orifice Cup; Mark 6

Product code 398000K601

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 10 dni

Product features:

Description - Parker PS25 ORIF 0.6 MM MARK 6 Orifice Cup

  • net: 35,93 PLN

net: 35,93 PLN

Parker PS25 Orif 0.9mm Mark 9 Orifice Cup
Parker PS25 Orif 0.9mm Mark 9 Orifice Cup

Parker PS25 Orif 0.9mm Mark 9 Orifice Cup

Product code 398000K602

Availability: Available (quantity: 4)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker PS25 Orif orifice cup 0.9mm mark 9; M250LS, F130CF/F130CP item 28A,28B,48A,48B Price for 1 pc.

  • net: 31,96 PLN

net: 31,96 PLN

Parker PVC25 Orif 2.0mm Mark 2 Orifice Cup
Parker PVC25 Orif 2.0mm Mark 2 Orifice Cup

Parker PVC25 Orif 2.0mm Mark 2 Orifice Cup

Product code 398000K603

Availability: Available (quantity: 12)

Product features:

Producent - Parker

Description - Parker PS25 Orif 2.0mm mark 2 orifice cup Price for 1 pc.

  • net: 29,46 PLN

net: 29,46 PLN

Parker PVC25 Orif 1.2mm Mark 12 Orifice Cup
Parker PVC25 Orif 1.2mm Mark 12 Orifice Cup

Parker PVC25 Orif 1.2mm Mark 12 Orifice Cup

Product code 398000K604

Availability: Available (quantity: 1) , 10 dni

Product features:

  • net: 59,88 PLN

net: 59,88 PLN

P70 inter-section seal kit
P70 inter-section seal kit

P70 inter-section seal kit

Product code 398000K801XX

Availability: Available (quantity: 7)

Product features:

Description - Item 4, 5, 6

  • net: 40,00 PLN

net: 40,00 PLN

P70CF slider type KCH for Atlas - II arm
P70CF slider type KCH for Atlas - II arm

P70CF slider type KCH for Atlas - II arm

Product code 398000S151

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Function - D

Flow - 45 l / min

Destiny - P70CF

Producent - Parker

  • net: 1306,08 PLN


P70CF slider type KCH for Atlas - II arm

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Function - D

Flow - 45 l / min

Destiny - P70CF

Producent - Parker

net: 1306,08 PLN

Slider type "KS", P70CF
Slider type "KS", P70CF

Slider type "KS", P70CF

Product code 398000S154

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Destiny - P70CF

Producent - Parker

Description - Slider type "KS", P70CF

  • net: 996,80 PLN

net: 996,80 PLN

P70CF spool type MSH for Multilift
P70CF spool type MSH for Multilift

P70CF spool type MSH for Multilift

Product code 398000S219

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Function - M.

Destiny - P70CF

Producent - Parker

  • net: 1407,50 PLN

net: 1407,50 PLN

Spool P70CF type KPH (Dm)
Spool P70CF type KPH (Dm)

Spool P70CF type KPH (Dm)

Product code 398000S343

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Function - Dm

Flow - 65 l / min

Destiny - P70CF

Producent - Parker

  • net: 1003,66 PLN


Spool P70CF type KPH (Dm)

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Function - Dm

Flow - 65 l / min

Destiny - P70CF

Producent - Parker

net: 1003,66 PLN

P70CF type AH slider for Hiab - 1st arm (radio)
P70CF type AH slider for Hiab - 1st arm (radio)

P70CF type AH slider for Hiab - 1st arm (radio)

Product code 398000S353

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Destiny - P70CF

Producent - Parker

  • net: 1073,66 PLN

net: 1073,66 PLN

Slider type "AJ", P70CF
Slider type "AJ", P70CF

Slider type "AJ", P70CF

Product code 398000S354

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Destiny - P70CF

Producent - Parker

Slider P70CF type TCH for Hiab - rotation - 9860525
Slider P70CF type TCH for Hiab - rotation - 9860525

Slider P70CF type TCH for Hiab - rotation - 9860525

Product code 398000S357

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Destiny - P70CF

Producent - Parker

  • net: 1397,58 PLN

net: 1397,58 PLN

P70CF type TOH slider for Hiab - 1st arm - 9860568
P70CF type TOH slider for Hiab - 1st arm - 9860568

P70CF type TOH slider for Hiab - 1st arm - 9860568

Product code 398000S358

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Destiny - P70CF

Producent - Parker

  • net: 1407,50 PLN

net: 1407,50 PLN

P70CF type TRH slider for Hiab - II arm - 9860606
P70CF type TRH slider for Hiab - II arm - 9860606

P70CF type TRH slider for Hiab - II arm - 9860606

Product code 398000S359

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Destiny - P70CF

Producent - Parker

  • net: 1469,72 PLN

net: 1469,72 PLN

Slider P70CF type TSH for Hiab - extension - 9860649
Slider P70CF type TSH for Hiab - extension - 9860649

Slider P70CF type TSH for Hiab - extension - 9860649

Product code 398000S360

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Destiny - P70CF

Producent - Parker

  • net: 1397,58 PLN

net: 1397,58 PLN

Slider P70CF type TTH for Hiab - 5.6 function - 9860681
Slider P70CF type TTH for Hiab - 5.6 function - 9860681

Slider P70CF type TTH for Hiab - 5.6 function - 9860681

Product code 398000S361

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Destiny - P70CF

Producent - Parker

  • net: 1397,58 PLN

net: 1397,58 PLN

"AS" type slider, P70CF
"AS" type slider, P70CF

"AS" type slider, P70CF

Product code 398000S410

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

  • net: 1418,34 PLN

net: 1418,34 PLN

Walvoil SD5 type 1 slider
Walvoil SD5 type 1 slider

Walvoil SD5 type 1 slider

Product code 3CU1210130

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - A slider used in new type manifolds. Type 1 Double-acting, 3-position, closed in neutral

Comparison code - 21000805

  • net: 131,86 PLN


Walvoil SD5 type 1 slider

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Producent - Walvoil

Comparison code - 21000805

net: 131,86 PLN

Walvoil SD5 type 1CEX slider Ma 21950
Walvoil SD5 type 1CEX slider Ma 21950

Walvoil SD5 type 1CEX slider Ma 21950

Product code 3CU1210230

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - 1CEX/SD5 spool 1CEX spool 3CU1210230 Suggested flow rate up to 15l/min. 1CS slider for special needs. Suggested flow 15-30l/min.

Comparison code - 21011286

  • net: 135,26 PLN

net: 135,26 PLN

Walvoil SD5 Type 1R slider
Walvoil SD5 Type 1R slider

Walvoil SD5 Type 1R slider

Product code 3CU1210553

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - SD5 Type 1R slider

Comparison code - 21000782, 1210553

  • net: 220,16 PLN


Walvoil SD5 Type 1R slider

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Producent - Walvoil

Comparison code - 21000782, 1210553

net: 220,16 PLN

Walvoil SD5 slider old type 1E
Walvoil SD5 slider old type 1E

Walvoil SD5 slider old type 1E

Product code 3CU1210740

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - This slider appears in old type distributors. The currently produced distributors include 3CU1210130

Comparison code - 21011827

  • net: 128,42 PLN

net: 128,42 PLN

Walvoil SD5 Type 1A slider
Walvoil SD5 Type 1A slider

Walvoil SD5 Type 1A slider

Product code 3CU1221130

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - Walvoil SD5 Type 1A Slider Double Acting, 3 Position, Open Flow A to T in Neutral Position

Comparison code - 21001138

  • net: 137,42 PLN


Walvoil SD5 Type 1A slider

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Producent - Walvoil

Comparison code - 21001138

net: 137,42 PLN

Walvoil SD5 type 2 slider
Walvoil SD5 type 2 slider

Walvoil SD5 type 2 slider

Product code 3CU1225130

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - Double action slider, 3 positions. Open flow from A,B to T in neutral position

Comparison code - 21000759

  • net: 106,86 PLN


Walvoil SD5 type 2 slider

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Producent - Walvoil

Comparison code - 21000759

net: 106,86 PLN

Walvoil SD5 slider type ED-2HS open
Walvoil SD5 slider type ED-2HS open

Walvoil SD5 slider type ED-2HS open

Product code 3CU1225720

Availability: Available (quantity: 1)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - Walvoil SD5 slide type ED-2HS open

Comparison code - 21008484

  • net: 116,94 PLN

net: 116,94 PLN

Walvoil SD5 type 4 slider
Walvoil SD5 type 4 slider

Walvoil SD5 type 4 slider

Product code 3CU1235760

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - Walvoil SD5 type 4 slider

Comparison code - 21011826

  • net: 160,52 PLN


Walvoil SD5 type 4 slider

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Producent - Walvoil

Comparison code - 21011826

net: 160,52 PLN

WALVOIL Carry-over sleeve 3/8"
WALVOIL Carry-over sleeve 3/8"

WALVOIL Carry-over sleeve 3/8"

Product code 3XGIU522460

Availability: Available (quantity: 2)

Product features:

Producent - Walvoil

Description - Carry-over sleeve 3/8"

  • net: 42,82 PLN

net: 42,82 PLN

Elektrozawór redukcji ciśnienia SPV120 12V, 25 BAR; TM82001
Elektrozawór redukcji ciśnienia SPV120 12V, 25 BAR; TM82001

Elektrozawór redukcji ciśnienia SPV120 12V, 25 BAR; TM82001

Product code 40010372000

Availability: Available (quantity: 8)

Product features:

Description - Coil with proportional valve for SPV120 12VDC distributors

  • net: 214,29 PLN

net: 214,29 PLN

Pressure reduction solenoid valve SPV120 24V, 25 BAR; TM82002
Pressure reduction solenoid valve SPV120 24V, 25 BAR; TM82002

Pressure reduction solenoid valve SPV120 24V, 25 BAR; TM82002

Product code 40010373000

Availability: Available (quantity: 3)

Product features:

Producent - Akon

Description - Pressure reduction solenoid valve SPV120 24V, 25 BAR; TM82002

Comparison code - TM82002

  • net: 214,29 PLN

net: 214,29 PLN

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